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So aside from the obvious bug, with actors flying around sliding away from their position, there's a few problems with this.

1.) I love the quick and easy installation. It's amazing, but you lose the ability to save Sexlab's MCM and export it for easier set up, especially so you don't have to tick all the proper animations. That alone cancels out the easy installation in setup time. It's a tradeoff. You spend forever doing one or the other.

2.) the default actor for alignment used to not be the player. This made it easy. Now you have to make sure you're not selecting the player whenever you wanna set up alignment for the NPCs who need it far more often with any SLAL pack.

3.) The reset actors hot key "[" doesn't reset actors anymore. That's really bad. How is that an improvement? I'm guessing it was an unforeseen effect of messing with actor alignment maybe????

4.) You can no longer go BACKWARDS in stages when using Sexlab Tools and Sexlab P+. That's also really bad. What in the world did u do to the way sex scenes progress to make stages no longer something the user can set for easy testing and actor positioning.

5.) The "]" key to give you 30 secs to find a new spot for the animation pops up with a new ability to hold it down to choose your spot but just makes you appear back at the spot you were trying to get away from.

Don't forget you can install or uninstall this mid-save, peeps. The beautiful thing about Sexlab is it can be uninstalled in the MCM and then you can save, quit, and configure, and then load and install again. It does work on AE 640. I'm using it on 3 separate testing PCs all AE 640 right now. Before testing a new mod, make sure you're putting it on an already tested working Sexlab configuration and then uninstall Sexlab in your game and install this if you want to try it.

But either way, I'm super happy you're at this, Scrab. It's a wild undertaking. I may think you're trying to do too much at this current version, but it's necessary to try do everything possible to improve Sexlab. After all, you really did make the animation start time very rapid, and I notice the choosing of an animation is also very rapid, altho it might be causing the actors floating around bug. I appreciate your work, thank you! Don't give up!

Edited by LynErso666
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1 hour ago, LynErso666 said:

4.) You can no longer go BACKWARDS in stages when using Sexlab Tools and Sexlab P+. That's also really bad. What in the world did u do to the way sex scenes progress to make stages no longer something the user can set for easy testing and actor positioning.

This is something I really dont know why that happens

I looked through SLs original sources and compared them with the code of SLp+ and I admittedly have no idea where my mistake is or what caused this. I do however know how to fix it BUT I cant fix it before the next block of content


People following discord conversation heard me say this "gonna be part of the next block of content" a lot and indeed this can be taken as a sign that I did rush content too much. I did structure a few changes pretty poorly, creating a "low" that I cannot properly fix until a few months into the future, your point #1 is also related to this


Maybe, to properly explain things: My plans for SLp+ are structured into 4 big blocks of content:

  1. Thread Architecture
  2. Registry
  3. Interface and Tooling
  4. Interactive Systems

The first block is what you currently have available, the new architecture which changes how animations are started, including the general layout of the thread script. This isnt about everything is going to happen to threading and is probably the least impactful of all of these content blocks (yes, I did just say that) but is creating a foundation for everything else: Preparing some essential aspects of SLp+ (such as these data keys) alongside allowing me to understand how SL actually works and how to work with it in a way that doesnt completely shut off everything that uses SL

I did do some things that were rushed, some thing that I really shouldnt have done that and Im sorry about that and I do understand if this is a deal breaker for some. I just really hope that even if that is the case you havent given up on SLp+ entirely, because these things will get better


The second block will be the by far most severe one in the back end of SL. The primary focus here is to integrate a new animation registry, allowing a much more efficient accessing and editing of animations which will be another very much noticeable boost in performance (we are talking about going from 2s to <0.5s for animation starting) and also address a lot of the issues people are currently experiencing regarding adjustments and settings being saved. The installation of animations is also a big downside of SL that will be made completely redundant with this.

This second block is a very big change in how SL is going to work and will hopefully address most of these lows that the first block of content has introduced that I cannot realistically and properly fix with a quick tweak to the code base. This block is however very complicated and will unfortunately take a long time to be playable


The third block will have me mostly sitting in Flash and create UI interfaces. This block will prepare more detailed orgasm features, branching animations and all of that. It will also include logic to make mods like SL Tools redundant and allow doing adjustments to animation positions and similar things much easier. Most of this new content here is really about preparing the 4th content block and doing QoL fixes and features, giving you a visual feedback of what Ive been doing these past 2 blocks of content

This is also the point at which I will no longer be able to support VR


The fourth block will properly introduce orgasm features and branching animations and whatever else might be interesting here. This is where SL will morph from a simple animation player to an actual animation simulator



I have no ETA on when exactly all of these blocks will release and when they will be completed. I also want to note that these 4 block only contain the highlights, this isnt everything I wish to implement and it is likely that even after block 4 releases that there will be more updates coming

I hope that this gives some insight on where exactly SLp+ is headed and calm some worries about the current issues SLp+ has



I also wish to emphasize that Im not trying to somehow undermine the efforts that have been put into SL until I came along. I am very much respecting the work others are putting in to improve on SL and while not all work that is being done is relevant to SLp+ some of it, such as SLAS (by @alex77r4) is very much being recognized and worked into SLp+ to ensure these efforts arent lost or ignored

SLAS in particular is going to play an essential role in the architecture of the new registry to really get the best out of the new library. I do want SL so fast that you guys ask me to artificially slow down the start up again - and that without compromising quality what.so.ever.


Edited by Scrab
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1 hour ago, Scrab said:

(A lot)


Well that sounds dope af! 

And yee no it don't look like you're undermining anybody at all. This is gold, and I'm sure iz gonna get way better.

And, I have confirmed in my testing, the not being able to go backwards in stages only SOMETIMES occurs. It will either happen for an animation or it won't. I estimate 3 in every 10 animation scenes will lock you from going backwards.

And the floating character thing. 1 in every 20 animation scenes is when that happens. But with a lot of actors in the same cell, 1 in every 10 scenes it will occur. I confirmed this in many different environments packed and not packed. I do believe it has to with the goings on in the area, but I'm still not sure whether or not I can base that bug's occurrence on the number of actors in the cell; my money's on it being caused by some new changes in actor positioning.


But, again, thanks for keepin at this, Scrub. I appreciate you!

Edited by LynErso666
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16 hours ago, Scrab said:
  1. Thread Architecture
  2. Registry
  3. Interface and Tooling
  4. Interactive Systems


1st Block: Don't worry, I think I can say on behalf of everyone here that we haven't given up and that we are cheering you on! It took this long for someone to step up and improve on SexLab after all these years. Personally, my only hope is that you don't get overwhelmed because this already sounds like a major undertaking lol.


3rd and 4th Blocks: Almost sounds like OSex/OStim lol. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I hope you somehow make it intuitive for us gamepad users because by default OSex/OStim is just not gamepad-friendly at all. Even using the keyboard feels clunky; its one of the reasons why I could never get into it despite numerous attempts. I always ended up using SexLab for its simplicity. (Alternatively, if there's a way for us to actually use the mouse to click on the UI icons to switch between animations/scenes, and still be able to somehow rotate the camera when needed, that would be awesomesauce. (Inspiration: The Sims 4 and WickedWhims.) But I can only imagine this would be a major project, probably beyond the scope of SexLab P+, and maybe even technically impossible due to game engine limitations.)


I'm just waiting for Sexlab P+ to be in a more stable state where it's not required for us to create new game saves. I'm guessing until at least after the third or fourth block is finished. Meanwhile, I'll be closely monitoring the progress of this mod. I can tell it's gonna be a major hit once it's done!

Edited by HentaiGnome
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3 hours ago, HentaiGnome said:

3rd and 4th Blocks: Almost sounds like OSex/OStim lol. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I hope you somehow make it intuitive for us gamepad users because by default OSex/OStim is just not gamepad-friendly at all. Even using the keyboard feels clunky; its one of the reasons why I could never get into it despite numerous attempts. I always ended up using SexLab for its simplicity. (Alternatively, if there's a way for us to actually use the mouse to click on the UI icons to switch between animations/scenes, and still be able to somehow rotate the camera when needed, that would be awesomesauce. (Inspiration: The Sims 4 and WickedWhims.) But I can only imagine this would be a major project, probably beyond the scope of SexLab P+, and maybe even technically impossible due to game engine limitations.)

The UI will offer a variety of features including both, the control with mouse as well as a controller. The actual manipulation of scene logic using the UI will lean on the already existing control flow of SL in an attempt to not make these new features feel "overwhelming"

Thats all I can say for now, more info when I begin to properly implement these things


Edited by Scrab
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17 hours ago, LynErso666 said:

And, I have confirmed in my testing, the not being able to go backwards in stages only SOMETIMES occurs. It will either happen for an animation or it won't. I estimate 3 in every 10 animation scenes will lock you from going backwards.

And the floating character thing. 1 in every 20 animation scenes is when that happens. But with a lot of actors in the same cell, 1 in every 10 scenes it will occur. I confirmed this in many different environments packed and not packed. I do believe it has to with the goings on in the area, but I'm still not sure whether or not I can base that bug's occurrence on the number of actors in the cell; my money's on it being caused by some new changes in actor positioning.

Are you using precision by chance?


Anyone here that has this issue that isnt using precision?


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40 minutes ago, Scrab said:

The UI will offer a variety of features including both, the control with mouse as well as a controller. The actual manipulation of scene logic using the UI will lean on the already existing control flow of SL in an attempt to not make these new features feel "overwhelming"

Thats all I can say for now, more info when I begin to properly implement these things



Oh sweet, I didn't even think it was possible, but if you can pull it off then I tip many hats to you! Definitely looking forward to how this all shapes up in the end lol.

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4 hours ago, Scrab said:

Are you using precision by chance?


Anyone here that has this issue that isnt using precision?


No I've never heard of Precision. I wasn't using with more than a few other Sexlab mods on any of the PCs I tested it on.

Edited by LynErso666
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TBH, referring to points 3 and 4: I personally always preferred SLF over OStim/Osex for the reason, that it does NOT provide a big, clunky interface during scenes.


So for my taste, I'd like to give the idea for optional interfaces, if that's possible. As example: for those that prefer to decide what branch of an animation should play next, they can do so. But I like to just watch what happens, so maybe let the framework then decide randomly which branch to choose and hide the UI?

Another thing could be to break this up into two settings: one for consensual scenes and another for scenes with a defined victim (=rape). Consensual scenes could use the interface and rape scenes just go on as they want.

Edited by Mister X
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Hi. I'm getting this error whenever my MC tries to have sex. The rest of the log is attached.


[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] [SEXLAB] - Notice: ValidateActor(Sigrid) -- TRUE -- MISS
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] [SEXLAB] - Notice: ValidateActor(Isen-Valvik) -- TRUE -- MISS
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SLEN Utility - Info: MakeTaggedSexEx got 2 actors: [[WIDeadBodyCleanupScript < (00013483)>], [Actor < (00000014)>], None, None, None]
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SEXLAB - [sslanimationslots <SexLabQuestAnimations (290639DF)>] AnimationFilter: GetByTags
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SEXLAB - [sslanimationslots <SexLabQuestAnimations (290639DF)>] Searching for Animation with Keys = [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["sex", "Cowgirl", "-Furniture", "-Anal", "-Aggressive", "-Foreplay"]
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SEXLAB - [sslanimationslots <SexLabQuestAnimations (290639DF)>] _GetAnimations: Found 4 animations | Keys [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["sex", "Cowgirl", "-Furniture", "-Anal", "-Aggressive", "-Foreplay"]
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SLEN Utility - Info: MakeTaggedSexEx found 4 animations for tags = 'Sex,Cowgirl' and tagsToExclude = 'Furniture,Anal,Aggressive,Foreplay', attempting to start sex
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:34PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:35PM] [SEXLAB] - Notice: ValidateActor(Sigrid) -- TRUE -- MISS
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:35PM] Error: Method SetActorEx not found on sslActorAlias. Aborting call and returning None
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActor() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActors() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabQuestFramework (29000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3151
	<unknown self>.slenutility.MakeTaggedSexEx() - "SLENUtility.psc" Line 49
	[topic info E1029FEE on quest SLENDialogueQuest (E100284E)].SLENTIF__04029FEE.Fragment_0() - "SLENTIF__04029FEE.psc" Line 21
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:35PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp61"
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActor() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActors() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabQuestFramework (29000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3151
	<unknown self>.slenutility.MakeTaggedSexEx() - "SLENUtility.psc" Line 49
	[topic info E1029FEE on quest SLENDialogueQuest (E100284E)].SLENTIF__04029FEE.Fragment_0() - "SLENTIF__04029FEE.psc" Line 21
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:35PM] Info: SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] AddActor(Sigrid) - Failed to add actor -- They were unable to fill an actor alias
	<unknown self>.Debug.TraceStack() - "<native>" Line ?
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.ReportAndFail() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line 2183
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActor() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabThread00 (29061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActors() - "mepfmwqkvuznczhxwq" Line ?
	[SexLabQuestFramework (29000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "msqwylhzvlpcqxnnfmx" Line 3151
	<unknown self>.slenutility.MakeTaggedSexEx() - "SLENUtility.psc" Line 49
	[topic info E1029FEE on quest SLENDialogueQuest (E100284E)].SLENTIF__04029FEE.Fragment_0() - "SLENTIF__04029FEE.psc" Line 21
[03/01/2023 - 02:41:35PM] [SEXLAB] - Notice - StartSex() - Failed to add some actors to thread



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3 hours ago, nuts said:

Hello. Anyway to resolve this issue with SUM? Or should I just ignore this? Good day.

Edit:The mod I am using is SUM from


That's not my...


Is from @Inte and the instructions to get rid of the message are here:



I think you have to edit some INI file to set the number of your current version of SexLab.

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On 3/1/2023 at 3:33 PM, isthisevenskyrim said:

after some testing on .640 AE I have failed to get animations to run, says failed to get valid animation for actor when alot of animations are available and also no mode is overwriting p+ 

darn didn't work on my end either. if anyone has this working on AE version 1.6.640, let us know.

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Hey while patching P+ for a mod I noticed that sslThreadModel no longer set the Victims array, but some functions still rely on this array (IsVictim, IsAgressor). IsAgressor will always return false despite the scene is non-consensual. This currently breaks some mod that try to get consensual data from a Thread like Spank That Ass.

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aisareteinai, I struggled for the longest to get SL working on AE GOG version and it just wouldn't work, giving errors about animations using some legacy code etc. This while I had it all working last year just fine.


Then I thought back and noticed that I never had this P+ thing installed back then, so ripped P+ out, changed nothing else and presto, everything works. There are issues with P+ that are difficult to figure out and go away once P+ goes away. Don't dismiss peoples issues just because it works fine for you.

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