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Version 5.2 (0)


Minor Update

- Fixes possible issue with debug dumps if using SCR beta.

- Added some code to support extension .esps.


(requires datapack from OP)






New DLC Extension (requires Honest Hearts and Soliciting 5.2+)



I decided to replay Honest Hearts and felt lonely with the lack of sexout content. Therefore I whipped up a mini episode for it. I suspect not many people play honest hearts, and I probably won't again, so it is unlikely I will expand it much, although someone else is welcome to take over it.


Soliciting Sorrows - A Horse's Hussie?


- You can solicit the Dead Horses and the Sorrows in a similar way to the first 4 episodes, although there is less variation to dialog.

- Follows-Chalk now gets randy when you climb a peak (tied to the vanilla effect).

- Adds 4 new NPCs to each tribe camp, since they're rather lonely originally.





- Sexout does not include a texture for the HH tribals, so you need to install one or they'll look silly. I suggest Kendo2's one for Breezes or this one for Roberts.

- In vanilla HH, when you complete the campaign all the NPCs disappear and leftover quests fail... a strange design decision since you can go back. This mod apparently changes that, but I haven't finished HH so can't comment on how well it works.







(Attachments moved to OP)

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 Thanks for the Honest Hearts content. It's not my favorite DLC because of it's

bugs, and all those damn canyons had me toggling clipping off a few times

because I kept getting lost, It's still pretty to look at though. I would recommend

downloading the 'Autumn Estate' mod, since you're in the area. It adds a beautiful

player home to Honest Hearts built with the Art Deco assets from Dead Money; I'm

a fool for Art Deco stuff...

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Back in New Vegas I enjoy the new contents you've made. Especially the references to Fallout 2 are something I have missed so much.


Now ... of course ... some suggestions.


In SLOAN you have no real place to sleep. Maybe you could add a mattress to the little caravan in sloan. As a working place. At all it could be more imersive to use some caravans as working places, where the working girls could recieve their customers. ... With a sign "The Village Wench is IN" :)


And in NOVAC I would suggest that Mistress Dunton requests that the courier should wear a propper outfit. I allways didn't like it that you can walk around as a working girl even in a power armor or in rags. In Fallout 2 there was a reaction of the NPCs inside the Golden Gecko Studios according to the armor or clothing you where wearing.


And at last: Are there any plans to merge the prostitution levels of Soliciting and Loogies Tryout?


And again: Great mod, big fun!

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Alright, here it is, I should have sent this in a while back actually but I was busy trying to sort out my issues with spunk >.<;


The Helios mission isn't working out for me for some reason with errors showing up in console. below is a screenshot of the error as well as a log dump. Everything else seems to be working just fine, from the clients at the bathhouse to travelling merchants to Goodsprings clients and barflies.





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Thanks, I forgot to reset the stage of the helios quest at the end, so it would only work once.


I think this should fix it.


New Beta 5.2 (1)


- Fix for Helios One parties failing after the first time.





@Swyke: Yeah, I guess you and Fannie ought to have somewhere to sleep. Would need someone to create the sign model though :P. I've been meaning to add comment on your appearance to the bath house, I agree she ought to have rules on appearance. I increment the "SO:Skill:fProstitution" NX variable, which other mods can also modify/reference.


(attachment removed, see below)

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Ah, I forgot to make the fix retroactive. Sorry about that. This should do it.



@liniul: Soliciting only needs NVSE 4.5 (stable) right now.


New Version


- Fix for repeat Helios One parties is now retroactively applied.


(attachment moved to OP)

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@Odessa , lol.


Well; Good News: It worked! much better performance than before, no CTDs.


Side notes:



- The (punishment?) device's animations are sometimes a bit wonky. troopers humpin' air, alignment issues every now and then.

- The threesome approaches (not the ones initiated through dialogue but the ones where a trooper approaches, says a comment and then a threesome anim starts right after) the actors assignment was off, it assigned the PC to be on top (giver) a trooper in the middle (taker) and a trooper down under (giver).

- Party dialogues (the ones that come up when the PC talks to a trooper, not the approaches by troopers) were still there even after cpt. Wallace ended the assignment and handed the reward.




Besides the above, everything else was just perfect. Thank you Odessa :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Promoted the beta to stable in OP.


Minor Update


Version 5.2
- Fix for Helios One parties only working once.
- Fix for FNVEdit error if using SCR beta
- Some code restructured to support extension .esps
- Added DLC extension that adds an Honest Hearts mini episode.




I'm crazy busy with RL stuff at the moment, but there will hopefully be a proper update sometime around Christmas, with a new quest and some RTW encounters (narratives are by Nismoman and Panthercom.. sorry for delay, I haven't forgotten them).

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  • 3 weeks later...

New beta 5.3 (0) - December 28 2014


- Added 8 new dances for the bath house ladies, (credit due to Umpa)
- Some dance tweaks. Ladies shouldn't stand inside sofa when dancing any more.
- Increased the rate of customers at bath house.
- Anna gives some contraception and lube (with WaT) when starting shift (maybe this was in last version?).


(Outdated attachment removed)


Sorry, still working on the new encounter content.




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  • 3 weeks later...

New Beta 5.3 (2) - January 15 2015


- Optionally will use Amra's modders resources (handjobs, 3P fellatio, scissoring, foreplay) if you use Amra's animations, and have SexoutAmra.esp loaded- available here.



- New Quest! 'Double Indemnity'. Special thanks to Nismoman who wrote the narrative and dialogue, NepoznatiNN for some new equippables, Prideslayer for new ZAZ refsurfacing, and various non-LL people for free sounds (see included readme for full attributions).


I think the final act of the quest is perhaps my best work so far... although it could be more interactive.

It is triggered...



randomly (20% chance) after ending a shift and leaving the bath house.





Requires Sexout NG '89 or later. (I am using beta '90).


Please let me know of any issues, and feelings on the new quest.


(outdated attachment removed)

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Okay, I played this new version and have to say: That new quest is quite cool, amusing, lots of dialogue, a big surprise at the end. What to say else than: Pretty damn great.

I will admit that the start didn't impress me that much, but as it kept going and going and going...very well done. Yes, minor nitpicking would be that the end, as you already wrote yourself, could be a little bit more interactive, with people talking to you and more of a true party-atmosphere...but really, that's nitpicking as nitpicking gets...


I also like the overall improvements in the brothel itself, with the customers. A wee bit dissapointed that this old guy with his dog, well, my char would have earned some extra-money, but Sniffer didn't seem to eb an option, though hinted/teased at several times ... des that customer visit again maybe? But what I liked about it most is the difference in dialogue to the standard-customers. Would be great to have more of these thrown in now and then, and maybe a couple of surprises/changes with the regular customers. Maybe problems occuring like a guy suddenly wanting more etc...


Now its probably shameful to ask for more days after release but: I would really love to see more of our "concerned husband". If you are (hopefully) planning on more quests like the new one, you should bring him back. He has some personality, and might serve as a good link to future encounters, and could lead to some humours dialogue in future encounters.


Last but not least: A minor complaint: The Dunton-Brothers (and you should also consider using them again as well, those depraved perverts)...that weird flashing transition between every scene? I don't know if they are necessary but...they are kinda annyoing I think...I'd rather have some kind of fade-to-black then this, I always feel like getting poisned by Cazadores ^^


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Glad you liked the new quest, I like Fleeman too (Nismoman created him, along with dialog/narrative for it). No current plans for a follow up, but it's definitely possible. Did you use SexoutAmra.esp? I ask because I haven't actually tested it without, although it should work fine.


There are 4 more round-the-world tricks that I have finished for next version, with narratives and dialog by Panthercom, and he's adding some extra sparkle to them ;).


You can disable the transitions for Duntons in the MCM, I guess I can make it use fade to black instead. The Duntons will appear in another trick I'm working on, and I have some other plans for them.

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Well, Nisoman should really be praised then :lol: Keep him/her close I'd say ^^


Well, no, didn't even know Amra has an esp now? I use some of his animations though, but without an esp...but I don't know a lot of things it seems, it totally escaped me that I could toggle the transitions in MCM .. .the more you know ... :dodgy:


Glad to hear the Duntons will cum back. As far as I am concerned: Never create too many new chars if you can instead use existing ones and make them more elaborate (that's why I would always try to make Fleeman return^^) ... can't wait to see a new version (don't feel pressured), it's nice to see Fallout still getting some topclass-sex-quest-love-treatment :D



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Indeed, I agree, top notch stuff.


Gave it a try last night, and really enjoyed how it was long and drawn out, and a little different from your usual stuff. I do agree some more interaction towards the end would have been nice. For polish, there also needs to be some dedicated areas in the room where sex happens, as I had a few characters clipping through chairs and other furniture (at one point one of the patrons and a woman there were having sex near a table and went right through it). I did try it with Amra's anims and it worked perfectly! 


I also agree with jxm about the effects that happen with the duntons - I think a fade to black would be perfectly suitable and maybe more appropriate than the light effects currently present. I also think it would be quite nice to have some more interaction with the existing customers, nothing too fancy, just some different dialogues, maybe the odd request or two, or even a "regular" couple of named customers that get a little closer to the player. Or even, as I suggested a while ago, twosomes and threesomes with the other prostitutes too  :)


I wouldn't mind writing the narrative and dialogue for these, so long as you wouldn't mind physically putting them into the GECK as time is a little short for me these days and I already have quite a bit of content I need to finish up anyway!  :P


All in all, great content and I can't wait for more!





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