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Tried this mod for the first time a couple nights ago.  Worked great, excellent work!


Couple comments, haven't read the whole thread so forgive me if anything here has been mentioned or is already planned...

- The slaves in the cage were all greating my char with the same male voice.

- Male and female slaves were all in the same cage (not neccessarily bad, could lead to some interesting scenarios).

- I started the auction by talking to a guy through the bars, not sure if this is the correct method.  If so it seems unintuitive.

- At the start of the auction, the auctioneer should make objectifying remarks about the char, some random, some based on race, stat and skill levels.


Looking forward to future updates.


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Tried this mod for the first time a couple nights ago.  Worked great, excellent work!


Couple comments, haven't read the whole thread so forgive me if anything here has been mentioned or is already planned...

- The slaves in the cage were all greating my char with the same male voice.

- Male and female slaves were all in the same cage (not neccessarily bad, could lead to some interesting scenarios).

- I started the auction by talking to a guy through the bars, not sure if this is the correct method.  If so it seems unintuitive.

- At the start of the auction, the auctioneer should make objectifying remarks about the char, some random, some based on race, stat and skill levels.


Looking forward to future updates.


- yes, i need to fix that. it is totally weird to have the woman and the orc with that voice.

- yes. i didn't see a need to segregate. but i probably won't add anything more to that - no 'fuck for the audience' or anything

- speaking to him is the way to start the auction. I figured that way players could rp being in that cell for as long as they wanted. and i don't see it immersion breaking to try to get info from the guard.

- all of this so far is the base. i'll make it prettier after the basic functionality is working (which is pretty close to happen, thanks to vpoteryaev. i would like to make different auctions, comments, and prices based on species, ethnicity, and other factors ("What?! A vampire?! Are you out of your mind?!") 

also, thanks for checking it out, and for the kind words. :)

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I have not tried it, mostly cause I am waiting for the supporting mods to be further along and or different ones. Most of them focus on bondage and I am looking for more of a regular slave role.


Anyways I have a few comments, suggestions and questions. These are all for after you get the base mod working and are looking to polish the mod.



Once Defeat gets a update any chance this can be set to play off defeat instead of DAYMOYL? Defeat has a couple of post event things already in, more would help.


I do agree with someone else that said separating the slaves by gender. Have a cage for each of them, would make a bit more sense. Since people buying them are likely going to most times buy male and female slaves for different reasons. So think of it like they are broke up so they can be auction off in blocks. Like the large males for manual labor, then smaller males for farm work or personal servant. Then females for farm work, personal servant and Ones sold strictly for their looks.


With the above having the seller comment on the aspects of the slave in question to try and show why they would be a good choice for one of the varies tasks. Showing the slave in question off etc.


The other thing I would suggest is make it a more immersive experience. By that I mean have the slaves housed in a area with some freedom to move, get feed, access to some water to bath etc. Then once a week say on Sunday's their is a slave auction, so when you arrive how long you stay around depends on when you was captured. It would go something like this.


Lose a fight and wake up in the slave pens. Can talk to the other slaves to find out where you are and interact with them. Can talk to the guard a bit who may or may not be very nice. After some time (depends how soon the auction is) the guards escort the PC to the auctioneer and slave master. Here they are asked a few questions (to find out what they are good it, where they come from, if anyone would pay a large ransom for them etc), If the player takes meek/submissive answers it is noted, if the player takes defiant answers it is noted, if the player threatens them it is noted.


If the player is meek they advance to the task stage, if the player is defiant they might get smacked(punch animation with some minor damage) around some and told to watch themselves, if the player is threatening they get beat then tied to a post and whipped. This is repeated until the player stops being threatening or dies which ever comes first.


Assuming the player makes it to the task stage, they are told to do varies tasks. Make food, serve drinks, clean up something etc just to see how the slave reacts. Finally they are told to provide sex. If they are submissive sex happens, if they are still defiant, some guards are called in to run a train on the slave to show them they have no say.


Once done the PC is taken back to the slave pens to live out the next few days until the auction. Once the auction starts the PC waits till they are auctioned off, best if at least a few others are auctioned off first. Have it be random say 0-5 slaves before the PC. So the PC can hear how the others get auctioned off. Depending on there actions from before the could be auctioned off as a meek perfect slave. The auctioneer will make them sound like a great personal slave, defiant and they talk about their good points but how they still need a firm hand to train them, if threatening and they had to be beat into submission they are mentioned they are savage but with a strong will.


For now that wouldn't do anything but in the future you could have that weight the chances of where the slave ends up. meek likely to go to a brothel like Wolf Club or a personal slave like in SD+, defiant all are options, and threatening and likely to go to the mines or gladiator pit if anyone makes that. Anyways you could just have the percentages be effect. So say meek might have 80% personal slave, if that fails then 80% wolf club, then 10% mine slave etc.


Anyways just throwing wild idea's out there, feel free to ignore them.


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I've actually had very (very) similar thoughts. I think I brought up the slave training in this very thread a page or two ago, and I also have thought about ways to let the player steer things toward where they'd prefer to go (and I even had your idea of only making it a % chance of getting what they wanted - it's slavery, after all, not democracy!) 


In other words, great minds think alike. And so, apparently, so ours. :)


That all said, I am limited by my abilities as a modder, so if and or when this stuff happens, it will likely not be as extravagant as it looks in our imaginations. 

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No worries, dealing with insomnia and my mind tends to wander and I often come up with idea's that sound good in my head. So I tend to post them in threads cause you never know they actually might be, when i am less sleep deprived. Glad you liked/already thought of the idea's.


As far as not able to do as much as you want, that is understandable. Though I have faith in you and keep in mind making mods is not a sprint, but a marathon. So once you start to polish you might learn more and go back and take another pass of polish and who knows where the mod will end up in a year or two from now. :)


Oh and about Defeat, I do hope this can have a MCM menu or something to let you pick DAYMOYL or Defeat as the trigger. I honestly just don't see the point of DAYMOYL with Defeat and other mods like this.

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No worries, dealing with insomnia and my mind tends to wander and I often come up with idea's that sound good in my head. So I tend to post them in threads cause you never know they actually might be, when i am less sleep deprived. Glad you liked/already thought of the idea's.


As far as not able to do as much as you want, that is understandable. Though I have faith in you and keep in mind making mods is not a sprint, but a marathon. So once you start to polish you might learn more and go back and take another pass of polish and who knows where the mod will end up in a year or two from now. :)


Oh and about Defeat, I do hope this can have a MCM menu or something to let you pick DAYMOYL or Defeat as the trigger. I honestly just don't see the point of DAYMOYL with Defeat and other mods like this.

Well, with da and defeat, you can have a varied experience. I know defeat has its own blackout scenarios, but da's ability for add-on mods gives it the advantage of infinite expansion.

Also, I'm having some insomnia myself tonight. Too tired to mod, too wired to sleep. So I've been blogging instead. It's been too long - I miss writing.

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For some reason my game often crushes when I have Defeat, Devious Capture, and Simple Slavery set up with DA set to bleed out and ragdoll and black out set to 10-12 sec. But when i have either Defeat & Devious Capture or Simple Slavery with out the other I have no problems. 


Is anyone else having that problem too?

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I tend to think it's a Devious Captures + Defeat thing... when I'm using Devious Captures and Defeat, there's often a gap between events (defeat, rape, robbery, adding devices) that can last anywhere from half a second to two or three seconds, and I've got a feeling that too many scripts are either waiting for their opportunity, or actively trying to compete for control at that point. I've sometimes experienced CTDs there.


I've gotten good results by leaving on the "robbery" event in Devious Captures but turning off the "Assault" event. Crashes still happen, but much more rarely.


Then again, it could just be a coincidence, and who the hell knows what's going on under the hood? Even very script-light mods will cause crashes if they're impolite and trying to wrest control from other scripts.


I don't think it's a simple slavery thing, because here's the sequence of events that should be taking place. This is my understanding of what's happening, and I might be wrong, but here goes:





1. Player gets defeated in combat. Death Alternative sees player health go to zero (or whatever your trigger is) and sends you into bleedout. At this point, if the player takes enough damage to get the "bleedout" bar down to zero, DA events (such as simple slavery) occur. But before that can happen...


2. Defeat detects that the player has been defeated, and engages the rape scenario, canceling Death Alternative's bleedout timer. Defeat would just play the rape scenario and then put you back into the action (at low health, but no longer in bleedout state), but before that can happen...


3. Devious captures detects that the player is involved in rape from Defeat, waits for the end of the animation, then adds devious devices according to how you've got DC set up (Assault event). Defeat is then given control again.


4. Defeat is now given back control. Bleedout has been canceled back in step 2, and the player would get up at low health, unless you've got it set up to rob the player. Defeat robs the player, and then would allow the player to get up, but before that can happen...


5. Devious captures detects that the player is involved in a robbery from Defeat, waits until the robbery is completed, then adds devious devices according to its setup (Robbery event). Finally, Defeat is given control again.


6. Defeat is allowed control and lets the player get up, at low health, but no longer in bleedout state (still affected by mild bleeding).


7. At this point, if the enemy continues to attack the player, and defeats the player again, it all starts over at step 1... unless you've got "cooldown" enabled in Defeat. If cooldown is enabled, Death Alternative takes back over.


8. If cooldown is enabled, and the player is defeated by the same enemy, Death Alternative takes over. The player will be sent to one of DA's various scenarios. Which scenario depends on its priority. IIRC, if two scenarios are given equal priority, DA will pick randomly between them. But if one is given higher priority, even by 1 point, that's the one that you're sent to. For example, if Simple Slavery and SD+ are both given a priority of 80, it will pick randomly, but if Simple Slavery has 80 and SD+ has 79 or lower, Simple Slavery will trigger.


9. If the conditions for whatever Death Alternative picked aren't exactly right, DA backs out and sends you to the next one on the list. In this case, Simple Slavery's conditions are that you were defeated by a member of the Bandit faction, so if you were defeated by a bandit, DA continues on and sends you to Simple Slavery, but if you were defeated by, for example, a necromancer, DA backs out and will try the next highest priority in the list.


Between steps 2 and 7, you've got up to three mods looking at the state of the player pretty much constantly, and trying to take control depending on what other events are happening. I believe that this is where the problem lies.

Mods based on DA such as Simple Slavery, SD+, Wolfclub, etc. don't even enter the picture until very late in this sequence of events, well after Defeat and Devious Captures are done with the player... so I don't think any DA mod is at fault there. It has to be something to do with Defeat or Devious Captures or a combination of the two.




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Thanks Content Consumer. 

I had a feeling that what was happen but I wanted to be sure that what the case and I was also want to know if there is a setting combination between Defeat, Devious Capture, and Simple Slavery where they will not fight with another 


I be so glad when the new Defeat is finished and i know the fixed the problem so I can enjoy both Simple Slavery and Defeat.


Oh a little subjection for Simple Slavery. Can you set it to have the auctioneer walk the character out of the cage instead just having the character just black out and teleported on stage and add binding that show the character bound for the binder? I can't see the Dragonborn standing there unbound and letting then bid when a few shouts would send then flying though the walls.

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Ok, finally got to try the new features of the mod (2.6+) and wanted to share my results (using 2.81): Till now I only tried a few times:

on my first try I got the "Wolfclub not found" message even though wolfclub was active and this resulted in the SD+ outcome (which worked fine).

Second try ended up being QAYL (which also worked fine).

On the third try my screen remained black (apart from the interface) after the auction and I was still able to talk to the bidders. I never got moved anywhere else and didn't get a notification about new quests.

On my last try I simply remained stuck in the bleedout animation, so I could not talk to the guard to start the auction (which may be a problem with DA).


Furthermore I now know a lot more about the problem I had with the empty auctionplace (apart from bidder5) which robbed you of any way to advance. It seems to be an upgrade problem, since it's gone now that I completely reinstalled all my mods, deleted all savegames and started over.

The problem seems to be that upgrading from 2.52 and older to 2.6+ on an existing save, the auction gets moved to the house, but the player still ends up in the cave (which is why I was able to tell if it was night or day by the lighting). Until today I thought you moved the cave somewhere else when you said you moved the auction, since I still ended up in the cave.


I hope this helps. I like your mod and would love to see it ending up like you imagined it to be.


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Ok, finally got to try the new features of the mod (2.6+) and wanted to share my results (using 2.81): Till now I only tried a few times:

on my first try I got the "Wolfclub not found" message even though wolfclub was active and this resulted in the SD+ outcome (which worked fine).

Second try ended up being QAYL (which also worked fine).

On the third try my screen remained black (apart from the interface) after the auction and I was still able to talk to the bidders. I never got moved anywhere else and didn't get a notification about new quests.

On my last try I simply remained stuck in the bleedout animation, so I could not talk to the guard to start the auction (which may be a problem with DA).


Furthermore I now know a lot more about the problem I had with the empty auctionplace (apart from bidder5) which robbed you of any way to advance. It seems to be an upgrade problem, since it's gone now that I completely reinstalled all my mods, deleted all savegames and started over.

The problem seems to be that upgrading from 2.52 and older to 2.6+ on an existing save, the auction gets moved to the house, but the player still ends up in the cave (which is why I was able to tell if it was night or day by the lighting). Until today I thought you moved the cave somewhere else when you said you moved the auction, since I still ended up in the cave.


I hope this helps. I like your mod and would love to see it ending up like you imagined it to be.

Go up a few posts and download and install the upgrade (with mcm!) And the script patch vpoter posted. It fixes the connection problems with most of the mods. I look forward to the day I have time to mod again.

Thanks Content Consumer.

I had a feeling that what was happen but I wanted to be sure that what the case and I was also want to know if there is a setting combination between Defeat, Devious Capture, and Simple Slavery where they will not fight with another


I be so glad when the new Defeat is finished and i know the fixed the problem so I can enjoy both Simple Slavery and Defeat.


Oh a little subjection for Simple Slavery. Can you set it to have the auctioneer walk the character out of the cage instead just having the character just black out and teleported on stage and add binding that show the character bound for the binder? I can't see the Dragonborn standing there unbound and letting then bid when a few shouts would send then flying though the walls.

Binding is definitely on my list. While I would also like the immersion feel of being walked up to the stage, forced pathing tends to be buggy. I'll try at some point, but no promises.

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Go up a few posts and download and install the upgrade (with mcm!) And the script patch vpoter posted. It fixes the connection problems with most of the mods. I look forward to the day I have time to mod again.



How did I miss that?




Binding is definitely on my list. While I would also like the immersion feel of being walked up to the stage, forced pathing tends to be buggy. I'll try at some point, but no promises.

Possibly... a trigger box (or rather, a whole bunch of small trigger boxes) that, when you step inside them, causes a man with a whip to smack you? That would give you a forced walk without forced pathing or removing control from the player... just feels more immersive, somehow - AI control and forced pathing turns the game into a movie for a little bit, while forcing the player to actively participate in his/her own slavery by the player's own hand seems, I dunno... more devious.


"I said march toward the platform, idiot. You were marching toward the door. How stupid do you think we are?"



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"One more wrong step and I'm switching to the mace... and you don't want the mace."


Maybe add a bit of exposition and a few display poses. Customers love a good show and when they love the show, coin will flow...


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Not sure if its this mod but I'm sure it is but after being defeated in daymol I wake up in a cage in sky haven temple. There is one npc but he doesn't do anything just sits, eats, etc like a normal npc. I did this on a new game so hadn't got to sky haven temple in the main quest yet.

And how do i set da to "bleedout only"?

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Not sure if its this mod but I'm sure it is but after being defeated in daymol I wake up in a cage in sky haven temple. There is one npc but he doesn't do anything just sits, eats, etc like a normal npc. I did this on a new game so hadn't got to sky haven temple in the main quest yet.

And how do i set da to "bleedout only"?

You must have an older version of the mod. The new slave market is in a new place.


This is a screenshot from the nexus page on Death Alternative:



The spot where it says Animations: Bleedout and ragdoll you just click on it and select "bleedout."

But doing so is also unnecessary for the latest version of this mod, it now works fine with bleedout-ragdoll.

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Not sure if its this mod but I'm sure it is but after being defeated in daymol I wake up in a cage in sky haven temple. There is one npc but he doesn't do anything just sits, eats, etc like a normal npc. I did this on a new game so hadn't got to sky haven temple in the main quest yet.

And how do i set da to "bleedout only"?

You must have an older version of the mod. The new slave market is in a new place.


This is a screenshot from the nexus page on Death Alternative:



The spot where it says Animations: Bleedout and ragdoll you just click on it and select "bleedout."

But doing so is also unnecessary for the latest version of this mod, it now works fine with bleedout-ragdoll.



I definitely have the latest version but I still wake up in sky haven temple...


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Not sure if its this mod but I'm sure it is but after being defeated in daymol I wake up in a cage in sky haven temple. There is one npc but he doesn't do anything just sits, eats, etc like a normal npc. I did this on a new game so hadn't got to sky haven temple in the main quest yet.


And how do i set da to "bleedout only"?

You must have an older version of the mod. The new slave market is in a new place.


This is a screenshot from the nexus page on Death Alternative:



The spot where it says Animations: Bleedout and ragdoll you just click on it and select "bleedout."

But doing so is also unnecessary for the latest version of this mod, it now works fine with bleedout-ragdoll.

I definitely have the latest version but I still wake up in sky haven temple...

Strange. I'm guessing you installed the latest on a save that had a previous version. Do a hard save, Uninstall the mod,load the save and make another hard save, clean that save with a script cleaner, then reinstall. That should fix it.

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Downloaded your new version 3.01 today the one you said now has a mcm menu. installed the new version loaded in and no mcm menu. so i checked the script folder and no mcm menu scripts. Did You Lol forget to add them. good work on the mod been using since the earlier versions.

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when I went back a few pages to get the mcm i noticed you were talking about CK problems i had some similar problems in the past i was able to fix these by revarifing the CK thru steam. If you do this it will put the ini back to custom so you will need to put the settings back for the ability to load multiple masters in the ini.

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