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Sexy Bandit Captives © [WIP] Support Thread

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1 hour ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:

Try the latest version for its own benefits, but there were no changes to this scene.  It's been solid up to this point and it has never hung up in testing like you described.  Sometimes the game engine throws down and quits a procedure for no explainable reason and reload is the only solution, unfortunately.  What platform was this on? (LE/SE/AE?)


This is on SE and I used the latest version. It seems to happen when the starting quest is set for the captive in Falksreath. When I did it in winterhold it worked fine. 

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4 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

A little feedback on the new bandit camps.  Their populations seem to be huge, way too much for low level characters.  When I emerged from Bleak Falls Barrow I was very surprised to find the camp there, but then had to run for my life.  I was sent back there later (that dragon screenshot was from my return trip) and still barely managed to succeed.  I can handle them a little better now that my level is in the mid 20's, and I have Rage bombs to throw (cast) around.  I've been to 2 or 3 others of the new "camps", though their population is greater than some Skyrim towns.   Can the number of bandits spawned be tied to the player level somehow?  

Its possible.  I can set some bandit markers to not spawn anything unless the player is level 6 or something.


Its one of those fuzzy things that's difficult to benchmark.  One person's character may find the camp impossible while someone else finds it far easier, all depends on your character build, perk choices, etc.  When I designed the camp, the ledge is inaccessible to the bandits, so at low level they can shoot iron or maybe steel arrows at you, some ranged magic.  It should be a snipe war.


It does help if I know not just what level your character was, but what perks, and what weapons or magic you were using.  What tactics did you use?


1 hour ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:

And you've not seen the toughest fight @EinarrTheRed has cooked up yet, though Rockslide, Bonefall, and Pinefrost are all quite difficult.

Eraldsen Lighthouse.  I built it, I knew all the angles, blind spots, every trick to it.  Died twice my first run through with nothing but vanilla bandits.  My exact words afterwards were "What have I done?" ?


Worik wants me to make it into a player home.  It is a nice spot, other than all the murderous bandits.

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17 hours ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:

If you got to this point, then it's a successful experiment.  Was is on LE, SSE, or AE?


SKyrim AE, starting out on 0.98c, switching to 0.98d in between. But I think I had the main storyline finished while still being on version c.

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New question, went to Mistwatch and the quest didn't update and then a bandit killed caelia, as it hadn't updated i killed the bandit and resurrected her (assuming bandit wasn't meant to kill her) and after having the quest start once i killed the bandit leader in the other tower she's missing the dialogue to release/escort/subjugate etc


Was she meant to be killed off?

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It is a pity that it is impossible to change the race and gender for the characters through CK, the dialogue of this mod does not appear after replacement. I've always hated the rigid binding to voice packets or gender. I have to use an early version of this mod, where there are no such restrictions.

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2 hours ago, EinarrTheRed said:

Worik wants me to make it into a player home.  It is a nice spot, other than all the murderous bandits.

:classic_angel: Classical quest trope : You have to earn your house

? *gnihihihihihihi*

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3 hours ago, EinarrTheRed said:

It does help if I know not just what level your character was, but what perks, and what weapons or magic you were using.  What tactics did you use?

When I came out of Bleak Falls Barrow I was probably around 10, and when I saw the number of red dots swarming my compass I just ran.  ;)  When I came back I was low 20s and had to do a lot of kiting, climbing places they couldn't get to, sniping, and trying to use Fury on them (but only a few were susceptible to it.)  And that Dragon came and helped me some, since I wasn't shooting it it ignored me.  


On an unrelated note, now that I own a couple houses and am Thane in Whiterun, I noticed that the dialogue about "I'm a Thane in Whiterun, why don't  you do this instead?" isn't there.  I really liked that feature; is it going to come back?

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2 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

Was she meant to be killed off?

No!  They should be invulnerable until you change their status.  Not sure how this happened, but a resurrection won't reapply the same Faction status.  Will look through the placement script again to check for setting essential.


3 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

i accidentally smacked vori with my sword which killed her (maybe set essential until they are released/escorted/subjugated?)

You should get a violent reaction from the restraints (as should the bandits) but she shouldn't die in the process.  Will examine.


3 hours ago, Ssplayer1ss said:


This is on SE and I used the latest version. It seems to happen when the starting quest is set for the captive in Falksreath. When I did it in winterhold it worked fine. 

It wasn't location specific.  Something just didn't fire as planned the other time, but from @pinky6225's feedback on lag it sounds like things may be susceptible in heavily modded environments where the scripts are competing for oxygen.  SBC doesn't demand much, but if other mods are being resource hogs doing sloppy things like unnecessary constant Quest search/polling, then critical steps may get skipped.


5 hours ago, kalador said:

Was not displaying because I still have the Lost Knife Hideout marker showing up.

The lost knife status is stuck?  This seems to be a trend amongst other users.  Will investigate.


4 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

Possible relevant objects (3)
  [   1]    TESNPC(Name: `Daedric Wisp`, FormId: 2D2145B0, File: `SexyBanditCaptives.esp`)
  [   1]    Character(FormId: FF00721A, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Daedric Wisp`, FormId: 2D2145B0, File: `SexyBanditCaptives.esp`))
  [  45]    BSFadeNode(Name: `FXSplashSmallParticlesLong`)

There's still something unknown going on either with the wisps themselves, or the spell effect on the Last Bandit that's causing a lot of Papyrus log hits.  Still trying to narrow that one down to a culprit.  It may be worsening an already bad situation.

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14 minutes ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

"I'm a Thane in Whiterun, why don't  you do this instead?" isn't there.  I really liked that feature; is it going to come back?

Yes.  It wasn't working properly but fixing that feature wasn't worth holding up the reintroduction.  Temporarily suspended.

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25 minutes ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

When I came out of Bleak Falls Barrow I was probably around 10, and when I saw the number of red dots swarming my compass I just ran.  ;)  When I came back I was low 20s and had to do a lot of kiting, climbing places they couldn't get to, sniping, and trying to use Fury on them (but only a few were susceptible to it.)  And that Dragon came and helped me some, since I wasn't shooting it it ignored me. 

Okay, but level 10 doesn't tell me much.  Was it level 10 with mostly archery perks... level 10 with an emphasis on stealth skills and perks?  Level really doesn't matter as much in Skyrim as the skills and perks, those are what make the real difference.


Example, if you'd pumped most of your skill development and perks into stealth you might well have been able to sneak along the ledge, drop off outside the camp and just sneak away with the bandit camp none the wiser.




If you'd spent time with Fandel working on your archery skill and perks, you probably could have sniped most of them from the relative safety of the ledge.




If you were playing a mage build, rage spells, fear spells, AoE attacks, etc. all work well.


Even a melee build has a chance, drop down into the chief's shack, take the boss out and then use the narrow stairs as a choke point so they can only come at you one or two at a time.  It'll be tough but its doable.


That's how these camps were designed.  Think your way through it, use some tactics.  Almost all my camps have a "back way" in that will give you and advantage if you can find it.  In the case of that camp, exiting Bleak Falls is that back way in.  If I need to I can add a lil more cover on the ledge, but it already gives you a pretty big advantage if you use it.  The bandits cannot climb up there, so ranged attacks are their only chance and there are places where you have 100% cover even from that (except those blasted ice storms... ah well, nothing's perfect)


If you have a save point before you exited, give it a try and see how you do.  An yeah, coming back and attacking from the front is the absolute roughest way to take that camp on... and most of my camps.  Point to keep in mind with my camps, frontal assaults are generally painful if not suicidal.


Hope that helps.

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2 hours ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:
4 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

Was she meant to be killed off?

No!  They should be invulnerable until you change their status.  Not sure how this happened, but a resurrection won't reapply the same Faction status.  Will look through the placement script again to check for setting essential.


6 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

i accidentally smacked vori with my sword which killed her (maybe set essential until they are released/escorted/subjugated?)

You should get a violent reaction from the restraints (as should the bandits) but she shouldn't die in the process.  Will examine.


5 hours ago, Ssplayer1ss said:


This is on SE and I used the latest version. It seems to happen when the starting quest is set for the captive in Falksreath. When I did it in winterhold it worked fine. 

It wasn't location specific.  Something just didn't fire as planned the other time, but from @pinky6225's feedback on lag it sounds like things may be susceptible in heavily modded environments where the scripts are competing for oxygen.  SBC doesn't demand much, but if other mods are being resource hogs doing sloppy things like unnecessary constant Quest search/polling, then critical steps may get skipped.


Ah i found a note in one of the other towers about someone killing one of the captives (was blood marks but no body) so thought it might have been scripted, that said they appear pretty low HP as one mistwatch bandit did one shot her, i turned AI off via tai on the console and went and killed the bandit and then turned it back on and was able to release her


With Vori i did get the knock back but with one hit from this bad boy


She was dead


I've noticed it always seems to be the vanilla locations where the quest doesn't start properly, on the camps i've done that you've added to the world space i've not had any issue with the quest updating but so far i've had it not update in Lost Knife Hideout, Mistwatch and now the four skull camp (where you go for the master mage spell quest) which seems a bit of a odd coincidence

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2 hours ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:
6 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

i accidentally smacked vori with my sword which killed her (maybe set essential until they are released/escorted/subjugated?)

You should get a violent reaction from the restraints (as should the bandits) but she shouldn't die in the process.  Will examine.



I have seen this too, with captives getting smacked on by bandits once I entered the location. And after a couple hits, the captive died. I wasn't even close to them the first couple of times and only found out what was happening because I tcl-ed through cave walls to get to them faster.

The bandits did get the violent reaction, but that didn't stop their whacking. And it was enough to kill the captive a couple hits in.

I think this was already on 0.98d.

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1 hour ago, pinky6225 said:

but so far i've had it not update in Lost Knife Hideout, Mistwatch and now the four skull camp

Weird.  Testing has regularly gone to Four Skull, and tons of testing was done in Mistwatch.


1 hour ago, pinky6225 said:

With Vori i did get the knock back but with one hit from this bad boy

Sounds like the essential setting is either missing or misfiring.  Will check.



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Memory returns.  The Captives are quite deliberately not set to essential.  It changes the gameplay significantly and stops mages from just firebombing the whole camp, knowing the Captives will survive.  They are purposefully delicate, and are subject to falling victim to rockslides and traps.  You have to be careful escorting them out.


The secondary solution was to add them to BanditFriendFaction to prevent the attacks from happening in the first place (which it does), but that has the irritating and immersion breaking side-effect of having the Captives comment via the unstoppable vanilla dialogue, "I'm going to find whoever did this" over the bandit corpse.  So far there just isn't a side-effect free solution in the offing.


Then there's the knee-sliding away behavior, but there are a couple of ideas for that like using a combat interrupt to bring them to standing to they at least run away rather than glide.

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The quest log named 3 captives in Orotheim but I could find only 2 inside and the quest didn't noticed whenI freed the other 2. The 3rd captive was freed during an earlier quest already. The marker still calls me back into the cave.

Nenya freed the 2 captives I found but the quest could only complete when I subjugated one of them. It was weird.

Edited by xyzxyz
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Hi, im playing currently on 0.98d and ran into a problem. I'm cleaning out Faldar's Tooth from bandits, subjugating along the way, but last one, Vanelle is wearing disenchanted restraints and doesn't have SBC dialogue lines. And if i wait for a bandit to have his way with her, game CTD's the moment it ends.

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6 hours ago, gender65 said:

It is a pity that it is impossible to change the race and gender for the characters through CK, the dialogue of this mod does not appear after replacement. I've always hated the rigid binding to voice packets or gender. I have to use an early version of this mod, where there are no such restrictions.

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20 minutes ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:

Memory returns.  The Captives are quite deliberately not set to essential.  It changes the gameplay significantly and stops mages from just firebombing the whole camp, knowing the Captives will survive.  They are purposefully delicate, and are subject to falling victim to rockslides and traps.  You have to be careful escorting them out.


The secondary solution was to add them to BanditFriendFaction to prevent the attacks from happening in the first place (which it does), but that has the irritating and immersion breaking side-effect of having the Captives comment via the unstoppable vanilla dialogue, "I'm going to find whoever did this" over the bandit corpse.  So far there just isn't a side-effect free solution in the offing.


Then there's the knee-sliding away behavior, but there are a couple of ideas for that like using a combat interrupt to bring them to standing to they at least run away rather than glide.


How about a custom bandit friendly faction which doesn't have that dialogue, which they are added to by script and/or removed from where necessary also by script? That way they won't say "I'm going to find whoever did this" over the bandit's corpse.


As a solution to the issue with BanditFriendFaction problem that you posted about and by doing through script they aren't being directly alter in CK. Only during runtime in game.

Edited by Leoosp
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2 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

The quest log named 3 captives in Orotheim but I could find only 2 inside.

Strange.  There are only two markers for placement in Orotheim so this shouldn't be possible.  Noting for future investigation or repeated occurrence.


2 hours ago, Helveticos said:

Hi, im playing currently on 0.98d and ran into a problem. I'm cleaning out Faldar's Tooth from bandits, subjugating along the way, but last one, Vanelle is wearing disenchanted restraints and doesn't have SBC dialogue lines. And if i wait for a bandit to have his way with her, game CTD's the moment it ends.

Workaround: Use the console, select Vanelle, and use: "EquipItem XX0596EB" with XX being your SBC load order digits.  That should get enchanted restraints and her dialogue back.  No idea what's causing the CTD, but a couple of resource consuming things are being investigated.

Edited by Blackbird Wanderer
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4 minutes ago, Leoosp said:

How about a custom bandit friendly faction which doesn't have that dialogue, which they are added to by script and/or removed from where necessary also by script?

Good idea; if only it were that simple.  That generic dialogue isn't keyed by the Faction directly, but by the relationship between the Actors which is largely governed by Faction disposition absent any other influences.  So any Actor Faction relationship >1 and you get it, and BanditFriendFaction does that.  Perhaps time for more experiments with PrisonerFaction, or an asymmetric relationship between SBCCaptiveFaction and BanditFaction.




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18 minutes ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:


Workaround: Use the console, select Vanelle, and use: "EquipItem XX0596EB" with XX being your SBC load order digits.  The should get enchanted restraints and her dialogue back.  No idea what's causing the CTD, but a couple of resource consuming things are being investigated.

I think it's been CTD'ing when restraint was meant to change from one colour to another, and coudn't, cause of disenchanted one being equipped. Thanks, after removing old restraint with console and adding new one, problem got resolved.

Edited by Helveticos
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1 hour ago, xyzxyz said:

And did you remove the option to ask for sex befor freeing a captive?

It's in the MCM to select, but is defaulted to "not required".

[Edit]: Correction, the MCM selection is sex before travel.  For what you're asking about, no options were removed, but conditionals may be precluding it.


1 hour ago, xyzxyz said:

They call my male player "Mistress" sometimes.

A note of the specific dialogue involved would help.  There are >1500 lines in this mod.

Edited by Blackbird Wanderer
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33 minutes ago, xyzxyz said:

They call my male player "Mistress" sometimes.

Mine too, its an old bug and I've never been able to figure out why.  I have actually looked at all that dialog and so far as I could determine, the gender restrictions were all correct so it shouldn't be happening.

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