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I very much prefer the original idea of it being based off Skooma, because if you whore for Skooma, you're doing nothing that upgrades your skills, earns gold, food, etc, which adds to the desperation.


If possible, can you make it so that a "normal" cure would leave it so that you could go immediately back to full (or almost full) addiction with just a few doses?


And...another idea, if you are a recovering addict, and carrying some in your inventory for a while, just a small chance that you take one hit...it couldn't hurt...


1. That´s why I wanted to make a additional place for the player to work for drugs. On the other hand, having only one brothel limits the player to this place. With a red-light area in each city the player can earn money to buy Skooma where he is - it´d be more flexible. That would be an option for all people who don´t want to play a long time in a brothel and still persue normal quests while being addicted and it´d be the way to be a whore at an early stage. I should mention that these red-light areas would be available from the beginning without any pimp.


2. What do you mean? I didn´t plan the cure to remove the addiction completly like a cure disease potion. It should only reduce the drug pool and by this *maybe* the addiction stage.


3. I like that idea! Next to feeling dizzy and tripping to have a high chance to drink any drug in the inventory.



i like the idea of the Brothel, maybe you could move there. Moving there would give you a bonus each day, as an incentive, plus you wouldn't get in trouble with the law. The cons would be that you'd be finally a real whore, with an obligation to whore yourself out 7 times a week or risk having Skooma prices raised for a week by 50%.


When you reach a fully addicted state, you should stop being drugged by Bandits. Forcing you to buy your stuff, backing you into a corner of depravity. The Bandits or clients not wanting to waste their Skooma on a Skooma Whore...


I've made a Skooma Den that you were wanting, its built. But I am adding junk to it, to flesh it out. As well as working on the lighting. Its a modular design, that can be upgraded. It has a Bar, Skooma room, Sleeping area, 4 Skooma Whore sleeping areas and a Big room with cages, slaves, forge and scaffolding with a leaking roof.


You may or may not like it, its open plan with no doors except the entry door. There are 5 basic NPC's, no dialogue.


If you don't like it, just tell me...




That looks great already! Thank you! I have some comments. What purpose has the large room? I don't think a Skooma Den needs slaves or a forge. Maybe a ingredient storage, alchemy labs and cooking pots would be better, since they must get their supplies somewhere. Also the main room with the bar seem a bit small. Is the room with the four beds just for the staff? I asume the other four rooms are for the whore and their clients? I imagined it pretty much like nutluck described it. If you could add an office for the boss and room at the entrance for the bouncers, that´d be great!



i hope, that the different drugs are belonging to only one or two drug-"families" (e.g. skooma/alcohol), so that the player don't have to take care of too many different addictions.


in one of the slavery-branches of the skycasino-mod the pc is made obedient with skooma, what is a nice idea. Maybe you can use it this way?


Maybe the pimps could have a special brewed skooma, cheap, not effective for fighting but healing (for the wear and tear-mod), and they keep there girls well feeded with this pimp-skooma. It will make the girls work harder an deepens the addiction.



The drug will all count into the same drug pool and have the same withdrawals to make it easy to keep track, you will see soon. There will be a low grade skooma as a cheap alternative, too.



Sounds good on the tweaking of the withdrawal system. I was talking to gooser who makes apropos and suggested letting skooma reduce the effects of wear and tear from that mod to half the normal debuff rate. Giving more of a reasons for PC's to want/need to take skooma. Since that is one thing I would like to see. Right now becoming addicted is just a choice by the player, do you want to start doing skooma. But having skooma do stuff but be very addictive I think would be better. Could maybe have skooma decrease other debuffs you can get from the game like diseases or something. Also I think skooma should be made to last longer, say at least 4 hours of game time.


As for the slow decent into prostitution, what I would suggest is something along the lines of this. Putting it in spoiler tags to not clutter up the page.


At first give the option to trade sex with the dealers of skooma. I would say give three options, BJ, vaginal, anal. Though of course if the PC is male no vaginal option. I would suggest a chance for those to work. If possible script it so each day there is a 10% chance the dealer agree's to sex for a bottle. (with vaginal having a bonus +10% and anal +20%), So if the PC goes once every 10 days the dealer will always agree, but the more they go the less chance the dealer will agree.


Once that has failed the dealer says no thanks, give a line to the PC to beg and say they are desperate. The dealer can then say some of his more reliable customers where looking for a "party girl" and if the PC is interested the dealer will agree to send her over. Where she will get skooma and expected to be the party entertainment.

Then the next time the PC goes back there is a new line, something along the lines of. "My boss runs this establishment and he is always looking for eager young pretty girls. You have shown you don't mind whoring yourself out for a little skooma, so why not do it proper." Give the PC the option to agree, ask for more information, or say no. If the PC says no then they can buy skooma as always. If they ever try and trade sex for skooma again then they are offered the brothel job again. If the PC agree's they are sent to the brothal. If they ask for more information then something like this. "Well my boss doesn't just sell drugs, but he runs a brothel as well. They will keep you in skooma and pay you gold as well." Then the PC can either say no or agree with the same results as above.


I would suggest making the brother a new location in the world. I would suggest something along the lines of a cross between a opium den and a brothel. Having a area where drinks are sold like a salon, with dancing girls on stage, maybe a bard singing, scantly glad girls walking around or lounging selling themselves. Have another area off to one side that looks like the opium den, people laying and pillows and stuff scattered all over the grounds. The next area would be a place where sheets are hung up between area's with more pillows. It is here the girls take the customers for sex. You could have a office for the boss with his bedroom, a barracks area for the bouncer/guards and then finally a area for the prostitutes to sleep. The place would be open from evening say around 6pm till 6am.


The customers would be randomly spawned each day and it could be anyone, from bandits, forsworn, orcs, imperials, stormcloaks etc. It is a safe and neutral ground for all.


Now once the PC gets a job there you can handle it a few ways depending how hard core you want it to be. Either way they are given expensive clothes(something whorish but nice) to wear and some jewelry to make them look more appealing, are required to take perfumed baths each day, food(for ineeds, realistic needs or other such mods), and a bed to sleep in.


The easy way is they just work there, earn gold and can buy skooma with it, with 25% of each days earning going to the boss, and can leave any time they want(returning the clothes and jewelry to the boss first and telling them you wish to leave ending the quest).


The hard way would be 50% of all earnings goes to the boss each day, and you are given a debt for the clothes and jewelry you have to pay off(double the gold value of the objects), then charged a good amount for the perfumed baths, food, sleep area, and right to work there.(how much depends on how much is earned, equal to about serving 5 customers). The cost of skooma goes up the more addicted they become with the boss making up excuses about supply and demand. Any time the PC wish skooma though they can ask for it and not pay for it. Instead the cost is added to their debt. At the end of each week what ever debt is left over gets charged interest say 20%.


The idea of the hard way would be to make it actually hard for the PC to get out of the life. Make it possible but difficult to do, could also give them a way to escape as well. But if they escape the boss will send bounty hunters after the PC to capture them. Sorta like how the thugs work in vanilla. They will show up and demand the PC return. If not a fight happens, if the PC loses they wake up back in the brothel. With a huge debt added(cost of the bounty hunters) this last bit might require a patch to make sure it works with mods like defeat or submit though.


Anyways this would be my wish list and I realize likely this would be to hard to fully do like this, but take what you want of the idea's and ignore the rest. Hopefully you find it helpful regardless.




I never thought about including Wear and Tear (propably I don´t use it in my game) but seem reasonable. I´ll see how I can like the two mods, but It´d be rather a property of a drug with a healing ability rather than skooma. I think of skooma as a fighting drug which shalll give a short boost in combat, therefore I don´t what to make the duration much longer.


About the Skooma Den: We think similar. That´s roughtly the way I wanted to go with this mod, I just haven´t thought about the details yet. Your describtion matches quiet well what i wanted to create as a permanent brothel. But the size of it all it nearly a full mod by itself - that´ll be a whole update allone.


And Thanks to everyone for helping me in the planing process :D

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To further the idea from Jaylea, perhaps once the player has tried skooma (or the other drugs you're adding) once, they can't help but take some every time they loot it. When a bottle is looted, a messagebox pops up saying "you crave the skooma you just picked up, and you just can't help yourself" and the player is forced to drink it. Kinda like Cursed Loot, except with Skooma instead of DD devices.

mmhh... I think that´d be a bit too forced and limit the players freedom to take actions too much. I'll rather make this a freature when coming down after not taking anything in days to make it harder to get rid of the addiction.

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The first room is the Foyer, leading down to the main rooms. The Foyer lets you buy stuff and is small and cosy, whilst waiting for to get into the main area. You can come here without entering the main area...


The second area is down some stairs to a much larger room, I didn't think to put a bar in, I will now. I can put a bosses office in as well...


There are two exits, 1. goes to a 4 bed bedroom, where people can pay to sleep.

                                2. a corridor with 4 rooms for Skooma Whore use


At the end of the corridor there is a longer corridor, which leads to the large room. I had 2 Skooma Whores locked in cages, there is a blacksmiths so the place can be fully self sufficient. It is also the storage area for Alcohol, I was thinking black market alcohol and if you want a Distillery and Skooma lab.

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No problem, and glad you idea for expansion on the mod is along those lines then.


As for skooma, I am just trying to think of more ways to encourage the PC to get or need to get addicted to skooma. Since unless it does something really useful people are not to likely to do it. The bonus to fighting is ok but I can see people only using it for really hard fights then and taking a long time to get addicted. Having i not heal but basically act as a numbing drug where you don't feel the debuffs other things give. Seems like it would encourage people to use it more often. Get a disease in a dungeon and have no remove disease potions, use skooma as a temporary fix till you can get to a shrine type deal. Then it would encourage the PC to use it more often which leads to addiction. Which if it has bad debuffs on the addiction leads down the path of always needing more.


Anyways just a thought, just tossing out idea's and why. I am interested in the mod either way.

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Since unless it does something really useful people are not to likely to do it. The bonus to fighting is ok but I can see people only using it for really hard fights then and taking a long time to get addicted.


Having i not heal but basically act as a numbing drug where you don't feel the debuffs other things give. Seems like it would encourage people to use it more often. Get a disease in a dungeon and have no remove disease potions, use skooma as a temporary fix till you can get to a shrine type deal. Then it would encourage the PC to use it more often which leads to addiction. 

That was my original intention in the first place. Just giving Skooma an addiction aspect at all. But then I wanted to give it a little whoring feature, too. Obivously the mod moved on from that.


I understand what you mean, but to keep it realisic, Skooma can´t be the miracle-potion that does everything. Therefore I desided to spread the effects you, and others, mentioned among the other drug I desinged. There´ll be really strong drugs for combat, healing or stealth, but there´ll be weak (and cheaper) ones too. I hope that will solve the problem to make the player take the drugs. There will be a temptaion and once addicted it will be more likely to take the weaker one too.

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Since unless it does something really useful people are not to likely to do it. The bonus to fighting is ok but I can see people only using it for really hard fights then and taking a long time to get addicted.


Having i not heal but basically act as a numbing drug where you don't feel the debuffs other things give. Seems like it would encourage people to use it more often. Get a disease in a dungeon and have no remove disease potions, use skooma as a temporary fix till you can get to a shrine type deal. Then it would encourage the PC to use it more often which leads to addiction. 

That was my original intention in the first place. Just giving Skooma an addiction aspect at all. But then I wanted to give it a little whoring feature, too. Obivously the mod moved on from that.


I understand what you mean, but to keep it realisic, Skooma can´t be the miracle-potion that does everything. Therefore I desided to spread the effects you, and others, mentioned among the other drug I desinged. There´ll be really strong drugs for combat, healing or stealth, but there´ll be weak (and cheaper) ones too. I hope that will solve the problem to make the player take the drugs. There will be a temptaion and once addicted it will be more likely to take the weaker one too.



Oh ok, I think I understand. All the drugs will all add to a single addiction track aka the skooma addiction track. So if you take some of drug A, some of drug B and some of drug C all of them add to the same addiction track. I'm I correct in assuming that's what you mean? For a bit I thought you was going to make all the drugs but each have their own stand alone addiction.

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If possible, can you make it so that a "normal" cure would leave it so that you could go immediately back to full (or almost full) addiction with just a few doses?


And...another idea, if you are a recovering addict, and carrying some in your inventory for a while, just a small chance that you take one hit...it couldn't hurt...



2. What do you mean? I didn´t plan the cure to remove the addiction completly like a cure disease potion. It should only reduce the drug pool and by this *maybe* the addiction stage.


3. I like that idea! Next to feeling dizzy and tripping to have a high chance to drink any drug in the inventory.

I mean, if you have a level 5 addiction and get the cure to take it down to level 0 again, you're cured but if you EVER take more even one dose, you might go back to level 3-5 with one dose.

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I'll upload a new version soon with a basic change of the withdrawal system and a great amount of new drugs.

The next part will be chages to the brothel. My first thought was to let the player stand outside the workers house, then the customers come by and he has to barter over the price and "service". But on second thought if I design it this way the brothel isn't really needed. So my idea was to make a red-light area that works like that for every city. The player would be paid in gold then. I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.

These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?


I like the idea of a red light district and a hidden drug cave with the player forced to prostitution through addiction , I think this is a great idea


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Oh ok, I think I understand. All the drugs will all add to a single addiction track aka the skooma addiction track. So if you take some of drug A, some of drug B and some of drug C all of them add to the same addiction track. I'm I correct in assuming that's what you mean? For a bit I thought you was going to make all the drugs but each have their own stand alone addiction.


Yes pretty much, there will be three addiction tracks parted in Mental Decay, Physical Decay and Magical Decay. Every drug will add to one, two or all track in diffrent amounts depenting on its effects. That allows for more flexablility and realism, but keeps it simple.



I mean, if you have a level 5 addiction and get the cure to take it down to level 0 again, you're cured but if you EVER take more even one dose, you might go back to level 3-5 with one dose.


Ok I understand. But as I said there won´t be such a cure that takes the addiction directly down to zero.


I'd used this mod before and just started using  it on a new character, but the skooma is not having the same visual effect it did before, but more importantly, it is not increasing my addiction or drug pool. MO is not showing any conflicts, so I am not sure what changed. Any thoughts?

Do you use RND? Or any other mod altering Skooma? Most likely you somethink overrides it.

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Would be cool to have drug overdose state which triggers some additional actions when a PC unable to fully control himself.


 I would do some hidden durg cave in which the player would be forced to prostitution through his addiction. Than I'd make a quest line to activate it.
These are my thoughts so far. What do you think? Any further suggestions or criticism?


Drug overdose -> chance to loss consciousness and appear in that cave or this one:


To further the idea from Jaylea, perhaps once the player has tried skooma (or the other drugs you're adding) once, they can't help but take some every time they loot it. When a bottle is looted, a messagebox pops up saying "you crave the skooma you just picked up, and you just can't help yourself" and the player is forced to drink it. Kinda like Cursed Loot, except with Skooma instead of DD devices.


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Would be cool to have drug overdose state which triggers some additional actions when a PC unable to fully control himself.




Drug overdose -> chance to loss consciousness and appear in that cave or this one:


To further the idea from Jaylea, perhaps once the player has tried skooma (or the other drugs you're adding) once, they can't help but take some every time they loot it. When a bottle is looted, a messagebox pops up saying "you crave the skooma you just picked up, and you just can't help yourself" and the player is forced to drink it. Kinda like Cursed Loot, except with Skooma instead of DD devices.



Already done. :D There is an overdose feature. When the player drinks too many doses within one hour he blacks out. Atm he just wakes up at the same spot some our later, but I plan to make some abduction and abuse things later. It works like this: You can set a certain threshold and have a 10% chance of blacking out for every dose you take in one hour exceeding this threshold. Example: Thresold: 5 Than you can drink 5 doses without risk, the sixth dose has 10% chance, the 7th 20%, the 8th 30% and so on. The time when a dose it taken is monitored and cleaned dynamically so that you aren't at zero once an hour passed. 


The force-drinking or loosing self controle is already planned.

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Would be cool to have drug overdose state which triggers some additional actions when a PC unable to fully control himself.




Drug overdose -> chance to loss consciousness and appear in that cave or this one:


To further the idea from Jaylea, perhaps once the player has tried skooma (or the other drugs you're adding) once, they can't help but take some every time they loot it. When a bottle is looted, a messagebox pops up saying "you crave the skooma you just picked up, and you just can't help yourself" and the player is forced to drink it. Kinda like Cursed Loot, except with Skooma instead of DD devices.



Already done. :D There is an overdose feature. When the player drinks too many doses within one hour he blacks out. Atm he just wakes up at the same spot some our later, but I plan to make some abduction and abuse things later. It works like this: You can set a certain threshold and have a 10% chance of blacking out for every dose you take in one hour exceeding this threshold. Example: Thresold: 5 Than you can drink 5 doses without risk, the sixth dose has 10% chance, the 7th 20%, the 8th 30% and so on. The time when a dose it taken is monitored and cleaned dynamically so that you aren't at zero once an hour passed. 


The force-drinking or loosing self controle is already planned.


Thanks, glad to know that it was already planned :)

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I'd used this mod before and just started using  it on a new character, but the skooma is not having the same visual effect it did before, but more importantly, it is not increasing my addiction or drug pool. MO is not showing any conflicts, so I am not sure what changed. Any thoughts?

Do you use RND? Or any other mod altering Skooma? Most likely you somethink overrides it.



Actually, I used RND on the game that it worked on, now I'm using iNeed. MO isn't saying it is being overwritten. I'll try dropping it down in my load order and see if it changes anything.


EDIT: Figured it out. A mod called "Get Drunk" was labeling skooma as alcohol.


I did have a suggestion though. I would like more drug options. There's a nexus mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56547/?) that adds in other lore friendls drugs, but he has them set up to basically be elixirs. I'd like to see differing drugs acting like drugs, for role playing. For instance, you have skooma acting as a sort of cocaine or PCP, which can make people dangerous, and your skooma does a version of that. (On an aside, according to ES lore, skooma is more like heroin than cocaine because is causes intense euphoria followed by intense lethargy, so it's not really a fighting drug.) You could make moon sugar act like cocaine giving you that speed buff and stamina regen, give sleeping tree sap stats like acid (or opium, but that's not as funny) such as a weird vision filter and increased magicka and magicka regen, hist sap acts like PCP causing hallucinations and aggression: I'd go with massive extra health and stamina. Each drug benefits a diffferent character, so you have some more variance. Moon sugar is great for rogues because they move fast and have increased stamina regen for sprinting away, sleeping tree sap gives mages that extra magicka, and hist would help out berserkers. I just remembered there's no hist in skyrim unless you add it yourself or use that other mod I linked. Anyway, I was just thinking it'd be cool if you could get hooked on moon sugar or sleeping tree sap, but dealers only deal the highly addictive skooma, so to get that high again you end up getting hooked on skooma anyway, that way you wouldn't have to modify your existing work. I hope all that was clear lol

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Sounds very ambitious with all the new changes you have in mind. Which I am in favor of, but sounds like you will really have to do this in stages though.


Curious how many different kinds of drugs do you plan to introduce? I see you plan to have 3 tracks for addiction, what will be the differences in the downsides for each addiction tract?


I am asking cause I am curious and to see what you say, it might spark one of use to give feedback which sparks you with a idea that you like better. :)

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tested it. Fairly strait forward if simple. one bug is that 2 of the brothel customers wouldn't leave. It was a Saarthal Miner and a Stormcloak soldier. They stood around for a while.


Yeah the first version was, but Guffel is doing a pretty major rewrite of the mod now. To add a lot more options and details to it.

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tested it. Fairly strait forward if simple. one bug is that 2 of the brothel customers wouldn't leave. It was a Saarthal Miner and a Stormcloak soldier. They stood around for a while.


nutluck is right, this is the first version and it´s purpose was, next to testsing the system and finding bugs, to check if there is any interest in such a mod and how the user want it to turn out. 

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tested it. Fairly strait forward if simple. one bug is that 2 of the brothel customers wouldn't leave. It was a Saarthal Miner and a Stormcloak soldier. They stood around for a while.


nutluck is right, this is the first version and it´s purpose was, next to testsing the system and finding bugs, to check if there is any interest in such a mod and how the user want it to turn out. 



I've played with it with several days and think it is strongest in terms of the addiction mechanism. It is really nice.

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Update of Mk2 version Skooma Whore Dungeon, tweaking lights, adding junk. Playing with NPC's, you can just delete them, they're just for practice. I've been trying to get a Bard working, practice for my own quest mod...


Deleted big room, deleted big corridor. Added stuff that you asked me to add, such as Bosses room, bigger bar, bigger foyer for the bouncers. Been tweaking light, adding junk, started nav mesh, should take about a week to finish dungeon, soo much junk to add to flesh out the place...


Lighting is tough, construction kit is a lot darker than my modded game. I don't know which to believe, as the lights are handled by mods. Everyone has different set-ups for lighting on their game, my game is light, some mods make the game pitch black.


The dungeons lighting should cater for darker and lighter mods, I have used a lighting mod in the past, that was soo dark that it forced me to carry a torch around in the bars, they were just far too dark. Great in dungeons, poor experience outside of dungeons.


The bosses room is lockable, I got one of my Skooma Whore test NPC's to sandbox and use the bed when she was tired. She woke up when I entered the room, and tried to kill me... Its funny to walk into a room to find your NPC's slacking off, sitting down in the bar, or wherever there are seats. In my mod, they used to walk a considerable distance to go to one of the bars in Whiterun, bypassing the closer bar..










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I just popped in here, and didn't read ALL of the posts-- that will explain why I may sound a little clueless.


As for the shortage of skooma dealers, would it be possible to have the barkeeper at the Ragged Flagon deal it?  I've certainly met more than one RL barkeeper who dealt drugs....

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I have some ideas, and as a matter of fact wrote a very lengthy post, but for some reason I couldn't post it. Received a message which said that I am not allowed to post any links, even if I had none. Tried doing copy-paste to find where was what wrong, but it appears I can't use copy-paste either. I've saved my post as an attachment, luckily maybe it will work...



Edited by abdurachman
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I have some ideas, and as a matter of fact wrote a very lengthy post, but for some reason I couldn't post it. Received a message which said that I am not allowed to post any links, even if I had none. Tried doing copy-paste to find where was what wrong, but it appears I can't use copy-paste either. I've saved my post as an attachment, luckily maybe it will work...


Ok, I read your ideas. But they go in a completely diffrent direction than I´ve planned for this mod. Furthermore you suggest to alter every potion in the game - do you have any idea how much work that would be? And other things are simply technically impossible. Your idea is to turn every potion into somekind of a drug. It has a reason that potions have no negaive effects. Just take a look at the alchemy skills, the last perk allowes you to make potions without side-effects. So the potions of the game are usally master quality. I already want to make a lot durg or unpure potions so to speak that give a lot but are addicting. I´m sorry, you had some nice ideas, but they´re completely diffrent from what I planned.

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I have some ideas, and as a matter of fact wrote a very lengthy post, but for some reason I couldn't post it. Received a message which said that I am not allowed to post any links, even if I had none. Tried doing copy-paste to find where was what wrong, but it appears I can't use copy-paste either. I've saved my post as an attachment, luckily maybe it will work...


Have you tried chasing the dragon? It makes regular potions potentially addictive. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58815/?

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I have some ideas, and as a matter of fact wrote a very lengthy post, but for some reason I couldn't post it. Received a message which said that I am not allowed to post any links, even if I had none. Tried doing copy-paste to find where was what wrong, but it appears I can't use copy-paste either. I've saved my post as an attachment, luckily maybe it will work...


Have you tried chasing the dragon? It makes regular potions potentially addictive.

Thanks, that's what I've been looking for!

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