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I've been using sex lab utility ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/236-sexlabutil1-2014-08-16/) in conjunction with this mod to add a custom event where I am randomly fed skooma under certain conditions (e.g. raped by low morality). I find it adds the slippery slope that wasn't there for me. i.e I can't so easily avoid getting exposed to skooma and control how much I use it. Also seems to affect NPCs strangely if it triggers on them, making them look like they are tripping out which is a bonus (although sometimes they die from it). This might be because I also have health reducing effects triggering though.


This is what I've been wanting in the Skooma Whore mod, are you going to publish it as a patch. Or can you send me it, if you are not.


I like the idea of this mod, but I wouldn't just take a drug that I knew I'd get hooked on. With your addition, it would add a starter to the need for Skooma. A slippery road towards a forced, drug induced nightmare...




I wouldn't know how to patch it. I just used sexlab util to create a new effect. I wrote the following code in a file I named Skooma.ini







Cmd=item:skyrim.esm:00057A7A+equip:skyrim.esm:00057A7A+msg:You Feel lightheaded



00057A7A is the item code for skooma and what appears after msg: is what will appear in the top left corner of the screen if the effect goes off (even if it's not "you"). As far as I know sexlab util doesn't allow you to vary the message or recall the pc/npc's name so it had to do. "equipping" a drink or any item that you can't actually equip makes you use it. Poison would be something else you could use to trigger a blurry effect.


removing item:skyrim.esm:00057A7A will only have you use skooma if you are carrying some. Removing equip:skyrim.esm:00057A7A will dump the skooma in your inventory (if you want to whore it out for skooma, anywhere and anytime).


And then placed it in ModOrganizer\mods\SexlabUtil1 15\INI\SexlabUtil1.esp


I then customized the MCM menu to have it trigger when I want it. (I recommend using at sex end so the effect isn't wasted while you are locked in an animation). Unless you want the effect to go off on anyone and anything having sex, I would restrict it to "victim" and "player" (the player flag sets it to only happen when you are involved and the victim flag makes it so only the victim gets the effect).


If you set off the event to trigger at 100%, maybe setting the fear effect already included in sexlab util at 100% would make some trippy behaviour:)


By editing the duration, you could have it force feed you more than 1 skooma if you want to get addicted faster. Making multiple entries with a % below 100% would also feed you a random amount of skooma so even if you think you are safe from the next addiction level, you might get unlucky...



I went to the site and downloaded the mod, its really handy. But still could do with some tweaks.


I have already made the Skooma effect .ini file, and it works great. But yours has some dialogue, plus I have learn't some more stuff about the effects from what you have written.

I am using it with Skooma Whores mod, so I have a chance to get drugged by bandits. I have it set at a pretty low 5% chance, and tested it out. That skooma certainly makes you run fast, in the Vanilla game, I haven't tested skooma in the skooma whore mod yet.


I have also got it set for the bandits to feed me 1 alcohol when they orgasm in a rape scene, I have set the chance percentage at 25%. If I get unlucky, I will get drunk.


I will have to go over and see if I can get the author of the Sexlab Util mod  to add an option to get attacked and drugged in your sleep, double the trouble.


Thanks for your help, its been very helpful...


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Cool! Glad I could help. Will you use this function as well in your other mods? I think the groggy like effect from dangerous nights would work well in this mod as well.


As a separate mod idea, I was thinking this could also be a new way for vampires to feed and/or a drug like effect from having sex with a vampire. Would explain why those thralls hang around.

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I could need some help and maybe some here know where to find some stuff and save me time searching :)

I´m looking for some slutty outfits to be worn by whores, but it should be as lore-friendly as possible.

Furthermore I´m in the need of two locations. Maybe there are level designers among you who are interested in helping me out. The first thing I have in mind is a Skooma-cave which serves as selling place for all kind of drugs, but not as a brothel. Like a 18 century opium cave. Maybe in the style of the ragged flagon or a natural cave. I don´t want to use any existing dungeon, cause it always can cause conflicts or problems.

The second thing I´m thinking of would be somekind of manson of a rich man. I want to use it as a place to work as a private whore. I can be rather big and well furnitured but not too much so it isn´t unrealistic.

So, if someone know if there is are already such places as ressouces out there or would have fun at making such places, let me know :) I feel comfortable with code but I have two left hands when it come to make any cells that are largen than four corner pieces :P

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Hi the Guffel,
I have a sort of a problem with your mod. The thing is, after I speak to Mixwater Mill owner, I'm told to go to the Worker's House, which I can't actually enter as a "worker", because it's locked on novice level, and when I get there, the NPCs treat me like I'm hostile.
Would love an answer, because I think this mod really has potential and I want to play it :)

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Hi the Guffel,

I have a sort of a problem with your mod. The thing is, after I speak to Mixwater Mill owner, I'm told to go to the Worker's House, which I can't actually enter as a "worker", because it's locked on novice level, and when I get there, the NPCs treat me like I'm hostile.

Would love an answer, because I think this mod really has potential and I want to play it :)

Do you use the Unoffical Skyrim Patch? I know of a bug with Gilfres´ House which is constantly locked, I asume it´s the same with the Workers House. The Unoffical Skyrim Patch fixes that. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19/?


Great mod but seems like its not working for me ... drug pool never changing?! Don´t know why though...

Does it never increase? Or isn´t it decreasing after taking Skooma? Do you get any Skooma effects? Are you using other mods which alters Skooma?

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Great mod but seems like its not working for me ... drug pool never changing?! Don´t know why though...

Does it never increase? Or isn´t it decreasing after taking Skooma? Do you get any Skooma effects? Are you using other mods which alters Skooma?



Do you use RND? If so, move it the esp below the RND one (or any esp that manipulates Skooma for that matter). I had the same for ages until yesterday, running around with SW for ages without any effect.

This is one of the limitations of Skyrim. If an esp, higher in the load order, has more options to an object (here Skooma Whore) than another one, lower in the list (RND) then only the effect of the one lower takes effect and not some kind of RSoP - which really is unfortunate and explains why so many things need patching if you want to combine effects of two mods...

But RND doesn't change much (if anything) compared to default Skyrim.


Anyway, worked for me. RND is only an example.

hope that helps

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I finally got to play though to addiction with a character, and I must say that I think this is a very nice simulation. My new characters are too stingy to spend the money, buy I put together a quick, ugly mod which allowed unfriendly bedmates to force a little skooma down in the process of everything else that is dangerous about the night (another good mod which never caused me any poblems.) Thanks.

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I have been playing the Skooma Whore mod for a while now, I used a mod to make it so that Bandits have a 25% chance of drugging me with Skooma, along with anyone else that is human. If I get drugged, I have it set to occur on orgasm. They also have a 25% chance of drugging me with alcohol...


This plays out the victim role, the person who never takes drugs. But is eventually dragged into it, until there is no choice but to take them, just to survive the day.


I have the MCM menu in Skooma whore set to drop my Skooma levels by 2 each day, this will prolong the misery. As well as making it more likely for you to get drugged, as it will take 5 days to rid yourself of 1 Skooma.


The only problem I have, is confusion about the withdrawals. With no means of telling what is happening to you, or if its even off the Skooma whore mod, as I have other mods that give status effects as well. The Beeing Female mod has a mod that adds status effects like cramps, fetal movement, and other stuff.


I have come up with a nasty work around, you may or you may not like it. But there will be a more realistic coming down effect from my idea, it uses your effects but adds some more effects that are visual...


If you don't like it, or if its too much work. Then fair enough...





Revised Skooma Addiction

Stage 1 you don't need to take skooma, no ill effects.

Stage 2 Mildly addicted, taking skooma every 24 hours stops ill effects

Stage 3 Addicted, you need to take skooma every 20 hours to stop ill


Stage 4 Very addicted, you need to take skooma every 16 hours

Stage 5 Total addict, you need to take skooma every 12 hours

Not taking Skooma will give you a bad time, you will get dizzy and fall

over at a set amount of time.


Not taking Skooma for these amounts of days makes your dizziness kick in at

these intervals, I am currently getting these effects from a mod for a mod called Beeing

. The mod is called the Beeing Female addon pack by Sleepy Soul, its on the Beeing female site. They are menstruation and fetal movement that mess up your vision,

which should be tied into the  Devious devices trip mechanism that occurs when

you are wearing leg bands ( Bondage gear ).

Day 1... You take your Skooma, the skooma suppresses the ill effects for

the above times.

After that your use the stages to limit the dizzy effects... You want

dizziness to progress to worse stages as you get more addicted, until you

need it to fight and survive the day.

Day 2 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 60 minutes of game time.

Day 3 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 45 minutes of game time.

Day 4 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 30 minutes of game time.

Day 5 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 20 minutes of game time.

Day 6 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 10 minutes.

Day 7 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 5 minutes.

Day 8 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 3 minutes.

Day 9 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 2 minutes.

Day 10 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 1 minute.

By itself, it would be game breaking. As a Stage 2 addict would be in a

sorry state.

It would have to have limiters on it, going by the stage of your addiction.

Stage 1... no addiction

Stage 2... Limit to Day 2 effects, dizziness every 60 minutes. Manageable,

but will get you killed a lot.

Stage 3... Limit to Day 4 effects, its very irritating and will get you

killed a lot.

Stage 4... Limit to Day 7, you are hooked. You seriously need to plan your

day out, get up... do some whoring for Skooma and then go to work.

Stage 5... Limit to Day 10, you don't have a choice about getting detoxed

without a cure.

Cure... Work in a whorehouse for a year and you are given a cure for your

Skooma Addiction...

Cure 2... Collect a ridiculous amount of rare ingredients to give to the

whorehouse to get them to make a cure for you.
  300 Nirnroot is a crazy number, and will drive you crazy collecting them.

Cure 3... Buy a cure from the whorehouse, but it isn't cheap. 300,000 Gold.

To pay for loss in revenue for letting you go. A seasoned vetran, will have

to spend his life savings to cure himself. I can't imagine him doing that,

so back to collecting Nirnroot, while whoring yourself out.

As you fight to not get killed or raped, raping has a 25% chance of you being

drugged with Skooma. Both Good and Bad, you get your Skooma fix, but suffer

a rape and add to your drug addiction. It's all downhill...




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I have been playing the Skooma Whore mod for a while now, I used a mod to make it so that Bandits have a 25% chance of drugging me with Skooma, along with anyone else that is human. If I get drugged, I have it set to occur on orgasm. They also have a 25% chance of drugging me with alcohol...


This plays out the victim role, the person who never takes drugs. But is eventually dragged into it, until there is no choice but to take them, just to survive the day.


This is the same as what I've set up, except I start out a a fifteen percent chance with non-consensual sex, but have the chance grow each time as if the attacker to sense the history of my poor player.

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I have been playing the Skooma Whore mod for a while now, I used a mod to make it so that Bandits have a 25% chance of drugging me with Skooma, along with anyone else that is human. If I get drugged, I have it set to occur on orgasm. They also have a 25% chance of drugging me with alcohol...


This plays out the victim role, the person who never takes drugs. But is eventually dragged into it, until there is no choice but to take them, just to survive the day.


This is the same as what I've set up, except I start out a a fifteen percent chance with non-consensual sex, but have the chance grow each time as if the attacker to sense the history of my poor player.



You'd need it capped, if they are advancing the amounts they Skooma you. I have the Prison Overhual mod and they really upped my addiction, when they put me in the stocks each day for four days. I'd just get abused all day, off everyone in town.


Adding the 25% alcohol drugging effect is fun, everything goes very colourful and you fall over a lot with the Realistic Needs and Diseases mod installed.


The 2% drop off in addiction rate each day that I set in the MCM, really makes it hard to get rid of the skooma in your system.


It would get around that the Dragonborn was becoming addicted to Skooma, and everyone would be wanting to try to get the notoriety of killing or fucking up the Dragonborn even more. The more they fucked you up, the less of a hero you'd look...


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I have been playing the Skooma Whore mod for a while now, I used a mod to make it so that Bandits have a 25% chance of drugging me with Skooma, along with anyone else that is human. If I get drugged, I have it set to occur on orgasm. They also have a 25% chance of drugging me with alcohol...


This plays out the victim role, the person who never takes drugs. But is eventually dragged into it, until there is no choice but to take them, just to survive the day.


I have the MCM menu in Skooma whore set to drop my Skooma levels by 2 each day, this will prolong the misery. As well as making it more likely for you to get drugged, as it will take 5 days to rid yourself of 1 Skooma.


The only problem I have, is confusion about the withdrawals. With no means of telling what is happening to you, or if its even off the Skooma whore mod, as I have other mods that give status effects as well. The Beeing Female mod has a mod that adds status effects like cramps, fetal movement, and other stuff.


I have come up with a nasty work around, you may or you may not like it. But there will be a more realistic coming down effect from my idea, it uses your effects but adds some more effects that are visual...


If you don't like it, or if its too much work. Then fair enough...





Revised Skooma Addiction



Stage 1 you don't need to take skooma, no ill effects.


Stage 2 Mildly addicted, taking skooma every 24 hours stops ill effects


Stage 3 Addicted, you need to take skooma every 20 hours to stop ill




Stage 4 Very addicted, you need to take skooma every 16 hours


Stage 5 Total addict, you need to take skooma every 12 hours





Not taking Skooma will give you a bad time, you will get dizzy and fall


over at a set amount of time.


Not taking Skooma for these amounts of days makes your dizziness kick in at


these intervals, I am currently getting these effects from a mod for a mod called Beeing


female. The mod is called the Beeing Female addon pack by Sleepy Soul, its on the Beeing female site. They are menstruation and fetal movement that mess up your vision,


which should be tied into the  Devious devices trip mechanism that occurs when


you are wearing leg bands ( Bondage gear ).






Day 1... You take your Skooma, the skooma suppresses the ill effects for


the above times.


After that your use the stages to limit the dizzy effects... You want


dizziness to progress to worse stages as you get more addicted, until you


need it to fight and survive the day.



Day 2 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 60 minutes of game time.


Day 3 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 45 minutes of game time.


Day 4 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 30 minutes of game time.


Day 5 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 20 minutes of game time.


Day 6 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 10 minutes.


Day 7 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 5 minutes.


Day 8 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 3 minutes.


Day 9 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 2 minutes.


Day 10 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 1 minute.





By itself, it would be game breaking. As a Stage 2 addict would be in a


sorry state.


It would have to have limiters on it, going by the stage of your addiction.





Stage 1... no addiction


Stage 2... Limit to Day 2 effects, dizziness every 60 minutes. Manageable,


but will get you killed a lot.


Stage 3... Limit to Day 4 effects, its very irritating and will get you


killed a lot.



Stage 4... Limit to Day 7, you are hooked. You seriously need to plan your


day out, get up... do some whoring for Skooma and then go to work.


Stage 5... Limit to Day 10, you don't have a choice about getting detoxed


without a cure.





Cure... Work in a whorehouse for a year and you are given a cure for your


Skooma Addiction...


Cure 2... Collect a ridiculous amount of rare ingredients to give to the


whorehouse to get them to make a cure for you.

  300 Nirnroot is a crazy number, and will drive you crazy collecting them.


Cure 3... Buy a cure from the whorehouse, but it isn't cheap. 300,000 Gold.


To pay for loss in revenue for letting you go. A seasoned vetran, will have


to spend his life savings to cure himself. I can't imagine him doing that,


so back to collecting Nirnroot, while whoring yourself out.



As you fight to not get killed or raped, raping has a 25% chance of you being


drugged with Skooma. Both Good and Bad, you get your Skooma fix, but suffer


a rape and add to your drug addiction. It's all downhill...





You have to keep in mind that this is still the first draft of the beta. I found out that the withdrawal don´t work properly and aren´t active most of the time. I've been working on it the last week and overhauled the withdrawal system completely. They're now displayed properly and are more in-depth. I like your idea of getting dizzy and tripping after some time without Skooma. I´ll see how I can add this. Getting drugged during rape is already planed but in my opinion it would make sense if the chance is higher when the player is clean and decreases the more addicted he is. Who´d waste their drug on a wrecked junkie? Wouldn't it be more fun to give them to someone who never took drugs and how she freaks out or even use this to lure she into drug-prostitiution? I planed an available cure not as a complete down-do-zero cure but it´ll be a potion that reduces the drug-pool and makes the player reduce the addiction step by step. That lets the cure resemble a medicine which needs to be taken over time without taking any drugs in that time.

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I have been playing the Skooma Whore mod for a while now, I used a mod to make it so that Bandits have a 25% chance of drugging me with Skooma, along with anyone else that is human. If I get drugged, I have it set to occur on orgasm. They also have a 25% chance of drugging me with alcohol...


This plays out the victim role, the person who never takes drugs. But is eventually dragged into it, until there is no choice but to take them, just to survive the day.


I have the MCM menu in Skooma whore set to drop my Skooma levels by 2 each day, this will prolong the misery. As well as making it more likely for you to get drugged, as it will take 5 days to rid yourself of 1 Skooma.


The only problem I have, is confusion about the withdrawals. With no means of telling what is happening to you, or if its even off the Skooma whore mod, as I have other mods that give status effects as well. The Beeing Female mod has a mod that adds status effects like cramps, fetal movement, and other stuff.


I have come up with a nasty work around, you may or you may not like it. But there will be a more realistic coming down effect from my idea, it uses your effects but adds some more effects that are visual...


If you don't like it, or if its too much work. Then fair enough...





Revised Skooma Addiction



Stage 1 you don't need to take skooma, no ill effects.


Stage 2 Mildly addicted, taking skooma every 24 hours stops ill effects


Stage 3 Addicted, you need to take skooma every 20 hours to stop ill




Stage 4 Very addicted, you need to take skooma every 16 hours


Stage 5 Total addict, you need to take skooma every 12 hours





Not taking Skooma will give you a bad time, you will get dizzy and fall


over at a set amount of time.


Not taking Skooma for these amounts of days makes your dizziness kick in at


these intervals, I am currently getting these effects from a mod for a mod called Beeing


female. The mod is called the Beeing Female addon pack by Sleepy Soul, its on the Beeing female site. They are menstruation and fetal movement that mess up your vision,


which should be tied into the  Devious devices trip mechanism that occurs when


you are wearing leg bands ( Bondage gear ).






Day 1... You take your Skooma, the skooma suppresses the ill effects for


the above times.


After that your use the stages to limit the dizzy effects... You want


dizziness to progress to worse stages as you get more addicted, until you


need it to fight and survive the day.



Day 2 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 60 minutes of game time.


Day 3 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 45 minutes of game time.


Day 4 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 30 minutes of game time.


Day 5 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 20 minutes of game time.


Day 6 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 10 minutes.


Day 7 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 5 minutes.


Day 8 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 3 minutes.


Day 9 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 2 minutes.


Day 10 without Skooma... You get dizziness every 1 minute.





By itself, it would be game breaking. As a Stage 2 addict would be in a


sorry state.


It would have to have limiters on it, going by the stage of your addiction.





Stage 1... no addiction


Stage 2... Limit to Day 2 effects, dizziness every 60 minutes. Manageable,


but will get you killed a lot.


Stage 3... Limit to Day 4 effects, its very irritating and will get you


killed a lot.



Stage 4... Limit to Day 7, you are hooked. You seriously need to plan your


day out, get up... do some whoring for Skooma and then go to work.


Stage 5... Limit to Day 10, you don't have a choice about getting detoxed


without a cure.





Cure... Work in a whorehouse for a year and you are given a cure for your


Skooma Addiction...


Cure 2... Collect a ridiculous amount of rare ingredients to give to the


whorehouse to get them to make a cure for you.

  300 Nirnroot is a crazy number, and will drive you crazy collecting them.


Cure 3... Buy a cure from the whorehouse, but it isn't cheap. 300,000 Gold.


To pay for loss in revenue for letting you go. A seasoned vetran, will have


to spend his life savings to cure himself. I can't imagine him doing that,


so back to collecting Nirnroot, while whoring yourself out.



As you fight to not get killed or raped, raping has a 25% chance of you being


drugged with Skooma. Both Good and Bad, you get your Skooma fix, but suffer


a rape and add to your drug addiction. It's all downhill...





You have to keep in mind that this is still the first draft of the beta. I found out that the withdrawal don´t work properly and aren´t active most of the time. I've been working on it the last week and overhauled the withdrawal system completely. They're now displayed properly and are more in-depth. I like your idea of getting dizzy and tripping after some time without Skooma. I´ll see how I can add this. Getting drugged during rape is already planed but in my opinion it would make sense if the chance is higher when the player is clean and decreases the more addicted he is. Who´d waste their drug on a wrecked junkie? Wouldn't it be more fun to give them to someone who never took drugs and how she freaks out or even use this to lure she into drug-prostitiution? I planed an available cure not as a complete down-do-zero cure but it´ll be a potion that reduces the drug-pool and makes the player reduce the addiction step by step. That lets the cure resemble a medicine which needs to be taken over time without taking any drugs in that time.



Yeah! you'll have to excuse me getting carried away, I know its early days after time off from the mod, but I like the mod and the idea of the mod.


Notoriety... the person who turns the Dragonborn into a SkoomaWhore, will be laughing at defeating the most powerful person in Tamriel. Watching as they degrade into prostitution, misery loves company. A miserable, Skooma addicted bandit, might just want to get you as addicted as he is. Although, he probably wouldn't want to waste his drugs.


I like the idea of varying chances according to your level of addiction in the early days, then slowly feed you enough Skooma to keep you from getting better.


I reckon with dizziness and tripping, getting worse over time without Skooma. That this would force your hand to manage your drug problem, as well as make you not forget that you are a drug addict. The Beeing female mod, certainly wasn't letting my character forget she was pregnant, it was a pretty extreme migraine style effect. I was even scaring Lydia, she kept freaking out...


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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?

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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?


I very much prefer the original idea of it being based off Skooma, because if you whore for Skooma, you're doing nothing that upgrades your skills, earns gold, food, etc, which adds to the desperation.


Also, I'd like the option to start whoring much earlier...and the more addicted you are, you have to do more customers, or do more exotic things before getting paid...and may send you back to do another couple of rounds before paying you...or may take a turn with you whether you want to or not...


And depending on dialogue choices, they might do other things...maybe something mild like refusing to pay you at all for today's work, or...well...worse.



You have to keep in mind that this is still the first draft of the beta. I found out that the withdrawal don´t work properly and aren´t active most of the time. I've been working on it the last week and overhauled the withdrawal system completely. They're now displayed properly and are more in-depth. I like your idea of getting dizzy and tripping after some time without Skooma. I´ll see how I can add this. Getting drugged during rape is already planed but in my opinion it would make sense if the chance is higher when the player is clean and decreases the more addicted he is. Who´d waste their drug on a wrecked junkie? Wouldn't it be more fun to give them to someone who never took drugs and how she freaks out or even use this to lure she into drug-prostitiution? I planed an available cure not as a complete down-do-zero cure but it´ll be a potion that reduces the drug-pool and makes the player reduce the addiction step by step. That lets the cure resemble a medicine which needs to be taken over time without taking any drugs in that time.


If possible, can you make it so that a "normal" cure would leave it so that you could go immediately back to full (or almost full) addiction with just a few doses?


And...another idea, if you are a recovering addict, and carrying some in your inventory for a while, just a small chance that you take one hit...it couldn't hurt...

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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?


i like the idea of the Brothel, maybe you could move there. Moving there would give you a bonus each day, as an incentive, plus you wouldn't get in trouble with the law. The cons would be that you'd be finally a real whore, with an obligation to whore yourself out 7 times a week or risk having Skooma prices raised for a week by 50%.


When you reach a fully addicted state, you should stop being drugged by Bandits. Forcing you to buy your stuff, backing you into a corner of depravity. The Bandits or clients not wanting to waste their Skooma on a Skooma Whore...


I've made a Skooma Den that you were wanting, its built. But I am adding junk to it, to flesh it out. As well as working on the lighting. Its a modular design, that can be upgraded. It has a Bar, Skooma room, Sleeping area, 4 Skooma Whore sleeping areas and a Big room with cages, slaves, forge and scaffolding with a leaking roof.


You may or may not like it, its open plan with no doors except the entry door. There are 5 basic NPC's, no dialogue.


If you don't like it, just tell me...








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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?


sounds good :-)


i hope, that the different drugs are belonging to only one or two drug-"families" (e.g. skooma/alcohol), so that the player don't have to take care of too many different addictions.


in one of the slavery-branches of the skycasino-mod the pc is made obedient with skooma, what is a nice idea. Maybe you can use it this way?


Maybe the pimps could have a special brewed skooma, cheap, not effective for fighting but healing (for the wear and tear-mod), and they keep there girls well feeded with this pimp-skooma. It will make the girls work harder an deepens the addiction.


(sorry for my english)


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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?



Sounds good on the tweaking of the withdrawal system. I was talking to gooser who makes apropos and suggested letting skooma reduce the effects of wear and tear from that mod to half the normal debuff rate. Giving more of a reasons for PC's to want/need to take skooma. Since that is one thing I would like to see. Right now becoming addicted is just a choice by the player, do you want to start doing skooma. But having skooma do stuff but be very addictive I think would be better. Could maybe have skooma decrease other debuffs you can get from the game like diseases or something. Also I think skooma should be made to last longer, say at least 4 hours of game time.


As for the slow decent into prostitution, what I would suggest is something along the lines of this. Putting it in spoiler tags to not clutter up the page.


At first give the option to trade sex with the dealers of skooma. I would say give three options, BJ, vaginal, anal. Though of course if the PC is male no vaginal option. I would suggest a chance for those to work. If possible script it so each day there is a 10% chance the dealer agree's to sex for a bottle. (with vaginal having a bonus +10% and anal +20%), So if the PC goes once every 10 days the dealer will always agree, but the more they go the less chance the dealer will agree.


Once that has failed the dealer says no thanks, give a line to the PC to beg and say they are desperate. The dealer can then say some of his more reliable customers where looking for a "party girl" and if the PC is interested the dealer will agree to send her over. Where she will get skooma and expected to be the party entertainment.

Then the next time the PC goes back there is a new line, something along the lines of. "My boss runs this establishment and he is always looking for eager young pretty girls. You have shown you don't mind whoring yourself out for a little skooma, so why not do it proper." Give the PC the option to agree, ask for more information, or say no. If the PC says no then they can buy skooma as always. If they ever try and trade sex for skooma again then they are offered the brothel job again. If the PC agree's they are sent to the brothal. If they ask for more information then something like this. "Well my boss doesn't just sell drugs, but he runs a brothel as well. They will keep you in skooma and pay you gold as well." Then the PC can either say no or agree with the same results as above.


I would suggest making the brother a new location in the world. I would suggest something along the lines of a cross between a opium den and a brothel. Having a area where drinks are sold like a salon, with dancing girls on stage, maybe a bard singing, scantly glad girls walking around or lounging selling themselves. Have another area off to one side that looks like the opium den, people laying and pillows and stuff scattered all over the grounds. The next area would be a place where sheets are hung up between area's with more pillows. It is here the girls take the customers for sex. You could have a office for the boss with his bedroom, a barracks area for the bouncer/guards and then finally a area for the prostitutes to sleep. The place would be open from evening say around 6pm till 6am.


The customers would be randomly spawned each day and it could be anyone, from bandits, forsworn, orcs, imperials, stormcloaks etc. It is a safe and neutral ground for all.


Now once the PC gets a job there you can handle it a few ways depending how hard core you want it to be. Either way they are given expensive clothes(something whorish but nice) to wear and some jewelry to make them look more appealing, are required to take perfumed baths each day, food(for ineeds, realistic needs or other such mods), and a bed to sleep in.


The easy way is they just work there, earn gold and can buy skooma with it, with 25% of each days earning going to the boss, and can leave any time they want(returning the clothes and jewelry to the boss first and telling them you wish to leave ending the quest).


The hard way would be 50% of all earnings goes to the boss each day, and you are given a debt for the clothes and jewelry you have to pay off(double the gold value of the objects), then charged a good amount for the perfumed baths, food, sleep area, and right to work there.(how much depends on how much is earned, equal to about serving 5 customers). The cost of skooma goes up the more addicted they become with the boss making up excuses about supply and demand. Any time the PC wish skooma though they can ask for it and not pay for it. Instead the cost is added to their debt. At the end of each week what ever debt is left over gets charged interest say 20%.


The idea of the hard way would be to make it actually hard for the PC to get out of the life. Make it possible but difficult to do, could also give them a way to escape as well. But if they escape the boss will send bounty hunters after the PC to capture them. Sorta like how the thugs work in vanilla. They will show up and demand the PC return. If not a fight happens, if the PC loses they wake up back in the brothel. With a huge debt added(cost of the bounty hunters) this last bit might require a patch to make sure it works with mods like defeat or submit though.


Anyways this would be my wish list and I realize likely this would be to hard to fully do like this, but take what you want of the idea's and ignore the rest. Hopefully you find it helpful regardless.


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To further the idea from Jaylea, perhaps once the player has tried skooma (or the other drugs you're adding) once, they can't help but take some every time they loot it. When a bottle is looted, a messagebox pops up saying "you crave the skooma you just picked up, and you just can't help yourself" and the player is forced to drink it. Kinda like Cursed Loot, except with Skooma instead of DD devices.

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