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A few updates:





- I think the sides of the player's bed need to be navmeshed. Sometimes the johns try to leave by either side and get stuck there unless the player "pushes" them towards the door.


- Should condoms on the tray inside the bath house be free and not count as stealing for the player?


- Is Manny the one you're supposed to convince to fix Maida's sink if you don't do it yourself? I did and an option to "ask him for a favour" came up but then there was just a "nevermind" option there. This is a little confusing, shouldn't the topic just not be available if you're already fixed it?


- At times the other girls end up dancing inside the sofa they are supposed to be sitting in. Also, is there any reason for Anna to dance as well?


- The psycho for Jenny was hilarious. Though I expected to go to her room and find lots of blood and a dead body on the bed  :P


- The miners in Sloan should be more respectful of Jas' place. I doubt she'd approve of them just doing it in the open.


- And on that note, the Dunton's introductory scene - maybe only have it take place in the open if between 8pm - 11pm? Later than that and they have gone home, and any earlier they use the bed in their house instead. 






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Just a little note.

If you have Willow mod as companion, there are two possibly glitches:


1. Renting the Willow's Bungalow in Novac and "forgetting" to rent the room, makes the entire Novac's Soliciting part to be un available if Jenny May is already dead (the merchant in the Dinky would not have the dialogue after some time). The solution is to manually unlock (console) the room's door. This starts the count down for the bathhouse init.


2. If you forget to retrieve the Lace Bear (Willow's challenge quest) from Jenny May's house and Soliciting is started, the bear disappears forever making the quest unfinishable.

    Solution by console, again, with player.additem xx0154E1 1  (where xx are the two digits for Willow esm's load order).

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@CK: I'll look at navmesh, it may be because the actual bed is not covered since they aren't meant to use it outside sleep animations. They should teleport away 60 seconds after they get the package to leave, which is to protect against stuff like this.


I'll change condom ownership.


Manny is the one you can ask about sink, I left the dialog option available as a clue that he is a kind of go-to-guy, and plan to add other favors later.


It is annoying that they dance inside the sofa, I can probably workaround it by teleporting them if they are too close to a sofa. Hopefully the wait menu would cover it up.


I think there is only 1 option that lead to sex immediately in Sloan, I can add a block on it for inside Jas' place.


I kind of like the Dunton brothers scene being inside the brahmin pen ;). I will give them a package that makes them go home sometimes though.


@NicoleDragoness: Ah, I haven't used Willow. Maybe I should just unlock the room when jeannie dies. With the Lace bear, do you mean its not in the motel lobby rather than Jeannie May's house? The lobby is not accessible after the bath house opens, because the bath house is actually a new (duplicated) cell, but Jeannie May's house is not- I just add a few things in, so I don't know why it would disappear.


I think I can add a scanner that dumps all mod-added items in the vanilla lobby into the dumpster when the bath house opens.

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I just want to tell you: a BIG THANK YOU Odessa for this mod and all your other work/mods! I'm really enjoying them all.


I just have one problem with this mod, I don't have any options with Manny Vargas, is this because I play as a male PC (but Manny is gay/bi so I should have some right)?


Thanks in advance. 



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@Nicole: That's strange, all I do to that cell is change its name (which doesn't mean anything internally because the engine uses Form ID numbers instead), add a couple of items (chest, sleeping matts, sink) and disable the broken sink. I don't touch the bed, perhaps it fell through onto the floor underneath? Sometimes the engine does that.


@LukeDuke: Glad you liked it. You have to talk to Manny in your bedroom after a trick to get the 'can I ask a favor?' option.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been replaying FO2 recently and I would love to hear your thoughts on Wasteland 2 as I'm thinking of getting it soon!


Anyway, back to topic.


I had this idea to spruce up some of the caravan/cavaran guard encounters. I didn't like how they just did it in the open, in my case in the middle of the desert right on the broiling tarmac around midday on the Mojave desert. So I thought, well, what if on having them accept your offer, they took you somewhere more private, so I came up with the idea of making a "tent" interior. On accepting, they'll say something like "Sure, just lemme put up camp so we can get more comfortable..." and that will COC the player to a tent interior. In this case, it is SexoutSolicitingTentCell


The Gecko skins are a reference to FO2 where the player can find trappers out in the desert and prostitute herself to them for Geckon skins if she doesn't have money. She does get poisoned each time, but it ends up being a great way of making money early in the game. (Notice, this is only available with the Restoration Mod) There is also another reference in there.


Here are some screenshots:












So the idea is on soliciting merchants/caravaneers/bodyguards, they put up a tent and get intimate with the player. You can just copy all the contents from the ESP into the mod if you wish. It is all navmeshed too.


Also, I was thinking that some of Amra's modders anims would be great for the Bathhouse in Novac, especially the handjob, footjob and other "foreplay" ones he has. You can check SexoutSex to see how I've implemented them. It would add a nice touch to "Hand wipe" and you could add more than one anim to that action, so the player can start with a handjob for example, and progress to a blowjob, etc. There are some very nice standing anims too, and titjob ones. Shame to only see them used in SexoutSex!


Just a few thoughts.


EDIT: Also, because I'm in the mood, a little something something to illustrate...





Thomas of the Fargo Trading Emporium had never been so lucky. He did not remember the last time he'd seen such a pretty lady of the night on one of his trails.




Fifty dollars you say?




She knew exactly what she was doing. She took her time and was worth every cent of his hard earned dough...




He'd never been with such a woman before, and he'd had his fair share of roadside pussy.




But this girl was something else.




When she put him in her mouth he knew then he had to have her. And have her he did.








And over...




And over again.




All in a day's work...




... and worth every penny.


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Nice, the tent looks great and sounds fun ;). I've been meaning to expand the traveling merchant part.


I could do a fade-to-black teleport and then back to original location when you leave very easily.. but that would require a little suspension of disbelief. It may be better to place the tent in the world somewhere. I think there are actually only a few places where you find traveling merchants- they don't really travel. I think it is just around Novac, Mojave Outpost, 188 and near Freeside entrance. What do you think?



I've been meaning to add Amra's anims at some point, I will take a look at SexoutSex :).



Wasteland 2 is great, although the sex scenes were a bit underwhelming :P. It is also quite badly balanced and seems quite linear because options have been cut- but I didn't really notice that until after I completed it. I'd definitely recommend it, especially if you liked Fallout Tactics- its more like that and much less than RPG than FO2.

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That was the idea yes, a fade to black. Personally, I didn't consider suspension of disbelief a factor. I have more of a problem suspending my belief in the scenario I described earlier in the middle of the tarmac, for example. I think it is because when I tend to encounter them, it is at the bottom of the Mojave outpost, in the middle of the road between Novac and the 188 trading post, or coming into Novac from the bridge near Ulysses' farm. I find the idea that they set up a small camp to spend the night/rest between destinations far more palatable and sensible. In my mind I also like to think it takes days to traverse those distances than is shown ingame, which makes such tents and stopping points more feasible in my mind.

A small mod I've always had in mind to make and would be *relatively* simple would be that, if the player has cleared the quarry, many more cavarans would be encountered on the road between the Moajve Outpost and Vegas. They would vary in type, from clothing, food, water and weapons/supply caravans, to groups of gamblers and travelers with and without body guards. They would occasionally bump into powder gangers, vipers, legion and convicts, and the player could watch or intervene. Clearing everything in between (powder gangers, quarry, legion camp, etc) would drastically increase the flow of these caravans and encounters and make being in those areas much more profitable. At the moment, the only place the player can really "get" anything is in Vegas or outside of Freeside by the Gunrunners, and that would address that. Naturally, sex opportunities would increase tenfold for Sexout players!  :P


Alas, that is still well beyond my abilities.


I'll have to give Wasteland 2 a try. I loved Tactics, so I think I'm in for a treat!

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 You could just distribute a few shabby open-air lean-to's around some major

roads or hubs and teleport to those. There are also abandoned trucks/trailers.

What would be really cool would be to put some mattresses inside some junk

cars, and actually be able to fuck on them, although certain sex positions would

be out of the question.

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If you want to have a stab at new merchant routes, add some merchant spawns initially disable with travel/patrol packages, then check:


if (GetDeadCount QJDeathclawMother > 0)


in some slow quest script to enable them. I think this is all you need.



The 'okay, lets set up a camp' idea sounds good, I agree that it 'really' takes a few days to travel across the map. I could also a few spots in junk cars etc to mix it up a bit.


Except I'm about to go away for a week (I will be back ;)), so it will be a little while.

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I didn't realise there were cars big enough for that sort of thing? All teh car's I've seen have basically been crushed burnt out ones?


Another reason for the "interior" is because I find with rePopulated Wasteland and a bunch of other mods, my FPS outdoors is frequently between 20-40, and in the area between Jean's Skydiving and Sloan it drops down to 5 and frequently crashes. Meanwhile, indoors I can run at 120 FPS and I rarely get Sexout anomalies, like misaligned animations, one clipping slightly through floor, anim desync's, etc. I always try and run anims indoors where I can for that reason.


Thanks for the heads up Odessa, I'll see if I can work something simple out and work from there. For the camp, I tried upscaling a really basic Caesar's tent, but the supports in the middle really ruin it, unfortunately, so I went with the less annoying tent and just made it an interior!  :P

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What about the bed of a pick-up?

I did some scoping out in GECK and this is what I could come up with:





BusInterior03 naturally has lots of space for a single sized bed/mat which could be used:




NVCHPPatrolCar has just about enough space for any anims that keep both players very close together:




Same with Car03, I'm thinking mostly missionary or the lying on stomach anim:




NVTruck is fairly self explanatory but leaves little in the way of privacy...




As do TruckFlatBed and TruckArmy02Static:






NVFireTruckStatic actually has a very large cabin inside. If it isn't just a huge static and actually has that space inside, scripts could place both players in there and then take them back out after sex, but it might make seeing them difficult if not up close.




That's all I got!


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As much as I really find the.. erm.. "sexual shelter" interesting, I can't help thinking about the clipping issues that might arise, won't a simple bedroll do?


The below is a bit of what I gathered from all of you guys, it might need a bit more scripting when put all together but the outcome should be a bit balanced I think:


- In towns. "lovers' shacks" could be installed, even permanently, just keep them there with a makeshift bed in them. this should help with the framerate problem since towns are usually congested with NPCs from NPC spawning Mods like repopulated wasteland and so on.

- For Military bases, a simple military tent should do the trick here, nothing fancy.

- Abandoned highways, roads and lands; a bedroll should do just fine here, it's a wasteland after all, unless there's a valid candidate for a shelter within the vicinity (trucks, abandoned shacks... etc).

- Near Railways, there are always a number of abandoned train carts that can be used, they're big, homey and relatively secure also.

- An option to do it in right in the open should always be there i think... for the adventurous folks out there ;)


I really find ChancellorKremlin's idea for the quarry roads appealing, the possibilities of that sort of increase in regards to traffic would do wonders!


also, for the Caravaneers and merchants, I really think an option for a multiparty intercourse should be there, you approach a merchant -> offer sex -> possibility to extend your services to merchant's companions or even strangers by giving them discounts. (you can setup a script to randomize the outcome here, let's say you made a deal with a merchant, *IF* the merchant is okay with the idea, the merchant can either agree to a threesome right off the bat, or requests that he takes you on first and then allow his guards/others to have their way with you with the possibility of him joining in as well).


I'm really sorry for the big chunks I wrote, been a long week with little to no sleep due to a project I had at work  ^_^

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Thank You for the mod I love it

Everething worked ok until I try to go to Hellios Party second time, Anna give quest but nothing hppend, one thing Jenny it was`nt in. Reloded and  go back at another hour Jenny still missing I try saturday now is missing Gerda, same thing I recive quest H. Party but nothing happend.

Please forgive my poor english  and I am noob at modding.

 Help me please


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This mod is just awesome:) I also play another mod Coito ergo sum and it has some really cool idles that may or may not be of interests.


There are 3 of 4 idles for pole dancing that look really cool - the hookers occasionally do them on a small stage in the first room of lollipops.


There are some nice sexy idles some of the models do when you are taking photoes in the studio.(Basement of lollipiops) which I have not seem any of the girls in the bathhouse do ...yet hint hint :)

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Okay, I'm back now. I will put:


- Merging CK's tent into the mod for traveling merchants, as a lover's shack.

- Testing vehicles

- Adding more companion content




@ mikectj: The girls should reappear when you wait whilst working a shift at the bath house. It shouldn't matter if they are currently there when a Helios party starts, they get rounded up to go down. Not sure why the party didn't work second time, I'll look into it.



@ liniul: More idles would be good, but I think those ones are custom content for Coito Ergo Sum, so I would need permission to include them.. well, actually I could use 'IsModLoaded' and a string. Hmm, I'll have to install it and check them out.

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