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That's a pretty nifty idea, I'm going to do that for my current playthrough! I had those damn vampires kill Amren while I was on the quest to get his father's sword, and they also killed Adrienne and her apprentice (Inconsequential NPCs). I've made most of them Protected by now so only player can kill them, but I've been wanting to place some guards there as well.

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Hmm, I can't seem to proc the red-light district quest no matter how many times I confront a dealer. My character is at max addiction and I can't even trade sex for skooma, they just shoot me down every time.

I never said anything about a red-light district quest. The red-light districts are independent from your addiction. You have to speak to the pimp at the distict itself, not to a dealer.



Oh, I assumed because that's how the old system worked.

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I recently installed "Apropos", which provides text messages when people are having sex. And i noticed i started seeing such messages regularly, even when nobdoy in the Inn or house, or where ever I happened to be was having sex.  After tracking down the names used, I realized it's coming from this mod.


It seems if  you load a cell for a redlight district, then leave the cell, the NPCs stay active anyway, and keep running even after you leave the cell. Needless to say not only is this bad for performance, but if you change cell back while these sex acts are running, it sticks the sex thread. (you should never change cells during sex). 


I'm not exactly clear how this problem should be addressed, but defiinitely if the Player leaves the cell where the red-light district is, the script should terminate any running sex threads and go dormant again.


This may have been the case also when only Mixwater mill was active, but now that these districts are in every major hold, it's happening a lot, as it's fare more likley you'll load a cell with a district in it.

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might want to have where the whores only get a customer say every x mins. on average it seemed to me like they got someone every 2 min with hardly any real rest and putting more strain on the script system than is realy needed.

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Ok played around with it some and it seems to work pretty well. I have a couple of suggestions.




When you talk to the pimp have him tell you what cut he is going to take. Then let you try and persuade him to take less. I would suggest something like this.

20% default +10% per stage of addiction. So if the PC is at stage 5 addiction he knows they are desperate so takes 70% of the cut.


Have the pimp also sell Skooma, it makes since since a lot of the girls would be skooma addicts. But he only sells to the working girls, so a PC would have to become a whore first before he would sell to them.


When dealing with customers, currently they ask for X and you set the price. If they say no you can low the price by 10 or just tell them thats it. I suggest expanding it a bit like the following.


John - I want x, what will it cost.

You - choose a amount (as normal)

You - I don't do that, but how about this. (then have a option to offer oral, vaginal or anal sex)

John - can agree to the new sex and then you set the amount and have sex as normal. or the john can say no then you can offer another kind of sex and keep repeating till the PC tell them to get lost or the John accepts the new sex.


once a amount is suggested by the PC

you - lower amount by 10 gold

you - tell them that is the price period

you - suggest another type of sex. Which the john can agree to which takes them back to setting the price or the john says no.


I know this would be a lot more work but would make the experience a lot more dynamic and immersive. As you bargain with you john on what he wants and what you are willing to do for what price.


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I would REALLY prefer if the whole whore aspect of the mod was swapped into a new mod. I love the whole drugs thing, the effects and everything, but the extra whores and sex in the city is causing just a bit too much papyrus strain, I had two crashes in the Whiterun Marked; as everyone knows, that's about one of the laggiest places in the game... with the only exception of the Windhelm Docks, where of course there are also whores. If it gets any worse I'm probably going to have to murder all the pimps and whores to clear them out.

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I would REALLY prefer if the whole whore aspect of the mod was swapped into a new mod. I love the whole drugs thing, the effects and everything, but the extra whores and sex in the city is causing just a bit too much papyrus strain, I had two crashes in the Whiterun Marked; as everyone knows, that's about one of the laggiest places in the game... with the only exception of the Windhelm Docks, where of course there are also whores. If it gets any worse I'm probably going to have to murder all the pimps and whores to clear them out.


Yeah that is why I was thinking about something more like the "Skooma Den" we where talking about a few days ago. Just to clear out some of the script lag.

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Even if I don't suffer so much of script lags (or, at least, I didn't notice it), I agree with Sacremas and Wandering_Mania about separate the two mods.

I don't like for principle the drug concept but I like a lot the visual effects introduced by the mod. It's funny. This part of te mod is really well done, immersive, almost realistic.

And the availability of the redlight districts in which I can have sex when I wish and I will be paid for, is a nice idea.


Bwt, considering only the redlight part of the mod, I have "several" little bad feelings:


1. Like almost all sex mods here, the dialogues with the whores are "exclusively" male oriented. If my female character asks for sex, she will have the choice between "handjob", "boobjob", "blowjob"? There is no sense.


2. If working as whore, there is no option to refuse or change idea when an hugly client approaches. You could say I'm a bit racist, but I don't like at all to have sex with lizards, for example. Yeah, I know. It's a game and they have indeed the "human male tools" (and this is already strange). For the same reasons, I don't like at all all the "Animal's sex mania" that happens to be one of the most searched thing here on LL.


3. Whatever weather there is, the poor girls are "always" standing in the same place. Snow, rain, breeze. Nothing seems to count. It's not immersive, not realistic.


4. As for point #3, they don't have "any" break, any rest time, nothing. Only sex machine puppets all time. Once again, unrealistic.


5. Working as whore it would be nice to have some specific dialogues with the other girls, maybe considering how much the pimp "cuts" on our hard work, for example.

Instead, nothing.


6. TDF Prostitution has a very nice feature. The guards that looks at you (or your follower/prositute) working in public, approaches saying that this is an "illegal job" and blah, blah.

Risk of bounty or arrest. In this mod everything is legal? Lack of option.


So, in the end, the redlight part of the mod seems, actually, to be only a little "easter egg", without real purpose.

I think, instead, that this part deserve a better development and much more improvements by its own. In connection with the drug system, yes, but also not.


My two (well, maybe two hundred) cents.

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All you say it true. I've to admit that i puhsed the RL districts through and didn't want to give them a bigger role. I didn't really plan them ahead, therefore the lack of options and dialouge. I too see that I have to overhaul them again (thinking of how much trouble i had to get them to work in the first place I wanna puke already <.< )

My plan it as follows: I'm working togehter with @Grine and he's providing very nice Skooma Dens in every major town. Me idea is now to move any "skooma whores" into the dens once they're finished and give them full routines, like a sleeping cycle. I then have to make the npcs for the den and dealers (the old once will be moved and enhenced, finally), so i'd combine that with the whores to save some work. 


Concering illegal drugs and prostitution: Skyrim plays in the early middle ages, IRL and drugs became forbidden not earlier than the 20th century. Imho that doesn't make sense. And forgive my lack of knowledge, but when in the world has prostitution ever been illegal?

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Concering illegal drugs and prostitution: Skyrim plays in the early middle ages, IRL and drugs became forbidden not earlier than the 20th century. Imho that doesn't make sense. And forgive my lack of knowledge, but when in the world has prostitution ever been illegal?


It mostly started with the Catholic church, which doesn't exist in Skyrim. Some countries banned it, some regulated it and it was frowned upon because of the church. From what I know this started in 500-1000AD and slowly became more regulated and more places banned it.


In the US it didn't become illegal until 1910. Of course some places still have legal prostitution even today.

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London had plenty of opium dens, it was low-society but not illegal per say. Radiant Prostitution even opens up the guards to approach the player while working as a whore for sex if you enable that MCM option.


Awesome ideas here Guffel, moving them to skooma dens will kill my problem entirely, and also will just look way better. Since it's Skooma Dens and Skooma Whores however, may I suggest that the whole skooma thing gets pushed a bit more into the wore thing so it's not "skooma. Oh and wores" basically. For example letting the whores choose Skooma instead of money would be a great idea, and also if you're badly addicted you might get offered the addiction remover if you work as a whore for a week or something like that.


Can I request that you try to make it compatible with JK's Skyrim? This may necessitate moving the dens out of the cities proper however. Or otherwise put them in out of the way places.



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London had plenty of opium dens, it was low-society but not illegal per say. Radiant Prostitution even opens up the guards to approach the player while working as a whore for sex if you enable that MCM option.


Awesome ideas here Guffel, moving them to skooma dens will kill my problem entirely, and also will just look way better. Since it's Skooma Dens and Skooma Whores however, may I suggest that the whole skooma thing gets pushed a bit more into the wore thing so it's not "skooma. Oh and wores" basically. For example letting the whores choose Skooma instead of money would be a great idea, and also if you're badly addicted you might get offered the addiction remover if you work as a whore for a week or something like that.


Can I request that you try to make it compatible with JK's Skyrim? This may necessitate moving the dens out of the cities proper however. Or otherwise put them in out of the way places.




Or perhaps have them be actually underground with a trap door in existing inns for example. The inn would get a small cut for being the front for the skooma dens for example. Anyways just tossing out idea's.

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That would work very well, would get around the city overhaul thing (and even around the Open Cities thing if that was usable at all), and would mean less work as Guffel and co wouldn't have to design the buildings.

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All you say it true. I've to admit that i puhsed the RL districts through and didn't want to give them a bigger role. I didn't really plan them ahead, therefore the lack of options and dialouge. I too see that I have to overhaul them again (thinking of how much trouble i had to get them to work in the first place I wanna puke already <.< )

My plan it as follows: I'm working togehter with @Grine and he's providing very nice Skooma Dens in every major town. Me idea is now to move any "skooma whores" into the dens once they're finished and give them full routines, like a sleeping cycle. I then have to make the npcs for the den and dealers (the old once will be moved and enhenced, finally), so i'd combine that with the whores to save some work. 


Concering illegal drugs and prostitution: Skyrim plays in the early middle ages, IRL and drugs became forbidden not earlier than the 20th century. Imho that doesn't make sense. And forgive my lack of knowledge, but when in the world has prostitution ever been illegal?


:D :D :D  Prostitution is not illegal by itself, it's illegal to do it in public (almost everywhere in the World), even if it's almost always "tolerated".

And I apologies for my bad english but I talked about illegal prostitution and not about illegal (in the medieval ages) drugs.


I like your plans, btw. Still admiring your work. Thank you.

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It seems to me the actual collocation is a bit too much in your face (or in authorities' face) for places Whiterun or Solitude. It's ok with the warden in Markhat and the Lower water alley in Riften, both city with a bad, dirty reputation.

For what I know of, in Roman time, there was no difference between a waitress and a hooker. So taverns are a good place to find entertainment. But we already have Radiant Prostitution for that.

Skooma looks definitely illegal in Skyrim. 

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It seems to me the actual collocation is a bit too much in your face (or in authorities' face) for places Whiterun or Solitude. It's ok with the warden in Markhat and the Lower water alley in Riften, both city with a bad, dirty reputation.

For what I know of, in Roman time, there was no difference between a waitress and a hooker. So taverns are a good place to find entertainment. But we already have Radiant Prostitution for that.

Skooma looks definitely illegal in Skyrim. 


Good point yeah, Skooma is illegal in Skyrim, guards confiscate it, and to become Thane of Riften you hunt down and execute a bunch of Skooma dealers.


Yeah that is why I think maybe something like a "copied" version of a run down house* could be easly set near some minor towns maybe just a few meaters away to make it look more inconspicious. And a trapdoor hidden in those.



*The run down house I am thinking of looks like this.


Taken in Iverstead. The house across the river where the begger lives is the place I am thinking of.

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The problem with placing a building in or near the cities, is it could conflict with other mods. Adding a simple trap door that loads you into a custom built area would make it more compatible with more mods.


Yeah that is why I was thinking a bit away from the towns  to keep it more issue free and "lore frendly". Because guard patrolls do go too far out of town into the wild and "lore wise" wouldn't report the "house of ill repute" being there.

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Whiterun - Secret entrance (aka a sort of trapdoor) just behind the little waterfall that is below the street leading from stables to main gate.


Solitude - Secret entrance against the rock wall in front of the stairs that leads in the harbour/docks.


Windhelm - actual place is fine. For interiors, there is an unused storage at the north end of the docks. Secret trapdoor inside?


Riften - actual place is fine. For interiors, across the channel (new little bridge). There is an entire wall section unused.


Markharth - secret entrance before the surveillance tower just before stables. Door against the big rocky wall.

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Whiterun - Secret entrance (aka a sort of trapdoor) just behind the little waterfall that is below the street leading from stables to main gate.


Solitude - Secret entrance against the rock wall in front of the stairs that leads in the harbour/docks.


Windhelm - actual place is fine. For interiors, there is an unused storage at the north end of the docks. Secret trapdoor inside?


Riften - actual place is fine. For interiors, across the channel (new little bridge). There is an entire wall section unused.


Markharth - secret entrance before the surveillance tower just before stables. Door against the big rocky wall.


The Whiterun location you are suggesting, while seems an excellent place, will conflict with a mod called "Breezehome Fully Upgradable"

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Whiterun - Secret entrance (aka a sort of trapdoor) just behind the little waterfall that is below the street leading from stables to main gate.


Solitude - Secret entrance against the rock wall in front of the stairs that leads in the harbour/docks.


Windhelm - actual place is fine. For interiors, there is an unused storage at the north end of the docks. Secret trapdoor inside?


Riften - actual place is fine. For interiors, across the channel (new little bridge). There is an entire wall section unused.


Markharth - secret entrance before the surveillance tower just before stables. Door against the big rocky wall.


The Whiterun location you are suggesting, while seems an excellent place, will conflict with a mod called "Breezehome Fully Upgradable"



Actually I think she meant the place where the Milk Mod Economy Dungeon is located. Pictures shown the the spoiler.





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Hello all,


I am the one making the skooma dens at this moment. Most of the places are done, its just a few bug fixes and portal issues I have to deal with.

I should be done by the end of week hopefully. I am still learning and I have some summer classes I have to deal with so please dont quote me on the time it will be finished.


Besides thankfully or unfortunately I am a neat freak so unless it is perfect I cant 'release' it so please be patient.

As for the locations of these drug dens.

I tell you this. Find it when the mod is released. I have put these dens in locations that no mod I know of has changed.

These locations combine a tavern and a skooma den.

The only clue I will give you is to go where degenerates tend to gather, if all else fails look for suspicious potholes or other irrigation systems in the city.

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About Whiterun, I meant exactly what Wandering_Mania shown us.


@ Grine.

Great and thank you for your work. Take your time.


These locations combine a tavern and a skooma den.

The only clue I will give you is to go where degenerates tend to gather, if all else fails look for suspicious potholes or other irrigation systems in the city.


It remebers me a lot the vampire's Red Water Skooma den not far from Sarethi's farm.

In case, a pretty nice choice.

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