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Old SexLab Submit - (Merge into the current Submit thread?)

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I have no idea if anything will come of it until tonight when I can try it out, but I have an idea to add an option that, upon a successful Ambush or Grapple against a NPC (or hell, even a Shout with the 'Disarm Beatdown' turned on) it will make them enter an "unconscious" state. (http://www.creationkit.com/SetUnconscious_-_Actor) If that works like I hope, then that may be useful as a solution for the people that have an unknown mod conflicting with Submit that makes the defeated opponents re-agro.


This state could just last for, meh, say, 60s or so after the player finishes with them.  Something that would be plenty of time to get in and do whatever they want and move on.


It may wind up not working for shit, in which case, no harm, no foul, and I'll drop it.  But it may be a work around for those having conflict issues.


Might also try just adding a short Calm effect to the targets as well, maybe that will help.  Shouldn't be required, as the Aggression 0 + StopCombat() should be enough, but obviously it isn't with those that have whatever mystery mod is being a PITA.

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I have no idea if anything will come of it until tonight when I can try it out, but I have an idea to add an option that, upon a successful Ambush or Grapple against a NPC (or hell, even a Shout with the 'Disarm Beatdown' turned on) it will make them enter an "unconscious" state. (http://www.creationkit.com/SetUnconscious_-_Actor) If that works like I hope, then that may be useful as a solution for the people that have an unknown mod conflicting with Submit that makes the defeated opponents re-agro.


This state could just last for, meh, say, 60s or so after the player finishes with them.  Something that would be plenty of time to get in and do whatever they want and move on.


It may wind up not working for shit, in which case, no harm, no foul, and I'll drop it.  But it may be a work around for those having conflict issues.


Might also try just adding a short Calm effect to the targets as well, maybe that will help.  Shouldn't be required, as the Aggression 0 + StopCombat() should be enough, but obviously it isn't with those that have whatever mystery mod is being a PITA.


Have you tried a mod called Sneak Tools, @dkatryl? Amongst all the amazing stuff you can do with that mod, even though it hasn't been updated in a while, you can knock people out if you're using either your bare hands or a blunt weapon; you either stealthily approach the victim or their beds if they are asleep, you activate them as if talking to them (while crouching) and it'll give you some menus. Depending on your weapons equipped you will either be able to slit their throats or knock them out.

The knockout is pretty awesome, and it lasts for 10 real time minutes (a bit much imo).


Here's a problem with it though when used with a rape mod:


-If you knock an NPC out and then attempt to rape them, indeed the whole rape process will work, but the NPC will be standing in very awkward positions in angles because while everything works, the NPC is still ragdoll'd


All of that said, and quite the only real point of this post :P is if you do accomplish a knockout feature, you should definitely look into a way to implement raping those knocked out victims. Maybe if you attempt to rape a knocked out NPC they will drop out of the ragdoll/unconscious state, act as normal (act as normal as in, have them do everything as usual but say, not talk. Sneak Tools itself has proven that this can be done, as it also comes with a feature to hide your identity. When you hide your identity, NPCs don't talk to you at all), and as the rape is done they'll ragdoll back down to unconsciousness?


I'm sure something like this will/would take a lot of work :P and I'm by no means demanding anything xD just an expansion to your idea =D



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Is your weapon out?


If your weapon is sheathed (or spells), that is setting you up for the Surrender, which will only fully trigger if you are in combat.


I went with completely supressing the Shout/Grapple if you are standing with your weapon sheathed no matter what, because I didn't want people to get used to possibly shouting with their weapon sheathed, then go into combat, then doing the exact same thing made them Surrender.


Now, if you're weapon is out, and still nothing happens?  Then that is a problem.


Maybe I'll add it so if you push the Hotkey, weapon sheathed, but NOT in combat, I'll have you draw your weapon.  Just like hitting the attack key but you were was sheathed.


Point is, I don't want you to fully Shout if your weapon is sheathed, since I want it to be very clear that "Sheathed = Surrender"

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Ok, I had my weapon put away, my bad

I didn't even think of it until you asked.  I suspect that might have been the issue RockMic had earlier, didn't even dawn on me to suggest that.


And since it happened to people that have been using the mod and following along with the patches, that means someone that tries it for the first time will also probably be confused.  So, yeah, I'll definitely add where you automatically go into the "attack" stance if you hit the hotkey while sheathed but not in combat.  In combat, you just surrender like normal.

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I'm curious, as Sexlab plugins advance, might htis eventually be able ot be adapted to creatures as well?

I could easily make the "drop hostilities" part work with any NPC.  I just remove the HasKeyword = ActorTypeNPC checks and BAM! it works.


However, a bear wouldn't rob you, you wouldn't rob a bear, you can't talk to a bear, and while sex with a bear might be fun, there are no animations to support that.


And that is really the limiting factor.

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I'm curious, as Sexlab plugins advance, might htis eventually be able ot be adapted to creatures as well?

I could easily make the "drop hostilities" part work with any NPC.


However, a bear wouldn't rob you, you wouldn't rob a bear, you can't talk to a bear, and while a bear might rape you if you were sufficiently shaggy looking, there are no animations to support that.


And that is really the limiting factor.



I know, I meant as the appropriate animations come out.


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I just make a call to StartSex(), so the rest of the sex part is handled by the Framework.  If the Framework was updated to handle non-human/elf matings, then in theory it would just be a matter of removing the ActorTypeNPC checks on things.


In reality, there would be more to it, because all of the KillMoves I repurpose for the sake of Grapple/Ambush visuals have to be carefully chosen and then aborted at a precise moment, or else the victim will be autokilled.  So then, I would then have do the same for a KillMove for every valid creature type, or just not have an animation play for non-humans.


So I probably won't be jumping on *that* one really quickly. :P


Although other than Trolls, Spriggan, maybe various non-vampire undead, like Draugr?  Not sure what all other creatures people would want to see.  I can't imagine the Skeever pr0n community is too large. :P


Edit: Forgot Falmer!  I knew I was forgetting a sentient "humanoid".

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oh, just as a heads up, the latest version of realistic needs and was causing most of my issues. Since I can get to talk to bandits and stuff with that properly uninstalled. It really was the latest version too, cause that one uses aliases and stuff and probably damages attributes on NPCs and what not to simulate the injuries, it's why they kept re aggroing probably. It's also reasonably buggy as of the latest version so it's doesn't even work right now,, hopefully it'll get fixed and it won't have compatibility issues either.


EDIT: I have brain problems, I meant to say Battle Fatigue and Injuries as of version 701.

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Ok, I had my weapon put away, my bad

I didn't even think of it until you asked.  I suspect that might have been the issue RockMic had earlier, didn't even dawn on me to suggest that.


And since it happened to people that have been using the mod and following along with the patches, that means someone that tries it for the first time will also probably be confused.  So, yeah, I'll definitely add where you automatically go into the "attack" stance if you hit the hotkey while sheathed but not in combat.  In combat, you just surrender like normal.


Yep, that worked out pretty nicely.


So here's a quick run down of how the Hotkey will work:


Standing, Sheathed, Not in Combat

Draw weapon/spell, go into 'Attack Ready' stance


Standing, Sheathed, In Combat

Surrender to NPC's


Standing, Not Sheathed, Not in Combat, Shout Option Active, or

Standing, Not Sheathed, In Combat, Shout Option Active

Shout attempt, triggers powers cooldown


Standing, Not Sheathed, Not in Combat, Grapple Option Active, or

Standing, Not Sheathed, In Combat, Grapple Option Active

Grapple attempt, -50 Stamina


Sneaking no matter what other condition

Ambush attempt, -50 Stamina


Should have this update up tonight.  Hope that will clear everything up! :)

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oh, just as a heads up, the latest version of realistic needs and was causing most of my issues. Since I can get to talk to bandits and stuff with that properly uninstalled. It really was the latest version too, cause that one uses aliases and stuff and probably damages attributes on NPCs and what not to simulate the injuries, it's why they kept re aggroing probably. It's also reasonably buggy as of the latest version so it's doesn't even work right now,, hopefully it'll get fixed and it won't have compatibility issues either.


That is what I was suspecting.  Some mod was using an alias, which I also temporarily do during the actual assault, whether by or towards the player, as well as might be damaging the NPC's, which might be making them think the action was hostile.


Still I'm going to look into an 'unconscious' option tonight, see if that goes anywhere.  It might end up being shit and I pretend it never happened. :P

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Hello ttpt looks that I also use RDN without problems.
Dkatryl I'm sorry I did not know that the shout only worked in combat.


No big deal.  Those kinds of things need to be taken into account, because I want it to play intuitively, and there is no reason you would have known that it no longer worked while your weapon was sheathed.


And it isn't "in combat", it's "weapon drawn".  Important distinction!  Hopefully the post I just made will explain the different scenarios that the single hotkey takes into account! :)

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I just make a call to StartSex(), so the rest of the sex part is handled by the Framework.  If the Framework was updated to handle non-human/elf matings, then in theory it would just be a matter of removing the ActorTypeNPC checks on things.


In reality, there would be more to it, because all of the KillMoves I repurpose for the sake of Grapple/Ambush visuals have to be carefully chosen and then aborted at a precise moment, or else the victim will be autokilled.  So then, I would then have do the same for a KillMove for every valid creature type, or just not have an animation play for non-humans.


So I probably won't be jumping on *that* one really quickly. :P


Although other than Trolls, Spriggan, maybe various non-vampire undead, like Draugr?  Not sure what all other creatures people would want to see.  I can't imagine the Skeever pr0n community is too large. :P


Edit: Forgot Falmer!  I knew I was forgetting a sentient "humanoid".


If Lovers with PK for Oblivion taught me anything, it's that people want to watch their character, and various other npcs, have sex with anything and everything... wether it be a skeever, a fire elemental, a spider daedra, or even a skeleton with just enough meat still hanging on.  Hell, if you came out with a mod that allowed the player to have sex with fence posts, there would be people who would be totally jazzed about it. :P

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If Lovers with PK for Oblivion taught me anything, it's that people want to watch their character, and various other npcs, have sex with anything and everything... wether it be a skeever, a fire elemental, a spider daedra, or even a skeleton with just enough meat still hanging on.  Hell, if you came out with a mod that allowed the player to have sex with fence posts, there would be people who would be totally jazzed about it. :P


I was mostly being tongue in cheek, because I am *very* well aware of the power of 'Rule 34' :D

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Oh, sorry about the confusion, not realistic needs, that one works fine, I meant battle fatigue and injuries.


And yeah, Realistic Needs hasn't had an update recently and it doesn't mess with NPCs at all.



Oh, and the unconscious feature sounds great.

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I just make a call to StartSex(), so the rest of the sex part is handled by the Framework.  If the Framework was updated to handle non-human/elf matings, then in theory it would just be a matter of removing the ActorTypeNPC checks on things.


In reality, there would be more to it, because all of the KillMoves I repurpose for the sake of Grapple/Ambush visuals have to be carefully chosen and then aborted at a precise moment, or else the victim will be autokilled.  So then, I would then have do the same for a KillMove for every valid creature type, or just not have an animation play for non-humans.


So I probably won't be jumping on *that* one really quickly. :P


Although other than Trolls, Spriggan, maybe various non-vampire undead, like Draugr?  Not sure what all other creatures people would want to see.  I can't imagine the Skeever pr0n community is too large. :P


Edit: Forgot Falmer!  I knew I was forgetting a sentient "humanoid".


If Lovers with PK for Oblivion taught me anything, it's that people want to watch their character, and various other npcs, have sex with anything and everything... wether it be a skeever, a fire elemental, a spider daedra, or even a skeleton with just enough meat still hanging on.  Hell, if you came out with a mod that allowed the player to have sex with fence posts, there would be people who would be totally jazzed about it. :P



I admit if someone made a mod that allowed for environmentla masturbation, I'd totally download it just to see what the mod maker managed.



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If Lovers with PK for Oblivion taught me anything, it's that people want to watch their character, and various other npcs, have sex with anything and everything... wether it be a skeever, a fire elemental, a spider daedra, or even a skeleton with just enough meat still hanging on.  Hell, if you came out with a mod that allowed the player to have sex with fence posts, there would be people who would be totally jazzed about it. :P



I admit if someone made a mod that allowed for environmentla masturbation, I'd totally download it just to see what the mod maker managed.



Start needing public service announcements regarding the exploitation of the local fauna and flora. :(


Edit: Hrm, and apparently all SetUnconscious() does is make them not respond to you at all when you try to talk to them.  But they still move around.  So, scratch *that* idea, I suppose!

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gah. Another update?


I'd promised to test your 'supposedly' non-hotkey working version, but you posted an update before I could. So I just now uninstalled that one to get the current, fixed one. And you're updating again?!?!?


I'm having flashbacks of debian unstable!


(tongue in cheek: release early, release often is a damned good way to develop quality software quickly)

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gah. Another update?


I'd promised to test your 'supposedly' non-hotkey working version, but you posted an update before I could. So I just now uninstalled that one to get the current, fixed one. And you're updating again?!?!?


I'm having flashbacks of debian unstable!


(tongue in cheek: release early, release often is a damned good way to develop quality software quickly)


Actually, there was no 'supposedly' about it.  I done did gone and goofed it.  And then fixed it. :P


Other than the very minor deal about automatically making you draw your weapon if you hit the hotkey while not in combat so people don't get confused when nothing happens and conclude that it's broken, all I was looking to do was try to come up with something to override whatever mystery mod is conflicting when it makes NPC's re-agro.


Nothing may come of that attempt, since the SetUnconscious() command doesn't seem to actually make them pass out in a crumpled heap like one would think.  Oh well.  Still might try to add a calm effect if nothing else.


Edit: So now my Creation Kit isn't working correctly.  All of a sudden, it is compiling anything I put in.  Even stuff I am deliberately doing wrong, via syntax and undefined variables, it just compiles and tells me okay.


Super...  :dodgy:


Edit 2: Yeah, so, Creation Kit isn't working, and until I get Notepad++ working, and Creation Kit to properly recognize a script that has existed since I started the stupid mod, I'm at a standstill.


So... yeah. :dodgy:


Edit 3: Found my issue.  I made a backup of the script apparently last night in the root of my Skyrim folder, apparently the CK saw that, and man it was fucking it up.  Back in business now.  But there was over an hour wasted... :dodgy:

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  • 17JUL13, ~2312CST: 

  • Made it so if the Hotkey is pushed while standing, weapon sheathed, and not in combat, the player will draw their weapon instead of doing nothing

  • Added a 'Calm' effect to the Ambush, Shout, and Grapple, in an attempt to override whatever mystery mod is sometimes making NPC's re-agro, despite having an Aggression set to 0 and being told to StopCombat()

  • Removed the MCM language files from the .BSA and packaged them as loose files for easier access in case they need to be modified by a user for typos, updates, etc.


For those that had the mystery re-agro conflict, please try this update out and tell me if the 'Calm' effect does anything.  It is applied when the Shout/Grapple succeed, as well as when the Surrender() function is called, which is both during an Ambush, as well as when using the Dialog.  It lasts for 60 sec per cast, which should be plenty long enough to begin and finish doing whatever you want to do.

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I just tried this update, with my female PC, bow specialist.

I went to a bandit camp, and directly tried to surrender to them. She "showed" her bow while having the arms up, and normal script happened. I noticed an panty undressing animation, that I didn't saw before.


But the first time, after taking my character bow, the both bandits attacked again. New surrender, and then normal script happened: undress then sex scene.


I reload my save, surrended again, and then, normal script happened in the first time!


I don't know if it's really a problem, as some bandits just want to kill you, and don't care if you submitted! :D


Great mod, by the way!

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