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if anyone cares ive just updated mod on github


its working... it should... probably, well if you dare to try it, report bugs


dialogues are not fully done, will probably finish next week... or this year xD

anyway, why im writing this?  well ... you , yes YOUXD can contribute to dialogues, unless you'd like to see simple replies like "yes", "sure" etc



changes are:




v 23-04-2016 git
increased cum/semen price to 2gold
normal MilkPump feeding now requires lactacid
switched to default simple potions
ww/vampire/succubus milk, cant be sold through normal trade any more
some fixes
added trade dialogues:
Khajiits merchants:
-buy all milk needs trade script
-trade Lactacid for milk +
orc merchants(wisewoman):
-buy normal and race milk needs trade script/dialogue text
inns: need to check inns for economy
-buy race milk needs trade script/dialogue text
alchemists: needs trade script
-buy ww/vampire/succubus milk needs trade script/dialogue text
-buy cum/semen x2, futa x10 +
-sell Lactacid for 100g +
-buy all milk needs correct trade script, not count towards economy, prices are higher than normal trade
-buy normal milk needs trade script/dialogue text
-sell Lactacid for 100g +
v 20-04-2016 git
some fixes
v 17-04-2016 git
added Kynesgrove and Karthwasten to economy
removed keywords form tits armors
moved pumps to separate esp
added alternate pumps by EinarrTheRed
slightly tweaked bound milkpumps script
some fixes



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Excellent. Honestly the only other thing I'm really hoping someone would do (since I have no idea how to do it myself) is to somehow fix the futa cuirass, since I love how my character looks wearing the thing, but it's a shame that the penis is just a purple shade.

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Excellent. Honestly the only other thing I'm really hoping someone would do (since I have no idea how to do it myself) is to somehow fix the futa cuirass, since I love how my character looks wearing the thing, but it's a shame that the penis is just a purple shade.

you need sexlab body suit, or at least its textures

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Excellent. Honestly the only other thing I'm really hoping someone would do (since I have no idea how to do it myself) is to somehow fix the futa cuirass, since I love how my character looks wearing the thing, but it's a shame that the penis is just a purple shade.

you need sexlab body suit, or at least its textures



You mean the nudesuits that come with the main mod? If you're referring to something else, would you mind linking it? I don't think I've ever run across a body suit mod before.

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Excellent. Honestly the only other thing I'm really hoping someone would do (since I have no idea how to do it myself) is to somehow fix the futa cuirass, since I love how my character looks wearing the thing, but it's a shame that the penis is just a purple shade.

you need sexlab body suit, or at least its textures



You mean the nudesuits that come with the main mod? If you're referring to something else, would you mind linking it? I don't think I've ever run across a body suit mod before.


yes, nudesuits  link is on 1st page

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I really do not think this mod is causing a problem, but I am hoping someone else had this problem and knows how to fix it.


What happens is the button to get the milk maid stats, and hold longer to milk the milk maid, just says this is not a milk maid.

the mod shows the toon as a milk maid, and shows the number of times milked.

thats broken, set hotkey manually in mcm

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if anyone cares ive just updated mod on github


its working... it should... probably, well if you dare to try it, report bugs


dialogues are not fully done, will probably finish next week... or this year xD

anyway, why im writing this?  well ... you , yes YOUXD can contribute to dialogues, unless you'd like to see simple replies like "yes", "sure" etc



changes are:




v 23-04-2016 git
increased cum/semen price to 2gold
normal MilkPump feeding now requires lactacid
switched to default simple potions
ww/vampire/succubus milk, cant be sold through normal trade any more
some fixes
added trade dialogues:
Khajiits merchants:
-buy all milk needs trade script
-trade Lactacid for milk +
orc merchants(wisewoman):
-buy normal and race milk needs trade script/dialogue text
inns: need to check inns for economy
-buy race milk needs trade script/dialogue text
alchemists: needs trade script
-buy ww/vampire/succubus milk needs trade script/dialogue text
-buy cum/semen x2, futa x10 +
-sell Lactacid for 100g +
-buy all milk needs correct trade script, not count towards economy, prices are higher than normal trade
-buy normal milk needs trade script/dialogue text
-sell Lactacid for 100g +
v 20-04-2016 git
some fixes
v 17-04-2016 git
added Kynesgrove and Karthwasten to economy
removed keywords form tits armors
moved pumps to separate esp
added alternate pumps by EinarrTheRed
slightly tweaked bound milkpumps script
some fixes




I really need to go check this out sometime next week when I get some free time.  Maybe write some dialog, I like doing that.


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I really do not think this mod is causing a problem, but I am hoping someone else had this problem and knows how to fix it.


What happens is the button to get the milk maid stats, and hold longer to milk the milk maid, just says this is not a milk maid.

the mod shows the toon as a milk maid, and shows the number of times milked.

thats broken, set hotkey manually in mcm




i changed the key, back and forth in the mcm and now it works.

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Male PC milking female


Your breasts look really full! Would you like me to milk you?

Wow! Those look heavy! Need some relief?


---Responses from female

MMmm...please! I love how it feels to be milked.

Yes, please. My udders are fat with milk. 



I have more.... somewhere... I change them in tes5edit all the time...heheh


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maybe the hey   (where when playing as female you talk to people to milk yourself) is like hey my "udders" are full can i have some help please, and depending on your arousal/asking actors arousal, if that is easy to do, you get different responses, lowest is a no and highest is like pays the player to milk the player (or something similar).   just an idea



and why cant i load the mod through NMM going to try and update

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maybe the hey   (where when playing as female you talk to people to milk yourself) is like hey my "udders" are full can i have some help please, and depending on your arousal/asking actors arousal, if that is easy to do, you get different responses, lowest is a no and highest is like pays the player to milk the player (or something similar).   just an idea



and why cant i load the mod through NMM going to try and update

Might help if i install Zaz





EDIT   Yep that helped all good now,  now about these MULTIBoob bodyslide?

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Menu in mcm doesn't pop up since last update. I re-installed it with all requirements and proper steps.. but still mcm is broken. But I checked economy (milk demand in certain area) script is working. How can I fix this?


setstage ConfigManagerInstance 1


should reregister MCM menues (does not change settings in menues you've already configured)


Also...sometimes... just wait..or change cells and you see the MCM has registered new menues



I did setstage ski_ConfigManagerInstance 1 


Every other mcm menus registered instantly but only milk mod didn't. 


Having the same issue doing the setstage did nothing, I looked in the save file for the mcm script and it has everything set to 0 and cant be changed.


I did a bit of digging and waiting, the mcm menu didnt show up when I waited 2 hours (ingame), changed cell, and did the set stage, however it did appear briefly after waiting 20 minutes (real time) then it disappeared.


I'll try reinstalling it with MO (i've had to manually install because it would crash mo though hopefully it wont this time).  That fixed it wierdly enough

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I cannot get the penis texture to show for my futa character. I have installed the Nude suits and cuirass works on male npcs but not on my female character. Is there a setting in MCM that needs to be set or what is the location where the nude suit texture need to be installed? I am using MO.


Great Mod by the way. I have had no other issues and its has been a great addition to my lovers lab character.

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First off, don't know what you changed recently but when I tried this mod again it installed, initialized and is now working fine so kudo's on that.  Overall I haven't had any problems so far, but I did notice a couple of issues.


When I first installed and had both the milk economy and the notifications active there was a pretty heavy load on papyrus and virtual memory kept freezing up, this led to a CTD and some trouble loading a save game.  I turned of the economy messages and after the mod had run for about 10 min I haven't noticed any further load or VM issues.


Breast scaling works for me but sometimes it is delayed in being applied.  So I may walk in and see a milk maid at normal breast scale but if I wait for a few minutes game time (or use the Wait command for 1+ hr or sleep for 1+ hr) they usually "pop" to correct size and animations (milk leaks and so forth if those should be applied).  So it seems maybe breast scaling is working its just not updating and applying the effect very quickly.  I don't mind so much, as the delay helps avoid load issues when changing cells, so maybe just needs a slight tweaking.


Couple of questions.  First, if you are playing a male character who is NOT a milk maid, does this effectively give you an extra milk maid slot?  I ask because right now I have 1 slot unlocked and one milk maid but in testing I was able to make a second one and it didn't tell me I was out of slots.


Second, is there any way to make or otherwise acquire extra lactacid?


Finally, I thought I'd offer to give something back as my way of supporting the mod.  I thought the placement of the milk pumps could do with a little updating and a bit of navmeshing.  Below are some screen shots of two locations I've completed, Whiterun and Riften.  In each case I navmeshed the pumps so that NPC maids won't try to walk on top of some of the parts and it seems like this has helped with them getting into correct position.  The new Whiterun pump station is behind Belethor's in its own lil milk barn.  For Riften its on its own canal platform directly below the bridge crossing to the Bee and Barb.   Since the only way I know to do these changes is by modding the main esp (unless I Wrye bash a forced dependency for another esp), I'll ask if there's any interest in including these in the mod officially?   I like creating and modding locations but having to redo them for each update to the main mod esp would get old quickly.  Its one of the few things I can do right now to "give something back".

well there was a bug in economy that caused loop, and noone reported it for month

delay is probably caused by combination of other mods and the way MME handles everything -> 1 actor at a time


no, player have 1 slot reserved

lactacid bottles should be added to khajiits traders, but chance is not 100%

you can get lactacid through armors and race milk or reduce its decay rate in settings


i can include it as a plugin, since it'll probably cause conflicts with other city mods

i think it would be better to remove milk pumps(or move them to separate plugin), and make them hearthfire buildable but i have no idea how =)

and instead of pumps, ecenomy would deal with inn keepers



I'm having a CTD on loading saves too and have isolated MME as the problem mod.  It's a new save and a relatively heavy load with scripts and such.  Fortunately, I have like 20 progress profiles used to troubleshoot the build and I'll test to see what is disagreeing with MME tomorrow.  That said, have you figured out what the issues is that's clogging papyrus and scripting?  If so, I might not need to spend a bunch of time bebugging.  Thanks :)

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Male PC milking female


Your breasts look really full! Would you like me to milk you?

Wow! Those look heavy! Need some relief?


---Responses from female

MMmm...please! I love how it feels to be milked.

Yes, please. My udders are fat with milk. 



I have more.... somewhere... I change them in tes5edit all the time...heheh

how to make them random?


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What mod activates PSQ integration script? I have psq installed, but the integration script is still false.

you need to install psq script


I cannot get the penis texture to show for my futa character. I have installed the Nude suits and cuirass works on male npcs but not on my female character. Is there a setting in MCM that needs to be set or what is the location where the nude suit texture need to be installed? I am using MO.


Great Mod by the way. I have had no other issues and its has been a great addition to my lovers lab character.

well in theory it should be the same way as sl 1.59

which whould be textures\actors\character\male\MaleBody_1_sk.dds

you might all so need SOS smurf average addon





Menu in mcm doesn't pop up since last update. I re-installed it with all requirements and proper steps.. but still mcm is broken. But I checked economy (milk demand in certain area) script is working. How can I fix this?


setstage ConfigManagerInstance 1


should reregister MCM menues (does not change settings in menues you've already configured)


Also...sometimes... just wait..or change cells and you see the MCM has registered new menues



I did setstage ski_ConfigManagerInstance 1 


Every other mcm menus registered instantly but only milk mod didn't. 


Having the same issue doing the setstage did nothing, I looked in the save file for the mcm script and it has everything set to 0 and cant be changed.


I did a bit of digging and waiting, the mcm menu didnt show up when I waited 2 hours (ingame), changed cell, and did the set stage, however it did appear briefly after waiting 20 minutes (real time) then it disappeared.


I'll try reinstalling it with MO (i've had to manually install because it would crash mo though hopefully it wont this time).  That fixed it wierdly enough


if i remember correctly , mcm 0 means that mod didnt finish initializing, hence everything is 0

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I'm having a CTD on loading saves too and have isolated MME as the problem mod.  It's a new save and a relatively heavy load with scripts and such.  Fortunately, I have like 20 progress profiles used to troubleshoot the build and I'll test to see what is disagreeing with MME tomorrow.  That said, have you figured out what the issues is that's clogging papyrus and scripting?  If so, I might not need to spend a bunch of time bebugging.  Thanks :)



It seemed like the economy, especially when messages was turned on got bad (especially at start up, I'd get a wall of text and FPS would drop).  Other than that the only other time I'm having issues seems to be a combo lot of breast scaling, 4 busty milk maids with leaking milk at one spot getting polled all at once.  Oh an I use HDT physic for breasts and butts, I know it eats into processing power but most of the time my computer seems to handle it fine (CPU generally at around 15%, GPU goes from 70% to 100% so its working pretty hard all the time, older graphic card) and I do love how they sway. :D


I did reduce some of my problem by uninstalling all the 4k and most of the 2k HD textures and keeping most things to 1k or less.  I've noticed fewer issues now in general.


I wish I could pinpoint more exactly what scripts are the issue.  If you can tell me what to look for or what to change in my configuration I follow instructions pretty well and would be happy to help.  I know debugging can be a pain.


If its of any help I could post my load order.  Though I suspect so far as other mods using papyrus are concerned that narrows the list down to MME, SL Aroused Redux, MoreNastyCreatures, Aroused Creatures, SOS and maybe a bit with PAHE in certain cases (if I have a slave restained it does periodic checks to see if they escape).  Most of my mods are gear, textures, NPC appearance and locations and often with no scripts at all so not much to conflict.


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What mod activates PSQ integration script? I have psq installed, but the integration script is still false.

you need to install psq script



 which one is that? I have psq quest installed along with a transform package. None of the files mention an integration script.

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Male PC milking female


Your breasts look really full! Would you like me to milk you?

Wow! Those look heavy! Need some relief?


---Responses from female

MMmm...please! I love how it feels to be milked.

Yes, please. My udders are fat with milk. 



I have more.... somewhere... I change them in tes5edit all the time...heheh

how to make them random?



I did some random responses in JUGs and really want to do more of them. Been so long since I was in CK.... I may have to go open JUGs in CK again and find the random responses to see how I did it. It wasn't hard. Just ....wasn't easy to see how to do it in CK.




Meanwhile... read this. It might help. As I had to ask questions here to help me understand how to do this.


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Random responses is definitely a good idea, adds some variety to things.  Its something I want to learn a bit more about for my own projects.  I know in RPG Maker its quite easy to do (just generate a random number and if equal to then statements) and it adds some life to NPCs, you say hi to some random villager or something and get a variety of replies.  I've even used multiple lists of replies so that they change depending on the actions of the player (from random insults and rude remarks to random flattery and praise and so forth).


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Random responses is definitely a good idea, adds some variety to things.  Its something I want to learn a bit more about for my own projects.  I know in RPG Maker its quite easy to do (just generate a random number and if equal to then statements) and it adds some life to NPCs, you say hi to some random villager or something and get a variety of replies.  I've even used multiple lists of replies so that they change depending on the actions of the player (from random insults and rude remarks to random flattery and praise and so forth).



Read the link in my post right above yours. CK can do random responses natively although it's REALLY hard to find documentation on it. That discussion I linked has a tip for having far more control over the random reposnses like if you want one to show up far more rarely or far more often than the others

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