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I try it again, I guess I was not looking close enough, I have had this problem with other Download page's, they like to hide what you are trying to get with BS, it is troubling for me, I guess I am just a dummy, those great big Green Download buttons have gotten me so many time's  GRRRR!.


Thx U




Yepper's! That was it, I am just a dummy, so SoRrY :(

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well now that i finally have this installed and fuctioning in the 88 ver. ( thx U Nicoledragoness for helping me to understand how to get the latest NVSE, I am such a dunce about so many things, that should be obvious :(  )


1. I was wondering about the MCM settings.


2. I don't want to deal with Penalties that deal with dugged, or rape, this game pentalizes my poor game playing abilities enough :) .


3. I do want a pretty heavy coverage, so I can see the neat texture feature's when the spunk happens.


4. Also somewhat extended life of the coverage would also be nice.


What would be the best way to do the setting's in the MCM to get something like this ?

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2. Buffs & debuffs are covered in the "lust" and "arousal" submenus. You should be able to turn most of that off there, maybe not all just yet.


3. High semen volume (spurt menu) or pornstar/freakish shader volumes are your best bet.


4. Extending shader duration beyond the defaults is not possible unless you tinker with the mod in Geck. The timing of the animated, dripping shaders is set in the records for the shaders themselves so I can't provide an MCM menu slider for that. The only other alternative would be to multiply the number of shaders by x amount of pre-set preferences, and do a lot of scripting sorting that out, so I'd rather not do that. You should be able to adjust it in the shader records, there's a setting in there that's at 40-45 secs, so you can extend that. There's also a script called SpunkQuShaderTracking, which is where the switch to the lighter, permanent shader happens - there should be a calculation there that checks time too:

if eval ((GameDaysPassed - ar_shader["Left"]) < ((7 * TimeScale) / 14400))

That pretty much means "don't do the rest of the script if it's less than 35 seconds since the dripping shader was applied".  That '7' there can be increased: setting it to 20 for instance would make the script hold off for 100 seconds. 1 = 5 secs. Just put something there that matches the new duration in the shader records.


I'll probably increase the default duration some in the future, but not now - HD in tatters, and when I get my setup back up and running I'll need to focus on all the cool stuff I was adding when it happened.

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Thx you so much DoctaSax, I was a little confused about some of the setting's, I mean I had guessed some of them, but was not just really sure.


I very much understand HD problem's, I have been battling to get My stuff all back installed like I like it, and it has been a confusing mess, you don't realize how much stuff you came to depend on until you find it's not installed :( .


  I very much love your mod, I just am sort of simple minded, and miss a lot of things. Thx U very much

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As for coverage, I wonder how "Spunk decides" option works. With "spunk decides", my character is not covered after sex at all. (Did only a few sex acts though). However if only I check option "a bit of a mess" it works immediately. 


Does this "spunk decides" option works like this? So sometimes there is no way to see shaders on my wasted character? =)

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Oops, sorry, missed that. The shader decision making is two-fold:

- in the first stage, spunk goes through a few quick filters based on the situation (human = always, only oral/group, spunk decides ; creature = always, only big creatures, spunk decides). All this does is decide if it's worth going to the second stage.

- in the second stage, it checks whether you've hard-set the volumes (pornstar/freakish etc) or if you let spunk decide. If the latter is what you mean, spunk will only apply shaders if it detects you have enough virtual semen on the outside of the body in the semen tracking system. I think there needs to be a minimum of 5 ml. Then it picks one based on that volume, and the gender and species of the orgasming actor.


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Odd. SpunkSpActLustCuts, which reduces lust if an actor's found in an act, is waiting for an arousal var and keeps hanging until it gets one, which it never does. If arousal is a factor I briefly need the current lust to establish a base line from where to increase, hence the delay in cutting lust. But no arousal spell is ever cast on him, which should happen in SpunkSpStartHookScpt, stage 9. Which either means

- arousal was set off after the log was created, but is unlikely because LustCuts still waits for the arousal var,

- iActorCnt was never retrieved from the "Sexout:Core" var but the log says it is at starthook stage 0

- it couldn't find the actor to cast LustCuts on in the thisact array, but it does, and says it's about to cast

- ?


It may be possible that nvse decided not to run the arousal script again if it somehow crashed at some point before this log started, while the actual spell still is cast, I just don't see it happening in the log. That's just a guess though.

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I am currently using <SexoutSpunk>, along with other <Sexout> mods :


Active Mod Files:


00 FalloutNV.esm
16 Sexout.esm
17 SexoutCommonResources.esm
18 SexoutDRTL.esm
19 SexoutSoliciting.esm
1A SexoutSlavery.esm
1B SexoutPregnancyV3.esm
1C SexoutOffSpring.esm
62 SmallerTalk.esp
63 SexoutSpunk.esp
64 SexoutDRTLEx.esp
65 Sexout- CES.esp
66 SexoutAmra.esp
++ SexoutLust - oHUD.esp
74 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
75 SexoutLust.esp
76 SexoutCheckMeOut.esp
77 Sexout-Wear-And-Tear.esp
78 SexoutSexAssault.esp
79 SexoutClothingEval.esp


I am getting constant "character has a twinkle in their eye" and "character no longer has a twinkle in their eye" messages popping in and out, which is fairly annoying. What explains this ? Could it be a conflict ? Is there any way to disable these messages ?

Thank you.

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I see.


Too many mods adding too many hotkeys in my case, probably overlapping each other.


Thank you for your reply, I'll look into that.


PS : Is there any way to disable the hotkey ? even inside the code, I don't mind getting my hands dirty, to be the least bother to you.


I kind of like my <Sexout> mods sitting in the background, working "out of the box". I would of course use hotkeys for in-game  actions/reactions, like "to give in", maybe "to quick react", etc., but don't think I would have a big use of others just to tweak stuff once I am done with MCM. I am only bound to break the flow of the game without noticing. I really love <SexoutSpunk> in combination with <SexoutLust>, and it worked as smooth as I wanted it to till yesterday.

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You can change the hotkey in the MCM to something out of the way that way you don't hit it when you are trying to fire off something else that way you still have it for adding tracking later to say maybe followers.  I forget what the default button is but I do know that with the mods I had installed it did overlap with some other mod I just don't recall which one at this point.  I know for example Solicitings quicktime key overlaps with JIPCompanionControls if you leave both on default keys which may cause issues but I'm not sure because you are in camera mode when you need to press that key so it shouldn't but to be sure it doesn't I just remap it at game start anyways

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That should be it, yes, since I use JIP's mod.


It's a pita to reconfigure all the different hotkeys each time I start a new game, or rather to find them each some unused keys actually.


I don't want to bother authors about it, since it's about comfort I guess, not a bug. Some basic instructions on how to script hotkeys out for good would be great.

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The spunk hotkey's used for a few different things - adding NPCs to lust, yield during combat & go to yield sex in SexoutLust, and pulling out of an act early. Future additions to spunk will also rely on it. I'm very economical with that one key, actually. Providing a toggle-off option for the whole thing requires more space in my MCM scripts and I've already expanded those to 3. The same goes for a reset option in MCM or in the debug menu: not worth the space.


If I were in a position to look up the formID of the SpunkVARZ quest, I'd tell you the console command to reset to <no key> is

set "formID".iSpunkkey to 0


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I appreciate the assistance.


To be honest, I didn't even know this hotkey existed before spyder2200 mentioned it. My fault. Thank you for your patient explanations.


There's more to it though, since I've noticed that it's not even set in my MCM settings :










I am a bit at loss on how to explain what I saw yesterday. If the succession of messages (in the top left hand corner) had not been not so quick ("has a twinkle" -> "has no more twinkle" -> "has a twinkle" -> etc.), affecting every NPC around me (companions + legion soldiers), I probably would've thought nothing of it.

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Ah, so you never had one set in the first place?

In that case it is not normal, as if it's starting the key detection by returning true against no key being pressed, but then no one else seems to have experienced it. No key being set is the default. Can you retrace/recreate this?

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SpunkQuShaderTracking tries to retrieve the actor to handle from the array key of -1, so considering it's a regular array there's nothing to find there. For some reason this results in the pre-existing actor ref var sticking around though, and at some point, by getting a shader attached to them during your further testing, he manages to struggle out of it. Don't you just love it when a script corrects itself! :)


Not sure about the causes, maybe some stuff just got toggled on or off during one of your legendary testing sessions, or maybe you used some of the debug menu's 'remove actor from tracking' options, which *should* work of course.

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Hi Docta,


I am not sure if it is Spunk causing my error, but I shall post it here anyway.

So what's the haps? Well, after working perfectly for a long time, suddenly sex acts stopped completely. By this I mean that they don't start at all. Since I have had this problem before, I did what has always worked so far: uninstalled everything even vaguely related to Sexout, started the last save without SO etc loaded, waited 5 mins in game, made a new save, then reinstalled the mods and set them up in the config menu as usual.

However THIS time the problem persists. I walk up to a random NPC, menu options show up, ask for sex and when it is supposed to start, the NPC just walks away.

I did the scof thing and set all the mods that have them in debug mode. The resulting log is atached.

In the log I noticed a lot of messages from Spunk, so I figured I'd post the log here and see if you can find anything weird in it.


Thanks in advance for your help!



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All I see there is that the debug menu script is somehow stuck and doesn't stop itself. No reason to suspect it has anything to do with sexout not starting or anims not working.

Get debug unstuck by typing this code into the console:

set "XX03E592".iControl to 0


xx being spunk's load order number of course

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If you guys can't narrow that down, run the debug log again with the sexout debug on (not scanner, just the first mcm checkbox) and upload a new one. I think something somewhere is screwing up the sexout InUse flag. There aren't a lot of people having this problem of actors seeming to remain locked after an act from the descriptions, but there are enough that I'm starting to really wonder what's causing it.


If the actor is locked by sexout and not unlocked at the end, the clean save has to also be devoid of the sexout ESM to get the NX flags cleared.

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