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i havent been modding/playing skyrim for long time now and wanted to jump in again. Is Skyrm LE still the preffered choice, or is Skyrim SE better or just as stable? Bcs last time i tried to install mods on Skyrim SE, it didnt work as consistently as it did with LE.

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LE is the type of version that has the widest amount of mods for, while being garbage in performance
SE is the stable one and probably preferable, not as many mods as LE but the basics and a few more should be there
if you mod well enough, LE might be as consistent as SE i suppose

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11 minutes ago, Alessia Wellington said:


Especially those SE users that post in the LE tech support.

Don't get me started about those ?

GC is working hard to make tech support a better place, but I have the suspicion that's not what he actually archives. Can't quite put the finger on the reason why I have that impression ?


Skyrim is Skyrim right? Why the hell would anyone want a clear subcategory for SE/AE/VR?! ?‍♂️

Edited by donttouchmethere
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8 minutes ago, Alessia Wellington said:


Because of the SKSE dependant mods? Unless you expect every mod author to support all versions of Skyrim.

My irony wasn't ironic enough ??


But OF COURSE, I also demand all Skyrim mods to be compatible with SIMS4/FO4+3/Oblivion/Rimworld. What a waste to only play them on one version of Skyrim ??

Edited by donttouchmethere
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3 minutes ago, Alessia Wellington said:


It's long overdue. I elect you to be the president.

OH OH! Why can't I keep my thoughts to myself for once.


lets see... Union, what does an Union do...

Ah! Here:

A gamer union is an association representing the interests of dependent modders for the purpose of representing their invested time, modded game stability, mod compatibility, user control and various perverted interests. Members of a gamer union are referred to as gamer unionists.


Makes totally sense =D

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40 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:



Fuck it, lets mix it up. Variety is spice of life.



LE or AE? Which is better? 




@OP   It didnt matter before AE, SE or LE you would either run into problems or keeping adding content till you run into problems. If I had to start from scratch prior to AE release I would of gone SE, 64bits is better than 32bits. But with AE messing stuffs up, LE is probably best option.  With any of them a little time and the right expectations will work great 

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Sure, I'll bite the bait.


Disable the feature that Steam no longer allows you to disable outright, so you must do it in a roundabout and annoying way, and then monitor it for updates? Okay, go nuts.


But for me? Fuck that. You know what I like about moddable games? Ownership.


Once I buy a game, some corporation somewhere doesn't get to say shit about what I do with MY game install. I want to play in manner X, I can download or make a mod to do so. Yeah, you can make SE "safe" from Beth, but with LE I simply don't have to do that at all.



Edited by SmedleyDButler
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