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Does anyone else have a recurring issue where visual effects on NORMAL get stronger and stronger and never turn off, until the display is such a mess that you can't see anything at all? Waiting for days, even weeks only makes it worse. Is this intended behaviour? If so, why?


I've had this problem with repeated re-installs; nothing seems to make it go away.


If I set effects to light, it doesn't happen, but effect durations seem *very* random, sometimes lasting days, other times just a few seconds.


Disabling effects on the mod, or trying to change the settings, once the effect has started does nothing, so if it goes weird, there's nothing to do but reload and make sure effects are set to LIGHT in the MCM after reload (I often forget to fix this on new games).


Also, even the LIGHT effects seem pretty heavy, not light at all. Many of them I can barely see through.


I don't have ENB, or anything like that, and the issue seems unrelated to any mods I add or remove, though obviously, I can't try removing SexLab, so it could be involved.


So far, I haven't had it happen with effects on LIGHT, so I *think* I have a workaround, but it seems odd nobody else is mentioning this. I'm have no idea whether the bug is script related, or deeper in the NetImmerse handling (like it leaving the shader in, but with random junk as the parameters), but as it seems not to happen on LIGHT, my guess is script.

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Does anyone else have a recurring issue where visual effects on NORMAL get stronger and stronger and never turn off, until the display is such a mess that you can't see anything at all? Waiting for days, even weeks only makes it worse. Is this intended behaviour? If so, why?


I've had this problem with repeated re-installs; nothing seems to make it go away.


If I set effects to light, it doesn't happen, but effect durations seem *very* random, sometimes lasting days, other times just a few seconds.


Disabling effects on the mod, or trying to change the settings, once the effect has started does nothing, so if it goes weird, there's nothing to do but reload and make sure effects are set to LIGHT in the MCM after reload (I often forget to fix this on new games).


Also, even the LIGHT effects seem pretty heavy, not light at all. Many of them I can barely see through.


I don't have ENB, or anything like that, and the issue seems unrelated to any mods I add or remove, though obviously, I can't try removing SexLab, so it could be involved.


So far, I haven't had it happen with effects on LIGHT, so I *think* I have a workaround, but it seems odd nobody else is mentioning this. I'm have no idea whether the bug is script related, or deeper in the NetImmerse handling (like it leaving the shader in, but with random junk as the parameters), but as it seems not to happen on LIGHT, my guess is script.


I've never had this happen...have you messed around with mod order?

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Does anyone else have a recurring issue where visual effects on NORMAL get stronger and stronger and never turn off, until the display is such a mess that you can't see anything at all? Waiting for days, even weeks only makes it worse. Is this intended behaviour? If so, why?


I've had this problem with repeated re-installs; nothing seems to make it go away.


If I set effects to light, it doesn't happen, but effect durations seem *very* random, sometimes lasting days, other times just a few seconds.


Disabling effects on the mod, or trying to change the settings, once the effect has started does nothing, so if it goes weird, there's nothing to do but reload and make sure effects are set to LIGHT in the MCM after reload (I often forget to fix this on new games).


Also, even the LIGHT effects seem pretty heavy, not light at all. Many of them I can barely see through.


I don't have ENB, or anything like that, and the issue seems unrelated to any mods I add or remove, though obviously, I can't try removing SexLab, so it could be involved.


So far, I haven't had it happen with effects on LIGHT, so I *think* I have a workaround, but it seems odd nobody else is mentioning this. I'm have no idea whether the bug is script related, or deeper in the NetImmerse handling (like it leaving the shader in, but with random junk as the parameters), but as it seems not to happen on LIGHT, my guess is script.


I've never had this happen...have you messed around with mod order?


Nope. Just use what LOOT gives me. You trust in the LOOT, don't you? Don't you?


On top of that, it's really reliable. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, made a dozen different new characters (fresh saves) and it still happens, but LIGHT effects are fine, a bit intense for something called "LIGHT", but they don't eat my entire display until there's nothing but a coloured smear.


I thought maybe something to do with my video card driver version, but if it was, someone else would have seen it, for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Or if you mean, did I change my mod order during play?

No. I made a brand new save and it happened within minutes.

Then I made another save, and it did it again.

And then I made another save, and it did it again.

You get the picture?


I was running without any ENB at all, vanilla renderer, no ENBoost, and no crash fixes either.

Perhaps that's the problem? Really only works with ENB?

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I dropped SK from my load order a few days ago, and I'm not missing it.

But I should have missed it.


It was a great idea, and the work put into the extra potions and brews was fantastic.


What let's SK down is that lack of visible impact.

Yes, sometimes you get a screen effect, but it's rarely correlated with a big number impacting your stats (especially the negative impacts).

But SK does impact your stats. A lot. I was getting smashed in fights all the time, and it was SK debuffs.

Now it's gone, it's like playing the game on easy mode.


Those debuffs were for all intents invisible unless I checked in the menus.

While it does pop up icons on the SkyUI HUD, but those say almost nothing about magnitude, and don't show long lasting (de)buffs (unless you change it, and then it's spammy).

Hidden stat changes just aren't ... fun.


I think for this to have worked, it needed more game-play mechanics that you could clearly see/feel impacting you (obviously, it has some already), instead of hard to see stat impacts.

Instant effects, like tripping, or de-eqipping weapons, or modified movement speed, or more use of (and more varied) visual effects would have helped.


Addicted adds some really visible things, but they are big all-or-nothing events that just eat all your cash and put you in prison, (which is fun, maybe once) and don't fix the fundamentals.


There's definitely a huge hole in the mod-space where a more "fun" version of SK could fit.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, I need your help...

I think I might have had a bad timing with the effects while opening my map...


Now my map is permanently blurred. Yes I know there is such a known bug, and I've read it will go away after reopening the map, or restarting the game, or after waiting ingame for a few hours.

But that all does not work, I tried for a while, even checked with and without map mods. I don't know what to do. New game also has that problem.

So I am not sure but I want to ask:


Is there any chance that I really hit a bad timing and a SW effect got stuck?


Any Idea? ... :confused:




Didn't work either. Command sisme 0 did not do anything about this.

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On 17.12.2017 at 12:13 PM, effrenatus said:

Hi there, I need your help...

I think I might have had a bad timing with the effects while opening my map...


Now my map is permanently blurred. Yes I know there is such a known bug, and I've read it will go away after reopening the map, or restarting the game, or after waiting ingame for a few hours.

But that all does not work, I tried for a while, even checked with and without map mods. I don't know what to do. New game also has that problem.

So I am not sure but I want to ask:


Is there any chance that I really hit a bad timing and a SW effect got stuck?


Any Idea? ... :confused:




Didn't work either. Command sisme 0 did not do anything about this.

I never heared about effects getting stuck before...
The SW effects are written in a way that they disable themselfes to avoid them getting stuck...

Have you tried loading an ealier save?


You clould, on an extra save, disable the SW .esp and start the game to see if SW it the cause

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4 hours ago, Guffel said:

I never heared about effects getting stuck before...
The SW effects are written in a way that they disable themselfes to avoid them getting stuck...

Have you tried loading an ealier save?


You clould, on an extra save, disable the SW .esp and start the game to see if SW it the cause


Hi, I am glad you answered, thank you!

Sadly that did not help. I disabled SW esp and SW-Addicted esp, and loaded a save that was way before it happened. Still the completely blurred map. :frown:


I attached a screenshot, maybe you or someone can give me a hint what else I could look for...

EDIT: Added plugins list.


EDITEDIT!!!: Works now! I don't understand where it came from bt this was the solution:



I would still be happy if anyone know why I suddenly need this now. :tongue:



Thank you for the help!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm making a new Street Urchin profile, where my starting toons will have basically nothing, and must sell their bodies, drugs, semen collected from sex, pickpocket marks, do home and shop B&Es, kill marks for the Dark Brothers, etc., just to get by (sucks at all combat, except backstabbing and sniping with a bow).  {early to midgame theme:  facing survival, poorly, with depravity and low self esteem. "I swear that skooma whore would fuck a snake if somebody held its head still for her!"  Ah, but all tables were meant to be turned...and will be!}  Was thinking of using the Live Another Life: Skooma Whore option to go along with (must play nice with the main game, enhancing it, not dominating it.  May or may not be arsed with the main quests, depending on sobriety/depravity levels): 



1) Skooming Skyrim (middle game+;  "fuck the dens, lets compete with better prices/better products".  Adds narcs to the game, too);

2) TDF Prostitution (the wamma jamma of Skyrim Prostitution.  "Street Ho no mo: when BJs down at the docks, for 25 septims a throw, just don't cut it anymore") + oh hell yes, pole dancing!;

3) Cannabis Skyrim (sell it, but mainly smoke it, because... "life sucks on the mean streets of Skyrim, and with dope there's hope. Or some such BS all the cool kids say.   Anyway smoke'em if you got'em!");

4) Prison Overhaul 3.4 ("bad girls get jailed, and their criminal asses caned, when not being raped/lectured/and walked tits out on parade") Skooma+Ash Yam Horker stew for din din.  Yay!;

5) Pearl Juice! (what street urchin hasn't sold blood to the blood banks, only different.  "Will fucking horses be a problem, dear?" "No granny, I still get paid, right?");  {note: definitely turn off all Forsworn/Bandit optional play...watch out for the guard barracks/jail gangbangs too, as those might conflict with PO3.4, which will have priority.  PJ! is a fun thematic flavor mod only.  PO3.4 is a central feature mod).

6) Get Gangbanged!/Play with Animals - Pearl Juice production mods (requires assless chaps to avoid blisters and sores).  "Why settle for 1 vial, when you can get 10.  Just yell;  now open for bidness!")  {don't use GGB! in a dangerous area where some of the bangers may get killed.  Can stick the game in a never-ending wait for the dead to get back on queue for "I got next!".  If that happens, you'll end up with a thundering herd of dunderheads following you everywhere, waiting for their turns, and too polite to cut in line.  LOL}

7) Skooma Whore ("will do anything for a fix Mister BigHammernballs.  Anything.  Beat me, bite me, fuck me; just pay me in skooma skooma skoo!")

8) Defeat: w/DA hooks for jail and sold into slavery  (requires Death Alternative mods)

9) Slavery mod(s) for supporting the DA slavery hook from Defeat

10)  still need some nice, lightweight DD framework mods to really set this off (popcorn style, click it and let it rip).  "Bitch, you stole my dibella statue!  And now your ass is mine! Bruhahaha.  <click>  Suck it, whore!  No damn it, balls deep, then swallow!  And if you bite, you're fucking dead!"  That guy is a dead man walking, just does not know it yet...let it be Nazeem, please!  Dagger through the brain pan, then rape his ass as he slowly bleeds out...Moral of the story: "never, ever piss off a street urchin with idle blood threats".  Anybody know of a mod that let's us add custom dialogue to programmable events?  (like Scent of Sex, only with better dialogue support/options and allows triggerable DD events).

 (plus tons of non-adult mods to brighten up thief play, Thieves Guild, assassin play, and the DB Sanctuaries.   Will mostly use Forgotten Magic Redone for late game magic needs)


But reading through all these pages of stuffz makes me leery.  Is there any way to make Skooma Whore play nice in the mix I've described above?  Getting drugged/raped by friends seems like BS, even for a street urchin, lol.  And drug raped by the family dog?   WTF..."God damn it, Spot, I said Ruff!, not roofie.  Stupid dog"...

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All of the drugs give OP bonuses. What strikes me as odd is that you are smart enough to make a mod like this but you don't realize how poorly balanced it is. Would be a good idea to make a version of the mod with halved bonuses, or even 1/4, to avoid exploits. Right now it's at the level of godmode. Not everyone wants a super-easy game.

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1 hour ago, nightwolf said:

All of the drugs give OP bonuses. What strikes me as odd is that you are smart enough to make a mod like this but you don't realize how poorly balanced it is. Would be a good idea to make a version of the mod with halved bonuses, or even 1/4, to avoid exploits. Right now it's at the level of godmode. Not everyone wants a super-easy game.

I've found that between the withdrawal effects, and the hostility from guards and innkeepers, it's pretty balanced. I find myself constantly hunting for ingredients to make Herb Tea, just to keep the withdrawal effects under control!

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On 11/2/2017 at 10:14 PM, Razuryam said:

Does anyone know if there is a good mod for produce my own skooma, and doesnt conflict with skooma whores?? sorry for my english btw  :blush:

Become a Drug Lord: Skooming Skyrim (Nexus: Skooma Skooma Skoo!)...super well done Skooma production mod, which requires alchemy to progress from making basic skooma, up the drug chain, to the knock your socks off  Balmora Blue super strain, and is tightly coupled to the thieves guild quest line while you learn the finer points of cooking  (recommend getting the Heisenberg Accessories mod (Nexus:  What's my NAME?), and running around Skyrim yelling, "What's my name, #####?"  Heisenberg.  "You're ###damn right it is!"  Or not, lol).  Skooming also adds undercover narcs to the game who can, and will, bust you for dealing.  Pairs well with the new Prison Overhaul 3.4 upgrade, released at Xmas time).  Skooming spoilers:



the hidden lab is under Goldenglow Estates, via access through a hidden tunnel w/trap door (can get a rowboat in Riften, via quest, for even faster lab access).  Provides appropriate moon sugarcane plants you must grow near the beehives at Goldenglow.  And has a nicely laid out quest line to follow as you learn to cook.  Between the kitty cook, and you, you'll be swimming in skooma in no time (quest also ties into the Riften Jarl and the warehouses on the docks).  Overall, a fun thematic mod which makes the thieves guild quest line much better, and more interesting as it blends in nicely, and fleshes out some of the TG folks for flavor.  Never had any trouble with it, even in large, complex profiles.


I have Skooming Skyrim + Skooma Whore in my load order, and DD mods which utilize SW features (slaves need food and water), draw seamlessly from either mod when doleing out skooma.  The drug names do not overlap (except bog standard strains like Sleeping Tree Sap), locations are well separated, and I've seen nothing so far which points at obvious conflicts.


So far, for me, it's the best of both worlds...(can also get the Pirates of Skyrim: Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag mod (Nexus: Arrrr Matey!), and have a skooma lab down in the hull of your ship.  Cook while in route.   Same mod author who did Skooming also did the Black Flag version of the Northern Cardinal.  That mod does much more than skooma though, as you can actually raid, board, and take over enemy vessels, and then loot them for lots of cool stuff, including rapiers, sabers, and flintlocks!  Plus, lots of swashbuckling clothes/armors.  And build lots of custom shrines from the loot you grab, for some very unique perks.   Even has a deep sea diving/exploring feature, for searching old wrecks sunken in the Sea of Ghosts).

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1 hour ago, Guffel said:

Seems more like a bug to me. It's devinately no intended feature.

Could it be an incompatibility between this and cursed loot, with public indecency enabled? Tried asking there but no one could help.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having a hard time getting this mod to function on my Skyrim. Every time i install it, it breaks SL_Aroused and DD, disabling all their associated mods. Which sucks because those mods would all go so nicely with SW



I've been trying the unofficial patch too, no luck. What should I do to get this to work? Would I have more luck just reinstalling SexLab, then Skooma Whore?


I also cant seem to get Defeat to work either... 




Tried installing mods in a slightly different order, and got both DD and SW to exist together, but SW is not showing up in the MCM. Should it?


Edit 2:

I think Defeat might be breaking the other stuff, but SW still isn't popping up on the MCM. Trying with a copy of skyrim that has less mods in it, to try to get it to work at least once, then will add more and more mods. 

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On 4.3.2018 at 8:08 PM, HypnoNeko said:

I'm having a hard time getting this mod to function on my Skyrim. Every time i install it, it breaks SL_Aroused and DD, disabling all their associated mods. Which sucks because those mods would all go so nicely with SW



I've been trying the unofficial patch too, no luck. What should I do to get this to work? Would I have more luck just reinstalling SexLab, then Skooma Whore?


I also cant seem to get Defeat to work either... 




Tried installing mods in a slightly different order, and got both DD and SW to exist together, but SW is not showing up in the MCM. Should it?


Edit 2:

I think Defeat might be breaking the other stuff, but SW still isn't popping up on the MCM. Trying with a copy of skyrim that has less mods in it, to try to get it to work at least once, then will add more and more mods. 


I usually play with all the mods you mentioned togehter and have no problems. Are you trying this on a new game or with an exsisting save? In my experience it's a bad idea to alter the mod loadout later on. Especially if you update an already installed mod.

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  • 4 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, Higurashika said:

Does this mod affect on pregnancy? I know that scooma hurts baby, but on stage 5 physical decay i cant get pregnant and cant even be infested  by spiders and chaurus O_o

That's odd. Intentionally this mod doesn't affect pregnancy or anything else. But maybe there is a conflict by accident...


Has anybody else these problems? 

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17 hours ago, Higurashika said:

Does this mod affect on pregnancy? I know that scooma hurts baby, but on stage 5 physical decay i cant get pregnant and cant even be infested  by spiders and chaurus O_o

Skooma would only affect pregnancy if your preg mod takes the drug into account (and recognize what you eat as a drug). SW does nothing more than an addiction. To be sure of the problem, would you mind trying the spider/chaurus infestations while being at different stages of decay? Or better, first check up your log and and see if there aren't obvious errors in it.


Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.

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7 hours ago, bicobus said:

Skooma would only affect pregnancy if your preg mod takes the drug into account (and recognize what you eat as a drug). SW does nothing more than an addiction. To be sure of the problem, would you mind trying the spider/chaurus infestations while being at different stages of decay? Or better, first check up your log and and see if there aren't obvious errors in it.


Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.

Sure i will monitor different stages. It all worked fine on stage 2. Maybe it's a scripts conflict - i have a lot of mods. I reset SW and will see if BF and EC+ would work properly.

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Guffel is back !!! Guffel i want to make sure that the skooma is given at the START of the rape, not at the end. i have corrected this in upkeep script, but it still comes at the end.

beside this my biggest Problem is the innkeeper / Drugdelaler in the dens. they hire the pc as whore but the dialogue to end it and get the Money rarely Shows up-

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