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is it wrong to laugh

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well I was blocked from someone's content on nexus c ause I said he/she/martian/whatever needed a video. the mod was a voiced follower mod, and the phrase x number of voiced lines was in the description. is it wrong to laugh at the absurdness of it?
seriously if the author didn't want to make one or was unable to make one all that had to be done was said so or left the voiced line part out of the mod's description.
custom voiced followers the custom voice is the selling point. you should show an example of it

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1 hour ago, sfdrake said:

cause I said he/she/martian/whatever needed a video

seems like a shut and closed case to me. when you get shit for free, you don't get to tell the creators what they NEED to do. easy as that.


1 hour ago, sfdrake said:

seriously if the author didn't want to make one or was unable to make one all that had to be done was said so or left the voiced line part out of the mod's description.

Thats completely dumb. By that logic you cant have anything in your mod description if you don't have a video of it.


2 hours ago, sfdrake said:

selling point.

They don't get paid per download. There is no such thing as a selling point.

So in short:
Completely justified ban. nothing to laugh at here (except your views maybe).

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2 hours ago, sfdrake said:

well I was blocked from someone's content on nexus c ause I said he/she/martian/whatever needed a video. the mod was a voiced follower mod, and the phrase x number of voiced lines was in the description. is it wrong to laugh at the absurdness of it?
seriously if the author didn't want to make one or was unable to make one all that had to be done was said so or left the voiced line part out of the mod's description.
custom voiced followers the custom voice is the selling point. you should show an example of it

I am going to complain about something I am getting for free that I am too lazy or lame to do for myself, but I will bitch about someone else dedicating their time to doing it, and since they fall short of MY expectations, I'm going to cry to the world hoping I get sympathy. You are what's wrong with the  modding community your level of entitlement is INSANE.  

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Is it wrong to laugh at your standard of written English?




3 hours ago, sfdrake said:

custom voiced followers the custom voice is the selling point.


3 hours ago, sfdrake said:

and the phrase x number of voiced lines was in the description.

There you go.

How many custom voiced mods are on Nexus and how many of them have an accompanying video? Are you working your way through all those and pointing out the error of their ways to the authors?

Edited by Grey Cloud
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I was once banned from a Authors content on nexus for straight up clowning on the dude cause he had a conniption fit over some users not reading the entirety of his description page.  Never looked back............



@OP    you didn't create the content so you cant have opinion on stuffs, not allowed. Duh!  But for cereals, maybe you could of typed it better? I have seen hundreds of request for videos on mod page forums, never seen anyone get banned? Were you like a super dick or something?  

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I guess you got your answer by those who jump to conclusions right away.    That reaction (by the mod author) seems excessive, suggesting that there is more to this, but then again, there are a  number of weak..... I mean super sensitive people out there who can't deal with criticism.

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25 minutes ago, steelpanther24 said:

I mean super sensitive people out there who can't deal with criticism.

There's no such thing as 'criticism' these days - there is only 'hate'. The way things are going, the English language will consist almost entirely of hyperbole and superlatives.

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It might have helped to tell the mod author that it might have helped to have a video or Sound Cloud link to show off the voice work.

This may or may not inspire another user to add a video or sound file link after they try out the mod if the author is not willing to add such to their page without triggering a defensive response in said author or their supporters. 

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lets be honest , do we Honestly believe he/she said something like " hey  I see you trying  but would really help is a  video  example" Nah i am pretty sure it was more like VIDEO NOOB what kinda fail blah blah blah  whatever whatever whatever" gets blocked comes here to act the victim we have all seen it 1000 times before, Or maybe he/she was polite and the mod author was just tired of people complaining about trivial things and just snapped, I mean we have seen that before too, But to come here and play the victim role without context and only  one side of the story....  

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I only typed need a video on it. the other thing is that the author removed his mod for some reason. No I don't go out on every new voiced follower mod or even older ones that do not have an example of its voice.
I will take that idea FauxFurry next time should there be a next time.

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who said I was crying, I'm laughing. Sides I'm blocked from people who's content I have never looked at at all there and I've pmed them asking them why I was and the replies was that I'm not even blocked on their end. Irony is it might not even been the author who did it

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If it was a voice replacer, I'd agree that a video or voice sample is important. But it's not that big of a deal with voiced followers. Videos are great for showcasing a mod, but it's more of a "Could you" than a "You need to" sort of request. Modders get inundated with a lot of crap no matter what they do, so it's important to keep a positive tone.

Edited by Splendor Solis
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It's never wrong to laugh.
Except, maybe out loud at funerals.


20 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

There's no such thing as 'criticism' these days - there is only 'hate'


I'm sure that's part of the Sith code.

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I don't find your comment offensive. If it was a mod I made and directed at me, I'd either ignore it or probably tell you no. I am on the side that doesn't have a thin skin and take things offensive easily.

Edited by 3G4
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Parlor modders being parlor modders. Unfortunatelly the Nexus gave this little power to the entitled divas, where they can remove you from their page. 

Your comment was harmless. If the follower is voiced, there is no problem in asking how the voice is, since the follower will be with you most of the time. 

I had to silence the voice of McMiller in the McMiller's Chronicles mod, because it was unbearable to listen. Imagine this in a follower. 


Also you can tell a parlor modder what to do and even give orders to him, because if anyone tweak his mod to the tastes of part of his public, it will be taken down as soon as it reaches the public. 

Edited by Wolfstorm321
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  • 1 month later...

>Is it wrong to laugh?

Not really but Nexus modders are really full of themselves so the slightest criticism is treated like absolute heresy ( i got blocked by Elianora because i called her out on her bullshit - thankfully i dont use her mods ).

You shouldnt engage with nexus """""community"""""" at all, just have an account to download shit you want - you will sleep better, trust me its not worth it.


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On 5/28/2022 at 12:28 PM, Grey Cloud said:

Is it wrong to laugh at your standard of written English?





There you go.

How many custom voiced mods are on Nexus and how many of them have an accompanying video? Are you working your way through all those and pointing out the error of their ways to the authors?


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I don't think there's anything wrong with making a suggestion for a mod so long as it's just that. A suggestion. There's no reason to demand someone to make changes to their mod to fit your tastes or standards especially since most people make mods for their own enjoyment. Unless it's something beyond my scope, I'll make my own personal changes to a mod to better fit what I prefer, no need to ask the mod creator if they could do it themselves.


I agree with FauxFurry in that wording your statement differently could have prevented the response you got. "It would be helpful if there was a video showing the dialogue," or "Is there a voice sample I could listen to?" might have gone on better than "Needs a video." Is it possible that you might have gotten the same response regardless of how you worded it? Yes. Some people don't like hearing anything negative about something they made, no matter how politely it was worded.

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On 5/28/2022 at 8:06 PM, 27X said:

Is it wrong to criticize an author? Nope.


It wrong to cry when the author spanks you? Yes.


Is it strange that I completely agree with you?  Yes.


@sfdrake: I actually generally agree with you.  Advertising a custom-voiced follower, but not providing an example of the custom voice, seems disingenuous to me.  I automatically assume that, if someone has the resources to competently edit voice files, they have the resources to make a video, or even a sound clip, and put it in their description.  Not doing so just seems like they're whoring for "internet points" via download count since you have to "download it to know what's in it".  (Reminds me of a certain political argument from a few years ago...)


That said, you have no grounds to complain that the author didn't agree with you and used tools made available to them by their publishing platform of choice, especially when you didn't pay for their content.  It seems as though you didn't want to download their work without knowing what you were downloading, the author declined to provide a sample of their work, and now you can no longer download their work.  You haven't lost anything here except the potential to download their work in the future and a little bit of your time, and judging by your attitude, I have my doubts you were going to download from them anyway.


Just move on.

Edited by davisev5225
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