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Ok I for some reason can not for the life of me figure out what is up with washing up searched for wash and clean and can't seem to find the issue but anyways on washing up I can't get the lowest lvl of shader to come off my character not easy to spot in the light but sticks out pretty bad in the dark like a black light is on me.  As for actors I can tell them to wash up as much as I want but no matter what they do I still get the option to tell them to wash up since updating to the latest version before if I told them to wash up they would then the option would vanish.  I was having an issue even being able to wash up with bottle that water installed so I removed that mod from my load order.


Anyways generated a log after doing anal and a blowjob from trying to wash 3 times and telling the actor to wash 3 times.


On save and exit the shader for both vanish but the option to wash up is still their and telling actor to wash still results the same issues.  No ammount of play time up to and hour effects the shader either.


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Well, I can fix the error that shows up in the log and doesn't let you wash yourself, that's just me failing to update a script referring to one that I changed.


The issue with the NPC though... it seems the find package that I tell him to use to go to the sink stops before it starts, and I don't know why, and probably because of this he doesn't get around to activating the sink. Was he standing right next to it?

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Nah, he picked the sink, says so in the log - if there's both around, they'll always pick the sink over the toilet.

Anyway, it might be the event handlers acting up instead of the package: a) failure to report that the package starts, b ) failure to trigger the OnActivate handler when he activates it, which you say he did. You could just be unlucky, some kind of glitch.


I'll upload 0.88 in a minute. If the NPC problem persists, use the debug menu to remove him from whichever type of tracking you want.

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roger the  player one was more distracting then the npc one lol I enjoy playing in 3rd person when about towns and I only noticed it walking in the middle of the night.  I had tried the debug to remove myself from the shader list but that failed too >.< thanks again for looking into it and great work so far everything else seems to be working great.

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After a couple nights of frustration, I'm turning to you guys for help. As soon as a start a new game or load an existing save, I get the popup window "Spunk needs NVSE 4.6.2+, NX 15+, and SexoutNG 2.8.90b1+. Quitting the game." A few seconds later, the inevitable drop to desktop occurs.


Here's what's puzzling me: I tried to do a fully clean install. I went in FOMM and deactivated and removed the version of MVSE I had in there. I then did the same for NX and SexoutNG. Then I re-downloaded all three, and now have the following files installed in FOMM:

  • nvse_4_6-beta-2
  • NVSE Extender (version 15)
  • SexoutNG - Core (version 2.8.89)
  • SexoutNG - Data (version 2.7.82)
  • SexOut Beta 2.8.90b4 (installed using "Add FOMOD" in Package Manager window of FOMM)
  • SexoutLust - anyHUD
  • SexoutSpunk 0.88
  • SexoutSpunk 0.88 esp update

SexoutLust and Sexout Spunk are very close to the bottom of my load order.


What am I missing? What dumb mistake am I overlooking?

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edit dumb mistake although my though install order for your beta didn't overwrite old sexout esm?


Re read your post after I had some food did you install nvse through FOMM?  I thought nvse was always a manual install because MO, FOMM, and NMM always install things to the data folder and NVSE needs to be at the root directory with you game if so thats where your problem is.

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Re read your post after I had some food did you install nvse through FOMM?  I thought nvse was always a manual install because MO, FOMM, and NMM always install things to the data folder and NVSE needs to be at the root directory with you game if so thats where your problem is.

No, I did copy it into the game's install folder.


Due to your question though, I was mucking around in the NV folder and in doing so, figured out what was causing the problem! I had renamed some of the executables in order to run the 4GB launcher while still have Steam present for achievements. Once I reverted all the EXE file names, Spunk started working.


Thanks for the help!

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The following should only be of importance to people noticing crashes when they enter dialog and go to the 'main topics' level, see the NG thread.


In order to figure out whether it's a spunk or nx problem, here's a version of spunk 0.88 that has the SpunkDialog quest disabled and only enables it after the "Spunk:CanWash" string var in the SpunkQuDialog script has been established. Additionally, some conditions were applied to the quest that should preclude the topic from being weighed by the game's dialog manager unless spunk's at least been updated to 0.84 + finished all inits once. And printing out what should be the "Spunk:CanWash" string has become part of the startlog script, so it should appear if you run one.


Here's what to do:

- install

- wait until 'spunk's up'

- start the log

- try to go into dialog with someone


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I installed NVSE 4.6.2b, NX15 and SexoutNG 2.8.90 (stable version) with the corrected esp 5 posts above. It works for me. No problems.


Only one note: Using the Orgams&Arousal ticked (not orgasms at the same time) I have a lot of stutters and lags. Everytime the npc has an orgasm, the game freezes for a half second before continuining the action. (Probably due my poor computer). Anyhow, with the option unticked, everything is smooth.

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All i keeping getting "Spunk needs NVSE 4.6.2+, NX 15+, and SexoutNG 2.8.90b1+. Quitting the game."  and everything is up to date  i dont understand why can anyone help

You didn't install everything up to date, at least not correctly, or not the right versions. You probably got an old version of NVSE from not following the link in the spunk OP, or you didn't install NX correctly.

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I would really like to see an otpion to not have the semen shaders fade to almost invisible after sex ends. If my character's walking around naked after being gang-raped why did the semen suddenly get so pale? Did it die? Is it ghost semen? Maybe they rubbed it into her skin like lotion so she doesn't get dry skin? How considerate.


I got off track. Either way, idea put fourth and I'm off to doto.

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Doctasax, I love your mod very much, it is wonderful to use, and really fills the spot if occupies nicely.


I am okay with the version of Spunk I am running, but I was wondering why this 4.6.2 + version is not at http://nvse.silverlock.org/


and why I would have to sign up for a drop box to get it. if I wanted to use the latest version.


   Not meaning to offend, just curious, I get so much junk mail already, I am always reluctant to grasp another handfull of it, by signing up with another provider.

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Doctasax, I love your mod very much, it is wonderful to use, and really fills the spot if occupies nicely.


I am okay with the version of Spunk I am running, but I was wondering why this 4.6.2 + version is not at http://nvse.silverlock.org/


and why I would have to sign up for a drop box to get it. if I wanted to use the latest version.


   Not meaning to offend, just curious, I get so much junk mail already, I am always reluctant to grasp another handfull of it, by signing up with another provider.


Sign up? I have downloaded the latest versions and at no time did I have to sign up for dropbox. It's been a while since I looked at the site, but if I remember correctly, you can just click away any popups and move on to the file.


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