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problem with nexus?

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Well, I've gone and stood up to the tyranny.




Seeing as it's a legit response to his post, I'd hope a ban wouldn't happen, but you know what, I'll say it here. If I get banned, I'll find a way to come back. I'm not afraid of Nexus staff, DarkOne, or anyone on this ball of mud. To be afraid would be heresy to my emperor's ears.

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No ban yet, but a thread locking from Buddah. The simple fact of the matter is this. They love their zero-tolerance policies. Fact- Zero tolerance is dumb as hell and fails to make distinctions between a repeat offender and someone who's just having a bad day. The three strikes thing too. The whole lawful stupid over three strikes is what caused Earache42 to get zapped, at least according to Dark0ne. (but he's done much worse dickery than that, MUCH worse)


here is a little bit from Cracked.com. 5 Safety Laws that Don't Work


Both of their favorite policies, three strikes and zero tolerance, are given very scathing mentions.

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the worst thing about the nexus staff... is that they dont even fallow there own rules.


if you put up information about your own mod IP, anyone can steal your ideas without even asking you and pass it off as their own... then you get the ban because you didnt have any 'downloads' up.


not to mention the rules that say they will talk to both parties and figure out what is really going on... oh and the one that says they wont ban you on a 'first strike' basis. maybe not in those words but it means the same thing.


agree with ragindude... no point in even talking to those fools.


to metal: they all have inferiority complex', and are afraid of anyone who 'challenges' their so called authority.


im also surprised that darkone even has the balls to make a video of himself talking about 'news' thats not really anything new or really important, and the information about them updating the site... dont make me laugh.

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Guest GingerTom

It was television's Oprah's friend who said 'listen to someone when they tell you who they are'.


'Wobbin' calls himself the 'DarkOne'--how much more do you need to know about him?


How about on the 21st of February this year when he did a 32 minute 'off the cuff' talk in the 'news' section and called his clients (we the people who visit his site) 'whiny little bitches'.


And I've caught him in outright lies in print that he then changed/edited (but there's no edit mark because he's the webmaster)--and he said he never did any such thing (but I had a screen print.)


Also in his talk he says how good they're doing, how great their numbers are: Any time you hear that kind of talk of 'we're not failing--we're doing even better than before' you can be sure it's just the opposite.


(I once worked as manager at a store where the owner told me that they had thousands and thousands of registered customers and I didn't believe it so I went into the computer and found out that they had the customers all right--but they hadn't been back in years. The owner just kept their numbers on the computer to make it look good. And that's what 'Wobbin' is doing to his advertisers--'hey, we got great numbers. Yes we do! So advertise with us.'


Yeah, sure. Rot starts at the top...and you don't need to eat the whole egg to know it's rotten.

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Thought it’d be clear already what strategy works in connection with the Nexus:


The mod embargo


Next to draining of their mod offering there is no other cheap and workable strategy to reduce their power to nothing. This is btw the long-range strategy of Steam/Valve and it should be the strategy of all those modders that haven’t yet lost their marbles… and balls.


Download whatever you need without a quack or thumb up, do not communicate and by God upload nothing to their site and I mean nothing, for if you upload something you are supporting the Dark Side. As long as fools upload mod stuff there the brotherhood will continue riding the bloody crest of a wave. You wanna get hurt? You like that? You need that? Guess not. You feel invincible? Forget it! You'll get clubbed to death within a single day.

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The runaway sense of entitlement in this thread is simply astounding. What I'm seeing is a complete lack of perspective and scope. To actually suggest we follow the path of a large corporate entity in crushing a modding website is... wow, I'm kind of at a loss for words on just how insane that sounds to me personally. It's kind of like if I suggested we all help Microsoft crush unix/linux because I find penguins annoying.


Now, I know I'm very much in the minority in my opinion in this thread but seriously, can we at least use reason and not pure hyperbole?

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Tell us that again after you have tasted their cup of wrath... in case they haven't failed to curve your tongue before you have to walk the plank, as the love to say. And I doubt that they'd fail in cases of members that haven't yet seen a handful winters.

Well, I have already pointed to both perspective and scope, strategy and tactics. This is just a suggestion by a Nexus elder but that's already much more than to suggest it'd be better to do nothing in good meerkat fashion, just looking away when someone comes under fire and watching when he has to walk the plank in the circus.

What makes you think that the adoption of Valve's strategy would mean that we'd to shovel stuff to steam? Alternative webspace and torrent servers are already in the discussion, just two clicks away from this thread.

Of course, arrangements with tyrants are not unknown in history, squares do that with passion. Once the tyrant is dead they cross their fingers and get amnesia, as usual.

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The mentioned draining of their mod offering is the only external force we have as modders and users. And a strong force it is. Let's start with it. The coordinated withdrawal of just a dozen mods on a single day has a pandemic effect. The impact of such a 'hello', frequently multiplicated by hear-say in the community is worth it. It's like the starter of the sourdough...

Successful resistance inside the Nexus means, at least for the time being, the total communication breakdown with the Nexus. No thumbs up, no nothing. Questions you might have we can easily handle here or on Beth's Softworks Forum, to mention just two possibilities, np.


To take the initiative is one of the key principles in any confrontation since Sun Tsu. It works on the battlefield as good as in any field. Those that have lost the initiative by means of whatever usually find themselves in a forced defensive, the worst strategic position ever one can get in the game, the position under pressure - our frakkin position up to now...


It's up to us to change it once and for all!

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Irony? You're very quick to narrow down a thread to a single strawman.

Broaden your own scope a bit. Keep in mind that typing "LoversLab" is forbidden over on Nexus. Yet, here, we can talk.

You analogy is mixed up. Nexus is NOT like an open-source community. Kind of the other extreme. I once tried to brink this up... thread locked.


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People mention LL all the time on the nexus forums without repercussions.


Google "site:forums.nexusmods.com loverslab"


I imagine for those that get banned over it, context has something to do with it. "Fuck this place, go to LL" probably gets you a bitchslap. Advertising it "this is just a demo, go to LL for the full version" probably gets you another one. Just mentioning it seems to be fine though, it is not "forbidden over on Nexus."


I don't disagree with 'boycotting' nexus, suck their bandwidth and leave it at that. By all means voice your concerns over there. You're going to get banned? SFW? New usernames, email addresses, and IPs are easier to get than an STD from a tranny Thai prostitute.

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Do us all a favour and start a thread on Lovers Lab in the Nexus discussion section. You have the balls, don't ya?

Soon we'll see what's up with the site name over there... perhaps nothing, perhaps alot.


Edit: And no, self-respecting members of the banned faction don't re-enter the Nexus under false names with the same IP address or via proxy server. No sex with the ex, ever heard?

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You can't actually mention loverslab. It really is forbidden. Just try typing "loverslab" into a message or PM and posting it. "Forbidden site" replaces it.


Oh that's "clever." Says "**Site Not Allowed**" actually, however, it's not affecting all their pages.


This one is affected:



This one is not:




Both of them show LL in the google results I linked to (first two results).

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Do us all a favour and start a thread on Lovers Lab in the Nexus discussion section. You have the balls' date=' don't ya?

Soon we'll see what's up with the site name over there... perhaps nothing, perhaps alot.



The "balls?" To go trolling? I don't have anything to post over there, hell I don't read posts over there for that matter. What happens if I show you how big my balls are? Will they come kick in my door and take me to nexus prison? Kick my puppy? Attack me with some kind of psychological warfare through inane forum posts in return?



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I've already seen too many balls in my life to be still impressed, sorry.


Anyway, you have pretty well understood what I've meant and though you make a hasty retreat - not interested , no time, no risk. Well, that's not very male imo, inasmuch as the proposed title - 'Is Lover's Lab a forbidden term?' - doesn't sound very offensive, but it's indeed safer not to post there, no doubt. One might lose the balls... *big grin*

So, as long as nobody has ever (!) posted a Lovers Lab thread in the discussion section I'll take the information that it'd be a forbidden term for granted.



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Apparently the 3 (three) links I posted don't show up on your screen. They all demonstrate the opposite of what you claim.




For this clothing redone just look up Patzy's DMRA Lab in google or something its on Loverslab it also includes alot more interesting clothes like this redone with bigger bust and butt.


Obviously the word is filtered on the site 100% of the time and results in instant banning, tarring, and feathering. This link and quote proves your position beyond a doubt.

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Apparently you are afraid of them or you would give the tiny thread a try.

No joke, man. You are afraid! Most people there are afraid. Thus you are in good company and not to be blamed for your fear. My way isn't yours - that's why I belong to the innumerable banned, you don't.

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Guest GingerTom

Is it possible some posters are doing a 'self-censor' thinking they'll be in trouble for mentioning LoversLab? (On second thought that doesn't make sense--so forget it.) :D

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That we'd know for sure after a thread in the discussion forum. Till then a lot of things remain speculative.


That the term is still used (of course without a link) in the upload section of the mods in question as well as in the image section that deals with the mods, ummh, that goes without saying. But these sections are not the sections where "ethics" or board politics, if you prefer that, comes into play.


Edit: First of all everyone should answer the question what he/she really wants - to stay there against all odds (and to mock against it here oor elsewhere) or to search for another platform that is built upon the freedom of the speech. Till then any Nexus discussion reminds of a deflation to feel better, no more, no less.

Though the idea one could survive there for long, perhaps even many winters and this without losing the spine and many cheers to the tyrant is bullshit, sorry guys.


I'm ready when you are. We expect that it'd take Valve a few years in the max to suck the modding scene dry there, taking the promise by Beth for granted that they don't touch the option to save files to disk in the CK in the future.

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To go looking for a fight is childish, regardless of how clever a turn of phrase you use. As prideslayer and others have said "if you don't like the site don't go", but inanely saying someone is a lesser being or calling them afraid because they don't subscribe to your particular slant or won't go get banned is plain ignorant :(

Your views are NOT any kind of a baseline for others just as mine are not. Both our opinions are equally worthless so let's not bother to go whipping out trouser snakes to see who's is bigger.


As to LL being banned over at the nexus...I think that actually helps us. Those that search are rewarded by finding us - and those who do that searching tend to be the cheerful/friendly type and not the "I fucking want this RIGHT NOW BITCH" type. As it is, if it wasn't banned and folks came flooding over here in their thousands, I likely would quit helping. I daily help enough noobs as it is to try my patience (it is hard NOT to help noobs as I remember being one myself!) :P

The overwhelming desire to tell folks to "Read the Fucking Faq" is just barely suppressed as it is sometimes :angel:


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How many winters have you seen there, gregarth?

I'm not that much impressed by Nexarians that think of Vagrant0 as a very, very old member...

And it isn't very clever to hide in a hole in ground as the answer to everything. One easily loses the ability to live on the surface.

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