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for now, I just changed the birthing animation..
if you want to try at your own risk  :D
extract to "\Skyrim\Data\scripts" folder


If the animation is of the character laid back in a missionary stance and then holding her legs during birth, it works... otherwise my scripts aren't refreshing properly...


Though I like the series of animations, my gripe with the character laying back is that she ends up rotating a full 180 degrees like she is break dancing before laying her eggs, which end up hidden underneath her back rather than obviously projected from her crotch region. The crawling to lay down (like going to sleep on a bedroll) is good, but when it's time to get on her back and lay, she's all like "watch these skills, yo," then spins on her back and proceeds to make a double milk waterfall all over her face. I am unsure if the vagina squirting equips, though it could be conflicting with occupied slots during the animation--I just couldn't tell if it was there but obscured by the abdomen, or just not equipping completely.


I like the bleed-out animation more from the original mod since that seems less buggy looking on transitions and the character could crawl around a bit to not be so stationary. If it were made a toggle option in the MCM, that would be awesome--maybe even adding in some other variants, like standing masturbation. I tried editing the .psc myself and while I sorted out the code of where birthing takes place (as you pointed out earlier) and made the proper changes, the Creation kit always fails to compile it into a .pex file for some reason. Do I need to also load SkyUI and any other mods before I compile?


Thanks for the compilation package. I had been meaning of getting rid of Estrus' scripts since it seemed to have noticeably made my character stuck with a "Fear" face and I'm not even sure she can be reverted back--even after resetting the expression in the mfg options, her face ends up back to fear again. I haven't checked to see if the newest Estrus for Skyrim has fixed that yet.


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for now, I just changed the birthing animation..
if you want to try at your own risk  :D
extract to "\Skyrim\Data\scripts" folder


If the animation is of the character laid back in a missionary stance and then holding her legs during birth, it works... otherwise my scripts aren't refreshing properly...


Though I like the series of animations, my gripe with the character laying back is that she ends up rotating a full 180 degrees like she is break dancing before laying her eggs, which end up hidden underneath her back rather than obviously projected from her crotch region. The crawling to lay down (like going to sleep on a bedroll) is good, but when it's time to get on her back and lay, she's all like "watch these skills, yo," then spins on her back and proceeds to make a double milk waterfall all over her face. I am unsure if the vagina squirting equips, though it could be conflicting with occupied slots during the animation--I just couldn't tell if it was there but obscured by the abdomen, or just not equipping completely.


I like the bleed-out animation more from the original mod since that seems less buggy looking on transitions and the character could crawl around a bit to not be so stationary. If it were made a toggle option in the MCM, that would be awesome--maybe even adding in some other variants, like standing masturbation. I tried editing the .psc myself and while I sorted out the code of where birthing takes place (as you pointed out earlier) and made the proper changes, the Creation kit always fails to compile it into a .pex file for some reason. Do I need to also load SkyUI and any other mods before I compile?


Thanks for the compilation package. I had been meaning of getting rid of Estrus' scripts since it seemed to have noticeably made my character stuck with a "Fear" face and I'm not even sure she can be reverted back--even after resetting the expression in the mfg options, her face ends up back to fear again. I haven't checked to see if the newest Estrus for Skyrim has fixed that yet.




this is a project by Min.. I'm trying to put here what I find out in my trials.. just to help improve..  :D

(I love this mod, is creepy).. 


I'm no an expert papyrus-scripter

the work of jbezorg is.. complex..  :P 

however, I like the idea of different birth-animations (in menu MCM). 


for the papyrus-compiling problem, I think you are missing only .psc source file needed to compile (look at the errors in the build log)..


you just copy it into your Data\scripts\Source
SkiUI --> extract source file from "SkyUI.bsa"
Actor Events --> extract source file from "actorEvents.bsa"
Estrus Chaurus --> Min version is loose (are already extracted)
and of course, SexLab source file  ;) 
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Ugh, well I tried... I modified the scripts and .esp to have an option where you can change what kind of birthing animation you want your character to have, however... I think I broke it. Well, the Creation Kit wouldn't cooperate and I've hit a dead end and can go no further.


Basically, what I did was copy-paste, and renamed some variables. The option shows up on the MCM, but the display is not correct in that it is missing an essential value that needs to be added into the .esp. I added the variable into the .esp and all I need to do is link it to the scripts to be able to do more testing. But this is where I hit the roadblock. When I go to the two scripts I need to link the target variable to, CK complains that there is an error with the script and it cannot be loaded. It then opens up a blank window to where I thought I could re add in the necessary variables and their default values and relink them, but it wouldn't even let me do that. And so I am stuck and I need some help with the issue. Everything is set up with the scripts (hopefully), it's just the variable needs to be linked and testing can resume.


Here are the files of my progress. Anyone is welcome to try and fix it if they like:

[ removed since it's no longer relevant! ]


Updating my Creation Kit did not help either... even though there were some suggestions in other forums saying that is should. All that needs to be done is to open the "zzEstrusBreederEffect" Magic Effect and edit the "zzestrusbreedereffectscript" and drag in the new "zzEstrusChaurusBirthAni" Global Variable I made, setting the default value to 1 (n theory anyway). And repeat that same procedure with the "zzEstrusChaurusMCM" Quest, under the "Scripts" tab and by editing the "zzesturschaurusmcmscript", dragging the new global variable into there and setting it up. After that it's testing and tweaking the scripts and text documents to make it appear properly...


Please do not download the file and think that it's a valid update of any sort--function-wise without that variable, the character might get stuck in an infinite loop during birthing. Download it if you want to try to solve the issue or just plain curious.




And on another note, even though I have the fluid effects on, the vaginal squirts never appear on the characters. Upon investigating it, I tried equipping it from the console and it would not equip. It refused to equip--not equip and quickly unequip--it just didn't register equipping at all. And so naturally I took it into CK and tried to dissect it, but there was nothing wrong with the object itself. What the issue was, I soon found out, was that a mod was forcefully hogging up the slot that the squirt object needed to equip to (Slot 60). That mod is Devious Devices, unfortunately. I noticed that DD had a relatively new option section called "Devices Underneath" and saw that it would take up the "Slot 60" for it's purposes. I figured I wouldn't use that feature and changed it to "None". When I tested the Chaurus pregnancy again, the squirting appeared on the character and I concluded it a success (yay!).


Unfortunately, misfortune likes to follow me as I discovered that after saving the game with the option set to "None", the option would reset back to it's default "Slot 60"for every load. And to make things worse, after uninstalling Estrus, my character's face is forever stuck on "Fear 50", even if I change the expression or "mfg reset" it, it will always default back to fifty-percent fear again... So I'm in quite a dilemma!


Thanks for the tip though, Saeros, that really did help. I guess I assumed the scripts were already loose, but they obviously were not.

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I tried it.. gives me an error (perhaps the same)


damn CK, what do you want? :P


I know what CK wants...


Well, I still have had no success. And yes, that's the error I get every time, even with the fresh download from your pack and this mod itself. CK just doesn't like those scripts for some reason...


For those who want to play with a useable variant, I cleaned up some parts and commented out a bunch of lines intended for the option changes I made (which can still be seen on the MCM, they are just not configurable). It also extends the sliders a bit for those who want larger scaling sizes. The edit should only make changes to the .esp, two scripts and their respective source files, as well as the English translation file.




The birthing animation has been set to the bleedout animation and if you swap between first and third person, your character might be able to crawl around temporarily until the birthing is over. Because of the things I enabled for that temporary movement, the character can still interact with things and I'm not sure if there is an alternate function that can disable interactions--so be careful of what you interact with while giving birth as it could cause weirdness or break something (though I don't think it'll be serious unless something breaks the oviposition cycle before the end of it). You can pick up the laid eggs just fine though.


Until I can figure out the variable linking in the Creation Kit, the bleed out animation will be the only animation. The alternate animations in addition to the bleed out is the missionary style that Saeros added (which still does the breakdancing thing), and a masturbation one that is gender specific (a gender check ensures that males and females will masturbate differently)--thought he males look a little weird until I figure out what function calls the wiener to be erect. I may reincorporate the original missionary stance when things get working with the variables too.


If new variables could be added and linked in the CK (one idea is that I might have to end up making a dummy script with nothing in it using the same file name or something, then swapping it back after adding the necessary variables...), I may make extra options--maybe like toggling auto stripping before birth (or re-add it in... not sure why it was removed though--might have to look into it later), genital scaling, or something of that sort. not sure though.


Hope it works!

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I tried your esp (and scripts) and works well :D

I find bleedout animation better for this mod (but it's a personal opinion). 

only the leakage of the eggs is strange.. seem rolling through the legs. 


(too bad that CK refuses to cooperate :angry:)


for the "infinite egg laying bug", I was thinking..

reducing the time of birthing? 

maybe just shorten the interval of egg laying

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Today, I started crashing to the desktop when starting a new game. After some searching, it turned out to be due to this mod. The only other thing that changed, was my installing the XMPSE skeleton, version 2.05. Might that conflict with Estrus Chaurus+? With the belly bone handling perhaps? Groovtama does mention in the notes:




For now I deactivated this mod. Any suggestions to test or make it work?

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I tried your esp (and scripts) and works well :D
I find bleedout animation better for this mod (but it's a personal opinion). 
only the leakage of the eggs is strange.. seem rolling through the legs. 
(too bad that CK refuses to cooperate :angry:)
for the "infinite egg laying bug", I was thinking..
reducing the time of birthing? 
maybe just shorten the interval of egg laying



I just updated the package again with some shorter egg laying times, But I'm not sure if it changed much though. I also modified the choices for birthing animation selections as well as added in the option for selecting first-person, third-person, and no narration. Though they are there, they are not configurable, unfortunately. The coding is there and it can be un-commented out, but in order for it to work, I need to the variables in the .esp to be linked and work too.


I also spent some hours trying out my theory by inputting some relatively blank scripts with nothing but the essential variables (or at least the variables that the CK doesn't scream at every time I access the scripts properties...) and I could finally make the variable connections to the global targets. Unfortunately, that did not fix the issues but make more things break. Once I reincorporated the full scripts again, nothing was fixed and it ended up breaking a few things, like the milk and squirt effects wouldn't equip, the birthing animations sometimes looped forever... it was a mess.


I double checked to see if the method worked and though it worked in the CK, in-game, I did a "sqv zzestruschaurusmcm" to display the variables and none of the variables I needed linked were linked at all... their arrays didn't store any information and it some connections where set to "none" instead of having the ID number associated with the global target it stores itself into. I assume since the scripts, when adjusted in the CK, leaves some footprints of other variables (of which the CK screamed at me for and I ended up removing), thus breaking some of the functionality, regardless if the original scripts were reincorporated. So if I can't make the CK read the full scripts, I'm back to another dead end.




Today, I started crashing to the desktop when starting a new game. After some searching, it turned out to be due to this mod. The only other thing that changed, was my installing the XMPSE skeleton, version 2.05. Might that conflict with Estrus Chaurus+? With the belly bone handling perhaps? Groovtama does mention in the notes:




For now I deactivated this mod. Any suggestions to test or make it work?



You have to open your .xml and change the "NPC PreBelly" to "HDT Belly" for compatibility for that skeleton (preferably with the JustForFun Tool). If you do not, the HDTPhysicsExtension.txt log file will spam errors about a missing node it cannot bind to (assuming your .xml file adds physics to the belly node), and will inevitably crash your game and/or overflow your hard drive space. This mode does not affect the "NPC PreBelly" node, so there is no conflict there--it only modifies the "NPC Belly" node, which is under the "NPCPreBelly" node in terms of skeleton node hierarchy.

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I tried your esp (and scripts) and works well :D
I find bleedout animation better for this mod (but it's a personal opinion). 
only the leakage of the eggs is strange.. seem rolling through the legs. 
(too bad that CK refuses to cooperate :angry:)
for the "infinite egg laying bug", I was thinking..
reducing the time of birthing? 
maybe just shorten the interval of egg laying



I just updated the package again with some shorter egg laying times, But I'm not sure if it changed much though. I also modified the choices for birthing animation selections as well as added in the option for selecting first-person, third-person, and no narration. Though they are there, they are not configurable, unfortunately. The coding is there and it can be un-commented out, but in order for it to work, I need to the variables in the .esp to be linked and work too.


I also spent some hours trying out my theory by inputting some relatively blank scripts with nothing but the essential variables (or at least the variables that the CK doesn't scream at every time I access the scripts properties...) and I could finally make the variable connections to the global targets. Unfortunately, that did not fix the issues but make more things break. Once I reincorporated the full scripts again, nothing was fixed and it ended up breaking a few things, like the milk and squirt effects wouldn't equip, the birthing animations sometimes looped forever... it was a mess.


I double checked to see if the method worked and though it worked in the CK, in-game, I did a "sqv zzestruschaurusmcm" to display the variables and none of the variables I needed linked were linked at all... their arrays didn't store any information and it some connections where set to "none" instead of having the ID number associated with the global target it stores itself into. I assume since the scripts, when adjusted in the CK, leaves some footprints of other variables (of which the CK screamed at me for and I ended up removing), thus breaking some of the functionality, regardless if the original scripts were reincorporated. So if I can't make the CK read the full scripts, I'm back to another dead end.


awesome :o  ..a remarkable job of "reverse-engineering" ^_^ 

I would not have been able to do this. (I just started learning CK).
Min maybe can help us.. (when he comes back)
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Today, I started crashing to the desktop when starting a new game. After some searching, it turned out to be due to this mod. The only other thing that changed, was my installing the XMPSE skeleton, version 2.05. Might that conflict with Estrus Chaurus+? With the belly bone handling perhaps? Groovtama does mention in the notes:




For now I deactivated this mod. Any suggestions to test or make it work?



You have to open your .xml and change the "NPC PreBelly" to "HDT Belly" for compatibility for that skeleton (preferably with the JustForFun Tool). If you do not, the HDTPhysicsExtension.txt log file will spam errors about a missing node it cannot bind to (assuming your .xml file adds physics to the belly node), and will inevitably crash your game and/or overflow your hard drive space. This mode does not affect the "NPC PreBelly" node, so there is no conflict there--it only modifies the "NPC Belly" node, which is under the "NPCPreBelly" node in terms of skeleton node hierarchy.



Yes, I did adapt my XML files as per groovtama's instructions. :)


I just thought I'd mention it here, as it seems rather coincidental that there should belly node changes in this skeleton and when combined with this mod, Skyrim suddenly goes unstable.


I guess it's another reason then. I'll keep an eye out for new versions of this mod and will test again as they appear.

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I tried your esp (and scripts) and works well :D
I find bleedout animation better for this mod (but it's a personal opinion). 
only the leakage of the eggs is strange.. seem rolling through the legs. 
(too bad that CK refuses to cooperate :angry:)
for the "infinite egg laying bug", I was thinking..
reducing the time of birthing? 
maybe just shorten the interval of egg laying



I just updated the package again with some shorter egg laying times, But I'm not sure if it changed much though. I also modified the choices for birthing animation selections as well as added in the option for selecting first-person, third-person, and no narration. Though they are there, they are not configurable, unfortunately. The coding is there and it can be un-commented out, but in order for it to work, I need to the variables in the .esp to be linked and work too.


I also spent some hours trying out my theory by inputting some relatively blank scripts with nothing but the essential variables (or at least the variables that the CK doesn't scream at every time I access the scripts properties...) and I could finally make the variable connections to the global targets. Unfortunately, that did not fix the issues but make more things break. Once I reincorporated the full scripts again, nothing was fixed and it ended up breaking a few things, like the milk and squirt effects wouldn't equip, the birthing animations sometimes looped forever... it was a mess.


I double checked to see if the method worked and though it worked in the CK, in-game, I did a "sqv zzestruschaurusmcm" to display the variables and none of the variables I needed linked were linked at all... their arrays didn't store any information and it some connections where set to "none" instead of having the ID number associated with the global target it stores itself into. I assume since the scripts, when adjusted in the CK, leaves some footprints of other variables (of which the CK screamed at me for and I ended up removing), thus breaking some of the functionality, regardless if the original scripts were reincorporated. So if I can't make the CK read the full scripts, I'm back to another dead end.


awesome :o  ..a remarkable job of "reverse-engineering" ^_^ 

I would not have been able to do this. (I just started learning CK).
Min maybe can help us.. (when he comes back)



I'm not sure if you're experiencing this as a result of the changes you made to the mod or another mod you have running as I Never experienced egg-laying issues, they were in the womb for 3(about 3.19) days then the birthing anim happens, then about another 3 days hatching time with hatching enabled ---think the default mcm setting is 3 days, that's been pretty close approx. timeframe


just ensure you use a compatible skeleton for belly node, I use belly scaling slow and breasts medium and glutes diabled (don't know if that helps the bithing issues, but maybe those getting ctd)


on another note, I'm not getting as much papyrus spam from actorevents as you have, but I'm also Not running a clean save, I've removed original estrus mod scripts and related bsa/esp files only as you stated and installed your version over it, getting new papyrus errors related to estrus chaurus scripts, but still rare


And your changes removed an old bug from the ec+ expansion mod that originally the player had to save, quit, reload after getting aquainted with their new chaurus breeder or the chaurus dialog wouldn't respond - the repack fixes this issue


again things kinda busy (rl) at home, i'll have to test this another time on the not-so-friendly chaurus for the changes (if any)



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--just for clarification--

my file in post #137 is an experiment based on my experience with this mod (I want to repeat).

I only extract all the necessary files in a single folder and zipped. (removing the "Estrus for Skyrim" scripts and .esp that are no longer used from recent Estrus Chaurus mod by design).

all credits goes to original authors of the mod: Jbezorg (for Estrus Chaurus mods and scripts), Cotyounoyume (for tentacles and machine animations) and Min (for adaptation to SexLab 1.5x)


nothing in the .esp and the scripts has been modified from me.

I just corrected the birthing animation (a few posts ago) comparing file zzestrusbreedereffectscript between the version of Jbezorg and Min (Notepad++ compare) restoring the old version ("Missionary_A1_S").



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Estrus has been updated yesterday, but it CTDs with the current version of EC+.

What version of Estrus is the latest compatible?



other versions change the path of animobject .nif and hkx animation.

in the EstrusChaurus.esp these meshes are registered with the path of the version 097

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Estrus has been updated yesterday, but it CTDs with the current version of EC+.

What version of Estrus is the latest compatible?



other versions change the path of animobject .nif and hkx animation.

in the EstrusChaurus.esp these meshes are registered with the path of the version 097


Ah, that explains why the animations didn't trigger when I used Estrus v104. I currently have your repack installed, and it works fine, so thanks for that!

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Finally got it working now. It seems that I needed both the .pex and .psc and I didn't have all the scripts needed so I had to dig into all the .bsa files to get them. All the options are finally connected and I also added a could more options to toggle and edit. I also added the other EstrusForSkyrim animations as well as some texture edits to make them match the Dwemer/Chaurus textures in the game. Only the essentials are added into this repackage (original mod not required, but the prerequisites are), but you can install it over EstrusForSkyrim if you want to use both.


Note: A clean save may be required in order for the updates to show properly...




The additional options in the MCM are as follows:

  • Under the "Options" tab, there is a submenu called "Notifications" which toggles whether or not you want 1st-person, 3rd-person, or no narration messages for each time the character changes.
  • Under the "Animations" tab, you can select what kind of birth animation the character can have: Default, Missonary (a typo I need to fix!), Masturbate, and Bleed Out. The Masturbation animation is gender specific, but the males might not be erect during this animation (I need some advice on how to fix that...). For Bleed Out, the character may gain some movement control, but it is not always very consistent for some reason. Try not to press the jump button while in the birthing position (probably for masturbation and bleed out) as that might make the character revert to a normal pose until the birthing is finished.
  • Also under the "Animations" menu, I've added a "Chaurus Rape" toggle for those who don't want the Chaurus rape animations to play, so the script will skip over that trigger (the Chaurus rape animations only play when the Chaurus sees the character as a target--if the character is out of the Chaurus' range, the tentacle animations will play instead). For those who want it on, you can fine tune the distance at which it triggers (this does not control the distance of the spit, only how far the character is from the Chaurus)--like if ou only want it to play when the character is really close or really far away.
  • The "Registered Animations" have been extended to include the rest of the EstrusForSkyrim animations. (These may or may not work--but they require lots of testing!)
  • Lastly, compared to the original mod, under the "Skeleton Check" tab, the sliders have been extended.


Unfortunately, I could not get the extra three animations to work on my setup--only the tentacles seemed to work, but I possibly need a clean save install or edit the ,hkx files or something. If anyone has any advice on what I should edit, please let me know. The animations are properly listed in the "zzestruschaurusanim" list with all the SexLab tags and such, as well as being incorporated into the "zzestruschaurusmcmscript" script. I assume that the "zzestruschaurusae" handles the triggering of the animation by digging through the SexLab list, but if I am wrong, please correct me.


Thanks to the original creators/modders and I'll see about editing more parts once I learn how to and have the time for it.


Have fun!

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So I've always been interested in this mod. Between the re-pack of it by Saeros and the new MCM options menu, is there a particular way I should be installing this? With two different people adding stuff I'm not sure exactly how I should do things, should I want to try this again. ^_^

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So I've always been interested in this mod. Between the re-pack of it by Saeros and the new MCM options menu, is there a particular way I should be installing this? With two different people adding stuff I'm not sure exactly how I should do things, should I want to try this again. ^_^


The Options version is an alternate repackage, so you can install one or the other--it is possible install them over each other, but depending on what order you do it in, you may lose functionality. Think of the repackage as an All-in-One, but without the functions of Estrus shout/spells.


Prerequisites include: Skyrim, SexLab 1.54+, SKSE, FNIS 4.1, FNIS Creature Pack 4.1, SkyUI, Estrus For Skyrim (optional), Actor Events (already included--not needed, but make sure it is checked and loaded before play).


Hope this helps!

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Great Scott! you did it!  :D 

I try it now



to test the machine animation I remember is triggered in


edit: machine and tentacle animations work, but they do not seem to take the mesh in this folder (and subfolder)



[sample images]

in Estrus for Skyrim






in Estrus Chaurus



in this case, should be added this armor piece:




I had already noticed this in earlier jbezorg versions.. but I do not know how to fix it (add a new armor?)   :-/ 

the same is true for the tentacles "Side" animation.


This piece should be on the back during animation..but, is missing..







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Great Scott! you did it!  :D 

I try it now



to test the machine animation I remember is triggered in


edit: machine and tentacle animations work, but they do not seem to take the mesh in this folder (and subfolder)


in this case, should be added this armor piece:




I had already noticed this in earlier jbezorg versions.. but I do not know how to fix it (add a new armor?)   :-/ 

the same is true for the tentacles "Side" animation.


This piece should be on the back during animation..but, is missing..




Yes, I am aware of the add-on pieces. They are designated armor/magic equip pieces in the EstrusChaurus.esp, but they are only attached by script (namely the "zzestruschaurusae" script for the "Tentacle Side" and "Dwemer Machine"). I remember at least see the Chaurus one on a couple tests, but I don't remember if it is a inconsistent occurrence or something messed up during my edits... 


It seems that they both take up Slot 60, so if they equip like normal armor, make sure no mod forces that slot to be empty (I'm look at you Devious Devices...).


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