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Are you just in Skyrim playing with your tits, or are you playing REAL MODS?

Monsto Brukes

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I've been so caught up the last . . . YEAR AND A HALF . . . just playing with my tits. I've been so focused on body meshes w/bbp and all that shit that I've not seen jack in the way of real game mods.
Personally, I consider body meshes/outfits/bbp, perk and skill fixes, spells, missions/dungeons, Tropical Skyrim, SkyMoMod, stuff like that . . . they are enhancements. You play the game, they enhance the game... but they don't truly 'change the game' ...literally or metaphorically.
So I was playing around the other day with "Home Construction and Decoration" (links later) and the author mentioned "Tundra Defense"

Hmm... what's that.

It's a tower defense sub-game with your standard Real Time Sim game elements. Apparently the author built the precursor to this in New Vegas (Wasteland Defense maybe?) and this is a port-and-then-some. From what I've played of it so far (i'm probably breaking it with Ulitmate Follower Overhaul and other mods) it seems as if it falls in the category of "modifications" that use Skyrim simply as a framework. It's not intended to be a stand alone game, but you could absolutely start a fresh brand new game with 7 gp in your pocket and start playing Tundra Defense wtihout ever having sniffed the vanilla game. I may try that.
There's a couple others that I saw similar to this...
Tundra Defense: Defend against raids, loot the bodies, sell the stuff, make buildings, attract citizens, earn taxes, increase the difficulty. Rinse, repeat. I've had problems with the chars, but I'm probably breaking it with my installed mods.
RTS for Skyrim
Poket Empire Builder
Skyrim RTS Realm Army Wars: Unfinished. I couldn't really see what the author was trying to do, but he seems to be going for an RTS between Imperial, Stormcloak and Thalmor, which could be an interesting rock/paper/scissors scenario.
Home Construction & Decoration: Build a house, put some shit in it. Came out before Hearthfire DLC.
So I can see this stuff sucking up all my time if i can get Tundra Defense working.
First question: What other RTS mods are out there that you know of?
And then the big quesiton:
Are there any skyrim mods (besides these RTS types) that use skyrim as more of a framework and change the game without requiring anything of the character or the world? Mods like Helgen Reborn and the like are great, but they're still essentially addons/enhancements. I'm talking about beyond that.
Along that line, I was thinkin about the ancient Apple 2 game Taipan and it's downline successor  Dope Wars on mobile. They're basically travelling mercantile games. I was wondering how well a 'live action' version could translate to skyrim? I even wrote a design doc for it...

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What do you call real mods?

Is this - mindless slashing, endless houses and other trash?


In my opinion the REAL MOD is branched quest for 15 hours of gameplay.Of course with quality voice acting and dialogues, as DoA for Oblivion:



For Skyrim no REAL MODS.


Didn't read the post did you? Didn't think so.

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What do you call real mods?

Is this - mindless slashing, endless houses and other trash?


In my opinion the REAL MOD is branched quest for 15 hours of gameplay.Of course with quality voice acting and dialogues, as DoA for Oblivion:



For Skyrim no REAL MODS.

are you saying there are no "real mods" for skyrim?

i mean i know the site is pretty much hated by some here but there are some very impressive quest mods on nexus, maids II for example, is unfinished but very well made and put together it even incorporates some "tits" now and then.

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What do you call real mods?

Is this - mindless slashing, endless houses and other trash?


In my opinion the REAL MOD is branched quest for 15 hours of gameplay.Of course with quality voice acting and dialogues, as DoA for Oblivion:



For Skyrim no REAL MODS.

He actually defined very specifically what he means by "real mods".  Try reading all those words he typed. :|



Don't worry, the thread title almost got me too excited as well... beware the impulse to post hastily! :D

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He actually defined very specifically what he means by "real mods".  Try reading all those words he typed. :|


Well, as I wrote, slashing and houses ... 


... You just have not played DOA, this can be called a separate game, humor, quality of gameplay, quests, puzzles, voice acting, effects (and scripting) are even higher than that of Bethesda ...

This is a serious work of educated people, not a pathetic odd job.


I do not know, maybe I have excessive demands.

but I am so always ...

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What do you call real mods?

Is this - mindless slashing, endless houses and other trash?


In my opinion the REAL MOD is branched quest for 15 hours of gameplay.Of course with quality voice acting and dialogues, as DoA for Oblivion:



For Skyrim no REAL MODS.


I went to that site but couldn't make heads or tales of it. Everything is in Russian. I found the mod on nexus but I think that's an old version.


Have they translated into English yet? If so, could you give us the links we need to download? thx

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I feel your pain monsto


1122 hours played, 5 or 6 reinstalls and around 400 gigs in my mod archives

and I have YET to do the thalmar Diplomatic Immunity quest.

yes boobies are the bain in my game playing.


Hmm I don't think I ever finished Oblivion either

and yep same reason .


so for a few hours a week I play skyrim on the xbox. :(

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You mean mods like


Wyrmstooth and Falskaar?


Those are good mods, I've checked them out. . . 


But no (= that's not what I meant. Between those mods and what I'm talking about, it's kinda splitting hairs. They are however still RPG adventure games in the Elder Scrolls universe. Tundra Defense is a whole different game that depends on nothing from the vanilla game.

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I went to that site but couldn't make heads or tales of it. Everything is in Russian. I found the mod on nexus but I think that's an old version.


Have they translated into English yet? If so, could you give us the links we need to download? thx


Unfortunately this mod is only in Russian .. If you want you can translate .... :)




Damn... sounds like a really interesting quest mod. Looks like they released the final version only this month so hopefully, they'll translate it. Just the text (not voice) would suffice.

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