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New Clothing Body Style Converter Beta v0.89f (10-26-2014)

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I have a question when you convert something does it have to be standing up like or can it be laying down? I converted the Ageha Tortured Soul HGEC fixed http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/25922/? I tried to convert the weapons as well as they are half bodies but they are laying down and they are using the weapon placement. The first try it said wrong gender I had to change the texture paths to imperial 2nd try nothing changed third try I took one of them and deleted everything out but the body and used that as the from and then converted it but this time there was lots of stretching that stretched upward so I'm guessing they would have to be standing up for a person to be able to convert them. I did manage to get the one with the spike thing on the back to convert but I think that was because it was standing up.

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It depends a bit on the sort of results you want but the short answer is, for best results, the poses should match.


Here's the long answer.




One of the most important functions of my tool framework is to convert the individual vertex locations in a given geometry block (tri shape, tri strip, etc) from that vertices local space into a common shared coordinate system that I can use to match coordinates between the vertices on the template mesh and the vertices on the target mesh.


In its most basic mode, the tool leverages those shared coordinates to find the nearest point on the surface of the template mesh for each vertex on the target mesh.


However, when the tool is able to use UV search, it doesn't even both to find the nearest point on the surface. Instead, it uses the shared coordinate system of UV space to find the matching spot on the surfaces of the mesh by texture. This allows the tool to convert radically different meshes, so long as they both conform to the same texture standard.


OK...so what about your situation...I assume they are those necro sword things.


Well...if the body mesh in the sword uses the same texture standard as the body you are using as a template, the tool will actually manage to convert the body. Unfortunately, since the bodies have different orientations, that conversion will change the apparent orientation of the body part of the sword while leaving the rest of the sword unchanged.


Now...you might be able to mess around with loc and rotation transforms in Nifskope to get the template body into the right location and orientation before you do the conversions. That would probably work.




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Clothing Converter Release Candidate 0.85


It is no longer necessary to manually merge nifs in Nifskope prior to generating your conversion lattice templates. This update adds the ability for the Make Lattice tool to automatically merge multiple nifs into a single From or To template when generating lattice templates.


This update brings a substantial improvement to the ability of the tool to accurately and consistently compensate for nifs with strange bone, skin, or skinned bone transformations.


Note: Please generate new Lattices for use with 0.85




Portable Package Full

Scripts Only Download 85 (scripts only. Recommended if you intend to use 64 Bit version of Python): 







v.0.81.a to v.0.85

1. Radical overhaul to back-end skin transform calculator

2. Radical overhaul to back-end skin transform compensation

3. Replaced pyffi Matrix4x4 and Matrix3x3 objects with new composite object that calculates cumulative scale, rotation, and transformation transforms discretely in order to substantially reduce floating point division errors that otherwise arise from the repeated composition and decomposition of 4x4 matrices into scale, rot, translation components

4. Added new full pivot Gaussian array solver function that is used to calculate matrix inversions, barycentric coordinates, and solve unknown matrix x for both Ax = C and xA = C

5. Added ability to automatically merge multiple nifs into a single template for both the From and To nifs in the make lattice tool as well as for the Template in Mesh Rigger.




Note: This update represents a radical overhaul to a substantial portion of the back-end tool. Hopefully, the end-user experience should be largely unaffected, although the tool should be a bit more robust and the quality should be slightly improved.


Please report any errors or other issues you may experience.

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portable fullpackage:

Lattice attempt.



Python 3.2.5 (default, May 15 2013, 23:06:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
loading settings from G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\PythonPortable\App\Scripts\kgtools\save\makeLattice.cfg
initialdir G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\Clothing Converter\from
initialdir G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\Clothing Converter\to
Distance : 10.0
name : make_lattice_options
uv_search : True
destination : Clothing Converter/lattice/lattice.lat
norm_weight : 0.5714285714285714
version : b_70
template : {G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/from/femalelowerbody_M_BBB.nif}
skin : True
v_index : True
targets : 10
target : {G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/to/femalelowerbody.nif}
dirpath {G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/from/femalelowerbody_M_BBB.nif}
Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files
init bones
initializing bones
**********Bones Initialized**********
initializing meshes
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : Initializing Vertices
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : Vertex Initialization Complete
b'skin' <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x01F93AD8>
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : Initializing Skin
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : *Initializing Skin Bone Transforms
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : *Calculating world Coordinates
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}' : Skin Initialization Complete
Building Vertex Dictionary
initializing faces
Initializing Seams
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}': Left Foot Seam Identified
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}': Right Foot Seam Identified
b'Foot:Legs{}2{}': Waist Seam Identified
**********Meshes Initialized**********
b'Bip01 Spine' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62A10>
b'Bip01 L Calf' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62790>
b'Bip01 R Calf' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62A90>
b'Bip01 L Thigh' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62850>
b'Bip01 L Op3' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F629D0>
b'Bip01 L Foot' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62870>
b'Bip01 R Op3' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62A50>
b'Scene Root' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F627D0>
b'Bip01 Pelvis' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62AD0>
b'Bip01 R Foot' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62AB0>
b'Bip01 R Thigh' <kg.bone_util.bone_ object at 0x04F62A70>
dirpath {G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/to/femalelowerbody.nif}
Checking Directory Path for Nifs and Tri files
init bones
initializing bones
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\PythonPortable\App\Scripts\kgtools\make_lattice.py", line 244, in <module>
  File "G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\PythonPortable\App\Scripts\kgtools\make_lattice.py", line 132, in Main
    to_nif = file_util.multi_nif(c_s.get('target'), template = from_nif)
  File "G:\Obliv\portable_tools_24\Tools_beta_0_85\Tools_beta_0_81\PythonPortable\App\lib\site-packages\kg\file_util.py", line 379, in __init__
    self.bone_dict[self.root.name] = self.template.template_bones[self.root.name]
AttributeError: 'multi_nif' object has no attribute 'template_bones'

destination=Clothing Converter/lattice/lattice.lat
target={G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/to/femalelowerbody.nif}
template={G:/Obliv/portable_tools_24/Tools_beta_0_85/Tools_beta_0_81/Clothing Converter/from/femalelowerbody_M_BBB.nif}

from HGEC setbody bombshell folder to DMRA bbb+bb (Malima via Neph)





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Clothing Converter Release Candidate 0.85.a


It is no longer necessary to manually merge nifs in Nifskope prior to generating your conversion lattice templates. This update adds the ability for the Make Lattice tool to automatically merge multiple nifs into a single From or To template when generating lattice templates.


This update brings a substantial improvement to the ability of the tool to accurately and consistently compensate for nifs with strange bone, skin, or skinned bone transformations.


Note: Please generate new Lattices for use with 0.85.a




Portable Package Full 0.85.a Tools RC_85_a.7z

Portable Package Upgrade 0.85.a (upgrades 0.72 - 0.85 to 0.85.a):  Tools RC_85_a_Upgrade.7z

Scripts Only Download 0.85.a (scripts only. Recommended if you intend to use 64 Bit version of Python):  Tools RC_85_a_Scripts.7z







v.0.85 to v.0.85.a

1. Resolved crash error


v.0.81.a to v.0.85

1. Radical overhaul to back-end skin transform calculator

2. Radical overhaul to back-end skin transform compensation

3. Replaced pyffi Matrix4x4 and Matrix3x3 objects with new composite object that calculates cumulative scale, rotation, and transformation transforms discretely in order to substantially reduce floating point division errors that otherwise arise from the repeated composition and decomposition of 4x4 matrices into scale, rot, translation components

4. Added new full pivot Gaussian array solver function that is used to calculate matrix inversions, barycentric coordinates, and solve unknown matrix x for both Ax = C and xA = C

5. Added ability to automatically merge multiple nifs into a single template for both the From and To nifs in the make lattice tool as well as for the Template in Mesh Rigger.




Note: This update represents a radical overhaul to a substantial portion of the back-end tool. Hopefully, the end-user experience should be largely unaffected, although the tool should be a bit more robust and the quality should be slightly improved.


Please report any errors or other issues you may experience.

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I found out some cool ass shit tonight. Awhile ago I converted a outfit set for BABC and I was going to paste them onto my body and skeleton problem was it was giving me that ninode error when trying to paste the part into the nif. Spent this time converting it and I couldn't even get it onto my body. Then I had a idea what would happen if I copied the whole dam scene root and paste into my nif I tried it and it worked.


I was like cool I got them into game I had 2 bodies but the outfit wasn't showing up I tried a few other things in the CS and nothing was working. I left them and never delted them saw them again tonight and tried some more and still nothing. So I was like screw it delete the shit a move on but as I was about to delete it I had another idea. What would happen if I tried to paste the outfit parts from one scene root into the other scene root while they were both in the same nif? I was like well it can't hurt to try and if it doesn't work I have my finger on the delete button. I copied it from the one and tried pasting it into my scene root. *paste* Oo It fricking worked I can't believe that shit worked! WHOO HOO! So I finished pasting everything into my scene root and then saved as just in case it all left when I deleted the other scene root out I deleted it and now I have the outfits on my bodies.  :D


So rule of thumb if shit doesn't work beat it and make it work or at least try some different shit you never know what might happen. ;) Now I know what to do when I come across that error ever again.

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This is going to save me so much time. :D


0.85.a converted Slof's male Silverlight armor greaves and cuirass from the muscular shape to my new one perfectly. Any advice on settings before I take a shot at the gauntlets and boots? The feet and hands gave me some issues with v0.72 since the ones I wanted to convert to are originally from Robert's Female and don't have the same number of verts in them. Any advice in general on conversions from Robert's Male to Robert's Female (and vice versa) would be appreciated. In the mean time I'm going to take a whack at the stock clothes as my project for the day.

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For the most part, differences in the numbers of verts shouldn't cause any major problems. However, if the mesh being converted has significantly fewer vertices in a given region, you may sometimes get some clipping if a relatively low poly region gets matched to a high poly smooth organic curve.


However, if the textures follow different standards, then you'll need to disable UV search to avoid getting mesh spaghetti. And with UV search disabled, the quality of the results really will depend on the physical similarities in the basic layout of the meshes.


In general, you should be able to get fairly decent conversions between Roberts Female and Roberts Male. However, depending on the armor/clothing things might get a bit jammed up around the breast/pec conversion and require some manual tweaking in Blender/Max.


Once I finish building the uv conversion library, things should become a bit simpler.

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Now that I read something about "merged meshes" as a starting point for a good conversion lattice, I think I need some clarification: Isn't it enough for a Skyrim armor conversion from let's say UNP to Dream Girl to create a lattice from the 0 weight bodies from UNP to DG? What exactly do you mean by "merged meshes"? Merging hands, head and body together in Blender / Nifskope?


I always thought choosing the "from" and the "to" body should be enough, shouldn't it (of course boith the same weight, I usually take the "0" one)?

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It all depends on what you are converting.


The simplest example is probably to talk about Oblivion nifs. In Oblivion, you have separate nifs for the hands, feet, upper body, lower body, and head.


A given outfit might cover as few as one of those meshes, or as many as all of them.


So, to convert an outfit in Oblivion from one body style to another, it is generally best practice to use complete bodies for your From and To nifs. That means hands, feet, upper body, lower body, and if you are so inclined, head.


Pre-0.85, this meant manually merging the nude body meshes together in nifskope/Blender/Max/etc prior to generating the lattice.


With 0.85 you have quite a bit more flexibility in selecting the From and To nifs when generating the lattice template (I'll probably stop calling it a lattice soon...it's a holdover from my Blender version of the tool).


1. Multi nif selection. When you select your From and To nifs, you can now select one or more nifs at a time. The tool will automatically and seamlessly merge them into a single lattice template.


2. Skin only selection. There is a 'Skin Only' button in the Make Lattice tool. When enabled, this tells the tool to ignore any clothing/armor/meatcaps/etc found in the selected From and To nifs. Only meshes that are recognized as 'skin' material will be integrated into the lattice template.


These two abilities, combined with the tools updated ability to deal with strangely skinned nifs, means that you no longer need to spend as much time preparing the From and To nifs.


Note: Flaws in either the From nif or the To nif (whether mesh level flaws or UV map flaws) will be perfectly preserved in any conversions that their temmplate is used for. So, for best results, some mesh work may still be required if you are dealing with flawed From or To nifs.


But for the typical user doing typical conversions...just select the nifs you want to use as your templates and the tool should just work.

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Thank you for your comprehensive answer. ATM I'm learning a lot in Blender and making good progress, nevertheless tools like your Mesh Rigger really are a blessing, and the former versions of the Clothing Converter didn't work for me. I'm eager to test the new version.


I've made a Dream Girl Pendant to the UNP Skinny body (not the things I sent you a few weeks ago, these were from another project) and that will require some clothing conversion. Would love to see this work. Working with meshes and learning about their setup is an interesting and rewarding area, especially when you see your own first body variant in game.


Thank you for sharing your work!

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It all depends on what you are converting.


The simplest example is probably to talk about Oblivion nifs. In Oblivion, you have separate nifs for the hands, feet, upper body, lower body, and head.


A given outfit might cover as few as one of those meshes, or as many as all of them.


So, to convert an outfit in Oblivion from one body style to another, it is generally best practice to use complete bodies for your From and To nifs. That means hands, feet, upper body, lower body, and if you are so inclined, head.


Pre-0.85, this meant manually merging the nude body meshes together in nifskope/Blender/Max/etc prior to generating the lattice.


With 0.85 you have quite a bit more flexibility in selecting the From and To nifs when generating the lattice template (I'll probably stop calling it a lattice soon...it's a holdover from my Blender version of the tool).


1. Multi nif selection. When you select your From and To nifs, you can now select one or more nifs at a time. The tool will automatically and seamlessly merge them into a single lattice template.


2. Skin only selection. There is a 'Skin Only' button in the Make Lattice tool. When enabled, this tells the tool to ignore any clothing/armor/meatcaps/etc found in the selected From and To nifs. Only meshes that are recognized as 'skin' material will be integrated into the lattice template.


These two abilities, combined with the tools updated ability to deal with strangely skinned nifs, means that you no longer need to spend as much time preparing the From and To nifs.


Note: Flaws in either the From nif or the To nif (whether mesh level flaws or UV map flaws) will be perfectly preserved in any conversions that their temmplate is used for. So, for best results, some mesh work may still be required if you are dealing with flawed From or To nifs.


But for the typical user doing typical conversions...just select the nifs you want to use as your templates and the tool should just work.

Thanks, Ill test out the latest version?


Did you have any luck with averaging mesh vertexes?


Edit - 


Also try converting this mesh with provided lattice. Gives my strange new bugs on the upperbody.


I also included the to and from bodies




Also an example of the distortion



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I took a look at the meshes, generated a fresh lattice, and was able to get a pretty clean conversion. There's a bit of clipping in the underboob region, but that's not surprising given the structure of the two meshes.


I notice that your From nifs all contain clothing material meshes in addition to skin meshes. By any chance was 'skin only' disabled when you generated the conversion? That would certainly give you the boxy results that you are getting.


In general, for best results, you want to generate a lattice using the skin meshes only. To do this, simply ensure that 'Skin Only' is selected when you generate your lattice.


Note: Here's what I did.


1. From Body: lingerie.nif. Enabled 'Skin Only' Enabled 'UV Search'

2. To Bodies: Everything in the To folder

3. After the lattice was generated, applied the lattice to lingerie.nif.


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I took a look at the meshes, generated a fresh lattice, and was able to get a pretty clean conversion. There's a bit of clipping in the underboob region, but that's not surprising given the structure of the two meshes.


I notice that your From nifs all contain clothing material meshes in addition to skin meshes. By any chance was 'skin only' disabled when you generated the conversion? That would certainly give you the boxy results that you are getting.


In general, for best results, you want to generate a lattice using the skin meshes only. To do this, simply ensure that 'Skin Only' is selected when you generate your lattice.


Note: Here's what I did.


1. From Body: lingerie.nif. Enabled 'Skin Only' Enabled 'UV Search'

2. To Bodies: Everything in the To folder

3. After the lattice was generated, applied the lattice to lingerie.nif.

Thanks, just wondering, but is there a setting to make the center of the bra mesh be further forward, not crushed between the breast (not referring to the ribbon item)?

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Not really. Cleavage crash is an open issue at the moment. I haven't really come up with a solution that I like.

Perhaps an option to deform central mesh vertexes with a bias along positive Y axis for non-skin only?

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I'd like to report an issue with the latest Mesh Rigger included in your 85a tool collection. I tried to create dismemberment partitions from the original Dream Girl body to a modified version I did in Blender. No big changes really, just made the hips a little less wide and the breasts smaller. I tried to copy the rigging, weight and partitions from the original, but the partitions were still broken.


Then I tried the same with th 46b Mesh Rigger version, which always works. So no big deal on my side, but I thought you might want to know.


It may be worth mentioning that I still use Calientes Nif Cleaner from the Bodyslide 2.0 oackage to prepare the Nifs for Blender import and fix them after export.

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I haven't fully tested the 0.85 mesh rigger, although it should be properly generating dismemberment partitions.


Would you be willing to send me the files. I'd like to take a look and see if I can figure out why the update is failing. Thanks.

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Would you be willing to send me the files. I'd like to take a look and see if I can figure out why the update is failing. Thanks.

I have send you a PN with a link to an archive with all the files in different stages of progress and a short text file which describes roughly what I did. Hope it's helpful.

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I never even played any Elder Scrolls till nov/dec 2013. bought Oblivion knowing that I should be able to have fun modding it as much as playing it. Turns out I was right. Never dealt with TES construction set, Wrye Bash, NifSkope, and all till these past 3/4 months as well and I gotta say, it can be great fun when, thanks to people like yourself who make great tools, we finally come to grips with how to use them.


Seems my biggest gripe with your wonderful New Clothing Body Style Converter was all having to do with rookie mistakes. My solution was found when, you'll all think this maybe lame but a newbie is still a newbie, I finally learned to paste those darn branches within the Scene Roots when using NifSkope instead of below the root. Now I need to thank you greatly cause my Oblivion partners and I can finally have a greater choice of equipment thanks to this beautiful tool of yours. I'm now starting to think my biggest problem with equipment will be that I may end up with too many choices to deal with. Is that a bad thing... nahhhhh. Great job, you are practically a genius from my point of view ;) My second biggest problem is in guessing the body type/size some of the armor/clothing mods I want to convert are really using :)



Just so you know, I am using Clothing-Converter_64Bit_Tools RC_85_a_Scripts

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