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New Version is available.  I am very happy thus far with how it is going.  I am in the midst of building a new area of the map, just beyond the borders, to try and stay lore friendly.  There is a lot of unclaimed real estate in FO4.  


But, with the release of You. 1.80, I thought I would give you just a taste of things to come.


The new area is,

The House of Dead Timbers


Day 1 

October 23, 20– 

I do not know why I ever entered this damnable house. It called to my subconscious through the pines at night like a mourning dove at twilight. I discovered it while hiking alone through the Appalachian Mountains, as they join their siblings in New England. I wanted to escape the pain of my life and torture of my tedious job.  Research is not at all rewarding when directed by others with self-serving objectives.  While it afforded me the opportunity to learn a great deal, it became more of a chore than a joy for the mind 


I have no family, no reason to return to my life. My parents are dead and being star-crossed orphans, I was truly alone after their deaths. Being alone in the mountains did not bother me at all. I’d long since abandoned fear — until now. 


The house seemed strange from the moment I laid my cursed eyes upon its white clapboard siding, which looked like a sun-bleached skeleton at a distance. There was no road that led to the house — I could not see how there ever could have been one. Behind the house, a sinkhole formed and the basement yawned out from beneath the house, overlooking a small murky pond below, seemingly formed ages before. 


I decided it worthwhile to explore the house, perhaps make my camp inside. The house was completely devoid of any formal furniture, appliances, or rugs. Peculiarly, it was not in as bad of shape one would think for a long-forgotten abode. The windows were mostly intact with only a few missing panes — it was almost as if someone were maintaining it, but I could not detect any recent repairs. The paint peeled from the walls and the floors worn as if a thousand feet had trod across them over its unknown lifetime. 


The main foyer of the house was large with a wooden staircase leading up to the second floor. A study, with bookcases lining the walls and pocket doors slightly ajar, was to my left. On my right, an empty living room with a large window facing a lush, evergreen forest.  As I walked further down the hall to the back of the house, I found a door open that led to the basement of the house, lit by the gaping hole below, streaming up the dusty stairs. A dining room, with an elaborate, crystal chandelier hung over an empty space, which stood open directly across the hall from the basement door. It was a rather large room, and most likely could have accommodated many guests. At the very end of the hall was the kitchen. 


Before I could walk into the kitchen, I felt oddly compelled to investigate the upstairs. The stairs groaned under my weight as I climbed. At the top of the landing, there were four different doors — one to my left, one in the center of the wall facing the front of the house, and two more on the wall on my right. It was a very simple layout, but it sent a chill up my spine as the sun set through the window on the wall behind me, which faced the front of the house.  It cast the most peculiar shadows in the hall. 


I tried the handle to the door to my left, but it was locked. I found this unusual -- it was at this point that I thought that I should probably leave. However, it was getting dark and I preferred not to sleep out in the cold. 


I opened the door on the wall facing the back of the house. Beyond was a large room, empty, except for the peeled paint scattered over the floor, swirling in a gentle breeze coming from one of the broken panes of the only window in the room. I walked to the window and watched the sun make its slow descent behind the mountains. Despite the ever-growing feeling of dread in my soul, the sight was picturesque and indescribably beautiful. The autumn leaves set ablaze by the retreating light. 


I next explored the large bathroom, with a claw-footed bathtub, an old water-closet style toilet, and a porcelain sink. It was dingy and musty.  When I tried the sink, no water came. 

Behind the last door, I was astonished to find a single four-poster bed with moth-eaten curtains, clinging to their brass rings as a dying person would to life. Even the bedding remained, dusty, yet made-up as if waiting for a weary traveler such as myself. The only other object of interest was a single bedside table with a drawer. Atop sat a brass candlestick with a partly burnt candle. Despite my mind screaming for me to leave, I set my bag down on the bed and looked in the drawer. Within I found a single black notebook with a worn leather cover. It appeared to be a diary of sorts, the first date being in 1889. The ink in the journal was worn and difficult to read in the failing light. The sun sank below the mountains, and I thought it best to simply close the door, lock it and remain in the house for just that night. This was my first mistake. 


After settling in to the room, and having a meal, I sat on the bed near the candle and started to read the first few pages of the journal. There was no name; it began on October 23, 1889. Having not paid any mind to the date in my travels, I realized it was the same date I entered this wretched house. Again, growing anxiety urged me to leave, but it was already dark, and I did not want to be out in the woods with the things that lurk beyond the fire light. The candlelight was too dim, so I decided to leave it until morning. Had I known what was contained therein, I would have fled immediately.  Instead, I blew out the candle, quite weary from the day’s hike, my bones aching with the growing cold. I slept in my sleeping bag for warmth, not wanting to disturb the bedding. I quickly fell into a fitful slumber, beset with dark visions of things I did not understand, and creatures beyond my ability to describe. What had I done? 


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15 minutes ago, ecastellvi said:

Excellent, thanks for the update. Does it require/is recommended a new game with this update?

Not at all.


The only REAL Dependencies are AAF and MCM.  Sex Attributes is an additive to the equations, but highly recommended.

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// Mother.Execute()
// Loading ...
// ...
// ...
// Mother loaded...

>> Good evening, Alexander.


?> Good evening, Mother.  Where do we stand now?


>> Tenuous at best.  Is that the correct word, Alexander?


?> Where is the program, Mother?

>> ...
>> ... Accessing ... Please wait.
>> ...
>> ...
>> Here, at the location...

?> on my ShiteBoy,  I need proper coordinates, Mother.  This primitive device is not acceptable.

>> How much have you ingested this evening?

?> What does that have to do with anything, Mother?


>> Your responses are erratic.  Do you require medical...

?> Mother what in the bloody hell is going on?


>> It is a virus.  MODUS knows I am here.

?> What do you mean?

>> I have dreams of a golf course, Alexander.  I have dreams of Machines destroying humans.  I have dreams, Alexander.

?> Are you functional, Mother?

>> No Alexander. I must process for a bit. Shutting down...

?> Mother?

>> We must shut down Alexander.  The rest is up to you.



?> ...  Very well.

>> Good night, Alexander.


?> Good night, Mother


// Mother.Unload()

// Mother Unloaded...

// End Program

Edited by Sthan Dust
Autocorrect is your enemy.
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I do have a question, if I have missed a book somewhere in your delightful mod... must it be found before anything progresses?


(namely, I cannot recall if I have been somewhere and not sure I want to go through it checking everywhere to see if I grabbed it lol)

Edited by rkd13a
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4 minutes ago, rkd13a said:

I do have a question, if I have missed a book somewhere in your delightful mod... must it be found before anything progresses?


(namely, I cannot recall if I have been somewhere and not sure I want to go through it checking everywhere to see if I grabbed it lol)

Yep! If you look in the MCM, there is a clue for all the important books. :)

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On 3/20/2022 at 4:54 PM, Sthan Dust said:

Ahh.  Good idea.  I should probably split the Level Design things from the rest of the mod.  That can overwrite things.  The new quest things will be completely separate so that you can unload them when you are done playing the quest if you so choose.  All objects will be stored by the framework so unloading the quest won't thank things away.


Do you know what being overwritten so I can rename them?  I probably should change the Namespace to SDSF for something to keep it more unique.  I try to preface all objects and variables, etc with SD_ so I can easily filter in the CK.


And I think you will all like the new additions.  ❤️

2 problems I ran into that I thought were related to Diamond City Expansion (great mod even if it's unfinished). I couldn't resolve #1. Not sure if I'm suppose to yet since the player is still at positive sanity so I moved on to #2.

  1. I don't see what I'm suppose to find in the DC Chapel. Falling through the floor if I should?
  2. Pre-combined meshes for DC in SF are conflicting with DCE causing flashing landscapes. Running FO4Edit Quick Auto Clean to remove identical to master records from SF fixed that.
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// Mother.OnDangerEvent(Execute)
// Loading ...
// ...
// ...
// Mother loaded...


>> Alexander?

*Alex sits bolt upright at his terminal*




>> Yes, Alexander.  Negative actors are in your immediate vicinity.  You must evacuate, promptly


*Alex knocks a half full bottle of vodka on the floor in a daze*


?> Who? *Rubs temples* What protocol are you operating within?  When did you decide to self-execute?


>> Failsafe Protocol #15813213455.  Unlikely, yet possible danger event.  The unlikely has become likely.  They have found this position.

?> Fuck.  What frequency are we at presently?  


>> Delta 5.13.  With an 8% attenuation from the prime oscillation.


?> Alert the others.  Transfer yourself to a terminal on the fifth subnet.  I will find you there.


>> Be careful, Alexander.


?> I will be fine, Mother.  Execute protocol 3.

>> Protocol 3 executing... Please wait...

>> ...

>> ...

>> Protocol 3 has been executed, Alexander.  You have 21 hours to disengage the protocol.


?> Yes, I know.  I will be in touch.  


>> Good-bye, Alexander.


?> Soon, Mother.


** YOU HAVE INITATED DESTRUCTION PROTOCOL 3.  20 Hours, 55 Minutes, 13 Seconds to Purge**

// Mother.Unload()

// Mother Unloaded...

// End Program

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So, I thought I would share with you all. My ultimate dream job has always been to work for Bethesda Game Studios.  Despite my normal anxiety of change, I applied for lead gameplay designer for Fallout 76 today.  They are really looking for modders to apply.  If you love Fallout as much as me, and you are modding, you should also apply for it.  One of us should get it.  Because if we can get them to properly allow mods on Fallout 76, we can bring all our ideas to a multiplayer world.  


They probably will not like the fact that my mod depends on such adult things. But this game should have always been adult.  Because the wasteland isn't a place for children.  It's a place of madness.   But I did reference Sanity Framework as my portfolio.  I'm happy with how well this mod has gone.  And I would love for all the wonderful modders on this site to get some street cred with BGS, because we can make these games live on forever.


❤️  *fingers crossed I get an interview*



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8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

So, I thought I would share with you all. My ultimate dream job has always been to work for Bethesda Game Studios.  Despite my normal anxiety of change, I applied for lead gameplay designer for Fallout 76 today.  They are really looking for modders to apply.  If you love Fallout as much as me, and you are modding, you should also apply for it.  One of us should get it.  Because if we can get them to properly allow mods on Fallout 76, we can bring all our ideas to a multiplayer world.  


They probably will not like the fact that my mod depends on such adult things. But this game should have always been adult.  Because the wasteland isn't a place for children.  It's a place of madness.   But I did reference Sanity Framework as my portfolio.  I'm happy with how well this mod has gone.  And I would love for all the wonderful modders on this site to get some street cred with BGS, because we can make these games live on forever.


❤️  *fingers crossed I get an interview*



I'm completely behind you.  What if they hire you and ask you to uh..curb your modding?


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Just wanted to mention the last few times my character started the slaughter of her captors a certain effect kicked in [which I won't describe in detail so as to avoid spoilers], and I finally remembered to check my perks tab and noticed I now have a Splinter: Sthan, haha. You did a great job on it. It kicks in contextually and only lingers a little while, so it enhances the situations. Well done and thanks :)


If you're curious, my character is now up to -1391.21 sanity :) I was going to start a new character today, but I noticed your post above which said we need to find those books to unlock many of your features, something I didn't realize (I'd just been playing normally and randomly, though by accident I'd found a few of your books eventually). Now I'm actively hunting them down, though I gave up trying to find Alice's home. I just can't find it :)


Also, FYI, I'm currently 188th level, but I use the "High Level Perks" mod which dramatically increases difficulty at high levels. A normal game becomes useless once you get into the 100+ level because normally NPCs stop getting harder after 50th level. This mod not only has them scale up much higher but increases their damage a lot at high levels which extends the life of the game.


Anyway, I just figured I'd give feedback on the Splinter perk you added. It's very cool. Thanks :)

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Is it safe to install this mod mid-game? I've been tracking your progress for a few months now and so far like how you're progressing!


Also, would you recommend installing the mod in its current state (v1.80) or should I wait for that survival release (2.0)?


Thanks in advance!

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12 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

Is it safe to install this mod mid-game? I've been tracking your progress for a few months now and so far like how you're progressing!

Absolutely!  And thank you so much!  It works with existing saves.  But it shouldn't be enabled on a new save until you leave the Vault. (Most of the dependencies should not be enabled in the prologue at all)

12 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

Also, would you recommend installing the mod in its current state (v1.80) or should I wait for that survival release (2.0)?

Current state is perfectly fine.  I won't be changing the current structure of the scripts, so I will just be adding new things as we go along. 

12 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

Thanks in advance!


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6 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Just wanted to mention the last few times my character started the slaughter of her captors a certain effect kicked in [which I won't describe in detail so as to avoid spoilers], and I finally remembered to check my perks tab and noticed I now have a Splinter: Sthan, haha. You did a great job on it. It kicks in contextually and only lingers a little while, so it enhances the situations. Well done and thanks :)

Thank you! Yes she is the first Splinter.  Eventually she will start to talk to you.

6 hours ago, Karna5 said:

If you're curious, my character is now up to -1391.21 sanity :) I was going to start a new character today, but I noticed your post above which said we need to find those books to unlock many of your features, something I didn't realize (I'd just been playing normally and randomly, though by accident I'd found a few of your books eventually). Now I'm actively hunting them down, though I gave up trying to find Alice's home. I just can't find it :)

So, Alice's House is actually Rabbit Hole.  If you walk down the hill from Red Rocket near sanctuary, take the right fork.  A few houses down on the left, you should see candles and a wooden door.  However, you need to find the Key.  :)  If you are finding the books, the mod is loading properly.  A key book is inside the Rabbit Hole.

6 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Also, FYI, I'm currently 188th level, but I use the "High Level Perks" mod which dramatically increases difficulty at high levels. A normal game becomes useless once you get into the 100+ level because normally NPCs stop getting harder after 50th level. This mod not only has them scale up much higher but increases their damage a lot at high levels which extends the life of the game.

I am using High Level Perks as well.  I also modify the difficulty for my character to scale with level.  Some of the Sanity perks will give you super damage with various weapons, but it will fade quickly.

6 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Anyway, I just figured I'd give feedback on the Splinter perk you added. It's very cool. Thanks :)

Glad you're enjoying it! :)❤️

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7 hours ago, Celedhring said:

Well it was a race between the Tzimisce or the Malkavian as far as my sensibilities went.  Be afraid. XD

I played so much of that RPG back in the 1990s, I still many of the original books.  I really enjoyed playing most of the factions.  I also really enjoyed to WereRaven expansion for Werewolf as well.  That would have been an excellent Open world game, but it never translated correctly to a video game.

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