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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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I somewhat agree with you on the oddness of 'Dragonborn as a prostitute'. When I run a prostitute mod, it's usually at the beginning of the game that I use it most, before my character is identified as the Dragonborn. I've used prostitute as a background for characters (because I use alternate start mods so I don't begin the game as a prisoner with the Stormcloaks) and then eventually give them a reason to go to Helgen (this is easy: Lots of soldiers! For a prostitute this is a money-making opportunity), only to find it destroyed by a dragon.


However, with mods like Sanguine's prostitution becomes viable again. What do you do when all your gear and money has been taken, even if you are the Dragonborn? Unless you have a stash somewhere, you might end up having to sell the only asset remaining to you... your body.


Also, it comes down to preference, which is why I think it best if SD+ doesn't force the player to prostitute, but merely has the player's master agree to accept a buyout, then allowing her to go out and get the money however she can. It's win-win!

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I somewhat agree with you on the oddness of 'Dragonborn as a prostitute'. When I run a prostitute mod, it's usually at the beginning of the game that I use it most, before my character is identified as the Dragonborn. I've used prostitute as a background for characters (because I use alternate start mods so I don't begin the game as a prisoner with the Stormcloaks) and then eventually give them a reason to go to Helgen (this is easy: Lots of soldiers! For a prostitute this is a money-making opportunity), only to find it destroyed by a dragon.


However, with mods like Sanguine's prostitution becomes viable again. What do you do when all your gear and money has been taken, even if you are the Dragonborn? Unless you have a stash somewhere, you might end up having to sell the only asset remaining to you... your body.


Also, it comes down to preference, which is why I think it best if SD+ doesn't force the player to prostitute, but merely has the player's master agree to accept a buyout, then allowing her to go out and get the money however she can. It's win-win!


like in that save game with hanna, thats the only thing i could understand. but, geting rich in skyrim isnt a big deal, exept you instalt mods that lower the selling prices. if i lose all my stuff i go back to the last dungeon i cleared and take the weapens armors and all that stuff that i left there becouse its to heavy... i could buld a tower to the moon with armor and weapons i left on the ground.

later in game the cests in my house ar filled with stuff i wanted to ceep and i better dont speak about all the ignots next to my forge or the soulgems in the stronbox.


but we are a bit offtopic.

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I somewhat agree with you on the oddness of 'Dragonborn as a prostitute'. 


but we are a bit offtopic.



I don't think so, really. Skyrimll has, somewhere, stated that he wants his mods to be usable in any style of play.


Now me, I use needs mods (cash sinks) and economy mods (low sell, high buy) to make things as hard moneywise as possible. I laughed aloud when I was trying out Heromaster's slavery/prostitution mod and hulda asked me why the dragonborn would be prostituting herself and the pc's response was something along the lines of being a hero wasn't exactly lucrative. 


I do think he finds this kind of conversation useful when it comes to providing play options and the mod being as adaptive as possible.

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I am looking into fixing punishments and dance scenes, and that got me thinking of simplifying the mod a little - that means getting rid of a few things.


- Gold for the wicked: 


I can still preserve the 'pay for your freedom' part of it, but the built in prostitution dialogues and dance spell could be easily replaced by TDF prostitution (which includes a dance but is missing a train orgy).


- Coveted:


I could disable the updated 'naked comments' for that one and just keep the flag to be considered as naked when you are still wearing clothes + the Sanguine artifact. That part is much better handled with SexLab Aroused and Dangerously Naked.


GftW: I'd miss that train so much...


Coveted: I've never been raped when using aroused, or LV, and Dangerously nude only works with guy seeing your female PC naked (right?), so being enslaved by a female would be very boring.


When you say disable the comments thing, do you mean no rape with coveted? That would be a tragedy! I had to re-enable coveted, just so master would rape me. Otherwise, I hear master repeatedly say "it's gonna get cold out tonight. Might want to at least cover your delicates", and all I can think of is "Dammit! I would've been raped each time she said that!".

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And it is working to have that kind of discussion :)....

Instead of removing Indentured servant, I am thinking of repurposing it.


I could reduce the focus on whoring since there are other mods for that and instead, add options more specific to being a servant.

Thing like:

- ask what npc wants and bring it to them (ale, food, random items)

- cook a meal

- chop wood

- mine minerals

- sweep floor for a while

- seduce npc into taking you as their slave or plainly submit to them (begging?)


Any other simple ideas along those lines?


As a reward, the npc could just use you for sex and send you back, or lower your demerits or even give you some gold as a tip to bring back to your master.

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whats the matter with whoring around?

iam really bad with skripting but why not ataching a sript on the end of the dialog with player is getting 50 gold an the quicksex command from slf?

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Those are some cool ideas, skyrimll. There certainly already is plenty of sexing going on in this mod, and it would be neat to have alternatives from time to time, which would also make the player feel more like a servant and not just a sextoy.


Other things you could be asked to do:


Hunt (master might let you have a bow or something, maybe just a dagger if he's particularly sadistic) to bring back X number of Y type of meat.

Gather herbs (again, could lead un(der)-equipped player into danger).

Steal something (a la thieves' guild quests. Potential run-ins with the law and jail time!)

Murder someone? (best would be if insignificant NPCs could just be generated for this, but dunno if that's even possible)

Humiliate yourself (find certain type of Sexlab-valid animal/creature and submit to it)


My ideas are probably a bit more hardcore than just regular servant duties though. Hehe.

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Well, how about a "quota"? Maybe master gets sick of you, and tells you to get lost, or gives you to someone they know? Maybe a deal can be worked out, and a quest to kill the leader of a rival faction earns freedom? Things like that?


master: dragonslave, no wait, dragonborne iam willing to let you leave just take that sword and kill my enemy... what the hell are you doing? ahhh... 

ghostmaster: that damn dragonwhore cut my head of with the sword i just given her...


sounds good to me :P


arent there quests where your famalie gets kidnapt? what about that? nobody thougt about this one? really if i where a bandit witch hostiles like that i would force the dragonborne to really bad things.

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Those are some cool ideas, skyrimll. There certainly already is plenty of sexing going on in this mod, and it would be neat to have alternatives from time to time, which would also make the player feel more like a servant and not just a sextoy.


Other things you could be asked to do:


Hunt (master might let you have a bow or something, maybe just a dagger if he's particularly sadistic) to bring back X number of Y type of meat.

Gather herbs (again, could lead un(der)-equipped player into danger).

Steal something (a la thieves' guild quests. Potential run-ins with the law and jail time!)

Murder someone? (best would be if insignificant NPCs could just be generated for this, but dunno if that's even possible)

Humiliate yourself (find certain type of Sexlab-valid animal/creature and submit to it)


My ideas are probably a bit more hardcore than just regular servant duties though. Hehe.


what about a browl?

or fight agains a bear/troll/wolf/horse/chaurus/spider/everything togather naked...


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This time around my PC is strictly feminine.  She hasn't killed anyone nor anything and she certainly isn't a dragonborn.  She doesn't even have a dagger!  Only way she knows to make money is steal, whore, work or loot another's kill.  So make an alternate option if you're thinking about a master's command to kill something or someone.

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This time around my PC is strictly feminine.  She hasn't killed anyone nor anything and she certainly isn't a dragonborn.  She doesn't even have a dagger!  Only way she knows to make money is steal, whore, work or loot another's kill.  So make an alternate option if you're thinking about a master's command to kill something or someone.


I don't think that's necessary. Just because your character isn't a killer, doesn't mean her master couldn't order her to kill someone or something. It's his/her prerogative, after all, as the Lord and Master of You.


There needs to be fail conditions in these quests, of course... if you can't accomplish what your master set you off to do, well, that's a paddlin'.

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This time around my PC is strictly feminine.  She hasn't killed anyone nor anything and she certainly isn't a dragonborn.  She doesn't even have a dagger!  Only way she knows to make money is steal, whore, work or loot another's kill.  So make an alternate option if you're thinking about a master's command to kill something or someone.


I don't think that's necessary. Just because your character isn't a killer, doesn't mean her master couldn't order her to kill someone or something. It's his/her prerogative, after all, as the Lord and Master of You.


There needs to be fail conditions in these quests, of course... if you can't accomplish what your master set you off to do, well, that's a paddlin'.



No biggie if these small quests fail - you will get demerits and maybe a spanking ... I mean whipping.


There will be no blade involved as sharp objects are still a way to cut your bindings. If there is a killing, it will have to be related to slavery or doable with only your chains on. Maybe something like - deliver a message or a package to someone on behalf of the master.. poisoned drink maybe, with a note to enjoy the messenger before drinking the bottle... something like that :)

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Those are some cool ideas, skyrimll. There certainly already is plenty of sexing going on in this mod, and it would be neat to have alternatives from time to time, which would also make the player feel more like a servant and not just a sextoy.


Other things you could be asked to do:


Hunt (master might let you have a bow or something, maybe just a dagger if he's particularly sadistic) to bring back X number of Y type of meat.

Gather herbs (again, could lead un(der)-equipped player into danger).

Steal something (a la thieves' guild quests. Potential run-ins with the law and jail time!)

Murder someone? (best would be if insignificant NPCs could just be generated for this, but dunno if that's even possible)

Humiliate yourself (find certain type of Sexlab-valid animal/creature and submit to it)


My ideas are probably a bit more hardcore than just regular servant duties though. Hehe.


what about a browl?

or fight agains a bear/troll/wolf/horse/chaurus/spider/everything togather naked...




Forced fights could be a variation on the Thugs slave idea.


Instead of Mistwatch, they could sell you to that cave with underground wolf fights, where enslavement would include a daily fight against a surprise beast.

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Those are some cool ideas, skyrimll. There certainly already is plenty of sexing going on in this mod, and it would be neat to have alternatives from time to time, which would also make the player feel more like a servant and not just a sextoy.


Other things you could be asked to do:


Hunt (master might let you have a bow or something, maybe just a dagger if he's particularly sadistic) to bring back X number of Y type of meat.

Gather herbs (again, could lead un(der)-equipped player into danger).

Steal something (a la thieves' guild quests. Potential run-ins with the law and jail time!)

Murder someone? (best would be if insignificant NPCs could just be generated for this, but dunno if that's even possible)

Humiliate yourself (find certain type of Sexlab-valid animal/creature and submit to it)


My ideas are probably a bit more hardcore than just regular servant duties though. Hehe.


what about a browl?

or fight agains a bear/troll/wolf/horse/chaurus/spider/everything togather naked...




Forced fights could be a variation on the Thugs slave idea.


Instead of Mistwatch, they could sell you to that cave with underground wolf fights, where enslavement would include a daily fight against a surprise beast.



sounds like the stuff from prison overhouel. just instead of getting punished by guards they will let you fight and after that you will get locked up betwen those two wolfes in the middle cage.


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Everything seems to be working fine, one problem though. 

Whenever my character is supposed to dance, nothing happens and I get a message in the corner of the screen saying "Scene skipped".


That's normal.


I disabled some scenes for now as they were causing problems. 


I am working on bringing them back.

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If the player has some experience and traits in the regarding areas some masters might also see you as a labor slave mainly and make use of your specialisation. Means that you have to do smithing, alchemy or item enchanting. You could randomly assign 2-3 master types, like you did so nicely in your mind control mod where the mind controlled victim becomes either dominant or submissive.


Master types:


 Mainly interested in sex, torture and humiliation of the player. Gives rarely other tasks. This type of master would be the worst one, because he should have no interest at all in your condition, but rather enjoy eventually killing you


Mainly interested in profit, lets you work as smith, hunter, alchemist, whatever is fitting and seems most lucrative. Rarely might nontheless also take sexual favors from the player


Will force you to whore, as long as you fulfill your quota he is happy

-Gladiator trainer

Main focus is on making you a successful gladiator, punishments for lost matches would probably be some cruel bestiality rapes and similiar


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Everything seems to be working fine, one problem though. 

Whenever my character is supposed to dance, nothing happens and I get a message in the corner of the screen saying "Scene skipped".


That's normal.


I disabled some scenes for now as they were causing problems. 


I am working on bringing them back.



Alright then :)


Thanks for this great patch. 

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If the player has some experience and traits in the regarding areas some masters might also see you as a labor slave mainly and make use of your specialisation. Means that you have to do smithing, alchemy or item enchanting. You could randomly assign 2-3 master types, like you did so nicely in your mind control mod where the mind controlled victim becomes either dominant or submissive.


Master types:


 Mainly interested in sex, torture and humiliation of the player. Gives rarely other tasks. This type of master would be the worst one, because he should have no interest at all in your condition, but rather enjoy eventually killing you


Mainly interested in profit, lets you work as smith, hunter, alchemist, whatever is fitting and seems most lucrative. Rarely might nontheless also take sexual favors from the player


Will force you to whore, as long as you fulfill your quota he is happy

-Gladiator trainer

Main focus is on making you a successful gladiator, punishments for lost matches would probably be some cruel bestiality rapes and similiar


I like this a lot.


I will look into ways to automate that based on stats from the NPC itself (morality, skills, factions).

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I uninstalled the mod through the MCM due to the issues I mentioned in my last post, but now whenever I open the Sanguine Debauchery menu, all I get is the red flower icon, no matter which section I click. This continues to happen even after uninstalling and reinstalling both the mod itself and the SD+ patch in the NMM. 

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If you keep this up, I'm gonna run out of "likes". :D Thanks! You certainly do respond well to posts. :) Looking forward to...everything. ^_^


By the way, I noticed there is a Limited Removal option in SD that I never use.


Did you try that to solve your Soul Edge sword problem?


And regarding the demerit changes after plain sex, that came from replacing the sex scene from SD by a basic sexlab one.

Demerits will comeback once I am done fixing the scenes (including dance and punishments).

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If you keep this up, I'm gonna run out of "likes". :D Thanks! You certainly do respond well to posts. :) Looking forward to...everything. ^_^


By the way, I noticed there is a Limited Removal option in SD that I never use.


Did you try that to solve your Soul Edge sword problem?


And regarding the demerit changes after plain sex, that came from replacing the sex scene from SD by a basic sexlab one.

Demerits will comeback once I am done fixing the scenes (including dance and punishments).


I always use that. Soul Edge seems to be immuned to it though. Sucks, but I can't be killed if I'm using that anyway, so I don't have to worry about enslavement when I use that. It's crazy strong. I been leaving it a home lately. If those thugs show up though, I'm doomed, unless I use magic (cheat).

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