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11 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

My PC, at least in this playthrough, is Dominant and Aggressive, but she can lounge around and sleep, sit on Couches, etc. with no consequence.

Shouldn't someone come and whip her into shape??

"Get off your Ass Whore, you have Work to do" or some such Dialog?!?


CS V 1.0.4

My thoughts exactly. Logic tells me that rebellious slaves should be broken first before being set to work ina brothel and Sex Attributes provide great potential for obedience training

Edited by redheadkitsune
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11 minutes ago, redheadkitsune said:

My thoughts exactly. Logic tells me that rebellious slaves should be broken first before being set to work ina brothel and Sex Attributes provide great potential for obedience training

I have no idea how to do what JB. has done making and supporting two separate Mods like these, and I find it easy for Me to armchair Quarterback, suggesting content and rewrites of dialog.

I agree with your assessment of SA stats, I would like to see dialog as well as actions as in beatings or whippings, general Punishment for Dom characteristics, but I think we are giving JB. a new Headache!    ?


CS V 1.0.4

Edited by caveman74
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9 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

I have no idea how to do what JB. has done making and supporting two separate Mods like these, and I find it easy for Me to armchair Quarterback, suggesting content and rewrites of dialog.

I agree with your assessment of SA stats, I would like to see dialog as well as actions as in beatings or whippings, general Punishment for Dom characteristics, but I think we are giving JB. a new Headache!    ?


CS V 1.0.4

It is much easier to advise than actually create something like that, yeah.

And perhaps some mechanics could be borrowed from TSex? That mod contains some unfinished functionality with branding, BDSM training hooks and sex skills that could be "trained"  in the Whore Room.



Edited by redheadkitsune
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Just thinking about an idea, how about ultimately making this a replacement for RP, where if Corvega hasn't been cleared, it kicks in and starts this from any raider surrender anywhere?  Get shot with a rocket by a rando raider? Violate could do it's thing then kick this off over and over. 


I'm really hoping it can fully replace RP at some point, maybe even have the Lucky trip from any of the old (and new) Raider Pet locations run for awhile, but always take you Corvega (if it's not cleared of course)where if you're rebel, Jared can decide to actually keep you like the quest in RP says but never does.  Or after Lucky messes with the collar, maybe have the "Boss" sell you to Jared if you answer wrong about why you let Lucky play with your collar?


I also floated the idea in the NR thread of Bulldog actually selling you to Jared (via RP then) would have been a cool branch.  Maybe have NR branch you back to Corvega and this mod if you're rebel to Bulldog and the only way to continue NR is to escape (maybe again) and have the OB show up when you're free to complete Lucy in the Sky from NR? Or make your way to Charon or DC Nukatron to get back to  NW?

Edited by RileyAP
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7 hours ago, MrNicoras said:

So, I'm not sure which quest I'm on.  I had a repeat mission where I completed Pest Control again.  I finished the mission, checked in with Lindstrom and he told me to go to sleep.  Woke up and did the dog, and then two BoS soldiers stormed the whorehouse.  They were killed immediately.  Checked in for a new mission, and no quest popped up but he told me to go outside and find Gristle.  No quest marker popped up, but I found Gristle in the Raider Base from the Pest control mission.  I also realized around this time that Pest Control was still active, so I used "completequest" to finish it. (I've been having to do that a lot lately.)  I got a message that said "completed, find Gristle." Gristle told me to follow him, and then the screen blacked out.   I'm now standing outside of Vault 111 emtry, next to a rusted car and an open trailer.  But I can't move. I can't open my pipboy. I can't use any hotkeys.  I'm just stuck, standing there, with nothing happen.  Gristle and Medium Bomb walked off down the hill to Sanctuary, and I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or if the quest wonked out.  This is the second time I've started this save.  The first time, we teleported to Vault 111, there was a naked guy on his knees, and then the game CDT.  


Update* I reloaded from a save where I was still inside the Whore House, and here's the message I got when I talked to Lindstromimage.png.819a18540b770fdd928084f55b17a3a0.png


Update 2: Nevermind (kinda) I'm dumb.  Apparently i do have a new active quest.  This kicked off The Hero.  However, here's a shot of my pipboy showing pest control is still active after checking in with Lindstrom and going to sleep.  I'll see if I have the same problem outside Vault 111 again.


Update 3:  used setstage _cs_ransom 1000 instead of complete quest command after leaving the Whore House.  Quest marker took me into the raider base basement.  This time, there's no Gristle.


sounds to me that somethign is wrong with the final part. if you need help dm me i dont want to spoil the ending for others

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Several problems for which I'm hoping for a solution:


  1. Have Music slider set to 1 so it won't play, but music starts up anytime I go back into game. Using Stop Music works for that session, but is the slider not working?
  2. In the Whore Cage, getting hit even once drops my character into the cowering position and she won't fight. Stuck at this point. What do I do? Is it related to the setting in the MCM for posture? Also, for some reason the fight starts with collar shocks for both. Intended? Related?



edit --


I made sure the brawl bug fix was installed in the event it is related. Also have retried four times now, restarting and loading the game as some of the oddities tend to vanish when I do that. On the 4th attempt I finally saw that it said "Slaves aren't allowed to use weapons" text in the upper left, and I certainly don't have any. She still cowers and I can't do anything. I don't remember seeing that text before, but those things come and go like bad raider banter, so yeah . ...

Edited by ETSubmariner
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5 hours ago, JB. said:

You have done multiple setstages in the wrong order.

My suggestion is to complete "Pest Control" first (do it by console commands). And then approach Lindstrom, who will tell you that Gristle wants to talk to you.


So I reloaded a save from before I finished Pest Control. Finished that quest, turned it in, slept, Dog.  Woke up and it was still active/incomplete as before.  Used setstage 1000 to end.  Then got new quest from Linsdstrom.  Gristle was outside the whorehouse this time with Little Bomb.  Before leaving whorehouse, Declan put handcuffs on me.  Outside Vault 111 and talked to Gristle. He told me what I needed to do.


At this point, I'm thinking something is wrong, because after the conversation the handcuffs are still on.  I can talk to the woman, but that's it.  I checked sqs, and here's what's going on.  Of all the quest stages, the only stages marked "done" are Stages: 7, 100, 110, 1000, 1005, and 1010.   Is this expected, or unexpected?  I get how some stages might not be set due to choices made during the playthrough, but I don't think that's what is going on here.  At least not entirely.


Any thoughts?


(using v.1.0.4)

Edited by MrNicoras
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21 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

JB. I am still having an issue with Piper and DC.

Typed in your fix and Piper appeared, Gate opened, then casual banter, no movement to get chewed on by the mayor who says he has shit to do, "Excuse me". 

Was hoping that fixed this! 


CS V 1.0.4

NR V 5.1.5 test v


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Fallout4 11_10_2022 9_11_09 AM.png




It is impossible for the Mayor and Piper to be there. That means you NEVER entered Diamond City. There is a GIANT triggerbox in Diamond City set by the developers that forces Piper and the Major to get inside once you have entered. 



Are you playing Slavers or doing console commands? ?

Edited by JB.
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3 hours ago, stin2pig said:

I have added some dialogue triggering with condition when player wear slave cloth. The drumlin events dialogue seems more suitable by now. Feel free to add them in your mod if you think it is appropriate.


  Reveal hidden contents








Commonwealth Slavers.esp 1.95 MB · 0 downloads

I've already looked at it, it looks great. I will include it, thanks! 

I always use the global "_CS_Enslaved" to separate vanilla dialogs from slave dialogs. 

_CS_Enslaved = 0
_CS_Enslaved = 1 (special dialogs that consider you as slave)


Edit: I already injected it into my version and integrated new dialogs. This is the Junkie variant. ?




Edited by JB.
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5 minutes ago, JB. said:

Are you playing Slavers or doing console commands? 

Playing the NR run that I originally posted the issue with. No console commands except the fix you issued.

You are right I never entered DC yet, I thought the scene would progress as normal.

Edited by caveman74
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2 hours ago, redheadkitsune said:

@JB. - After experiencing this mod some more, I can say with confidence that I love the roleplay opportunities!


Inspired by Sexual Harassment mod, I have some ideas , which you might find it interesting. At least I hope so. 


Rebellious answers should have "cost' attached to them, not only punishment scene kind of cost but for example willpower one.


Dom/sub orientation, drugs and such could affect the willpower costs.


Too little willpower would mean the PC would not have the inner strength to be feisty.

Hunger and thirst could be also a source of willpower loss, which would also bring interesting dilemma - take the Slaver Jet and stop loss of willpower or remain hungry/thirsty and increase submission instead AND gain addiction in the process. 


Another idea - the events/scenes could have a purpose that would


A) reflect player choices: player is being snarky to Declan (the dude at Whore House door)? Here is a punishment that would reduce the willpower that is required to be snarky. For example, whipping could add a temporary debuff to willpower regeneration.


B) Training or "adjusting" player behavior. Player not submissive enough? Scenes that would increase submissive orientation or if the player refuses to submit - as a punishment add some temporary/permanent debilitating perks. 


This way scenes would be about tradeoffs  choice between bad and worse outcomes. 



I think the only way to do this would be to be constantly listening for global changes in Atributes, but that's not something I want to do: having a script constantly running in the background. 


The other alternative to achieve what you propose would be to put Atributes as a hard requirement, which is something I don't want to do either. 


There may be other ways, but I will have to do more research.


2 hours ago, Kanutten said:

Doctor Duff will only pay if u do the drugs not if u fuck the dog.

I will check it out. What version are you using?

57 minutes ago, ETSubmariner said:

Several problems for which I'm hoping for a solution:


  1. Have Music slider set to 1 so it won't play, but music starts up anytime I go back into game. Using Stop Music works for that session, but is the slider not working?
  2. In the Whore Cage, getting hit even once drops my character into the cowering position and she won't fight. Stuck at this point. What do I do? Is it related to the setting in the MCM for posture? Also, for some reason the fight starts with collar shocks for both. Intended? Related?



edit --


I made sure the brawl bug fix was installed in the event it is related. Also have retried four times now, restarting and loading the game as some of the oddities tend to vanish when I do that. On the 4th attempt I finally saw that it said "Slaves aren't allowed to use weapons" text in the upper left, and I certainly don't have any. She still cowers and I can't do anything. I don't remember seeing that text before, but those things come and go like bad raider banter, so yeah . ...

The scripts look good (Music and stuff), but I will test it further.


But I haven't the foggiest idea why your player covers herself with fear during fights. WTF.

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6 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

Playing the NR run that I originally posted the issue with. No console commands except the fix you issued.

You are right I never entered DC yet, I thought the scene would progress as normal.


The order is: 

And when you finish Slavers, you do Nuka Ride. 


With Slavers you should have already entered DC at least once. 

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Yes Sir: I finished CS and went on to NR

I went in during CS and when doing the Motorcycle quest the Gate was Closed and Piper was not there to open it, posted that and you issued the                              CQF _CS_MCM FixEnding  console command which in fact opened the Gate and restored Piper but the scene Did not progress as normal

Edited by caveman74
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4 minutes ago, JB. said:

I will check it out. What version are you using?

The scripts look good (Music and stuff), but I will test it further.


But I haven't the foggiest idea why your player covers herself with fear during fights. WTF.


Testing it with 1.04 now, still the same problem on now six tries. I suddenly thought maybe she wasn't supposed to win, so I let the other girl beat the living daylights out of me figuring it might be the way it's supposed to go. No damage to me whatsoever, and I can open my pipboy to come out of the cower, but one hit by the opponent and she's back down to the floor doing nothing. I walked away to go do something in real life, five minutes later no damage, still being beat. I didn't use the MCM setting cheat for god-like mode either.


Unrelated to that, 1) does Jared give us a tongue piercing in that scene too? I don't see it. Not sure why a septum would have food sticking problems, so confused by his comment about food. lol Also, 2) the previs/precombine is for the interior of Corvega (I hope)? If the outside, it will conflict with landscape mods. I'm using Desperados myself.



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1 minute ago, ETSubmariner said:


Testing it with 1.04 now, still the same problem on now six tries. I suddenly thought maybe she wasn't supposed to win, so I let the other girl beat the living daylights out of me figuring it might be the way it's supposed to go. No damage to me whatsoever, and I can open my pipboy to come out of the cower, but one hit by the opponent and she's back down to the floor doing nothing. I walked away to go do something in real life, five minutes later no damage, still being beat. I didn't use the MCM setting cheat for god-like mode either.


Unrelated to that, 1) does Jared give us a tongue piercing in that scene too? I don't see it. Not sure why a septum would have food sticking problems, so confused by his comment about food. lol Also, 2) the previs/precombine is for the interior of Corvega (I hope)? If the outside, it will conflict with landscape mods. I'm using Desperados myself.



Of course THAT septum piercing would fuck while you eat. Have you seen it? ?


Precombines only for the inside of Corvega. 


I don't know man. Something is screwing up your fight but I don't know what it is. If you want to win use the console, point to your opponent and type Kill. 

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11 minutes ago, JB. said:

Of course THAT septum piercing would fuck while you eat. Have you seen it? ?


Precombines only for the inside of Corvega. 


I don't know man. Something is screwing up your fight but I don't know what it is. If you want to win use the console, point to your opponent and type Kill. 

There's a mod that has a setting that causes you to cower anytime you are hit but for the life of me I can't remember WHICH mod it is. I stopped using it because of that very problem. Damn I wish I could remember the name.... it sucks getting old :(


Might have been MCG or RSE that did it but I still can't remember.

Edited by Oldwolf58
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I am Terribly sorry JB. but I went into DC after talking to Sullivan, fucked with Travis, went to see the Mayor giving his speech Pic 1, went to see Piper Pic 2, went to see Sullivan and they are still out front.

Please do not be upset with me, I have NR set to Dynamic Patches which remove CS from DP, I finished CS and went to NR.

Maybe I should disable CS, I just did not want to lose the stats and such I earned doing CS.

CS V 1.0.4

NR V 5.1.5 testing v

Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_21_26 AM.png

Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_25_54 AM.png

Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_26_48 AM.png

Edited by caveman74
spoiler tag
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On 11/6/2022 at 10:54 AM, JB. said:




The Threat


  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Threat 10;    Add Nuke
SetStage _CS_Threat 11;    Remove Nuke
SetStage _CS_Threat 12;    Dialogue Camera Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Threat 13;    Camera Event
SetStage _CS_Threat 15;    Dialogue Camera Settler
SetStage _CS_Threat 16;    Settler Dialogue - Settler has been warned
SetStage _CS_Threat 17;    Settler Dialogue - Settler has give his reasons
SetStage _CS_Threat 50;    To the Pillory
SetStage _CS_Threat 100;    Talk to the settler
SetStage _CS_Threat 500;    Report to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Threat 1000;    EndQuest


Pet Walk

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Roaming 1;    Stop Timer
SetStage _CS_Roaming 2;    Start Scene with Jared (unused)
SetStage _CS_Roaming 3;    Stop Slave Timer
SetStage _CS_Roaming 100;    Start Roaming
SetStage _CS_Roaming 110;    Report to Lindstrom

The Hero 

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_End 0;    Setup
SetStage _CS_End 1;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_End 2;    Rebel Responses
SetStage _CS_End 3;    Decrease Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_End 4;    Increase Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_End 5;    Equip Jet
SetStage _CS_End 6;    Equip Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_End 7;    Remove Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_End 8;    Collar Shock
SetStage _CS_End 9;    Prohibit Sleep
SetStage _CS_End 10;    On Knees
SetStage _CS_End 11;    Camera Gristle
SetStage _CS_End 12;    Check if Nuka Ride is Installed
SetStage _CS_End 13;    Set Look At Gristle
SetStage _CS_End 100;    Start Ending
SetStage _CS_End 110;    Go Outside
SetStage _CS_End 120;    To Gristle special site
SetStage _CS_End 130;    Murphy run away
SetStage _CS_End 1000;    Start Moving to End Spot
SetStage _CS_End 1005;    Move to Ending Spot
SetStage _CS_End 1010;    Kill the hostage
SetStage _CS_End 1020;    Hostage dead - Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_End 4000;    Fail
SetStage _CS_End 5000;    Ending
SetStage _CS_End 5001;    Shutdown


Pest Control

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Ransom 1;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_Ransom 2;    Rebel Responses
SetStage _CS_Ransom 3;    Camera Target Player
SetStage _CS_Ransom 4;    Activates Collar
SetStage _CS_Ransom 5;    Camera Event
SetStage _CS_Ransom 6;    Big Bomb Say
SetStage _CS_Ransom 7;    Remove Blindfold
SetStage _CS_Ransom 8;    Gristle Dialogue 
SetStage _CS_Ransom 9;    Camera Target Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 10;    RemoveCuffs
SetStage _CS_Ransom 11;    Give Jet No Anim
SetStage _CS_Ransom 12;    Submissive Scene
SetStage _CS_Ransom 13;    Rebel Scene
SetStage _CS_Ransom 14;    New marking
SetStage _CS_Ransom 15;    Enable Timer 3 hours
SetStage _CS_Ransom 16;    Stop Slaver Timer
SetStage _CS_Ransom 17;    Player choose to be sub
SetStage _CS_Ransom 18;    Player choose to be rebel
SetStage _CS_Ransom 19;    Player betrayed the Minutemen
SetStage _CS_Ransom 20;    Punishment - Whore Room
SetStage _CS_Ransom 21;    Gristle Dialogue about Minutemen
SetStage _CS_Ransom 22;    Gristle Dialogue about Minutemen 2
SetStage _CS_Ransom 23;    Gristle Dialogue about Minutemen 3
SetStage _CS_Ransom 24;    Big Bomb MSG
SetStage _CS_Ransom 25;    Enable Minutemen
SetStage _CS_Ransom 26;    Enable BOS
SetStage _CS_Ransom 27;    Enable Traders
SetStage _CS_Ransom 28;    Fill Minutemen in RefCollection
SetStage _CS_Ransom 29;    Fill Traders in RefCollection
SetStage _CS_Ransom 30;    Fill BOS in RefCollection
SetStage _CS_Ransom 100;    Meet Gristle outside
SetStage _CS_Ransom 110;    To the Studio
SetStage _CS_Ransom 120;    Talk with Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 130;    Inside the Studio
SetStage _CS_Ransom 140;    Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 150;    Sit in the couch
SetStage _CS_Ransom 160;    Start Filmation
SetStage _CS_Ransom 170;    Show Ransom MSG
SetStage _CS_Ransom 180;    Punishment (Rebbel)
SetStage _CS_Ransom 190;    Sex with Gang
SetStage _CS_Ransom 200;    Talk with Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 205;    Start Fight
SetStage _CS_Ransom 210;    Going Outside
SetStage _CS_Ransom 220;    Waiting MSG 01
SetStage _CS_Ransom 221;    Waiting MSG 02
SetStage _CS_Ransom 222;    Waiting MSG 03
SetStage _CS_Ransom 230;    Better Go Back
SetStage _CS_Ransom 240;    Going outside again
SetStage _CS_Ransom 241;    Waiting MSG 04
SetStage _CS_Ransom 242;    Waiting MSG 05
SetStage _CS_Ransom 243;    Waiting MSG 06
SetStage _CS_Ransom 250;    Better Go Back Again
SetStage _CS_Ransom 260;    Going outside again
SetStage _CS_Ransom 261;    Waiting MSG 07
SetStage _CS_Ransom 262;    Waiting MSG 08
SetStage _CS_Ransom 263;    Waiting MSG 09
SetStage _CS_Ransom 265;    Better Go Back Again
SetStage _CS_Ransom 266;    Whipping
SetStage _CS_Ransom 267;    Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 270;    Going outside again
SetStage _CS_Ransom 271;    Waiting MSG 10
SetStage _CS_Ransom 272;    Waiting MSG 11
SetStage _CS_Ransom 273;    Waiting MSG 12
SetStage _CS_Ransom 280;    Player See them!
SetStage _CS_Ransom 290;    Speak with the heroes
SetStage _CS_Ransom 300;    Heroes Follow You
SetStage _CS_Ransom 400;    Heroes dead
SetStage _CS_Ransom 405;    Show MSG about the murder
SetStage _CS_Ransom 410;    Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_Ransom 420;    Loot the bodies
SetStage _CS_Ransom 500;    Back to the Whore House
SetStage _CS_Ransom 900;    Fail Quest
SetStage _CS_Ransom 1000;    EndQuest


The Truce 

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Truce 1;    Stop Timer (ID 20)
SetStage _CS_Truce 2;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_Truce 3;    Rebellious Responses
SetStage _CS_Truce 4;    ElectroShock
SetStage _CS_Truce 5;    Player On Knees
SetStage _CS_Truce 7;    Mule (Inserting Drug)
SetStage _CS_Truce 8;    Add Whip of Peace
SetStage _CS_Truce 10;    Whip delivered
SetStage _CS_Truce 11;    Allow Sleep
SetStage _CS_Truce 12;    Stimpak
SetStage _CS_Truce 13;    Idle stop
SetStage _CS_Truce 14;    Sleep Event
SetStage _CS_Truce 15;    Dancing for the Boss
SetStage _CS_Truce 16;    Whipping 
SetStage _CS_Truce 17;    Bad End (Pole)
SetStage _CS_Truce 18;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Truce 19;    Bad End (Gallow)
SetStage _CS_Truce 20;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Truce 21;    Bad End (Chair)
SetStage _CS_Truce 22;    Equip Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_Truce 23;    Move Murphy
SetStage _CS_Truce 24;    Camera Murphy
SetStage _CS_Truce 25;    Remove Cuffs
SetStage _CS_Truce 26;    Camera Event
SetStage _CS_Truce 27;    Jared Camera 
SetStage _CS_Truce 28;    Supplies
SetStage _CS_Truce 50;    Visit Jared
SetStage _CS_Truce 60;    On the X-Cross
SetStage _CS_Truce 70;    Mule MSG
SetStage _CS_Truce 80;    Talk to Jared
SetStage _CS_Truce 100;    Talk with Murphy
SetStage _CS_Truce 110;    Visit Random Gang Leader
SetStage _CS_Truce 115;    Stage to the boss Look at you
SetStage _CS_Truce 120;    After delivering the Whip of Peace
SetStage _CS_Truce 130;    Sex with the Raider Boss
SetStage _CS_Truce 140;    Talk with the Raider Boss
SetStage _CS_Truce 145;    Delivering the Drug
SetStage _CS_Truce 148;    After Drug Delivery - Talk with the  Raider Boss
SetStage _CS_Truce 150;    Talk with Murphy
SetStage _CS_Truce 160;    Get 100 caps for Murphy
SetStage _CS_Truce 200;    To the Whore House
SetStage _CS_Truce 500;    EndQuest



The Hooker

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_DC 1;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_DC 2;    Rebel Responses
SetStage _CS_DC 3;    Add Pickpocket Perk
SetStage _CS_DC 4;    Start Song
SetStage _CS_DC 5;    Idle Stop
SetStage _CS_DC 6;    Player On Four
SetStage _CS_DC 7;    Start Timer (ID 20)
SetStage _CS_DC 8;    Stop Timer (ID 20)
SetStage _CS_DC 9;    Player flirted with Costumer
SetStage _CS_DC 11;    Sex - Normal
SetStage _CS_DC 12;    Sex - Oral
SetStage _CS_DC 13;    Sex - Anal
SetStage _CS_DC 14;    Sex - Rimjob
SetStage _CS_DC 15;    Start The End Quest
SetStage _CS_DC 16;    Duoble Sex Services - Oral
SetStage _CS_DC 17;    Shock Collar
SetStage _CS_DC 18;    Camera Gristle
SetStage _CS_DC 19;    Camera Dwayne
SetStage _CS_DC 20;    Search for the friend
SetStage _CS_DC 21;    Take the 2 guys to the GreenHouse
SetStage _CS_DC 22;    Fail The End Quest
SetStage _CS_DC 23;    Player Prostrate
SetStage _CS_DC 24;    Camera Event - DC
SetStage _CS_DC 25;    Stop Dialogue Camera
SetStage _CS_DC 26;    End Services
SetStage _CS_DC 27;    Camera Event - Office
SetStage _CS_DC 29;    Retrieve Dwayne Folder
SetStage _CS_DC 30;    Folder Obtained
SetStage _CS_DC 31;    About "The Hooker" Quest
SetStage _CS_DC 32;    Bimbo Mode Off
SetStage _CS_DC 33;    Add Soap + Skin Care to Player
SetStage _CS_DC 34;    Player Strip
SetStage _CS_DC 35;    Take the client to the Greenhouse
SetStage _CS_DC 36;    Gristle Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_DC 40;    Gristle Dialogue +1
SetStage _CS_DC 41;    Gristle Dialogue +2
SetStage _CS_DC 43;    Gristle Dialogue +3
SetStage _CS_DC 44;    Gristle Dialogue +4
SetStage _CS_DC 45;    Remove Dwyane Folders
SetStage _CS_DC 46;    Gristle Set Look At Player
SetStage _CS_DC 47;    Open Cage
SetStage _CS_DC 49;    Give Jet
SetStage _CS_DC 50;    Remove All
SetStage _CS_DC 51;    MQ Mod - Gates Open. Disable Sullivan, Piper, Mayor. Stop fight between Dance and ghouls
SetStage _CS_DC 52;    Player is Young
SetStage _CS_DC 53;    Player is Mature
SetStage _CS_DC 54;    Player is Old
SetStage _CS_DC 55;    Supplies
SetStage _CS_DC 56;    Equip Jet
SetStage _CS_DC 57;    Start Herding
SetStage _CS_DC 58;    Stop Herding
SetStage _CS_DC 59;    Give ASA Clothes
SetStage _CS_DC 60;    PIper gives you water + food
SetStage _CS_DC 61;    Remove Slave Rules
SetStage _CS_DC 62;    Diamond City Marking 
SetStage _CS_DC 63;    Dwayne Before Frisking Scene
SetStage _CS_DC 64;    Evaluate Gristle Package
SetStage _CS_DC 65;    END MOD - Restore actors, triggerboxes and doors
SetStage _CS_DC 66;    DUFF - Injecting Drug
SetStage _CS_DC 67;    DUFF - Sex with Snoopy
SetStage _CS_DC 68;    DUFF - Payment
SetStage _CS_DC 69;    Stop Dialogue Camera
SetStage _CS_DC 70;    DUFF - Visit center notification
SetStage _CS_DC 71;    DUFF - Get your payment notification
SetStage _CS_DC 72;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_DC 81;    Gristle in Market Scene
SetStage _CS_DC 82;    Gristle at Brothel Scene End
SetStage _CS_DC 90;    Start Stealing Mini Quest
SetStage _CS_DC 100;    Meet Gristle outside
SetStage _CS_DC 105;    Start Travel to DC
SetStage _CS_DC 110;    In DC
SetStage _CS_DC 120;    Follow Gristle
SetStage _CS_DC 130;    Start Dwayne And Gristle Scene 
SetStage _CS_DC 140;    Gristle Leave - Dwayne Scene 02
SetStage _CS_DC 145;    To Check-up Room
SetStage _CS_DC 148;    Dwayne is in Check Room - Wait player input
SetStage _CS_DC 150;    Dwayne Scene with thief
SetStage _CS_DC 155;    Dwayne has left the Office
SetStage _CS_DC 160;    Dwayne is back
SetStage _CS_DC 165;    Dwayne Final Speech
SetStage _CS_DC 190;    Report To Dwayne - REPEATABLE
SetStage _CS_DC 200;    Start whoring
SetStage _CS_DC 210;    Report to Dwayne to finish your shift
SetStage _CS_DC 230;    Check Up Room
SetStage _CS_DC 240;    Dwayne is coming
SetStage _CS_DC 245;    Frisked Scene
SetStage _CS_DC 268;    Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_DC 270;    Back Home
SetStage _CS_DC 300;    After Thief Mini Quest - Back Home 2
SetStage _CS_DC 310;    Inside Whore House
SetStage _CS_DC 500;    End Quest 
SetStage _CS_DC 666;    Dwayne Agro - Kill Player
SetStage _CS_DC 900;    Fail Quest



Whore House Services (Miscellaneus) 

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Chores 5;    Sex - Normal
SetStage _CS_Chores 6;    Sex - Oral
SetStage _CS_Chores 7;    Sex - Anal
SetStage _CS_Chores 8;    Sex - Rimjob
SetStage _CS_Chores 9;    Remove Food, Drugs, Beers
SetStage _CS_Chores 10;    Customer want a beer
SetStage _CS_Chores 11;    Customer want to eat something
SetStage _CS_Chores 12;    Customer want Daddy-0
SetStage _CS_Chores 13;    Clear Customer Chores
SetStage _CS_Chores 20;    Player flirt with client +1
SetStage _CS_Chores 21;    Player flirt with client +2
SetStage _CS_Chores 22;    Player flirt with client +3
SetStage _CS_Chores 23;    Player flirt with client +4
SetStage _CS_Chores 25;    Notification -Keep turning the guy on.
SetStage _CS_Chores 30;    Prepare some roast beef
SetStage _CS_Chores 31;    Prepare some Daddy-O
SetStage _CS_Chores 32;    Get some beers
SetStage _CS_Chores 50;    Broom Animation
SetStage _CS_Chores 100;    Start quest
SetStage _CS_Chores 110;    Rubble 01 cleaned
SetStage _CS_Chores 120;    Rubble 02 cleaned
SetStage _CS_Chores 130;    Rubble 03 cleaned
SetStage _CS_Chores 140;    Rubble 04 cleaned
SetStage _CS_Chores 150;    Rubble 05 cleaned
SetStage _CS_Chores 160;    Talk to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Chores 170;    Cleaning Done
SetStage _CS_Chores 200;    Guest Arrived
SetStage _CS_Chores 300;    Start Servicing
SetStage _CS_Chores 350;    Prepare some meal/drug/drink
SetStage _CS_Chores 360;    Take the client to your Room
SetStage _CS_Chores 370;    Talk to the Client
SetStage _CS_Chores 380;    Say Goodbye to the client
SetStage _CS_Chores 390;    Clean yourself in the Bathroom
SetStage _CS_Chores 395;    MSG
SetStage _CS_Chores 398;    Report to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Chores 400;    Reset Quest


The Scaver 

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Scaver 1;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_Scaver 2;    Rebel Responses
SetStage _CS_Scaver 3;    Decrease Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_Scaver 4;    Increase Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_Scaver 5;    Equip Jet
SetStage _CS_Scaver 6;    Equip Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_Scaver 7;    Remove Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_Scaver 8;    Collar Shock
SetStage _CS_Scaver 9;    Prohibit Sleep
SetStage _CS_Scaver 10;    Allow Sleep
SetStage _CS_Scaver 11;    Torture Mode ON
SetStage _CS_Scaver 12;    Torture Mode OFF
SetStage _CS_Scaver 13;    Confiscate Throwable weapons
SetStage _CS_Scaver 14;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Scaver 15;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Scaver 16;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Scaver 17;    Give Food
SetStage _CS_Scaver 18;    Give Special Weapon
SetStage _CS_Scaver 19;    Give Special Weapon + Remove Caps
SetStage _CS_Scaver 20;    Force Stimpak
SetStage _CS_Scaver 21;    Sex with Raider
SetStage _CS_Scaver 22;    Add Scrapper Perk
SetStage _CS_Scaver 25;    Scene between Jared and Bot - set to 220
SetStage _CS_Scaver 26;    Jared about the enemies - set to 230
SetStage _CS_Scaver 27;    Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_Scaver 28;    Confiscate Weapons
SetStage _CS_Scaver 29;    Jared Dialogue +1
SetStage _CS_Scaver 30;    Check Dead Actors
SetStage _CS_Scaver 31;    Whipping Scene
SetStage _CS_Scaver 32;    Player On Knees
SetStage _CS_Scaver 40;    Display objectives (Loot the bodies)
SetStage _CS_Scaver 41;    Display objectives (Loot the bodies)
SetStage _CS_Scaver 42;    Display objectives (Loot the bodies)
SetStage _CS_Scaver 43;    Loot 1 acquired
SetStage _CS_Scaver 44;    Loot 2 acquired
SetStage _CS_Scaver 45;    Loot 3 acquired
SetStage _CS_Scaver 46;    Confiscate ASA Clothes
SetStage _CS_Scaver 47;    Medium Sized evalutate package
SetStage _CS_Scaver 48;    Confiscate Items
SetStage _CS_Scaver 49;    Add Sneak Perk
SetStage _CS_Scaver 100;    Start Quest
SetStage _CS_Scaver 200;    Start Scaving
SetStage _CS_Scaver 210;    Back to Lexington
SetStage _CS_Scaver 220;    To Battle Spot
SetStage _CS_Scaver 230;    Enemy appear
SetStage _CS_Scaver 240;    Loot the bodies
SetStage _CS_Scaver 250;    Talk to Jared
SetStage _CS_Scaver 251;    Get Fucked by Jared Dog
SetStage _CS_Scaver 252;    Talk to Jared
SetStage _CS_Scaver 255;    Piles the corpses on the rail
SetStage _CS_Scaver 258;    Talk to Jared
SetStage _CS_Scaver 260;    Follow Bomb to the Workbench
SetStage _CS_Scaver 270;    Talk with Big Bomb
SetStage _CS_Scaver 280;    Destroy the weapon
SetStage _CS_Scaver 290;    Talk with Big Bomb
SetStage _CS_Scaver 300;    Whipping Scene
SetStage _CS_Scaver 310;    After Whipping
SetStage _CS_Scaver 320;    Follow Big Bomb to the Laundry
SetStage _CS_Scaver 330;    Talk to Big Bomb
SetStage _CS_Scaver 340;    UNUSED
SetStage _CS_Scaver 350;    Threesome with the bombs
SetStage _CS_Scaver 360;    Talk with Big Bomb
SetStage _CS_Scaver 370;    Find the dog
SetStage _CS_Scaver 380;    To the Whore House
SetStage _CS_Scaver 500;    Back to the Whore House
SetStage _CS_Scaver 900;    End Quest


The Hooker (Traveler Sub Quest)

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 2;    Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 3;    Increase Orientation
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 4;    Give Jet
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 5;    Start Herding
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 6;    Stop Herding
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 7;    Client set look at Male Slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 8;    Client set look at Player
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 9;    Player has read the note
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 10;    Player war rebbel
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 11;    Client set look at female Slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 12;    Disable Travelers
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 13;    Gristle Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 14;    Traveler evaluate package
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 100;    Startup
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 110;    Traveler meets Gristle
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 120;    Traveler Choose male Slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 125;    Traveler choose female slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 130;    Traveler fucks male slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 135;    Traveler fucks female slave
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 150;    Traveler Choose Player
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 160;    Traveler fuck player
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 170;    After Fuck
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 180;    End
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 200;    Thief Quest Start
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 210;    Steal the traveler
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 215;    Moral Decision
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 220;    Go back to Gristle
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 500;    Stop Quest
SetStage _CS_DC_Travelers 900;    Fail Quest



The Pet 


  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Pet 1;    Player On Knees
SetStage _CS_Pet 3;    Oral Sex with a gang member
SetStage _CS_Pet 4;    Rayder Pay Drugs
SetStage _CS_Pet 5;    Sex with a gang member
SetStage _CS_Pet 6;    Gang Pay
SetStage _CS_Pet 7;    Raider Offer 15 Caps
SetStage _CS_Pet 8;    Raider Offer 20 Caps
SetStage _CS_Pet 9;    Raider Offer 25 Caps
SetStage _CS_Pet 10;    Raider Offer 30 Caps
SetStage _CS_Pet 11;    Clear Raider Offers
SetStage _CS_Pet 12;    Perk Chem
SetStage _CS_Pet 13;    Electroshock
SetStage _CS_Pet 14;    Stop Timer
SetStage _CS_Pet 50;    Collect bloodleafs for drug preparation
SetStage _CS_Pet 51;    Collect fertilizer to prepare the drug
SetStage _CS_Pet 52;    Collect plastics to prepare the drug
SetStage _CS_Pet 53;    Bloodleaf picked
SetStage _CS_Pet 54;    Fertilizer picked
SetStage _CS_Pet 55;    Plastic picked
SetStage _CS_Pet 60;    Report to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Pet 65;    Prepare the drug
SetStage _CS_Pet 70;    Report to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Pet 100;    Get out and make some money for the gang
SetStage _CS_Pet 105;    Roaming Stage 
SetStage _CS_Pet 110;    Sex with Jared
SetStage _CS_Pet 200;    EndQuest



The Fighter 

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Fight 1;    Increase Orientation
SetStage _CS_Fight 2;    Decrease Orientation
SetStage _CS_Fight 3;    Camera Dialogue Target
SetStage _CS_Fight 4;    Give Psycho
SetStage _CS_Fight 5;    Decrease Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_Fight 6;    Increase Self Esteem
SetStage _CS_Fight 7;    Put Customers in Corvega
SetStage _CS_Fight 8;    Punishment
SetStage _CS_Fight 9;    Equip Nosering
SetStage _CS_Fight 10;    Mark Player
SetStage _CS_Fight 11;    Jared is pissed off Scene
SetStage _CS_Fight 14;    Stop Slaver Timer
SetStage _CS_Fight 15;    Whore Room Punishment
SetStage _CS_Fight 16;    Start Jailer Scene
SetStage _CS_Fight 17;    Camera Jared
SetStage _CS_Fight 18;    Disable Woodhorse
SetStage _CS_Fight 19;    Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_Fight 20;    Unique Camera Event
SetStage _CS_Fight 21;    Give Stimpak
SetStage _CS_Fight 22;    Lindstrom Stop Timer
SetStage _CS_Fight 23;    Shock Player (Fence)
SetStage _CS_Fight 50;    Visit Jared in Corvega
SetStage _CS_Fight 51;    Test Stage
SetStage _CS_Fight 100;    Start up
SetStage _CS_Fight 120;    Fight 01 Start
SetStage _CS_Fight 130;    Player Lost the Fight
SetStage _CS_Fight 140;    Player Won the Fight
SetStage _CS_Fight 150;    Player Refuses Fuck the Loser
SetStage _CS_Fight 160;    Player Fuck the Loser
SetStage _CS_Fight 180;    After Fucking
SetStage _CS_Fight 200;    Second Fight
SetStage _CS_Fight 220;    Fight 02 Start
SetStage _CS_Fight 230;    Player Lost the Fight 02
SetStage _CS_Fight 240;    Player Won the Fight 02
SetStage _CS_Fight 250;    Player Refuses Fuck the Loser
SetStage _CS_Fight 260;    Player Fuck the Loser 02
SetStage _CS_Fight 280;    After Fucking 02
SetStage _CS_Fight 285;    Whipping
SetStage _CS_Fight 290;    To the Woodhorse
SetStage _CS_Fight 300;    Orgy
SetStage _CS_Fight 310;    After Orgy - Send to Cage
SetStage _CS_Fight 315;    After Whipping - Send to Cage
SetStage _CS_Fight 320;    Party Ended
SetStage _CS_Fight 330;    Say Goodbye to Jared
SetStage _CS_Fight 335;    Jailer come
SetStage _CS_Fight 337;    Open Cage
SetStage _CS_Fight 340;    Back to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_Fight 400;    End
SetStage _CS_Fight 500;    Fail Stage



The Whore House

  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_House 0;    Setup
SetStage _CS_House 1;    [Function] Give Jet To Player
SetStage _CS_House 2;    [Function] Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_House 3;    [Function] Rebellious Responses
SetStage _CS_House 4;    [Function] Set Jared For Scene
SetStage _CS_House 5;    [Function] Enable Customer
SetStage _CS_House 6;    [Function] You are submissive to customers
SetStage _CS_House 7;    [Function]  Give Prize
SetStage _CS_House 8;    [Function] Remove Suffocation Collar
SetStage _CS_House 9;    [Function] Activates Collar
SetStage _CS_House 10;    [Function] Straight Sex
SetStage _CS_House 11;    [Function] Suffocattion Masturbation
SetStage _CS_House 12;    [Function] Whipping Xcross
SetStage _CS_House 13;    [Function] Oral Sex
SetStage _CS_House 14;    [Function] Jared Test
SetStage _CS_House 15;    [Whore Room] Check behavior once sex scene done
SetStage _CS_House 16;    [Function] Lindstrom whipping - Repeatable
SetStage _CS_House 17;    [Function] Toilet Sex
SetStage _CS_House 18;    [Function] Doggy Sex
SetStage _CS_House 19;    [Function] Violence
SetStage _CS_House 20;    [Function] Rimjob
SetStage _CS_House 21;    [Function] Sex With Guard
SetStage _CS_House 22;    [Function] Guard wants Oral
SetStage _CS_House 23;    [Function] Guard wants Sex
SetStage _CS_House 24;    [Function] Guard wants Rimjob
SetStage _CS_House 25;    [Function] Guard wants Anal
SetStage _CS_House 26;    [Function] Guard wants Whipping
SetStage _CS_House 27;    [Function] Guard wants Dance
SetStage _CS_House 28;    [Function] Guard wants Masturbation
SetStage _CS_House 29;    [Function] Guard wants Dog Training
SetStage _CS_House 30;    [Function] Clear Guard Desires
SetStage _CS_House 31;    [Function] Player wants Water
SetStage _CS_House 32;    [Function] Player wants some Condoms and Pills
SetStage _CS_House 33;    [Function] Player wants Medicine
SetStage _CS_House 34;    [Function] Clear Player Needs
SetStage _CS_House 35;    [Function] Guard Prizes
SetStage _CS_House 36;    [Function] Equip Handcuffs
SetStage _CS_House 37;    [Function] Guard Whipping
SetStage _CS_House 38;    [Function] Player wants Skin Cream
SetStage _CS_House 40;    [Function] Player is a Junkie
SetStage _CS_House 41;    [Function] Codename Rapemeat
SetStage _CS_House 42;    [Function] Codename Vaultmeat
SetStage _CS_House 43;    [Function] Codename Fuckmeat
SetStage _CS_House 44;    [Function] Slaver Payment
SetStage _CS_House 45;    [Function] First Slaver Payment
SetStage _CS_House 46;    [Function] Player On Knees
SetStage _CS_House 47;    [Function] Stop Idle
SetStage _CS_House 48;    [Function] Camera Target
SetStage _CS_House 49;    [Function] About the first day at the Whore House
SetStage _CS_House 50;    [Function] Going Outside
SetStage _CS_House 51;    [Function] Add Pacifier
SetStage _CS_House 52;    [Function] New Marks
SetStage _CS_House 53;    [Function] Confiscate Caps
SetStage _CS_House 54;    [Function] Guard Search
SetStage _CS_House 55;    [Function] Open Brothel Cage
SetStage _CS_House 56;    [Function] Guard Search 2
SetStage _CS_House 57;    [Function] Check Dog Training
SetStage _CS_House 60;    [Overlay Function] Breast and Butt marks
SetStage _CS_House 61;    UNUSED TATTOOS
SetStage _CS_House 62;    [Overlay Function]  Slave tattoos - Batch 2
SetStage _CS_House 63;    [Function] Stop TickTock
SetStage _CS_House 64;    [Overlay Function]  Diamond City Mark
SetStage _CS_House 65;    [Function] Re-Shave hair
SetStage _CS_House 66;    [Quest] Vaginal Piercing
SetStage _CS_House 67;    [Function] Stop Slave Timer
SetStage _CS_House 68;    [Function] Lindstrom Say
SetStage _CS_House 69;    [Function]  Check if Family Planning is installed
SetStage _CS_House 70;    [Function] Start Radio - End Quest
SetStage _CS_House 100;    [Quest] Lindstrom Get Closer
SetStage _CS_House 110;    [Quest] Lindstrom Marks you
SetStage _CS_House 120;    [Quest] Move to the Whore Room
SetStage _CS_House 130;    [Quest] Jared is in the Whore Room
SetStage _CS_House 140;    [Quest] Sex with Jared
SetStage _CS_House 145;    [Quest] Jared wants a rimjob
SetStage _CS_House 146;    [Quest] Jared whipping
SetStage _CS_House 148;    [Quest] Jared rimjob
SetStage _CS_House 150;    [Quest] Jared say goodbye
SetStage _CS_House 160;    [Quest] Lindstrom in your room
SetStage _CS_House 170;    [Quest] Lindstrom whipping
SetStage _CS_House 180;    [Quest] New johns!
SetStage _CS_House 200;    [Quest] Start servicing tricks!
SetStage _CS_House 210;    [Quest] After Servicing - Lindstrom In
SetStage _CS_House 220;    [Quest] Get Some Sleep
SetStage _CS_House 230;    [Quest] New Chores (Truce)
SetStage _CS_House 240;    [Quest] Try the Workbench
SetStage _CS_House 250;    [Quest] Talk to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 260;    [Quest] Start Truce Quest
SetStage _CS_House 270;    [Quest] End Truce Quest
SetStage _CS_House 273;    [Quest] Talk with Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 275;    [Quest] Clean the House
SetStage _CS_House 278;    [Quest] Cleaning Done
SetStage _CS_House 280;    [Quest] Start Pet Quest
SetStage _CS_House 290;    [Quest] End Pet Quest
SetStage _CS_House 291;    [Whore Room] REPEATABLE
SetStage _CS_House 292;    [Whore Room] Choosing Costumer
SetStage _CS_House 293;    [Whore Room]  Start servicing tricks!
SetStage _CS_House 294;    [Whore Room] Ending
SetStage _CS_House 295;    [Quest] After sleeping
SetStage _CS_House 297;    [Quest] Start Whore House servicing
SetStage _CS_House 298;    [Quest] Stop Whore House servicing
SetStage _CS_House 300;    [Quest] Start Ransom Quest
SetStage _CS_House 310;    [Quest] Sop Ransom Quest
SetStage _CS_House 311;    [Quest] Talk with Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 312;    [Quest] To the Cross
SetStage _CS_House 315;    [Quest] Talk with Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 316;    [Quest] Serve a couple of costumers
SetStage _CS_House 318;    [Quest] Server customers done
SetStage _CS_House 320;    [Quest] Start Fight Quest
SetStage _CS_House 330;    [Quest] Go Sleep
SetStage _CS_House 340;    [Quest] A New Day
SetStage _CS_House 350;    [Quest]  After 30 Days
SetStage _CS_House 360;    [Quest] Start Hooker Quest
SetStage _CS_House 370;    [Quest] Sop Hooker Quest
SetStage _CS_House 380;    [Quest] Talk with Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 390;    [Quest] Start Scaver Quest
SetStage _CS_House 440;    [Quest] Stop Scaver Quest
SetStage _CS_House 450;    [Quest] Talk to Lindstrom
SetStage _CS_House 900;    [Quest Loop] Start Ransom Quest
SetStage _CS_House 901;    [Quest Loop] Stop Ransom Quest
SetStage _CS_House 902;    [Quest Loop] Start Pet Quest
SetStage _CS_House 903;    [Quest Loop] Stop Pet Quest
SetStage _CS_House 904;    [Quest Loop] Start Hooker Quest
SetStage _CS_House 905;    [Quest Loop] Stop Hooker Quest
SetStage _CS_House 906;    [Quest Loop] Start Truce Quest
SetStage _CS_House 907;    [Quest Loop] Stop Truce Quest
SetStage _CS_House 908;    [Quest Loop] Start Fight Quest
SetStage _CS_House 909;    [Quest Loop] Stop Fight Quest
SetStage _CS_House 910;    [Quest Loop] Start Scaver Quest
SetStage _CS_House 911;    [Quest Loop] Stop Scaver Quest
SetStage _CS_House 912;    [Quest Loop] Start WhoreHouse Quest
SetStage _CS_House 913;    [Quest Loop] Stop WhoreHouse Quest
SetStage _CS_House 914;    [Quest Loop] Making Clothes
SetStage _CS_House 915;    [Quest Loop] Start Threat Quest
SetStage _CS_House 916;    [Quest Loop] StopThreat Quest
SetStage _CS_House 917;    [Quest Loop] Start Roaming Quest
SetStage _CS_House 918;    [Quest Loop] Stop Roaming Quest
SetStage _CS_House 920;    [Quest Loop] Player no longer doing any Quest
SetStage _CS_House 1000;    Loop Quest

Lucky Day


  Reveal hidden contents

SetStage _CS_Thorns 0;    [Function] Stop Song
SetStage _CS_Thorns 1;    [Function] Camera Dialogue
SetStage _CS_Thorns 2;    [Function] Submissive Responses
SetStage _CS_Thorns 3;    [Function] Stop Gristle Scene
SetStage _CS_Thorns 4;    [Function] Rebellius Responses
SetStage _CS_Thorns 5;    [Function] Jared Camera Dialogue
SetStage _CS_Thorns 6;    [Function] Decreasing SelfEsteem
SetStage _CS_Thorns 7;    [Function] IdleStop
SetStage _CS_Thorns 8;    [Function] Increasing SelfEsteem
SetStage _CS_Thorns 9;    [Function] Confiscate Clothes
SetStage _CS_Thorns 10;    [Function] Collared
SetStage _CS_Thorns 11;    [Function] Shaving Hair
SetStage _CS_Thorns 12;    [Function] Skip Quest
SetStage _CS_Thorns 13;    [Function] On Knees
SetStage _CS_Thorns 14;    [Function] Player is Nora (Vanilla Character)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 15;    [Function] Gristle Pistol Idle
SetStage _CS_Thorns 16;    [Function] Shaving Proccess
SetStage _CS_Thorns 17;    [Function] Give Food to player
SetStage _CS_Thorns 18;    [Function] Electric Shock
SetStage _CS_Thorns 19;    [Function] Equip DaddyO
SetStage _CS_Thorns 20;    [Function] Confiscate weapons
SetStage _CS_Thorns 21;    [Function] Piercing
SetStage _CS_Thorns 22;    [Function] Handcuffed
SetStage _CS_Thorns 23;    [Function] Enable Gristle
SetStage _CS_Thorns 24;    [Function] MQ102 Put Preston Inside the Museum
SetStage _CS_Thorns 25;    [Function] Remove Cuffs
SetStage _CS_Thorns 26;    [Function] Give Cage Kay to Bellamy
SetStage _CS_Thorns 27;    [Function] Gristle force strip Player
SetStage _CS_Thorns 28;    [Function] Gristle handout your new outfit
SetStage _CS_Thorns 29;    [Function] Player gets naked
SetStage _CS_Thorns 30;    [Quest] Bellamy Stop Attacking - Capture
SetStage _CS_Thorns 35;    [Quest] Start Trap
SetStage _CS_Thorns 40;    [Quest] Gristle takes you to a private place (Submissive route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 41;    [Function]  Jared Marks you
SetStage _CS_Thorns 42;    [Function]  Jared Marks you AGAIN
SetStage _CS_Thorns 43;    [Function] Give DaddyO
SetStage _CS_Thorns 44;    [Function] Give Jet
SetStage _CS_Thorns 45;    [Function] MQ102 Put Preston BACK
SetStage _CS_Thorns 46;    Murphy Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_Thorns 47;    [Function] Play Song
SetStage _CS_Thorns 48;    [Function] Gristle Evaluate Package
SetStage _CS_Thorns 49;    [Function] Murphy Camera Dialogue
SetStage _CS_Thorns 50;    [Quest] Gristle takes you to a private place (Rebellious Route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 51;    [Function] Camera Event
SetStage _CS_Thorns 52;    [Function] Give Stimpak
SetStage _CS_Thorns 53;    [Function] Show Mod Warning
SetStage _CS_Thorns 54;    [Function] Dialogue about ghouls done
SetStage _CS_Thorns 99;    [Function] Kill Player
SetStage _CS_Thorns 100;    [Quest] Meet Murphy upstair
SetStage _CS_Thorns 110;    [Quest] Tattoo (Submissive Route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 115;    [Function] Murphy Whipping
SetStage _CS_Thorns 120;    [Quest] Tattoo (Rebellious Route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 130;    [Quet] Start Gristle & Murphy Scene
SetStage _CS_Thorns 135;    [Quest] Murphy Aproach you
SetStage _CS_Thorns 140;    [Quest] Sex with Murphy
SetStage _CS_Thorns 160;    [Quest] Gristle Aproach you
SetStage _CS_Thorns 165;    [Quest] Going Outside
SetStage _CS_Thorns 166;    [Quest] Start traveling with your captors
SetStage _CS_Thorns 167;    [Quest] Talk to Gristle
SetStage _CS_Thorns 168;    [Quest] Yell at the house
SetStage _CS_Thorns 170;    [Quest] After yelling (Submissive route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 175;    [Quest] After yelling (Rebellious route)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 176;    [Quest] 2nd Scene between Bellamy and Murphy
SetStage _CS_Thorns 178;    [Quest] To 2nd Spot
SetStage _CS_Thorns 180;    [Quest] Talk to Gristle 
SetStage _CS_Thorns 182;    [Quest] Talkin to slavers
SetStage _CS_Thorns 185;    [Quest] Threesome
SetStage _CS_Thorns 186;    [Quest] Waking Up
SetStage _CS_Thorns 187;    [Quest] Walking to the 3rd Spot
SetStage _CS_Thorns 188;    [Quest]  At Lexington
SetStage _CS_Thorns 189;    [Quest]  Yell at the building
SetStage _CS_Thorns 190;    [Quest] After Yell (Submissive)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 192;    [Quest] After Yell (Rebe)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 193;    [Quest] To Corvega
SetStage _CS_Thorns 194;    [Quest] At Corvega
SetStage _CS_Thorns 195;    [Quest] Inside Corvega
SetStage _CS_Thorns 199;    [Quest] Outside Corvega
SetStage _CS_Thorns 200;    [Quest] To the Brothel
SetStage _CS_Thorns 210;    [Quest] At Brothel
SetStage _CS_Thorns 220;    [Quest] Inside the Brothel
SetStage _CS_Thorns 225;    [Quest] Inside the Brothel (By Skipping)
SetStage _CS_Thorns 230;    [Quest] Gristle says goodbye to you
SetStage _CS_Thorns 240;    [Quest] Last Punishment
SetStage _CS_Thorns 250;    [Quest] Gristle Leaves Brothel
SetStage _CS_Thorns 300;    EndQuest
SetStage _CS_Thorns 1000;    Fail Quest 


i am unable to get the "Hero" quest to initiate, and i cant get these to initiate via the setstage. is there a way to get this initiated?

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7 minutes ago, caveman74 said:

I am Terribly sorry JB. but I went into DC after talking to Sullivan, fucked with Travis, went to see the Mayor giving his speech Pic 1, went to see Piper Pic 2, went to see Sullivan and they are still out front.

Please do not be upset with me, I have NR set to Dynamic Patches which remove CS from DP, I finished CS and went to NR.

Maybe I should disable CS, I just did not want to lose the stats and such I earned doing CS.

CS V 1.0.4

NR V 5.1.5 testing v


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Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_21_26 AM.png

Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_25_54 AM.png

Fallout4 11_10_2022 10_26_48 AM.png



Stopquest DialogueDiamondCityEntrance


I think this should be enough according to the CK.


And next time enter Diamond City when you play Slavers. No more skipping quest. ?

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44 minutes ago, JB. said:

Of course THAT septum piercing would fuck while you eat. Have you seen it? ?


Precombines only for the inside of Corvega. 


I don't know man. Something is screwing up your fight but I don't know what it is. If you want to win use the console, point to your opponent and type Kill. 


Update to my cage and music problems -- KILL worked just fine for both opponents of course. However, if I rebel Jared will appear in the ring, popup says Jared is angry, but nothing happens. I waited five minutes in the event it was an AAF scene or something. Nothing. When I chose to submit instead on reloading a save, AAF said it couldn't do it, and advanced to the next thing. We're now onward to new things at the Whore House, and so far OK at this point I guess/hope.


Music: turns out music will kick on again going into or out of the Whore House despite the MCM setting to 1. I have reloaded many times trying to solve the prior issues, and realized I didn't hear music. However, once I went into the Whore House it started right back up. Maybe that will help you find what the problem is vs the mod setting.

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EDIT: Solved, it is an incompability with the Horizon Overhaul. The recipes are different. Could be solved by adding the necessary item by console but the COBJ has a different name which has to be find out 


I am stuck at serving the patrons in the whorehouse. One Patron wants a roasted steak. The Questmarker points to the cooler with 2 pieces of Mole Rat Meat inside. Just took them but the marker remains on the cooler (screenshot in spoiler). I tried to use the Cooking station but there is no automatic cooking (like in NR) and there is also no selectable recipe i could make of it*. And the patron does not simply accept the uncooked meat :D





*if thats what i am supposed to do, then i may have found an incompability with the overhaul i am using. Looking further in FO4Edit, the vanilla mole rat chunk is changed into a completely different recipe.



Edited by Heinz01
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1 minute ago, JB. said:

And next time enter Diamond City when you play Slavers. No more skipping quest. 

I entered DC with Gristle, Pickpocketed the chief of the security, cannot remember his name funny glasses, I gave the folder of Documents to Gristle, I did the 300 caps earnings to Gristle, and went back to the Whore House.

I do not use Console Commands or SetStages Unless I am instructed to as I feel I would miss out on things.

The only Cheating I do is ESP Explorer.

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