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53 minutes ago, JB. said:

I could win the "battle" of priorities by checking the "Requires Player Activation" box of 2 FP dialogues: "I guess you want to talk about that belly..." and "Why are you looking at me like that?".


Since this dialog is impossible to escape - once you engage in dialog there seems to be no way to avoid it - I think it would be better to check the activation box. Let the player decide/finish what he/she has to do before deciding to talk about it.


Ah ha I forgot about that.  I'll take a look at FPE, it's a simple change.

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I think I finished the mod, Gristle let PC go anyway, but during the playthrough when PC chose the job from Lindstrom she chose to go to DC and whore around went outside and the slaves were so tight around Gristle she could not establish a dialog with him.

She knocked the 3 slaves back with her fists and still could not talk to him to take her to DC.


Then after I finished, I went to NR, and when Corsican sent PC to the apartment to rest this happened, train with owners' dog, I said not now and was stuck in a pose.

(Edit) I forgot about the cyclic rule and Dynamic Patches that I posted about earlier, set NR to DP and removed CS. I tried to click on the rules to set Cyclic Rule, but it would not do anything. 

I tried after I set NR to DP and removed CS still get the train dialog and now stuck unable to move.

And sorry if I posted this in the wrong Forum? ?

See Pic's  


CS V 1.0.3



Fallout4 11_9_2022 3_27_18 AM.png

Fallout4 11_9_2022 6_12_38 AM.png

Fallout4 11_9_2022 6_13_44 AM.png


Edited by caveman74
spoiler tag
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On 11/6/2022 at 4:25 PM, JB. said:
Function CheckUpSlavers()
	If (Game.isPluginInstalled("Commonwealth Slavers.esp"))
             CS_Quest = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000833E, "Commonwealth Slavers.esp") as Quest; Thorn Quest
		CorvegaLocation = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00024F93, "Fallout4.esm") as location

			If (CS_Quest.IsRunning()) && (CS_Quest.GetStage() == 0) 
				If  !(CorvegaLocation.IsCleared()) 
	     				HasCSReady = True
					Debug.Trace("Commonwealth Slavers: Requirements have been met successfully.")
					Debug.Trace("Commonwealth Slavers: The quest cannot initialize because the requirements were not met. Corvega is cleared or the player has already started the Quest.")
					HasCSReady = False	


Couple of things:

  • Just make a function return a value instead of writing it into some variable. Return an integer code that designates the result. For instance, 0 would mean success and non-zero indicate a code that tells what's wrong (mod not installed / location is cleared etc).
  • It's safer/better to do a check against certain Actor references being alive than to check if the location was cleared. If you have some mandatory NPC that must be alive for the mod to work - then check against those. Reason: it's technically possible to have a location marked cleared while the NPC in it all/partially remain. In game killing the "boss" will set the "cleared" flag of the linked location to "1" but if some script sets this flag programmatically, you will have a "cleared" location with all NPCs still remaining alive there. So checking against just necessary Actor references will ensure better compatibility with other mods¹.
  • And you might want to just bundle these API methods with your mod anyways. Then you'll be sure you're the one maintaining them and that everyone who integrates with the mod follows the same contract.



¹ One example here are mods which enable "building anywhere". In Survival mode you must have a location linked the the cell you want to build in marked as "cleared", so some such mods attempt to to it. To illustrate - you can just do setlocationcleared XXX 1 (XXX should be the valid location FormID) in console for exactly the effect I described.

Edited by Operand
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1 hour ago, caveman74 said:

I think I finished the mod, Gristle let PC go anyway, but during the playthrough when PC chose the job from Lindstrom she chose to go to DC and whore around went outside and the slaves were so tight around Gristle she could not establish a dialog with him.

She knocked the 3 slaves back with her fists and still could not talk to him to take her to DC.


Then after I finished, I went to NR, and when Corsican sent PC to the apartment to rest this happened, train with owners' dog, I said not now and was stuck in a pose.

(Edit) I forgot about the cyclic rule and Dynamic Patches that I posted about earlier, set NR to DP and removed CS. I tried to click on the rules to set Cyclic Rule, but it would not do anything. 

I tried after I set NR to DP and removed CS still get the train dialog and now stuck unable to move.

And sorry if I posted this in the wrong Forum? ?

See Pic's  


CS V 1.0.3

  Hide contents


Fallout4 11_9_2022 3_27_18 AM.png

Fallout4 11_9_2022 6_12_38 AM.png

Fallout4 11_9_2022 6_13_44 AM.png


So you finished the mod already?  ??


That Gristle thing happened to me once. I used the MCM cheat to bring Gristle to me. Use it next time that happens. 


Thanks for the dog report. For now the safest thing to do is to turn off my mod's beast mode until I fix it (I'll fix it for 1.04 along with other fixes). And use the cheat mode to regain control of the player. You will easily see the option. 


A bug that is in your photo: Slaves tell you "stay away, blah blah", that shouldn't be said by them, only by people in a certain quest. I'm going to correct it too. 

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9 minutes ago, JB. said:

So you finished the mod already?  ??

I actually did not think it was over yet? Gristle asked Lindstrom for my help and took PC to the Vault and had her turned loose, Excluding spoilers. 

Any help on setting the Cyclic rule for NR and CS in Vortex would be very much appreciated!!

Oh, and it was a Very good experience to be allowed the privilege of using your handiwork!! Very Good!

Edited by caveman74
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45 minutes ago, Operand said:


Couple of things:

  • Just make a function return a value instead of writing it into some variable. Return an integer code that designates the result. For instance, 0 would mean success and non-zero indicate a code that tells what's wrong (mod not installed / location is cleared etc).
  • It's safer/better to do a check against certain Actor references being alive than to check if the location was cleared. If you have some mandatory NPC that must be alive for the mod to work - then check against those. Reason: it's technically possible to have a location marked cleared while the NPC in it all/partially remain. In game killing the "boss" will set the "cleared" flag of the linked location to "1" but if some script sets this flag programmatically, you will have a "cleared" location with all NPCs still remaining alive there. So checking against just necessary Actor references will ensure better compatibility with other mods¹.
  • And you might want to just bundle these API methods with your mod anyways. Then you'll be sure you're the one maintaining them and that everyone who integrates with the mod follows the same contract.



¹ One example here are mods which enable "building anywhere". In Survival mode you must have a location linked the the cell you want to build in marked as "cleared", so some such mods attempt to to it. To illustrate - you can just do setlocationcleared XXX 1 (XXX should be the valid location FormID) in console for exactly the effect I described.

Thank you Operand. I don't have a single mandatory NPC. Even if Jared is dead, a new boss will spawn at any time and my mod will select him and name him "Jared", if the mod starts in other, more advanced instances of the game. 


I tried to be flexible here but had not considered that scenario you mention. The "build anywhere" type mods are quite widely used. 


I can change the condition and ask for Jared to be alive, but at the cost of losing flexibility. ?

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7 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

I actually did not think it was over yet? Gristle asked Lindstrom for my help and took PC to the Vault and had her turned loose, Excluding spoilers. 

Any help on setting the Cyclic rule for NR and CS in Vortex would be very much appreciated!!

Just give priority to the mod you are playing. You can't play CS and NR at the same time, CS demands full attention (or you will die, heh). 


Yep, the Vault part, you did something probably not very nice, but you are now free. The mod is over. 

Edited by JB.
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Just installed the mod yesterday, only encountered two bugs so far (I'm at the Laundromat right after the Scaver quest ;) ) : 
-One was Medium-Size Bomb wandering off to do whatever he wanted...wich cause me to run for my life between him and Jared but nothing too bad ! (Yeah Timer is a bitch but hey, that's the game !)

-The other was in the laundromat', the "Follow Big Bomb" would not update but, I installed your mod before yesterday patch, so all I did was installing the patch and it worked !!

So all this to say... You did an outstanding job with this mod, so far I'm impressed of the immersion you put in it, I was not expecting that, at all !
Sure it's grimm, dark, and all that...But it's defenetly good.

To sum it up on a joke note : I came here to fap, not to feel, but man...I'm not even mad ! \ o /

Good luck with your mod, and thanks again for it. I'm hooked and can't wait to see the end of it ! :P

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4 hours ago, JB. said:

Okay, I see that there is a problem with two things during The Scaver:


The bot goes to the Whore House, but it should actually be next to you "checking" that you stack the corpses properly. I'll correct the package. 


Timer. The damn timer. As far as I can see I have to reset the timer when the "stack the corpses" miniquest starts. 


@MrNicorasI remember that happened to me (I could not lift the corpse) and as a solution I took things off the corpse so that my character could lift it. 



The bot stayed near me during the corpse stacking part.  If anything, the damn bot was too close, because its pathing kept knocking me out of position when I was talking to Jared. 


As for the corpses, they were completely looted/empty, and my strength was up to 12 from various chems and booze. But all three were still too heavy.   Am I correct in thinking I'm supposed to be able to hold down E to pick them up, like any other time I need to carry/move something in game?

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1 hour ago, MrNicoras said:

The bot stayed near me during the corpse stacking part.  If anything, the damn bot was too close, because its pathing kept knocking me out of position when I was talking to Jared. 


As for the corpses, they were completely looted/empty, and my strength was up to 12 from various chems and booze. But all three were still too heavy.   Am I correct in thinking I'm supposed to be able to hold down E to pick them up, like any other time I need to carry/move something in game?

Did you keep getting the "You can't move this object/whatever" notification? Because if not, it means that maybe the corpses are stuck in the ground. A Save and reload should be enough. 


I did it with a character with 3 strength points. 

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I had more than a few issues (1.0.2) but this one stopped me cold.

It seems "Recruitable Settlers" conflicts.  When doing "The Hooker" quest, Betty (a recruitable settler) and Gristle started a gunfight as soon as they got close enough.  I had to stop it by disabling "Recruitable Settlers" and starting Diamond city again.  So far, so good.  Completed all actions for the quest but when following Gristle to leave it falls apart.  On the other side of the entrance Gristle does not proceed... he just stands around and refuses to engage in dialogue.  Setstage is a total fail.  Setstage 270 or 310 send me back to the whorehouse alone and the damn collar blows my head off.  Setstage 500 (end quest) does exactly that but leaves me stranded, naked and collared in Diamond City.  Even if I make my way back to the whorehouse I still can't sit or sleep... or progress.  Yeah, I'm pretty fucked.

I'm not sure if the two issues are related but I think not, just a coincidence.

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So im running into another issue where after i stack the minutemen bodies on the rail it tells me to talk to medium size bob. hes all the way at the whore house and once i do that he tells me to run back to master who is over by the bodies i just stacked up. the problem is the timer on my collar. i cant run back and forth because my collar blows up and kills me. so is bod supposed to be close to the bodies? I se ethat somebody said reset the timer. but how do i do that.

Edited by RuthlessOutlaw
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14 minutes ago, tch65721 said:

I had more than a few issues (1.0.2) but this one stopped me cold.

It seems "Recruitable Settlers" conflicts.  When doing "The Hooker" quest, Betty (a recruitable settler) and Gristle started a gunfight as soon as they got close enough.  I had to stop it by disabling "Recruitable Settlers" and starting Diamond city again.  So far, so good.  Completed all actions for the quest but when following Gristle to leave it falls apart.  On the other side of the entrance Gristle does not proceed... he just stands around and refuses to engage in dialogue.  Setstage is a total fail.  Setstage 270 or 310 send me back to the whorehouse alone and the damn collar blows my head off.  Setstage 500 (end quest) does exactly that but leaves me stranded, naked and collared in Diamond City.  Even if I make my way back to the whorehouse I still can't sit or sleep... or progress.  Yeah, I'm pretty fucked.

I'm not sure if the two issues are related but I think not, just a coincidence.

It does and npc that added my any mods gris or whatever his name is woudl attack them. best way to stop this is by clicking onto the npc and dsiable him and only enabling him when either youre out of site or youre all way from that npc

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22 minutes ago, tch65721 said:

I had more than a few issues (1.0.2) but this one stopped me cold.

It seems "Recruitable Settlers" conflicts.  When doing "The Hooker" quest, Betty (a recruitable settler) and Gristle started a gunfight as soon as they got close enough.  I had to stop it by disabling "Recruitable Settlers" and starting Diamond city again.  So far, so good.  Completed all actions for the quest but when following Gristle to leave it falls apart.  On the other side of the entrance Gristle does not proceed... he just stands around and refuses to engage in dialogue.  Setstage is a total fail.  Setstage 270 or 310 send me back to the whorehouse alone and the damn collar blows my head off.  Setstage 500 (end quest) does exactly that but leaves me stranded, naked and collared in Diamond City.  Even if I make my way back to the whorehouse I still can't sit or sleep... or progress.  Yeah, I'm pretty fucked.

I'm not sure if the two issues are related but I think not, just a coincidence.

rule 1--- always read descriptions 
mods that puts npc (recruit meets and other stuff ) breake this 
soo always remember rule 1 

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At the moment, the mod look at a good alternate start. But i try 2 times and i am stuck at same point, Dwaine office at Diamond City. I am doing the quest "The hooker", enter with Gristle at the room, rob the file Dwaine have with him. And try talk Dwaine for permision work. He only answer "yes?" or "mmmm?". Gristle say "we talk later".


I am using the mod "Diamond city expansion", so is  not only Dwaine office but J.R. office too. I see the setstage list you have here but cannot think a good one for try here.



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3 hours ago, JB. said:

I don't have a single mandatory NPC. Even if Jared is dead, a new boss will spawn at any time and my mod will select him and name him "Jared", if the mod starts in other, more advanced instances of the game. 


Then it looks like you do have (at least) one - it's just that you have a way to circumvent their untimely demise. And since you have such mechanisms I don't see the need in any location checks at all. Just skip that completely and move the preparation logic to the method that starts the mod. I.e. when you start the mod you check if Jared (or any other necessary/used NPC) are alive. Alive? Good, business as usual. Dead? No big deal, replace with "stunt doubles", business as usual.


P.S. Somehow I missed this one. Late congrats on the release - even if this one is not my to play :)

Edited by Operand
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24 minutes ago, Hober9 said:

I am using the mod "Diamond city expansion", so is  not only Dwaine office but J.R. office too. I see the setstage list you have here but cannot think a good one for try here.


J.R. isn't from DCE, you must be using the Crime and Punishment mod.

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17 hours ago, JB. said:

Fixes for 1.0.3


  • Snoopy should no longer be invisible during "The Hooker".
  • Jared should now accept 500 caps during "Roaming". 
  • Lindstrom should now give you the missing components to make the drug during "The Pet". 
  • Redid the scene between Dwyane and Gristle in "The Hooker". 
  • Jared will put a second mark on you, in Corvega, if you were rebellious with Gristle.  
  • Enlarged the triggerbox inside the laundry room, during the mission "The Scaver".


  • I re-uploaded the file recently to include the Medium Sized Bomb meshes.  
  Reveal hidden contents



This update fixed my issue, thank you :)

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Closing comments:

1) Great mod - but I already said that.

2) I want my hair back!

3) Sanctuary workshop says not available to me. 

4) Patiently waiting (mostly) for future updates to this mod and Nuka Ride. Music would appreciate it too. She is turning tricks in Sanctuary.


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Can somebody help me understand how to rest the timer during the scavenger quest? I m at the part where youre supposed to move the bodies and then talk to medium size bomb but the problem is hes already back at the whore house. I can run there but the problem is jared is back where the bodies are stacked and i cant run back because my collar blows up. so what can i do

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