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First post yay


What I love most at your animations is that both partners seem enjoy it, you can notice that if you watch those motions carefully. The level of detail you put in these animations really sets them above the par; every other creature animation is a rape scene (and the chicken anim you did, lol), that is rather obvious if you watch the humanoid partner getting pounded about like there's no tomorrow.


The werewolf definitely enjoys it (tail wag, waist wiggle, head pulling back, hip motion), the antronach is having a blast, the chicken... I don't know. But the PC in the dog animation is, finally, a person, not a sex toy!


You've been told this before several times already, but it is true: you are very talented at this, mainly because you don't just simply work some keyframes and have two character models flail at eachother and assume they have sex, you bring them to life, give them emotion with something as simple as a butt wiggle. Max may give you brain-crumpling headaches while trying to wrestle with it; but if someone/something opposes you and your efforts, then it means you are doing something right.


Yours truly

A lurking fapper

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Are you thinking of making the dog turn around like they do after finishing? If so I hope you or somene can figure it out cuz 'd really like to see that



I don't think it can be done without some reworking of the dog skeleton.  The dogs genetalia is a mesh object that is pretty much fixed to the main body of the canine.  If I move the body, the genetalia moves with it and vice versa.  It's not very flexible which causes me a lot of issues when creating the animations as I don't have a lot motion I can introduce without moving the genetalia out of alignment.  The short version is:  They end up pointing in the same direction.



Dayelyte probably will get some unnatural ideas from the list. :3


Appreciate the input.  So far I haven't used any references when creating these.  It's just me thinking, " Hmm, I wonder how this will look ", then trying it out in Max to see if the mesh can handle it.  All the motion is simply based on how I *think* it should look.  ( Which may be totally incorrect lol )  I guess I could try and find some source material out on the net, but Werewolf sex will be hard to find although canine sex can probably be found in some dark corner of the web. 


First post yay


What I love most at your animations is that both partners seem enjoy it, you can notice that if you watch those motions carefully. The level of detail you put in these animations really sets them above the par; every other creature animation is a rape scene (and the chicken anim you did, lol), that is rather obvious if you watch the humanoid partner getting pounded about like there's no tomorrow.


The werewolf definitely enjoys it (tail wag, waist wiggle, head pulling back, hip motion), the antronach is having a blast, the chicken... I don't know. But the PC in the dog animation is, finally, a person, not a sex toy!


You've been told this before several times already, but it is true: you are very talented at this, mainly because you don't just simply work some keyframes and have two character models flail at eachother and assume they have sex, you bring them to life, give them emotion with something as simple as a butt wiggle. Max may give you brain-crumpling headaches while trying to wrestle with it; but if someone/something opposes you and your efforts, then it means you are doing something right.


Yours truly

A lurking fapper


Thanks.  I prefer to think of these as consensual animations and I do what I can to make them appear that way.  Many won't agree with this next statement, but it is my line of thinking ( I'm older than most, what can I say so blame it on my age if you wish . . . . )


I can't get onboard with the whole "rape" line of thinking.  It's a term generally used ( overused imo ) by many who don't fully understand or comprehend just how terrible an act it really is.  As a result, while my animations may be abominations of the natural world a bit questionable by nature, I do try to avoid the forced sex appearance as much as I can.  Since the controls aren't fine enough to manipulate facial expressions most of the time, I try to do it with body language.


Certainly not giving anyone hell about what they want to see in a sex animation or their beliefs, I just tend to classify rape in the same category as underage / kiddo sex and, as a result, it's not something I'll animate. 


I've said it before, any badass can beat down a Werewolf and force it to have sex,  it's a different kind of badass that can woo one to the point where it wants to have sex with you :D  


I'll probably pull my poor chicken animation offline until I can give it a garter belt and some other lingerie to wear in game.  It was done as a joke anyway and no one uses it since it's buggy.  Though it did give me some insight into what I might expect if I work with other undersized critters. ( Rabbit, fox, skeever )



In related news,  thanks to CGI, Heromaster and Antono, I have an official platform which I can use to test the animations in game with.  Once I get the latest canine files done,  I'll load everything I have into it and make it available for download so you can test the animations in game without driving Dentarr crazy and give him some rest from updates.

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Dayelyte if you have time, help set me up. I want to attempt to contribute.


I have experience with basic animations (Anime Studio). Nothing major, and using 3dsmax a bit for modeling. Nothing else, but seeing how I'm determined for creatures to get more love, I want to get into it.

Edited by Darkening Demise
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Thanks.  I prefer to think of these as consensual animations and I do what I can to make them appear that way.  Many won't agree with this next statement, but it is my line of thinking ( I'm older than most, what can I say so blame it on my age if you wish . . . . )


I can't get onboard with the whole "rape" line of thinking.  It's a term generally used ( overused imo ) by many who don't fully understand or comprehend just how terrible an act it really is.  As a result, while my animations may be abominations of the natural world a bit questionable by nature, I do try to avoid the forced sex appearance as much as I can.  Since the controls aren't fine enough to manipulate facial expressions most of the time, I try to do it with body language.


Certainly not giving anyone hell about what they want to see in a sex animation or their beliefs, I just tend to classify rape in the same category as underage / kiddo sex and, as a result, it's not something I'll animate. 


I've said it before, any badass can beat down a Werewolf and force it to have sex,  it's a different kind of badass that can woo one to the point where it wants to have sex with you :D  


Perfectly understandable view point. In real life I see it as a capital crime and think it should be treated as such.


In the game which allows for plenty of capital crimes like murder I don't mind it.


Also I found other than when I am helping test mods out. That when I have mods like Defeat or such installed I am a lot more cautious about combat. It makes it feel like their is a real downside to losing combat. In vanilla game if you lose and die no big deal, just have to repeat a little bit of stuff since your last save but it never felt like it was a big deal. I found I was getting reckless in combat because there was little downside to losing.


Of course the same thing can be said about mods like Death Alternative or Arachnophobia as well. That make losing into more than just reloading to your last save.


Not trying to change your mind or anything, only I find it a interesting topic. sex, violence etc in video games or any media.



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American society is a bit odd in my opinion ( and I live here lol ) We're perfectly fine with all the ultra-violence in our way of life. It's everywhere. TV, books, movies, games, whatever. The most horrific things imaginable and we pretty much just call it entertainment or the news lol


But sneak a bit of skin out or hint at anything sexually related and the masses just lose their $&:(-@$ minds and break out the pitchforks and torches. :/


I'm fine with consensual stuff, just not the forced stuff so much . . .


No big deal though, to each their own I suppose.


Darkening: If you will let me know where you need assistance I'll be happy to help.

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American society is a bit odd in my opinion ( and I live here lol ) We're perfectly fine with all the ultra-violence in our way of life. It's everywhere. TV, books, movies, games, whatever. The most horrific things imaginable and we pretty much just call it entertainment or the news lol


But sneak a bit of skin out or hint at anything sexually related and the masses just lose their $& :(-@$ minds and break out the pitchforks and torches. :/


I'm fine with consensual stuff, just not the forced stuff so much . . .


No big deal though, to each their own I suppose.


Darkening: If you will let me know where you need assistance I'll be happy to help.


PM me with the details on what I need to do to get set up. Also yes indeed our society is truly messed up. We can have kids play GTA, but once we mention love or boobs the whole country bursts into a mushroom cloud. :/

Then again our society doesn't follow the Christian church, it follows media as the new found faith and religion. All women must be twigs with massive curves and triple D breasts and men must be sick pack athletes that treat women as sexual objects. At least that's how media wants it, and sadly many Americans follow this as 'what is right'. Anyways just PM me with the details. I'm bored and need something to do to feel useful, besides writing poems on how I hate humanity and the world.

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LOL. . . aight will shoot you a PM.  




In related news, it seems Mr. Murphy lives in my closet and comes out to screw with me from time to time. 


Decided to test one of the new canine animations in game.  Ran the whole thing through Havok and got it all setup.  No issues. 

In game, however, becomes a different story. 


It seems the wolf mesh that is imported into Max is NOT the same size as the active wolf in game.  In fact, it seems Bethesda scales the

critter up a bit.  This becomes obvious when, in Max, the alignment is perfect yet, in game, wolf grande doesn't work quite so well. :|
This begs the question about the rest of the canines ( Huskies, Death-hounds, etc ) as to if they're the same size or not.


So now, I have to brainstorm a bit. 


Do I try to scale the wolf up in Max to match the ingame size ?

Does SexLab support actor scaling up / down per scene ?


Ugh.  Have to think on it a bit. 



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Guest Xandero

LOL. . . aight will shoot you a PM.  




In related news, it seems Mr. Murphy lives in my closet and comes out to screw with me from time to time. 


Decided to test one of the new canine animations in game.  Ran the whole thing through Havok and got it all setup.  No issues. 

In game, however, becomes a different story. 


It seems the wolf mesh that is imported into Max is NOT the same size as the active wolf in game.  In fact, it seems Bethesda scales the

critter up a bit.  This becomes obvious when, in Max, the alignment is perfect yet, in game, wolf grande doesn't work quite so well. :|

This begs the question about the rest of the canines ( Huskies, Death-hounds, etc ) as to if they're the same size or not.


So now, I have to brainstorm a bit. 


Do I try to scale the wolf up in Max to match the ingame size ?

Does SexLab support actor scaling up / down per scene ?


Ugh.  Have to think on it a bit. 

I think, if you will try to scale wolf skeleton in Max and then working with the keys, it will scaled in game too(or something more horrible). Scaling the mesh by itself will give nothing(because it is bound to the skeleton). I heard somewhere about freezing sizes(XForm modifier or or similar).

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I think a possible fix might be to offset the human actor a bit to compensate after scaling the wolf up a bit. Then just exporting the human actor animation and leaving the wolf alone. This should put the human actor in the right position without the oddball scaling issues we would see if I exported a scaled wolf skeleton out. Theory of course.


The Freeze Transforms effectively zeros out relative coords of the object you apply it to. This ensures any further motion on the object is calculated from zero instead of some obscure relative number. It helps to make sure all objects in the scene are calculated from the same starting point ( zero ).


The other is Reset Transforms which puts said object back to the zeroed out position. I think. These two confuse the sh*t out of me and I get them mixed up all the time. lol

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This begs the question about the rest of the canines ( Huskies, Death-hounds, etc ) as to if they're the same size or not.




If Im not mistaken the Death Hounds seem to be scaled in game. Found that during tests. The Huskies (and Judah for that matter) arent. No alignment problems there.



Then again our society doesn't follow the Christian church, 



Be VERY glad about that. Nobody needs a new crusade. In my book a country cant call itself civilized until it seperates state and politics from religion. Think about my tagline before bursting out in rightous fury...




In related news,  thanks to CGI, Heromaster and Antono, I have an official platform which I can use to test the animations in game with.  Once I get the latest canine files done,  I'll load everything I have into it and make it available for download so you can test the animations in game without driving Dentarr crazy and give him some rest from updates.



I dont mind. Im happy to actually get new stuff to add.  :D

And I am not so sure if it wont cause problems if we have another mod that adds animations to the framework. It is true, SL itself allows for modular expansion. But the animation registry with FNIS doesnt. Thats the problem I ran into when SL got to 1.58. You always overwrite one base setting for FNIS with another...

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American society is a bit odd in my opinion ( and I live here lol ) We're perfectly fine with all the ultra-violence in our way of life. It's everywhere. TV, books, movies, games, whatever. The most horrific things imaginable and we pretty much just call it entertainment or the news lol


But sneak a bit of skin out or hint at anything sexually related and the masses just lose their $& :(-@$ minds and break out the pitchforks and torches. :/


I'm fine with consensual stuff, just not the forced stuff so much . . .


No big deal though, to each their own I suppose.


Darkening: If you will let me know where you need assistance I'll be happy to help.


Yeah in the US myself and it is the one thing where I really stand apart from most of the rest. I don't get why ultra-violence is fine but not sex. boggles my mind. :)


Much like reality tv. :)

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I'll probably pull my poor chicken animation offline until I can give it a garter belt and some other lingerie to wear in game. It was done as a joke anyway and no one uses it since it's buggy. Though it did give me some insight into what I might expect if I work with other undersized critters. ( Rabbit, fox, skeever )


All waiting for.. :blush:










Do I try to scale the wolf up in Max to match the ingame size ?


Does SexLab support actor scaling up / down per scene ?


Ugh.  Have to think on it a bit.

I hate the auto/forced actor scaling.. :unsure: (SexLab v1.58b have a really bad Bug "Always enable a wild  auto-rescaling during animations"  the Even Actor Heigh option is broken :()


it is much better to keep the original size of the PC/NPCs, and use the hot-key for actors alignment on the axes x, y, z, zavoid having all bodies the same, the same size, as if it were an assembly, all made in series, it is not nice, it is not realistic..! :-/

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I'll probably pull my poor chicken animation offline until I can give it a garter belt and some other lingerie to wear in game. It was done as a joke anyway and no one uses it since it's buggy. Though it did give me some insight into what I might expect if I work with other undersized critters. ( Rabbit, fox, skeever )

All waiting for.. :blush:





Heavily seconded!

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Chuckle,  I know you all are wating on the skeevers lol


I'm fighting with the canine / wolf ones at the moment due to the fact that while they share the same skeleton, the dogs / wolves are not the same size.  This is going to cause issues in game unless I can come up with a fix for it.  I think my idea of scaling the wolf up in Max will work:

( for those that missed it:  Scale the wolf up, adjust human alignment export new human animation file out to utlize new alignment )


The problem is, I'm not sure what the exact scaling factor is, so I'm guessing at it in Max at the moment by trial and error.  It's been a loooooooong day. 


Fought for HOURS over why the meshes were turning inside out in game.  Turns out I missed a single option setting in the Havok Exporter that shifted around the bone hierarchy on export so the anim data didn't match up with the right bones.  Thus, the foot was moving like a hand, the head like the hips, etc. etc.  Oy. . . .

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Okay.  I swear this is gonna drive me insane yet. 



In your opinion, what is the most common body mesh style in use for Skyrim ?   This dawned on me a few moments ago when the canine animation went from pretty decent looking to absolute train wreck when I started checking it against other body types.  :|  ( I usually use a UNP body to align these with and, on a whim, loaded in a CBBE mesh and realized this may not work out well lol ) 


A position that looks clean with body type A, looks horrific with body type B.  So bad in fact, I wouldn't upload it lol. 


There's no way to make multiple animations to satisfy the N number of body types out there,  so now I have to determine what the most popular one in use is. . . .



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In your opinion, what is the most common body mesh style in use for Skyrim ? 


If you want ballpark figures then the Nexus shows CBBE with 5.8Mil Downloads compared to UNP with 3.8Mil with others trailing in after that.

From what I've gathered reading other topics and boards is that CBBE is a lower quality mesh than UNP, but it has more supporting mods, hence its popularity.


Besides, even if you find that after switching bodies your carefully created animation is transformed in to some lovecraftian chimaera of writhing limbs and dog dick it's not that hard for the end user to just spend a few minutes tweaking the allignments with the tools in SexLab to return it to the clipping porn masterpiece you always intended.

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Okay.  I swear this is gonna drive me insane yet. 



In your opinion, what is the most common body mesh style in use for Skyrim ?   This dawned on me a few moments ago when the canine animation went from pretty decent looking to absolute train wreck when I started checking it against other body types.  :|  ( I usually use a UNP body to align these with and, on a whim, loaded in a CBBE mesh and realized this may not work out well lol ) 


A position that looks clean with body type A, looks horrific with body type B.  So bad in fact, I wouldn't upload it lol. 


There's no way to make multiple animations to satisfy the N number of body types out there,  so now I have to determine what the most popular one in use is. . . .


Unp / unpb / 7 base all align relitively the same, they are all just morphs of the same body actually.

Most of the animations in SL are default aligned to Sevenbase (as that's what Ashal uses Im guessing).

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Unp / unpb / 7 base all align relitively the same, they are all just morphs of the same body actually.

Most of the animations in SL are default aligned to Sevenbase (as that's what Ashal uses Im guessing).

Actually Ashal asked about that specifically and aligned them to UNP but since the UNP family is so large the other members align well too.

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Unp / unpb / 7 base all align relitively the same, they are all just morphs of the same body actually.

Most of the animations in SL are default aligned to Sevenbase (as that's what Ashal uses Im guessing).

Actually Ashal asked about that specifically and aligned them to UNP but since the UNP family is so large the other members align well too.




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UNP is what comes with the XP-32 modders resource for Max.  Thus, it's relatively easy to align since it's already there. 


Smush said " From what I've gathered reading other topics and boards is that CBBE is a lower quality mesh than UNP, but it has more supporting mods, hence its popularity. "


You are correct in this.  The mesh density of CBBE is a lot lower than say UNP and while it looks nice enough, it definitely shows its limitations when putting the actors into some positions.  It's how I noticed the issue to begin with.  Example:  The UNP mesh maintains a smooth deformation in the hips and glute areas in the first canine animation I'm working on where she is straddling him.  The CBBE mesh does not because the geometry density is a lot lower which causes the mesh to flatten out along the glutes and the hips to hollow out or fold in on themselves.  As a result, I am re-working that animation to a similar, but slightly less extreme position. 


" Besides, even if you find that after switching bodies your carefully created animation is transformed in to some lovecraftian chimaera of writhing limbs and dog dick it's not that hard for the end user to just spend a few minutes tweaking the allignments with the tools in SexLab to return it to the clipping porn masterpiece you always intended. "


Chuckle,  I should have taken some screenshots of what happened to me earlier today testing this stuff.  I missed a checkbox in the Havok Exporter ( one, simple little checkbox ) and both the human and dog meshes turned themselves into an inside out pretzel.  It looked like the set of John Carpenters " The Thing ".  It was quite disturbing actually.  ( Fun fact, it took me a few HOURS to find that one little checkbox that was causing my issues :| ) There isn't enough tweaking in the world that would have saved that.  lol



Now for some bad news :|


It's become apparent that I'm not going to be able to get away with reusing animations designed for the dog with the wolves unless you rescale the wolves in game. Although they utilize the same skeleton, the wolves are much larger ( scaled up ) than their domestic counterparts so the animations aren't going to line up without a lot of SexLab keyboard button mashing.  Since I hate having to line stuff up manually in game, I'll do what I can to ensure they're aligned properly ahead of time.


What this means is I'll need to create separate animations for not only the dog and wolf, but for the human counterpart they share the scene with as well. The motion will be similar, but the size differences will force me to offset the human slightly ( and maybe even slightly different animations for the canines ) to avoid alignment issues and clipping.  Will dog animations work on wolves and vice versa ?  Sure, just realize if you go that route you'll be dealing with the problems I'm trying to avoid for you :D


On top of this, I need to try to keep the extreme positions within some limits so the end results are still usable in game by different body mesh types. I'm not going to test the animations with half a dozen different body types, but at the minimum I'll probably test UNP and CBBE since they're the most popular.


So what does all this mean ?  You've probably already guessed it, but these are going to come out much slower than I had originally hoped for :*(



I'll try to release both a dog / wolf combo set for each position at the same time so folks can use them in game with either dogs or wolves and still get decent alignment out of it.  It's just slightly frustrating and tiring to realize the amount of work just doubled because of relatively minor game issues . . . .


Updates as I hammer through them. 





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Okay.  I swear this is gonna drive me insane yet. 



In your opinion, what is the most common body mesh style in use for Skyrim ?   This dawned on me a few moments ago when the canine animation went from pretty decent looking to absolute train wreck when I started checking it against other body types.  :|  ( I usually use a UNP body to align these with and, on a whim, loaded in a CBBE mesh and realized this may not work out well lol ) 


A position that looks clean with body type A, looks horrific with body type B.  So bad in fact, I wouldn't upload it lol. 


There's no way to make multiple animations to satisfy the N number of body types out there,  so now I have to determine what the most popular one in use is. . . .


You do not have to think about it a second.. ;)


forget CBBE, inflatable doll body, is the past.. the real HDT vagina is Native/Based UNP and wotk perfectly on UNP bodys family.


You must use only the UNP, you can not use both the UNP and family CBBE, are too different, let lose CBBE


concentrated and optimizes only the best of classic mashe UNP which is fine for all the bodies of the family UNP, making it the most widely spread.


UNP bodys today is the most common thanks to more UNP variants body by far the most popular bodymeshe, and more realism in shape and more realistic HDT body animations and collision, just see the screens on the forum are CBBE 30% of users, the rest user are all UNP bodys family  ^_^




Sevenbase post-204983-0-04466800-1406257632_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-38190500-1406257200_thumb.jpg


UNP Topmodel post-204983-0-37931600-1406257837_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-64250300-1406257494_thumb.jpg


inflatable doll "CBBE" post-204983-0-94534700-1406258019_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-41659500-1406258141_thumb.jpg

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If the dog and wolf animations prove to be so different taht you have to, more ore less, do them again for the dog and the wolf, why not split them up? Where is it written that you have to release dog and wolf animations at the same time?

I for one am curious to see how much has to be realigned in SL and how bad it really is. You tend towards perfectionism. Me being an engineering type I am satisfied with "good enough"  :blush:  

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