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Note you have to use the "I am being fucked into the khans" dialogue. Any other does not work. You do not get the option if they approach you, and if you turn them down you don't get the dialogue after. It is pretty wonky. Also, the guy from the dam does not have it. This means if you turn down ~2 people, you cannot complete the quest.


To complete it, you really must turn approaches to zero, then save often as they sometimes approach anyway. I also recommend not bringing a female companion.

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i played this part of the mod last week i had to turn the approach rate for the kahns to "0" to get thru this .u have to be wearing the outfit regis gives you and be approached by 10 kahns . if approach is set at default (33%) you will get the "hey wanna fuck " topic when they approach you .when i turned it down to "0" when they approached me i got the bit about the initiation in the conversation menu .For some reason the initiation topic would not show up using default approach rate. hope this helps you out

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So... I noticed that this adds a sex sequence with Cheyenne. I hate being "that guy", but it's a female. :blush:


You're going to have to be that guy elsewhere, because it doesn't.



My mistake, then. I'm guessing Sexout Consequences adds it? I assumed Tryout did because I remember it being mentioned in one of the patch notes that the Goodsprings Powder Gangers quest had been updated.



No I think that's Sexout Resolutions.  It happens to be the only quest IN resolutions and it requires a female PC because it uses Cheyenne as a male, as does the Cheyenne Replacer v0.93.  Both very well written mods and I was going to recommend that Prideslayer look at Resolutions for a method of ending the Goodsprings Powder Ganger quest without wiping one side or the other off the map.


Edit:  I recently changed computers and reinstalled all my games.  Which exhausted me but I reran several quests and am in the middle of the power gangers quest, and I was able to verify that Sexout Resolutions requires you to basically solve the Goodsprings quest by sexing up all of the major characters including Sunny, Cheyenne, and Trudy.  You also are able to avoid killing anyone and thus keeping the powder gangers from becoming hostile.  Which allows you to get into the NCRCF without shooting everyone.

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It worked, but the khan quest is extremely wonky to complete. Is there any way to fix it? There's no way I'd have completed it without your info, as having to turn down approaches to 0 would have never crossed my mind.


Edit: Found a couple more issues. I started doing some of the Fiends quests, and CookCook does nothing. His dialogue options do not lead anywhere. There's also something odd going on with Motor Runner, but I'm guessing it falls under talking to him twice in a row. If you talk to him twice, the inventory does not get removed, however he forces you again.

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 I'm currently using Foxy Fiends.

 I was able to get through the scenes with Motorunner, Violet

and Cook-Cook okay, The fiends don't seem to have a terribly

high libido considering I have the approach rate for them set at

50%; not sure if Foxy Fiends is causing that or not.

 Foxy Fiends gets rid of almost all of the male fiends; I think

only the named ones are left. Yes, the girls do look pretty good,

but sometimes my gal wants some Fiend dick, and plastic just

doesn't cut it. I might fiddle with in the GECK and change the

less attractive girls to dudes instead.

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Not to change topic or anything but my toon was wandering around the prison yard and I noticed a trio of ZAZ structures that I can't remember what their name is I know that their not stocks, I want to know if I can get my character stuck in them.  BTW they might be added by tryout PG kennel.  I am asking in there as well.

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 I noticed those structures too, with the dildo built in.

 I didn't see them used in PG Kennel, or the regular

tryout, depite being a very bad girl :(

Not to change topic or anything but my toon was wandering around the prison yard and I noticed a trio of ZAZ structures that I can't remember what their name is I know that their not stocks, I want to know if I can get my character stuck in them.  BTW they might be added by tryout PG kennel.  I am asking in there as well.


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Yeah, I have just had scrambler yell at me to go see eddie, have saved and am going to be late (snicker).


Edit:  OK had Scrambler get annoyed enough to send me to the hole, where I got strung up and whipped on what the game called a pillory.  So I can assume that the game will call the structures pillories but sexlab (which I use in TES skyrim) called the stock looking things pillory's.  Ah well my character is back in the yard getting screwed some more.  Great mod I am enjoying the heck out of it.

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Yeah, I have just had scrambler yell at me to go see eddie, have saved and am going to be late (snicker).


Edit:  OK had Scrambler get annoyed enough to send me to the hole, where I got strung up and whipped on what the game called a pillory.  So I can assume that the game will call the structures pillories but sexlab (which I use in TES skyrim) called the stock looking things pillory's.  Ah well my character is back in the yard getting screwed some more.  Great mod I am enjoying the heck out of it.


This isn't that mod.

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I reinstalled the game /deleted data old saves and started fresh. I used the ssr beta version of tryouts this time, but I still crashed at the blowjob part in prison. I run both scr and ssr, and as soon as I disabled scr the mod worked fine. Then when i started the game again with a few more mods it stopped working again. So I tried removing everything to no avail, tried activating scr again with no results - after I deactivated it for a second time though, mod worked again!..


Anyone with knowledge of the inner workings of these mods have any clue as to what may be going on ?


I had this same issue in both the normal and beta versions, disabling SCR lets me continue, so must be a conflict of some sort, will test it further tonight and see if re enabling it after causes issues :)


Edit: so i went to test it again and no matter what i do it just keeps crashing at that same point, cant get it to move on.. kinda annoying.

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 Vault 19 is not fully functional yet; I rather

enjoyed the bit wth Epstein too. Just have

to be patient.


I enjoyed it as well, but I would have preferred if there was an ending where if you stay and 'work' long enough, Epstein becomes wealthy enough to retire or buy fully trained 'workers' and he's decided to release you.

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still can't get past this part of the powder gangers, as soon as Scrambler is done with the anal he asks me to give Eddie a BJ then game crash's (right after second peice of dialog), no one else having this issue Ive used boss to organize mod list and tried with just the bare mods, also started a fresh character still no luck


heres my load order


SCS - CombatArmour.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

Total active plugins: 35
Total plugins: 35


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