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A Starfield rant thread

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Not a rant, just a funny moment in the game.  Who said Todd Howard has no sense of humor???


On some random moon to answer a distress call for some radiant quest.  A generic no-name colonist walks by and says "You know I used to be an explorer like you until I...  never mind, it's a long story."



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On 9/12/2023 at 2:07 PM, Sir Bron said:

For the long wait it just seems like Bethesda could have evolved some of the dialogue and story lines a bit better.


You don't think they left some of these loose ends a-dangle so they could use them for DLC? Or Starfield 2 (assuming any of us live that long)?


All right, all right: Rant thread.


I think the major problem is that old rascal, ludo-narrative dissonance. Not on the same scale as Fallout 4, but ...


I think the game probably works best when you try to live in the world. Take up as a space trucker and haul cargo from world to world, upgrading your rig when you have the funds and maybe do the odd mission if something crops up and you happen to be in the area. Or play as a privateer hunting down Crimson Fleet; or a pirate hunting down civilian shipping; or even an explorer, painstakingly surveying system after system.


I think if you can get your head in that groove, the game could be very satisfying.


The trouble is that the lure of extra power encourages us to rush the main quest, and the subsequent NG+ sessions. We tend not to take the time because we're in a hurry. Even exploring planets, instead of strolling across strange new worlds, admiring the scenery and occasionally pointing the scanner at an interesting plant or rock, we end up sprinting and bunny hopping across the landscape with the scanner full-on, looking for survey data on our way to the structure, temple or cave a klick or so distant.


Honestly, I don't think it's a bad game. There's always a spike of grumbling around the launch of a new Bethesda game. It'll die down as people get the hang of how the game wants to be played, and learn the work arounds to the petty niggles and in a month or so, there's only going to be a few die hard curmudgeons still grousing. And there will be patches and DLC and mods, and eventually I think this is going to be a very well regarded game.


But right now, there are a lot of little niggles, and people are grumbling.

Edited by DocClox
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1 hour ago, DocClox said:

Honestly, I don't think it's a bad game. There's always a spike of grumbling around the launch of a new Bethesda game. It'll die down as people get the hang of how the game wants to be played, and learn the work arounds to the petty niggles and in a month or so, there's only going to be a few die hard curmudgeons still grousing. And there will be patches and DLC and mods, and eventually I think this is going to be a very well regarded game.

I agree that it is not a bad game, here is my thought.

Skyrim..Run around doing quests, killing bandits, draugr, stormcloaks or imperials, lots of battle, a fighting game.

Fallout 4...run around killing wasteland bad guys, supermutants, basically a fighting game.

Starfield...Glorified delivery person, a few and I mean few places to battle other than ship to ship. Some quests are expected to be a go here and go there thing but that is the whole game. They don't have microwave transmissions, ship to shore radios, I fly half way across the galaxy to do a job and half to fly all the way back just to update a quest. 

Bethesda should have made it more clear this was not a fighting game and that you basically were a delivery drone, then I would have known what I was Buying.

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Vor 4 Stunden sagte Sir Bron:

Ich stimme zu, dass es kein schlechtes Spiel ist, hier ist meine Meinung.

Skyrim... herumrennen, Quests erledigen, Banditen, Draugr, Sturmmäntel oder Imperiale töten, jede Menge Schlachten, ein Kampfspiel.

Fallout 4 ... herumlaufen und Bösewichte und Supermutanten im Ödland töten, im Grunde ein Kampfspiel.

Starfield ... Verherrlichter Lieferbote, ein paar und ich meine nur wenige Orte, an denen man kämpfen kann, außer von Schiff zu Schiff. Von manchen Quests wird erwartet, dass sie ein Hin- und Hergehen-Ding sind, aber das ist das ganze Spiel. Sie haben keine Mikrowellenübertragung, keine Schiff-zu-Land-Radios, ich fliege die halbe Galaxie, um einen Job zu erledigen, und die andere Hälfte, um den ganzen Weg zurück zu fliegen, nur um eine Quest zu aktualisieren. 

Bethesda hätte klarer machen sollen, dass es sich nicht um ein Kampfspiel handelte und dass man im Grunde genommen eine Lieferdrohne war, dann hätte ich gewusst, was ich kaufte.


Well - apparently each of us experiences the game completely differently.

Since I was NOT interested in the main story from the beginning - I concentrated on the "exploration" aspect from the start (also because of my limited time ... a gift game pass for one month). I had written before - that I have a different approach to astronomy, space travel etc. via my father's profession and my own interests.

And instead of an exploration game, for me it has now become almost a pure ground combat game ala "Halo" or "Fallout".


In fact at EVERY landing outside of large settlements, technical facilities from the time of the colonial wars are automatically generated - per map/landing I have 2-3 of them ... which are ALWAYS occupied by pirates, mercenaries or religious fanatics.

And as soon as they see me ... I get shot at by them - so I shoot back ... until no one is shooting at me any more.

The weapons and equipment I've captured in the meantime... has fetched a mid-six-figure sum when I sold it.


No - I don't take bounty missions or anything like that. All fights are 95% from the generated assets ... and after a few days you know ALL of them.

No matter which moon or planet you are on ... the internal selection for the various facility types is so small - that you know them all pretty quickly.

Identically furnished down to the last sandwich!

At the moment I'm thinking of converting one of the ships captured ON THE GROUND - so that all the workbenches fit in and I thus have a mobile base.

I like this one very much - but I'm already failing with the module tower for the 3-storey ladder *sigh*.


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I hope the DLC will address the outpost problems, of which there are many. There is almost no reason to build one, you can get resources easier by fast traveling to the merchants and buying what you need from them. Ive run into many npcs I would love to give a home to or have work for me but nope they are just quest fluff or non hireable .

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11 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


Well - apparently each of us experiences the game completely differently.

Since I was NOT interested in the main story from the beginning - I concentrated on the "exploration" aspect from the start (also because of my limited time ... a gift game pass for one month). I had written before - that I have a different approach to astronomy, space travel etc. via my father's profession and my own interests.

And instead of an exploration game, for me it has now become almost a pure ground combat game ala "Halo" or "Fallout".


In fact at EVERY landing outside of large settlements, technical facilities from the time of the colonial wars are automatically generated - per map/landing I have 2-3 of them ... which are ALWAYS occupied by pirates, mercenaries or religious fanatics.

And as soon as they see me ... I get shot at by them - so I shoot back ... until no one is shooting at me any more.

The weapons and equipment I've captured in the meantime... has fetched a mid-six-figure sum when I sold it.


No - I don't take bounty missions or anything like that. All fights are 95% from the generated assets ... and after a few days you know ALL of them.

No matter which moon or planet you are on ... the internal selection for the various facility types is so small - that you know them all pretty quickly.

Identically furnished down to the last sandwich!

At the moment I'm thinking of converting one of the ships captured ON THE GROUND - so that all the workbenches fit in and I thus have a mobile base.

I like this one very much - but I'm already failing with the module tower for the 3-storey ladder *sigh*.


Thank You! I will give that a run, the main quests and side quests all seem to be "Errand Boy" runs.

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Well if there's one thing I learned from playing Skyrim, it's that there's ALWAYS a chest or apothecary satchel hidden around every corner, and if you're not searching every nook and cranny then you're doing it wrong.


And then of course we have Fallout 4, where it's vital to pick up every single bit of trash that you can, so that you can beat your swords into plowshares  turn your tin cans and ashtrays into nuclear reactors.


Now I'm trying desperately to unlearn those habits as I spend hours searching for TerraBrew lids and empty Chunks containers that do nothing but overencumber me.   GGGRRRR.

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Vor 40 Minuten sagte Travelmedic:

Nun, wenn ich beim Spielen von Skyrim eines gelernt habe, dann ist es, dass an jeder Ecke IMMER eine Truhe oder ein Apothekerbeutel versteckt ist, und wenn man nicht jeden Winkel und jede Ritze durchsucht, dann macht man es falsch.


Und dann haben wir natürlich Fallout 4, wo es wichtig ist, jedes einzelne bisschen Müll einzusammeln, das man finden kann, damit man seine Schwerter in Pflugscharen verwandeln und seine Blechdosen und Aschenbecher in Kernreaktoren verwandeln kann.


Jetzt versuche ich verzweifelt, diese Gewohnheiten zu verlernen, während ich stundenlang nach TerraBrew-Deckeln und leeren Chunks-Behältern suche, die mich nur überfordern. GGGRRRR.


Well - Starfield is not Fallout 4 - you can see that (from my point of view) in the following things

a) Weapon modifications can be dismantled ... but not on another weapon of the same type - even if you have already invented this modification.

b) many things you find are "general" scrap - which is NOT raw material for crafting weapons and equipment ... and also NOT building material for the base.

so it has only "decorative" value

c) many materials for building and crafting actions can also be obtained from the flora and fauna of a planet - this is a completely new aspect compared to Fallout.

To what extent it is fun to travel through space with a limited cargo volume ... is another matter.

I already have the "boot" of my ship full with 700 units ... and my character currently runs the explorations and missions with 1,200 cargo units - only possible with a specially modified backpack - which reduces the oxygen consumption.

Why so much?

Research projects need so much "exotic" stuff ... you automatically become a "Messi" ... it's time I build a first ground base.

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11 hours ago, Popo07 said:

I hope the DLC will address the outpost problems, of which there are many. There is almost no reason to build one, you can get resources easier by fast traveling to the merchants and buying what you need from them. Ive run into many npcs I would love to give a home to or have work for me but nope they are just quest fluff or non hireable .

The main use for outposts currently is to grind levels very quickly. I'm a bit puzzled why people are doing it on PC instead of using console commands but on Xbox it's by far the fastest way to blow through levels. It's also an easy way to get money quickly. Again, makes more sense on Xbox than PC. On PC people use outposts to get 60k or more XP per minute. On Xbox it's a lot slower because of how the UI works but still pretty fast.

The other major use they have is dropping a landing pad with a ship builder so you have one place to build your ship with almost all of the parts minus the bridges and 2-3 unique hab parts you have to go to the specific builder's main base to get.

Edited by Riggswolfe
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12 hours ago, Sir Bron said:

Thank You! I will give that a run, the main quests and side quests all seem to be "Errand Boy" runs.


Hmmm... not the impression I get, to be honest. I mean, OK, I recently had an errand to run to find a scientist that could help with the Terrormorph problem from the previous mission... but I did have to slaughter a small army of spacers to get to that point, so that kept things a bit interesting. I also just wiped out a street gang in Neon and tracked down the techie who was helping the First drive off FC homesteaders - not without violence I might add. Hell, I can't even get coffee for a meeting at Ryujin Industries without having to murder someone in the coffee shop.


I'm also doing a lot of persuasion, so I'm getting some creative ways to solve problems. It's not perfect, but I'm seeing a fair bit of variety in the quests.

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They could made wanted more special. Wanted by crimson fleet for steal and sell they ships or free space for not pay a debt or killing Captain of UC. Also no neon tattoo for be neon street kid


It 2300 you think we developed better space suits and more custom to wear even a war happen the suit should be lighter also you also there more DNA editing to survive space 


NASA space suits= Star field space suits  280 lbs for NASA and 45 minutes to put on

Edited by Nindran
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Vor 2 Stunden sagte Nindran:

Sie könnten den Wunsch noch spezieller gestalten. Von der Crimson-Flotte gesucht, um Schiffe zu stehlen und zu verkaufen oder Platz freizugeben, um Schulden nicht zu bezahlen oder den Kapitän von UC zu töten. Auch kein Neon-Tattoo für sein Neon-Straßenkind


Sie glauben, dass wir im Jahr 2300 bessere Raumanzüge und individuellere Raumanzüge entwickelt haben, um sie auch im Krieg tragen zu können. Der Anzug sollte leichter sein und es gibt auch mehr DNA-Bearbeitung, um im Weltraum zu überleben 


NASA-Raumanzüge = Sternenfeld-Weltraumanzüge wiegen 280 Pfund für die NASA und sind in 45 Minuten anzuziehen


There is no such thing as THE spacesuit for all missions - here is already a completely wrong approach to the game.

What you are describing are the NASA suits for an EVA (a mission in zero gravity outside a spacecraft).

These suits differ considerably (in many details) from the suits for use on planetary surfaces - among other things, local gravity has to be taken into account because of the maximum possible carrying weight.

In addition, there are the "rescue suits" - which astronauts/cosmonauts wear when launching or landing a spaceship ... The subject of protection against pressure drop.

We may write the century "whatever" - the decisive factor is the fact that technology virtually came to a standstill with the exodus from Earth.

If it had been possible to "resettle" the TOTAL human race on a 1:1 basis - i.e. including the entire industrial and technological tree ... then there would also have been a broad further development of technology.

But since only a very small fraction could escape from earth - there is simply not enough "man-power" (I only say "social division of labour") to do research here ... because the "old" suit models work - so why invest power? Time and energy into something that is more important elsewhere!



To use a metaphor:

"Mankind is with

- 2 blue eyes

- a broken nose

- knocked out teeth and broken jaws

- open fractures in both arms and legs

and legs."


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It can be interesting from time to time to see the negatives of a thing from the perspective of someone new to a genre or sub-genre rather than to simply hear from those who know what to expect and thus have their own biases in favor of or against the subject in question.

This is no rant from someone disappointed that their expectations were not met nor is it a plea for calm for someone who has made peace with the flaws of a piece of interactive media but the aggravation of someone who gave something new (for him, anyway) a chance and came away from it thoroughly underwhelmed. 


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So I did some more exploring on Cydonnia (Mars colony), ran into a guy that needs help.

Awesome somebody needs me to do a quest!

The quest is to help him finish his limited edition 1st series run of the comic book called, "DragonStar."

That's some real top notch story writing there, I am so thrilled to be doing a quest of great importance for a guy down on his luck that sends me on a fetch quest for a comic book in my super snazzy space ship.

Also that whole Dragonstar name, wonder where did they ever come up with that name?

Dragonborn, Starfield, Starborn....Just a coinkydink Im sure.

So fly in my Space Ship to collect the comic book, serious good use of resources there, nothing like putting a serious piece of high tech hardware to use on such an item of grand importance and when I get to my destination the book vender in Gregaria is the exact same guy as the general goods vender over on Akilla!

Wow man, like you have a lost twin or something, maybe the story will pick up here right?  Nah the guy is just a disgruntled book seller with a twin on another planet he does not even know about.

Anyway such amazing writing and such amazing game, only characters I remember being copied an pasted in Bethsada game in recent memory have been Gary and maybe bandits/raiders, but hey lets give em a pass for recycling vender NPC's not like in Skyrim all the venders at least had unique faces an that was before the amazing facial technology they have now right.

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4 hours ago, Gameplayer said:

So I did some more exploring on Cydonnia (Mars colony), ran into a guy that needs help.

Awesome somebody needs me to do a quest!

The quest is to help him finish his limited edition 1st series run of the comic book called, "DragonStar."

That's some real top notch story writing there, I am so thrilled to be doing a quest of great importance for a guy down on his luck that sends me on a fetch quest for a comic book in my super snazzy space ship.

Also that whole Dragonstar name, wonder where did they ever come up with that name?

Dragonborn, Starfield, Starborn....Just a coinkydink Im sure.

So fly in my Space Ship to collect the comic book, serious good use of resources there, nothing like putting a serious piece of high tech hardware to use on such an item of grand importance and when I get to my destination the book vender in Gregaria is the exact same guy as the general goods vender over on Akilla!

Wow man, like you have a lost twin or something, maybe the story will pick up here right?  Nah the guy is just a disgruntled book seller with a twin on another planet he does not even know about.

Anyway such amazing writing and such amazing game, only characters I remember being copied an pasted in Bethsada game in recent memory have been Gary and maybe bandits/raiders, but hey lets give em a pass for recycling vender NPC's not like in Skyrim all the venders at least had unique faces an that was before the amazing facial technology they have now right.

Funny, not in the good way either. I did the first book run, he wants to collect the whole set, I bailed. If I remember the original, first series, collectible comic was really cheap by the standards of every other thing you buy costing thousands of credits.


Likes for the game, The Voices are at least believable accents, the variety of races in the game add to the voice acting, the Terrormorph and Sirens are fairly hard to kill and look pretty cool....

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The dialog camera seems like it was ripped directly out of Morrowind, except for those occasional times when the NPC doesn't turn around, and you're talking to the back of their head. Clearly they didn't motion capture the voice actors reading their lines, so an extreme closeup of their face only makes them seem more artificial.


Then there's Earth. I can believe that most people have forgotten and no longer care about humanity's home, but that nobody cares? There should be a scientific faction, or at least a religious cult, that is centered around trying to recover the planet, even if it's a minor faction that has no story of its own.

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I have found an issue with starfield that I think deserves a rant:


Starship Combat


There's an undocumented key binding such that if you hold down E when you're in combat, you climb out of your seat while your ship gets shot to pieces.


(There's a key binding for getting out of your seat, but if you change that -- and I changed mine to use Enter rather than E - that's fine. But if you are in combat and hold down the E key you still get out of your seat.)




(Probably someone got told that we need to be able to get out of our seat even when we're not docked nor grounded. And, so, somebody just did a quick hack and because this is such a stupid issue nobody thought to test for it. Probably. But... still...)

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3 hours ago, pashax said:

The dialog camera seems like it was ripped directly out of Morrowind, except for those occasional times when the NPC doesn't turn around, and you're talking to the back of their head. Clearly they didn't motion capture the voice actors reading their lines, so an extreme closeup of their face only makes them seem more artificial.


Then there's Earth. I can believe that most people have forgotten and no longer care about humanity's home, but that nobody cares? There should be a scientific faction, or at least a religious cult, that is centered around trying to recover the planet, even if it's a minor faction that has no story of its own.

Perhaps there could have been one spun off from an environmentalist group who seek revenge for Gaia whom they would believe humans have defiled then fled the scene of the crime? 

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Vor 4 Stunden sagte Pashax:

Die Dialogkamera scheint direkt aus Morrowind übernommen worden zu sein, abgesehen von den gelegentlichen Momenten, in denen sich der NPC nicht umdreht und man mit seinem Hinterkopf spricht. Offensichtlich haben sie die Synchronsprecher, die ihre Zeilen vorlesen, nicht per Motion Capture erfasst, so dass eine extreme Nahaufnahme ihres Gesichts sie nur künstlicher erscheinen lässt.


Dann ist da noch die Erde. Ich kann glauben, dass die meisten Menschen die Heimat der Menschheit vergessen haben und sich nicht mehr um sie kümmern, aber dass es niemanden interessiert? Es sollte eine wissenschaftliche Fraktion oder zumindest einen religiösen Kult geben, deren Mittelpunkt der Versuch ist, den Planeten zurückzugewinnen, auch wenn es sich um eine kleinere Fraktion handelt, die keine eigene Geschichte hat.


Please, who should still be interested in this dead lump of stone?

The majority of currently living people are trying to survive somehow (similar to today) - scattered over dozens of planets and moons.

In the process, a similar overexploitation of nature and the environment is being carried out on these worlds - which is in no way inferior to that on Earth today.

And then small "galactic" wars are fought between different factions - the "side-effects" of which are the ecological destruction of entire planetary biospheres!

I was on a huge spaceship junkyard the other night - where the remains of huge battle mechs are lying.

(by the way, this is a planet in the system where you start the game).

According to my companion - who had fought in this conflict herself - the ecosystem of this world is severely damaged by the war.

If you don't even take care of repairing this damage ... what do you want with the Earth?




There is a kind of cult around the old earth ... but different than you might imagine:

The first attempt to operate a colony outside of Earth was on Titan - Saturn's largest moon.

Tourists from the other colonies travel there ... after all, the foundation was laid on Titan - for having the technology for planetary colonies at all - when the disaster happened on Earth ... and at least a SMALL part of the people could save themselves.

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125 hours into the game that is what bothers me the most:


1. Girlbosses everywhere

2. Overrepresantation of black ppl

3. Also way too many gays, lesbians and weird trans situations

4. NPC's don't curse at all, it's like in 300 years ppl don't curse anymore, that is completly unrealistic

5. Way too many NPC's with Man Buns

6. There isn't a single female NPC that shows cleavage and of course it's like high heels completly got wiped from history

7. The fact there are different tiers of weapons, suits, helmets and backpacks like calibrated, refined etc. this is just annoying, this makes the RNG pool so huge it's impossible to have "perfect" equipment EVER

8. There are no 2 cities on one and the same planet, that is complete nonsense

9. The procedural generated points of interest are way too similar it's like the ultimate copy & paste, it's not as bad like in Dying Light 2 but almost, finding the EXACT same mine/cave and other structures on many planets is mind boggling

10. The traders don't have enough credits, where should players sell weapons that are worth more than 10000 credits? Yeah right we have to first give the trader credits by buying things and then sell the high value stuff once they have the credits from us

11. Ship builder is a mess, you don't know what you build without getting in and out of the ship over and over again, they just have to put in some real descriptions what every part has INSIDE it

12. Inventory management is a mess, the fact that EVERYTIME you edit your ship EVERYTHING all the meaningless clutter gets transfered EVEN COPIED into the ships cargo is COMPLETE NONSENSE

13. The UI is a mess like in all BGS games especially while travelling with the ship in space, it's like the hud is limited to 30 FPS or some nonsense it "stutters" it just doesn't look good

14. The companions talk to the players while they have a conversation with others or listen to a slate audiomessage

15. The companions mostly hate whatever you do, you are always doing something wrong they just keep nagging

16. No gore no dismemberment not enough blood

17. The gun play still feels clunky and unpolished

18. The jetpack doesn't have enough fuel, honestly it should be like a real jetpack not this "booster", you should be able to HOLD the button and fly high

19. Problem exclusive to germans, the lipsync if played with german voices is so horrible i never seen such a bad syncing of dubbed voices

20. Too many loadscreens, it's just too many of them, i understand why that is but it still sucks i am using a Samsung 990 Pro 2 TB with Heatsink NVMe but still "feel" them, they also get longer the bigger the savegame gets

21. Stuttering when toggling scanner on/off

22. The fact there is no official DLSS, HDR etc. support at release in a game of the year 2023 is just bad, it's really really bad, but i am glad they will add that soon

23. The music gets old fast and there are no radio stations

24. Performance hunger of the game is questionworthy there is something fishy going on I am playing it with R9 5950x, RTX 3080, 32 GB RAM play it in 2160p all medium settings FSR2 67% and often get under 60 FPS, sure it's not top of the line anymore, but i expected at least stable 60-80 FPS EVERYWHERE with FSR2 enabled. But the indoor cell performance is fine. But i must say the game looks good, it's the best looking BGS ever i mean of course because it's the newest.


I could go on and on


In the current state with all the "woke" agenda and so many weird other real game issues i rate it 7/10, i would rate it 8.5/10 if it was less "woke" and the QoL features were in the game already. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't feel "woke" to me because it's an actual Cyberpunk genre game, there is lots of fetish attire and in general it just feels different. It doesn't feel so shoved down the throat like it is in Starfield. Yes that might sound weird, calling CP2077 not "woke" while i do call SF "woke" but well that's just how it is. Cyberpunk 2077 is like watching "The Expanse" where the diversity and all that feels natural and not shoved down the throat.


Of course i love a lot about Starfield, but this is the rant thread so i won't start typing down my 24 things i like. The game needs much more polishing, but gameplay, story, graphical and sound wise it's fine. I just don't like the chars they put into the game. It's like they tried to eliminate the "old white men" in this game. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


Edit: I forgot one point this is number 25 THE DIGIPICKS PUZZLE GAME IS WAY TOO TIME CONSUMING!

Edited by Mexicola88
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I don't disagree that for the money involved game companies aught to produce products that are well written and largely free of bugs. But on the other hand, this is a Bethesda game and basically every game Bethesda has ever made has been a buggy mess with lackluster writing.


For me, it's a modding platform first, and as such, I got what I hoped for. It'll just be a little while before all the pieces are there to do really interesting things.


I do truly wish that people would stop bringing their weird "anti-woke" american politics to the "we mod sex and kink into games" forum. By all means do what you like, but we really don't need to hear you regurgitating the word "woke" like that's some gotcha or that it means anything when you say it. You may as well be signing your posts with a political party when you use it. (Something I hope we would all agree would be pretty gauche.)


Modding sex and kink into games is fundamentally and intrinsically political. Mainstream culture regardless of political affiliation is prudish and would not approve. So have some friggin' solidarity with your fellow perverts, we come from all walks of life.


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6. There isn't a single female NPC that shows cleavage and of course it's like high heels completly got deleted from history

This so much, the outfit design is a disgrace.Horribly "corporate safe"â„¢.

Not to mention the gameplay is horribly dated and flawed. I'm afraid for Elder Scrolls 6 quality.

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14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

Please, who should still be interested in this dead lump of stone?

There's a few reasons. First is that we still have people willing to fight and kill over a few rocks in the middle of a desert based on a religious holy covenant from hundreds or thousands of years ago, and this has survived both major regional wars as well as world wars. These kind of impulses seem to be inherent in some part of the populace, and I don't think a war would be an obstacle to it. The other would be the atmosphere of the Earth boiling off would be something worth very long term studies, so there would likely be continual data gathering and scientific interest in studying how this could happen in hopes that it could be averted or reversed.


And yes, I know the reason for the atmosphere evaporating was covered up by NASA in the story, but that would just mean there'd be more people looking for the cause that they could probably never find.

But this just opens up the military exploitation part: if the grav drives could cause the magnetosphere of the planet to destabilize, that has weapons applications that some group would probably be eager to develop and produce offensive and defensive measures for.

As I said, I'm not expecting a lot of things to be there, but the fact that there's basically nothing on or near the planet is weirdly conspicuous. No space stations, no data collection stations, no tiny little settlements being weird about the planet, and even barely even much in terms of wrecked city remnants (outside of the 13 snow globe buildings).

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