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Since Alicia is such a miserable follower, maybe it would be good just to get rid of her and references to her in the mod. It was a nice gimmick when this mod first came out but it has evolved so far beyond that early state that the Alicia and Mia-as-Alicia's mother angle is now just irrelevant and troublesome.

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Re : vampires. AFT already has the "Sleep" function, that's what it's for. You tell your follower to sleep, then feed on them. I don't see that this mod has to add more.


Well, AFT's method isn't exactly immersive when it comes to vampire PCs having sex slaves. What's the point if you can't freely feed on your slaves?  When they say "My body is yours, Master/Mistress", you should be able to feed on them as a vampire without having to tell them to sleep.

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Since Alicia is such a miserable follower, maybe it would be good just to get rid of her and references to her in the mod. It was a nice gimmick when this mod first came out but it has evolved so far beyond that early state that the Alicia and Mia-as-Alicia's mother angle is now just irrelevant and troublesome.

Except as a backstory, and borrowed voice, Alicia is really irrelevant to this mod. I have never used her with it; I never would.

I find her mod to be too problematic. And I have to add, I really like the current voice actresses voices a lot better than hers.


When allocating very limited development resources to new features, please keep in mind vampire players are likely in a very small minority of the users of this mod.

You might consider running a poll to see how many are interested in what - but I would still be happy just using what you give us.

I still say no Shemales though...

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Right So , I had a little go at this one .


I must commend the team for an awesome job with all the voice acting and well scripted and the various quests, I did not have much of a problem at all , the  quest went well and I am still playing it  some where in between the castle.

So Kudos to all involved in this big project 



Right , I what I did notice is the the little problem with the furniture when the PC/NPC is forced to activate and sit on them and they are way off target . Roggvir and I are working on this particular Issue and am about 90% sure it will work in next release of ZAP 


Technical Explanation



It may require a little re-work of positioning/placement  of the said devices on the Y-axis in your dungeons is all when editing in the CK just so they don't touch the walls or other furniture or anything else ...............because in order to fix this I need to move the mesh in Nifskope so depending on the size of the Furniture the will be moved a little back(or front) to avoid weird pathing issues cause of the engine and collisions and add my own offsets. 

The next release will also allow Modders to use Furniture with more than one animation in them ( Technically that cross has 3 animations , some others have more ) 

Keep an eye out Hobble and Bunny Hop animations Framework which xaz and I have been working on , He has managed to setup a control system that works quite well ( it looks good for the player atleast )




I maybe tempted to redo the hanging by chains animations again , with a little more kick in them perhaps ...... so keep your fingers crossed 


Cheers and keep up the good work. 


Thanks so much.  The Zaz animations are a key part of the value in this in my opinion.  On the Y axis positioning, that is easy enough.  Does it need to be on a zero axis, multiples of 8/16 or what?


I absolutely LOVE the chain animations.  Others like other devices of course, but the chains are my personal favorite.  Thanks for the great work.



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Greetings all,


A noob here to the in depth modding that is required for the papyrus logs


However I am stuck in the Dark Possession quest line where you go back to the trainer after your provided slave has their first "awakening".  The quest seems to freeze when he makes the next training on the slave post..... she hops up there then all action ceases.  Not sure how to fix this or move past this part of the quest!!  HELP!!!


So far I have enjoyed the game play with this mod up to where this Dark Possession quest freezes....


Any help is appreciated!!


That is not supposed to happen.  After she is on the cross, Volkar starts beating her.  You problem will be papyrus overload.  Make an post a log and I'll have a look.  Please post as an attachment.

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fish, you know that the devices in the room are mostly misaligned, the pc hangs behind it or between...


finished volkar , but now he always is angry to me when i come to him , because i have lost a chain, he gave me. what chain ?


i appreciated very much that you cut the bdsm Video in pieces and allow the Player to ask volkar for specific Scenes, like calling his friends, or spank her, etc.if you continue on this part, making it available to other nocs, so the Players bdsm can be performed outside the ddungeon and with other npcs, that would be a big step to use the mod.

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Does anyone else have a problem with sex slaves just quit following? Running AFT. I just had it happen with Sasha. She and Annekke were followers at the time. We played the "put your clothes on" game, after sex I told her again and threatened to send her home, so she agreed. I turned around and left the house ... no Sasha (just Annekke). I refilled waterskins, Annekke gets hers filled, Sasha does not. Back into the house, Sasha is just standing there. She has the AFT current follower dialog, but is not following. I dismiss her and tell her to follow again and she does.


I'm not sure if that is the only way this happens, I have had it happen dozens of times. I think there are other cases, but I don't remember what. She may be in the current follower faction, but has some package stuck that keeps her from moving (she still sandboxes).


I can work around this, it isn't critical.


Has anyone else seen this?

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Since Alicia is such a miserable follower, maybe it would be good just to get rid of her and references to her in the mod. It was a nice gimmick when this mod first came out but it has evolved so far beyond that early state that the Alicia and Mia-as-Alicia's mother angle is now just irrelevant and troublesome.


I am kinda in agreement.  The inventory thing and the gas trap is only one of many issues I have had with Alicia.  Maybe I'll think of some other history for Mia


Re : vampires. AFT already has the "Sleep" function, that's what it's for. You tell your follower to sleep, then feed on them. I don't see that this mod has to add more.


Well, AFT's method isn't exactly immersive when it comes to vampire PCs having sex slaves. What's the point if you can't freely feed on your slaves?  When they say "My body is yours, Master/Mistress", you should be able to feed on them as a vampire without having to tell them to sleep.



I kinda agree with this.  From a reality standpoint, a sex slave WOULD be willing to share some blood.  It's just a lot of work getting the faction variables right and not making everyone mad at at you and stuff like that. 


It would take considerable work unless you agreed to get your meal in a private place.


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fish, you know that the devices in the room are mostly misaligned, the pc hangs behind it or between...


Yes, once again, this is an Xaz issue.  They are working on something new that will require me to realign the the positions in CK which I will happily do once the new version comes out and I know what to do.


finished volkar , but now he always is angry to me when i come to him , because i have lost a chain, he gave me. what chain ?

Labia exiter.  You MUST wear it 24/7.  Its the labia piercing and it is called "Volkar's Sex Slave Labia Exciter" and has an id SexSlPCSaveJewely


i appreciated very much that you cut the bdsm Video in pieces and allow the Player to ask volkar for specific Scenes, like calling his friends, or spank her, etc.if you continue on this part, making it available to other nocs, so the Players bdsm can be performed outside the ddungeon and with other npcs, that would be a big step to use the mod.

You have to talk to Darkminxi about this, she makes all those decisions.



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Does anyone else have a problem with sex slaves just quit following? Running AFT. I just had it happen with Sasha. She and Annekke were followers at the time. We played the "put your clothes on" game, after sex I told her again and threatened to send her home, so she agreed. I turned around and left the house ... no Sasha (just Annekke). I refilled waterskins, Annekke gets hers filled, Sasha does not. Back into the house, Sasha is just standing there. She has the AFT current follower dialog, but is not following. I dismiss her and tell her to follow again and she does.


I'm not sure if that is the only way this happens, I have had it happen dozens of times. I think there are other cases, but I don't remember what. She may be in the current follower faction, but has some package stuck that keeps her from moving (she still sandboxes).


I can work around this, it isn't critical.


Has anyone else seen this?


Sounds like you hit the wrong dialog option to me if she is just standing there.  There's a "Wait Here..." which makes them do nothing but stand there.  Then there's a "Ok, lets get going..." 

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@Carida : Love the "son of a goat" line.


@fish : It's easy enough to hit the wrong dialog option, but after telling her to wear her clothes or go home the dialog exits without me selecting anything. It may just be my game, or my load order (I've got MiasLair after AFT), or the way I play that I keep hitting it. I can see where "wait here" would have just that effect.


EDIT : I seem to recall you saying that eventually you would make an esm out of this, which would move it up the load order. Should I go ahead and put MiasLair before AFT now?

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Re : vampires. AFT already has the "Sleep" function, that's what it's for. You tell your follower to sleep, then feed on them. I don't see that this mod has to add more.


Well, AFT's method isn't exactly immersive when it comes to vampire PCs having sex slaves. What's the point if you can't freely feed on your slaves?  When they say "My body is yours, Master/Mistress", you should be able to feed on them as a vampire without having to tell them to sleep.



I kinda agree with this.  From a reality standpoint, a sex slave WOULD be willing to share some blood.  It's just a lot of work getting the faction variables right and not making everyone mad at at you and stuff like that. 


It would take considerable work unless you agreed to get your meal in a private place.




Don't worry about getting faction variables. Just make it simple. All vampires feed in private anyway whether its in a player home or in some cave, etc. Vampires do not feed in public unless if its some dark corner of the city with no guards/witnesses around. I just want a simple addition to the dialogue where I can feed on my sex slaves as a vampire in an immersive manner in a private or secluded setting and I think it would make this mod a bit more unique because there's no mod besides Vampiric Thirst by Ms. Leeches that has dialogue based feeding.


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On the list of things that Lust Explosion unfortunately doesn't work on (even if other illusion spells work on them): Dwemer Centurion. I wanted to see a steam-powered piston appendage, but no, no one cares about sex with robots when they got freaking spiders.


But on the bright note I got pregnant again. Why is it a bright note when I had a rather horrid experience with it earlier? Because this time it's a GIANT! :D I'm going to name him Loki Laufeyson and task him to guard Cold Rock Pass.

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@Carida : Love the "son of a goat" line.


@fish : It's easy enough to hit the wrong dialog option, but after telling her to wear her clothes or go home the dialog exits without me selecting anything. It may just be my game, or my load order (I've got MiasLair after AFT), or the way I play that I keep hitting it. I can see where "wait here" would have just that effect.


EDIT : I seem to recall you saying that eventually you would make an esm out of this, which would move it up the load order. Should I go ahead and put MiasLair before AFT now?


Yes, that would be a good test because the esm would be above AFT.  Loot puts AFT way above MiasLair, so this would be a good test to see if it still works.  If not, I may have to make a follower quest after all.

Hi, fishburger67, thx for the help yesterday. Today I am trying to change the face of my slave NPC but I can not find sasha's nif file, can you tell me what Sasha's nif file name is? Thank you so much



Sasha's nif file is in MiasLairExtras, but it's the wrong base one.  You can find the merged one in ...Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\MiasLair.esp\0003254B.NIF


I'll fool with the MiasLairExtras files soon and put in the base nif files so you have a virgin base to merge from.

On the list of things that Lust Explosion unfortunately doesn't work on (even if other illusion spells work on them): Dwemer Centurion. I wanted to see a steam-powered piston appendage, but no, no one cares about sex with robots when they got freaking spiders.


But on the bright note I got pregnant again. Why is it a bright note when I had a rather horrid experience with it earlier? Because this time it's a GIANT! :D I'm going to name him Loki Laufeyson and task him to guard Cold Rock Pass.


That should be pretty funny.


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@Carida : Love the "son of a goat" line.


@fish : It's easy enough to hit the wrong dialog option, but after telling her to wear her clothes or go home the dialog exits without me selecting anything. It may just be my game, or my load order (I've got MiasLair after AFT), or the way I play that I keep hitting it. I can see where "wait here" would have just that effect.


EDIT : I seem to recall you saying that eventually you would make an esm out of this, which would move it up the load order. Should I go ahead and put MiasLair before AFT now?


Yes, that would be a good test because the esm would be above AFT.  Loot puts AFT way above MiasLair, so this would be a good test to see if it still works.  If not, I may have to make a follower quest after all.

Hi, fishburger67, thx for the help yesterday. Today I am trying to change the face of my slave NPC but I can not find sasha's nif file, can you tell me what Sasha's nif file name is? Thank you so much



Sasha's nif file is in MiasLairExtras, but it's the wrong base one.  You can find the merged one in ...Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\MiasLair.esp\0003254B.NIF


I'll fool with the MiasLairExtras files soon and put in the base nif files so you have a virgin base to merge from.

On the list of things that Lust Explosion unfortunately doesn't work on (even if other illusion spells work on them): Dwemer Centurion. I wanted to see a steam-powered piston appendage, but no, no one cares about sex with robots when they got freaking spiders.


But on the bright note I got pregnant again. Why is it a bright note when I had a rather horrid experience with it earlier? Because this time it's a GIANT! :D I'm going to name him Loki Laufeyson and task him to guard Cold Rock Pass.


That should be pretty funny.



Strange, I change the Nif of Jenny and Linda with great success, but after I changed sasha, 0003254B.nif, it seems not to be working. I open the nif file with nifskope and make sure it is changed (because I changed hairstyle), but in game she is still the same, any thoughts?

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It's weird, I have this omnipotent curiosity about bdsm and power dynamics in relationships and whatnot, but I don't actually get much out of it. I think I'm fascinated by it intellectually more than anything else. I'm not gunna lie, the idea of a really submissive girl that wants it so bad she's willing to beg is pretty damn cute, and no small amount of hot, but I've developed this burning hatred of dom's and traditional dom/sub relationships in general, so I honestly have no idea why I downloaded this lol given that I hate slavery in all forms. But I did, and while I won't lie, the opening sequence with Archeron was bullshit and I felt like a retard for having to look up a lever that spawns mysteriously after you get tortured, BUT..   but...  on the flipside: I do dig Jen (the only one I've encountered) so far as a follower, and have yet to actually finish the quest. So, I suppose I'll have to reserve complete judgement. One thing that can be said, though, is that while I may not have liked certain parts for whatever reason, it WAS very well put together. So cheers on that front!


One bug, or thing that was weird that I encountered was that I'm playing through as a female, and am married to a female, but all references to her by this mod point to her being male aka 'husband'. It might be of note that she's a modded npc, not vanilla.

"Honey, let's make love..." > "How about we invite a friend or two, for a little spice?" > "I brought Jenn Winglow as a treat husband, you can have us both."

"Come, little girl, it's time to use your body for my amusement." > "Go wrap your pussy around my husband's cock."


Other than that, I'm really down with the whole system of any girls you pick up and bond with growing that bond over time, and the whole gaining super-human sensitivity everytime they get you to cum thing. That's pretty cool too lol. Overall, it's good some great idea's and is solidly implemented! :)

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@Carida : Love the "son of a goat" line.


@fish : It's easy enough to hit the wrong dialog option, but after telling her to wear her clothes or go home the dialog exits without me selecting anything. It may just be my game, or my load order (I've got MiasLair after AFT), or the way I play that I keep hitting it. I can see where "wait here" would have just that effect.


EDIT : I seem to recall you saying that eventually you would make an esm out of this, which would move it up the load order. Should I go ahead and put MiasLair before AFT now?


Yes, that would be a good test because the esm would be above AFT.  Loot puts AFT way above MiasLair, so this would be a good test to see if it still works.  If not, I may have to make a follower quest after all.

Hi, fishburger67, thx for the help yesterday. Today I am trying to change the face of my slave NPC but I can not find sasha's nif file, can you tell me what Sasha's nif file name is? Thank you so much



Sasha's nif file is in MiasLairExtras, but it's the wrong base one.  You can find the merged one in ...Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\MiasLair.esp\0003254B.NIF


I'll fool with the MiasLairExtras files soon and put in the base nif files so you have a virgin base to merge from.

On the list of things that Lust Explosion unfortunately doesn't work on (even if other illusion spells work on them): Dwemer Centurion. I wanted to see a steam-powered piston appendage, but no, no one cares about sex with robots when they got freaking spiders.


But on the bright note I got pregnant again. Why is it a bright note when I had a rather horrid experience with it earlier? Because this time it's a GIANT! :D I'm going to name him Loki Laufeyson and task him to guard Cold Rock Pass.


That should be pretty funny.



Strange, I change the Nif of Jenny and Linda with great success, but after I changed sasha, 0003254B.nif, it seems not to be working. I open the nif file with nifskope and make sure it is changed (because I changed hairstyle), but in game she is still the same, any thoughts?



You can't change the hairstyle with the nif, gotta do it in CK.  However, the next release will have something you might like.

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It's weird, I have this omnipotent curiosity about bdsm and power dynamics in relationships and whatnot, but I don't actually get much out of it.

Me either.  The BDSM stuff is for the girls who like it (and there are lots).


I think I'm fascinated by it intellectually more than anything else. I'm not gunna lie, the idea of a really submissive girl that wants it so bad she's willing to beg is pretty damn cute, and no small amount of hot, but I've developed this burning hatred of dom's and traditional dom/sub relationships in general, so I honestly have no idea why I downloaded this lol given that I hate slavery in all forms.

Me too.  However, you are in luck.  Sex Slaves are not normal slaves.  They LOVE you.  The bond to you are are their saviors and they love you with intensity.  Make sure you have a look at Sasha.


But I did, and while I won't lie, the opening sequence with Archeron was bullshit and I felt like a retard for having to look up a lever that spawns mysteriously after you get tortured, BUT..   but...  on the flipside: I do dig Jen (the only one I've encountered) so far as a follower, and have yet to actually finish the quest. So, I suppose I'll have to reserve complete judgement. One thing that can be said, though, is that while I may not have liked certain parts for whatever reason, it WAS very well put together. So cheers on that front!



One bug, or thing that was weird that I encountered was that I'm playing through as a female, and am married to a female, but all references to her by this mod point to her being male aka 'husband'. It might be of note that she's a modded npc, not vanilla.

Only Jenny has gender specific dialog.  However, not sure how that works in relationship to the married thing.  I never expected there to be male-male or female-female marriages and I am getting Bethesda did not either.


"Honey, let's make love..." > "How about we invite a friend or two, for a little spice?" > "I brought Jenn Winglow as a treat husband, you can have us both."

"Come, little girl, it's time to use your body for my amusement." > "Go wrap your pussy around my husband's cock."

Yep, you got me there.  All of the female actresses I have encountered HATE lesbian sex, so don't expect too much.


Other than that, I'm really down with the whole system of any girls you pick up and bond with growing that bond over time, and the whole gaining super-human sensitivity everytime they get you to cum thing. That's pretty cool too lol. Overall, it's good some great idea's and is solidly implemented! :)



@fishburger67  I did changed the hair style with nif merger and ECE, interesting. Do you want to check the Sasha nif?


I am kinda time constrained, but would love to have a scene shot.  I tried changing hair styles with Racemenu and nifmerge with no success.

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