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6 hours ago, leesjig said:

Could you help with a weird sexlab filtering issue with the succubus:  I called up the 7 worrier succubus to lay waist to redwater den...so after my pc wants to sex them all...?


When using this command:


  Reveal hidden contents



I only get this one animation avail:


  Reveal hidden contents



I've never seen this with sexlab, until trying this 'fuck me, you succubus' command.  Sorry, trying to get things working right.  Thanks for any help with the issue. 


Im not sure.. other than the script looks for certain animation types first and then goes from there,  It auto selects the animation for you.

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I've been sitting for more than 5 hours to install the mod - hopefully there won't be a "missing master" anymore

if you already do "Harem 2" as an absolute requirement (master) - then please write that on Nexus as well and not just as Loverlab




since the (summoned) girls are all naked...
...do I have to build clothes for them in Bodyslide??


aber juhu - wenigstens funktionieren die Zauber

(bin noch im Keller bei der Mara-Statue)

Edited by Miauzi
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12 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

I've been sitting for more than 5 hours to install the mod - hopefully there won't be a "missing master" anymore

if you already do "Harem 2" as an absolute requirement (master) - then please write that on Nexus as well and not just as Loverlab


It is a requirement on nexus.  Click on the requirements dropdown.

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Vor 2 Minuten sagte sd2336:

Keine Sorge, es ist eine sehr lange Liste ... leicht Dinge zu übersehen. Ich hoffe euch gefällt der Mod. Es macht viel Spaß ?


the summoned girls are all naked except for the succubi (with the horns).

probably still have to do a body slide?

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1 hour ago, Miauzi said:


the summoned girls are all naked except for the succubi (with the horns).

probably still have to do a body slide?

the disciples are nude.. the pet playthings, AoD and knightmares have some clothes.  Cultists are nude.  Gratuitous nudity was a goal.  But yes bodyslide the hellraiser armor with the kangminabody.

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19 hours ago, aspirine2 said:

does this make Serana a dom (like making her a dom in her dialogue with the dragonborn!?)

Not in dialog, but it is obvious she is.  You will feel a sense of unease adventuring with her.. she is terrifying and unpredictable.  A wonderfully toxic murdering mistress of mayhem.

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10 hours ago, MrEddy6969 said:

Gotta say man this mod setup is crazy and I'm loving it. I am really really impressed with the Kangmina mods as well. I had never seen those before and they are really good. The animations are so good. I'm still having issues with getting dirt/blood/cum textures to work properly. Even with the mod dirt & blood along with addons I can't get anything to stay on my character or really npcs either, everything just vanishes every few seconds. Starting a fresh build and playthru to try and figure out why this is happening. But its essentially I think messing up the bloody aspect of this setup. As i'm really not seeing much on that front. I was expecting a blood soaked nightmare and really i get almost nothing even with all 6 addons loaded and maximum carnage as well. 


If anyone knows of any specific mods that might interfere with blood/cum texture applications I'm all ears. I had heard Fill her up Baka messes that up so i've removed it for this load order. My new load order in MO2 is attached if anyone wants to eye it. 


If I had any complaints/suggestions about this at all its simply the lack of bhunp support. So many mods required are non bhunp stuff and all my bodies/outfits are already setup to use bhunp. Or at least the fact that the mod has requirements for specific mods and I "have" to load them to get things to work. Even though some of those mods have bring your own body options, I can't seem to use them. 


But ultimately I am loving this so far and I'm gonna continue working it into a top tier load order for me. :) Thanks!!!!

Load Order Scream Queen.txt 19.45 kB · 7 downloads


Keep playing.. you should be seeing body parts everywhere.  Also for more blood, I use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2357


I have blood, gore, and people pieces all over the place.  I spend a lot of time gathering parts.. lol.


As for the dirt and blood Im not sure.  I do not use that mod.


Also slash female non-unique bodies on the ground with any weapon that has gore in the name.


I'm glad you like it ?  Yeah the 3ba is the main body in this mod.  Of course you can just go into the respective folders of any of the npcs, including serana and overwrite with whatever body you want.. just make sure you also use skins and outfits to match.

Edited by sd2336
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I have to admit i thought that as many mods that were in the requirements and everything else I have in my load order that this would have all sorts of problems but I put this at the end of my load order after smashed patch since I am mid play through and everything is running smoothly. This is right up there with the least problematic mods out there.

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56 minutes ago, BigOnes69 said:

I have to admit i thought that as many mods that were in the requirements and everything else I have in my load order that this would have all sorts of problems but I put this at the end of my load order after smashed patch since I am mid play through and everything is running smoothly. This is right up there with the least problematic mods out there.

I'm glad to hear it!  At its core it is quite simple, and the requirement mod authors are all amazing creators.  I hope you enjoy it and most importantly, have fun!

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I just used the staff you get at the start of the game...

..now the succubus wears the "Coco" outfit - so far correct
but she has a BROWN face and one of the ugly standard Nord hairdos.
So something is wrong? Only what??

And is it correct that the succubus has the same body template (I currently have a very slim body) as my game character??


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32 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

I just used the staff you get at the start of the game...

..now the succubus wears the "Coco" outfit - so far correct
but she has a BROWN face and one of the ugly standard Nord hairdos.
So something is wrong? Only what??

And is it correct that the succubus has the same body template (I currently have a very slim body) as my game character??


That staff summons the coco succubus from the AMI mod.. I just sex enabled her weapon.  Yes that particular one uses the default body.  Face issues on that would be from the ami mod, mine look good.  That particular one is pretty generic.


I recommend summoning the pet playthings for starters and going from there.  



Edited by sd2336
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Vor 35 Minuten sagte sd2336:

Dieser Stab beschwört den Coco Sukkubus aus dem AMI-Mod. Ich habe gerade ihre Waffe aktiviert. Ja, dieser bestimmte verwendet den Standardkörper. Gesichtsprobleme, die vom Ami-Mod stammen, meine sehen gut aus.


the facial problems - no idea if these come from the Ami-Mod.

at least now the clothing problem with the summoned girls (Harm etc.) seems to be solved

just summoned the bloody harem and after having sex with the first of them - the clothes appear on her body.
Please don't tell me that this is planned?




the warrior succubi come immediately with their correct clothing - but if I saw it correctly, it comes from the 2 "Demon" mods themselves


Edited by Miauzi
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3 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


the facial problems - no idea if these come from the Ami-Mod.

at least now the clothing problem with the summoned girls (Harm etc.) seems to be solved

just summoned the bloody harem and after having sex with the first of them - the clothes appear on her body.
Please don't tell me that this is planned?


lol.. I could say yes, but that would be a lie.  Due to the way some of the girls inventories are set up they will appear naked after summoning.  Switch cells, fast travel, or just keep playing, and they will dress.  Or, do what you did ?  Also the creatures really like to strip the girls, same applies when that happens.

Edited by sd2336
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Vor 6 Minuten sagte sd2336:

lol.. Ich könnte ja sagen, aber das wäre gelogen. Aufgrund der Art und Weise, wie einige der Mädcheninventare eingerichtet sind, erscheinen sie nach der Beschwörung nackt. Wechseln Sie die Zelle, reisen Sie schnell oder spielen Sie einfach weiter, und sie werden sich anziehen. Oder tu was du getan hast ? Auch die Kreaturen ziehen die Mädchen sehr gerne aus, das gleiche gilt, wenn das passiert.


No - let's...

...because it just "clicked" - a great "role play" scene for my planned blog story.

In the game I pretend - that I can't do these summons (only use the books from this point onwards) - if I get Serana, the companion for this scroll quest, in the "Dawnguard quest".
alone with her in my "Dwemer" tardis (Sidra mod) on the beach
(yup - the mod has an island in the sea with Sansstarnd "inside")

I conjure up the succubi and let them "seduce" me and take care of the clothes I need via

what Mistress Serana doesn't like -> chastity belt for me

because I'm otherwise distracted during her lessons (she gives them via SDA).


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1 hour ago, Miauzi said:

I just used the staff you get at the start of the game...

..now the succubus wears the "Coco" outfit - so far correct
but she has a BROWN face and one of the ugly standard Nord hairdos.
So something is wrong? Only what??

And is it correct that the succubus has the same body template (I currently have a very slim body) as my game character??


I had the same thing. This fixed it


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So just to be clear. In the list of requirements it says the Kangmina patch only. Does that mean I do NOT get the main file for queen of the damned and patch it? Or I am truly only supposed to get the patch file for queen to the damned. 


Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE Only the kangmina patch


I feel like there is something wrong with my load order and Serana isn't as deadly as she should be. So far I've gotten her out of the crypt and taken her home and then gotten her back again (after recruiting the two dawnguard peeps) and she's not behaving any different. Her spells cast are all the same as always. So looking at the directions this is the mod which appears to alter her spell behaviors and a place I figured maybe I went wrong? As I got the main file along with the Kangmina patch. I didn't ONLY get the patch.


Also I told Serana to treat me like she treats the other Kangmina followers, so she does all the sexy dancing and such of other kangmina followers. Any idea if doing that is going to cause issues either? 


Or am I just being impatient and her behavior will change later?

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1 hour ago, MrEddy6969 said:

So just to be clear. In the list of requirements it says the Kangmina patch only. Does that mean I do NOT get the main file for queen of the damned and patch it? Or I am truly only supposed to get the patch file for queen to the damned. 


Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE Only the kangmina patch


I feel like there is something wrong with my load order and Serana isn't as deadly as she should be. So far I've gotten her out of the crypt and taken her home and then gotten her back again (after recruiting the two dawnguard peeps) and she's not behaving any different. Her spells cast are all the same as always. So looking at the directions this is the mod which appears to alter her spell behaviors and a place I figured maybe I went wrong? As I got the main file along with the Kangmina patch. I didn't ONLY get the patch.


Also I told Serana to treat me like she treats the other Kangmina followers, so she does all the sexy dancing and such of other kangmina followers. Any idea if doing that is going to cause issues either? 


Or am I just being impatient and her behavior will change later?

You only need the patch.  Did her hellraiser armor show up at all, and does she have horns?  Was her inventory full of depravity?  Something sounds off.  We will figure it out.  It may just be the two queen of the damned files


She can at times due to level etc.. get on kicks of casting non gore spells for a bit, but it usually doesnt last long and she is using gore/sex/mayhem weapons at the same time.. so it is apparent she is not the usual Serana.

Edited by sd2336
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