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Using NVSE 4.6.3:

Fallout NV, No DLC, No Mods:  blank console window, disappearing exe

Fallout NV, All DLC, No Mods:  blank console window (disappeared slightly faster), disappearing exe

Using NVSE 4.5:

Fallout NV, No DLC, No Mods:  Game functions (or at least, loads main menu).  Exe doesn't disappear.

Fallout NV, All DLC, No Mods:  Game functions (or at least, loads main menu)  Exe doesn't disappear.

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pregnancy does not work, then


Fertile Breeder.esp
all sexout resources latest versions
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needing help i look at the treads but i couldn't fine what i was doing wrong but what happen is my spunk keep closing my game out saying it need them 3 thing but i got them and if i unchecked spunk it work and that still if lust is checked  like it still active but spunk detective and i was wandering if you could help me when i did the debug thing it was saying something about no aurrys or something like that and i did the log but i couldn't make since of it sorry im a Noob when it come to this kind of stuff and im trying to use it with the preg mod


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The message from Pregnancy is most likely a timing issue between the two mods. Until it gets sorted out, anyone who has it should first run the game with only spunk, and set sperm tracking on in spunk's MCM menu. Save, exit, add Pregnancy.

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Sorry to beat a dead horse but I'm having the same problem. I got the following things that I think are what are asked for:


NVSE 4.6.3 Beta

NX 16

SexoutNG Core 2.9.92


I am literally first night doing this so I don't know if it's just me doing something wrong but your help would be appreciated.


BTW, I am able to get the SexoutNG Normal, Tryout, Working Girl, Soliciting, Wear & Tear to work so I'm assuming it's working in general if that help narrow down some possible issues.

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The message from Pregnancy is most likely a timing issue between the two mods. Until it gets sorted out, anyone who has it should first run the game with only spunk, and set sperm tracking on in spunk's MCM menu. Save, exit, add Pregnancy.

The warning message from pregnancy about sperm not being turned on does not actually disable pregnancy from working in any way, it's just a warning message that it might not work because actors don't generate sperm. If it is just that pregnancy is checking too early before spunk has set it's variables then it should not effect the game in anyway to ignore it.
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So I'm having a bit of an issue with SexoutSpunk that's causing problems with Pregnancy. The semen tracking isn't tracking any semen. The log file below says that semen tracking is set to 1, but it's spitting out all zeros for the related values.


Quest: Spunk Varz
->fVersion = 0.9000
->iRacesAdd = 0
->iUseSemen = 1
->iUseShaders = 1
->iUseSmells = 1
->iUseLust = 1
->iUseArousal = 1
->iUseSperm = 1
->iDBMode = 1
->iPulloutChanceC = 15
->iPulloutChanceR = 1
->iVolumePref = 1
->fOverVol = 50.0000
->iSqrtChance = 5
->iSpunkKey = 0
->iStrapCock = 0
->fTrickleThresh = 1.5000
->fNeglig = 0.5000
->iSMOption = 3
->iSMDuration = 10
->iSHOptionCreature = 3
->iSHOptionHuman = 3
->iSHVolume = 5
->ar_trackedacts = 6.0000
->ar_actorsrec = 67.0000
->ar_spurttracking = 68.0000
->ar_actorsrecSP = 77.0000
->ar_spermtracking = 78.0000
->ar_smelltracking = 69.0000
->ar_lusttracking = 71.0000
->ar_skeletons = 31.0000
->ar_skeletonsplus = 17.0000
->ar_racecats = 18.0000
->ar_bigcrits = 19.0000
->ar_critcumvol = 32.0000
->ar_spermmult = 33.0000
->ar_ARoles2P = 8.0000
->ar_ARoles2pZAZ = 35.0000
->ar_ARolesCR = 38.0000
->ar_ARoles3p = 36.0000
->ar_CRoles3p = 37.0000
->ar_relpos = 39.0000
->ar_relpos3 = 40.0000
->ar_relposZ = 41.0000
->ar_relposC = 42.0000
->ar_critfactions = 64.0000
->ar_shadercollection = 43.0000
->iSHSet = 1
->iUseLustBuffs = 1
->iCheckDrugs4Lust = 1
->iNPCsApproach = 0
->iNPCsMast = 0
->fDTRFR = 10.0000
->fDTMMale = 7.0000
->fDTMFemale = 7.0000
->fDTMPlayer = 7.0000
->iBuildLog = 0
->iLogNo = 0
->ar_actorsrecSM = 70.0000
->ar_insidelocs = 25.0000
->ar_cumevals = 22.0000
->ar_outsidetrickles = 23.0000
->ar_spspsp = 20.0000
->iD2TrackInside = 3
->fTrickleRate = 0.2000
->ar_roles4xp = 21.0000
->ar_actors2orgasm = 7.0000
->iDurFix = 1
->iUseOrgasmBuffs = 1
->iUseOrgasmAIBuffs = 1
->fArMultFemale = 1.0000
->fArMultMale = 1.0000
->iDispFactor = 5
->iBuffDur = 5
->ar_orgbuffs = 24.0000
->fCoolDown = 2.0000
->iDurSpread = 10
->ar_cockroles = 26.0000
->ar_orglessroles = 27.0000
->iUseColor = 1
->iAlwaysWash = 0
->ar_scratchidles = 5.0000
->ar_actorsrecSH = 72.0000
->ar_shadertracking = 73.0000
->iHardcore = 0
->ar_rolesforADD = 28.0000
->ar_CSPs = 29.0000
->ar_DomAnims = 30.0000
->fPosEnjoy = 0.1000
->fNegEnjoy = 0.1000
->iUseXP = 1
->iUseEnjoy = 1
->ar_actorsrecXP = 74.0000
->ar_actorsrecEnjoy = 75.0000
->ar_PerksPos = 65.0000
->ar_PerksNeg = 66.0000
->iUsePerks = 1
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? No
Current stage: 0
Priority: 0
Quest: Spunk Main
->iInit = 1
->ftimer = 0.0000
->iSizeSmell = 0
->iSizeGen = 0
->iSizeSperm = 0
->iSizeLust = 1
->iSizeShaders = 0
->iNVSE = 463
->iNG = 2992
->iOK = 1
->iSizeXP = 3
->iSizeEnjoy = 3
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? Yes
Current stage: 0
Priority: 50
Quest: Spunk Semen Tracking
->rActor = (00000000)
->actorinfo = 0.0000
->spurt = 0.0000
->iAIIndex = 0
->iActorIndex = 0
->iActorSize = 0
->iSameActor = 0
->iAISize = 0
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? No
Current stage: 0
Priority: 10
Quest: Spunk Sperm Tracking
->rActor = (00000000)
->actorinfo = 0.0000
->spurt = 0.0000
->iAIIndex = 0
->iActorIndex = 0
->iActorSize = 0
->fDimRate = 0.0000
->iEvalsPassed = 0
->iNewCount = 0
->iSameActor = 0
->iAISize = 0
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? No
Current stage: 0
Priority: 10
Quest: Spunk Lust Tracking
->rActor = (00000014)
->fLust = 0.1173
->fLustDiff = 0.0000
->fLustMult = 1.0000
->fLastGDP = 7.3455
->fGDPPassed = 0.0012
->fRapePen = 0.0000
->fDTM = 7.0000
->fLustOh = 0.0000
->fSleepEz = 0.0000
->iIndex = 0
->iControl = 0
->fLustMultDiff = 0.0000
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? Yes
Current stage: 0
Priority: 10
Quest: Spunk Smell Tracking
->ar_entry = 0.0000
->rActor = (00000000)
->iActorIndex = 0
->fStart = 0.0000
->fStop = 0.0000
->fDuration = 0.0000
->rFaction = (00000000)
->iActorSize = 0
->ar_smells = 0.0000
->ar_smell = 0.0000
->ar_tokeep = 0.0000
->iSameActor = 0
->iSmellSize = 0
->iSmellIndex = 0
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? No
Current stage: 0
Priority: 10
Quest: Spunk Shader Tracking
->ar_shader = 0.0000
->shaderinfo = 0.0000
->iActorIndex = 0
->iActorSize = 0
->iLookup = 0
->iRandom = 0
->iSameActor = 0
->iShaderIndex = 0
->iSISize = 0
->rActor = (00000000)
->rShader = (00000000)
->rShader2 = (00000000)
->sv_idle = 0
--- Quest state -----------------------------
Running? No
Current stage: 0
Priority: 10




Additionally, and I don't know if it's related, but the log file also spit out the following:


Error in script 1a02c6df
Division by zero
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0459 Command: Let
Error in script 1a02c6df
Operator / failed to evaluate to a valid result
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x0459 Command: Let
SpunkSPArousalScpt on player, 00000014:RP 1.00, XPF 0.29, AM 1.00, enjoy 0.85, timer 2, avg 0, arousal 4
SpunkSpArousalScpt on testnpc, 19004F00, stage 1


repeatedly. About 300 lines in the log file are just that error message.

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Sorry to repost but I'm having the same problem. I am able to now put up a picture showing what I have. I got the following things that I think are what are asked for:


NVSE 4.6.3 Beta

NX 16

SexoutNG Core 2.9.92


I am able to get the SexoutNG Normal, Tryout, Working Girl, Soliciting, Wear & Tear to work so I'm assuming it's working in general if that help narrow down some possible issues.


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ok So I have all the requirements need to run this mod, however I am still getting the message that it needs the blah,blah, and blah.  The game is quitting.  I don't understand this since I have all your requirements as per the instructions and installed everything the way it is supposed to be.


Unless Spunk just needs to be copied over.  I used this sites FOMM to install it.


I could use a little help and I would post a log if I new how to get one.


NVSE X16 is what I have downloaded because that is what it is telling me in the game, but your requirements say 15.  Does that even matter?

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ok So I have all the requirements need to run this mod, however I am still getting the message that it needs the blah,blah, and blah.  The game is quitting.  I don't understand this since I have all your requirements as per the instructions and installed everything the way it is supposed to be.


Unless Spunk just needs to be copied over.  I used this sites FOMM to install it.


I could use a little help and I would post a log if I new how to get one.


NVSE X16 is what I have downloaded because that is what it is telling me in the game, but your requirements say 15.  Does that even matter?


same problem maybe im just stupid

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The next update will have spunk also saying which versions of the reqs people do seem to have, according to spunk obviously.
In the meantime, at least the nvse & nx versions can be gotten through the console with




in that order



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The next update will have spunk also saying which versions of the reqs people do seem to have, according to spunk obviously.

In the meantime, at least the nvse & nx versions can be gotten through the console with




in that order




Spunk is still not working for me, my versions are (in order) 4, 5, 7, and 16


I" am also getting the "spunk requires versions quitting game now" error on load.

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Considering it says 4.5.7, I wager you didn't download from the link next to "current beta" on that page but picked the old one again.


Don't take this especially personally - it's an announcement in general.

I put up the requirements notice so that in the course of people trying to use spunk with older versions of nvse, it wouldn't generate erroneous data leading to bug reports I couldn't possibly trace back. So far I haven't seen a single case where the script determining if you comply with the requirements was wrong. So from now on I'll ignore any questions from people not meeting them, personally. It's not feedback, it doesn't point out real bugs or provide suggestions. It's literally holding people's hands when it comes to reading my requirements and navigating to the correct links. I never had to do it, it wastes my time, and it's getting on my nerves.

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I get the frustration and I was trying to avoid causing any with this, honest. However, I did install the newest, the 5.0 beta 1. my second question was why would it think that my version is still 4 when i have 5 check off? I already mentioned that i had uninstalled the earlier version before installing 5.0


heres the screen cap of my active packages. http://postimg.org/image/53fzty38t/

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