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Slavery still resets after turning every 'true' to 'false' in CEModuleCustom.xml in the settings file. I also changed <SlaveryTotal>0</SlaveryTotal> to <SlaveryTotal>1</SlaveryTotal> in DefaultCaptiveRequiredNSFWEventsFemale.xml


I check download and play this mod every few mods, and every single damn time slavery level reset isn't adressed. The instructions in the comments dont work, and theres no update to toggle it on or off. A third of the events arent even playable if you don't have a high slavery level. Why? I don't understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so I have an issue I've been having for at least the last couple of game versions, meaning 1.1.6 and 1.1.5 at least. not sure if it's related to this mod or not but I thought I would ask here since asking on nexus on what I thought might be a mod page where I'd get some help did absolutely nothing just before they updated the game from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. anyways my issue is that after starting a game in story mode, have not tried sandbox and would prefer not to play in it because I have yet to do anywhere near a full story playthrough, but anyways I start a new game. go through character creation, always choosing battania as my culture but not always the same background choices. then after loading into the campaign map my party sprite says 0, and if I look at my party screen it'll say 0 troops, and every other party or anything that should have any form of troop such as a garrison or looters or a bandit camp, they all also say 0. back in 1.1.5 I would crash when I would enter combat from the campaign world map, but could not get a battle to be initiated in 1.1.6 to see if that is still the case, even after looting a village I wasn't attacked so I tried to loot another village. during both lootings bands of looters that said 0 would initiate combat with whoever they could catch who would also be a 0 size party then after a few seconds both the looters and the people they were fighting would disappear instantly, not like they moved off super quick but just despawning is more like it. but they would never initiate combat with me when not looting. I went to a town and was able to participate in a tournament and many, many rounds of arena fights. all with no issues, so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with actual combat as far as I can tell, but something is definitely f-ed up with the world map and the party sizes. I'll throw my modules and the order they're loaded in in here in a attached text file, but I don't know if I have any logs or anything else that might be useful, like I said the game never did crash.

M&B 2 bannerlord mod list.txt

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On 11/11/2023 at 6:23 AM, deathtome1998 said:

so I have an issue I've been having for at least the last couple of game versions, meaning 1.1.6 and 1.1.5 at least. not sure if it's related to this mod or not but I thought I would ask here since asking on nexus on what I thought might be a mod page where I'd get some help did absolutely nothing just before they updated the game from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. anyways my issue is that after starting a game in story mode, have not tried sandbox and would prefer not to play in it because I have yet to do anywhere near a full story playthrough, but anyways I start a new game. go through character creation, always choosing battania as my culture but not always the same background choices. then after loading into the campaign map my party sprite says 0, and if I look at my party screen it'll say 0 troops, and every other party or anything that should have any form of troop such as a garrison or looters or a bandit camp, they all also say 0. back in 1.1.5 I would crash when I would enter combat from the campaign world map, but could not get a battle to be initiated in 1.1.6 to see if that is still the case, even after looting a village I wasn't attacked so I tried to loot another village. during both lootings bands of looters that said 0 would initiate combat with whoever they could catch who would also be a 0 size party then after a few seconds both the looters and the people they were fighting would disappear instantly, not like they moved off super quick but just despawning is more like it. but they would never initiate combat with me when not looting. I went to a town and was able to participate in a tournament and many, many rounds of arena fights. all with no issues, so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with actual combat as far as I can tell, but something is definitely f-ed up with the world map and the party sizes. I'll throw my modules and the order they're loaded in in here in a attached text file, but I don't know if I have any logs or anything else that might be useful, like I said the game never did crash.

M&B 2 bannerlord mod list.txt 1.03 kB · 7 downloads


not a modding specialist, but as the problem seems bound to battles and troops, maybe the "legendary troops" is the culprit? On the mod page comments, someone ask for an update for 1.1.4 already. Same for "adonnay's troop changer", and still someone asking for update.


You should try launching without the troops, then if it still crash without ATC.


Also, for "legendary wanderers", "Young Twin Siblings" and "Start With Harem", you are missing "Detailed Character Creation" in your list.

Good luck to make all this work.

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English text below
Я сделал перевод всех модов в этом комплекте на русский язык, перевод нужно ещё жестко допиливать, так как процентов на 60 он машинный, на процентов на 30 я делал перевод без контекста. Но в любом случае это во много раз лучше чем вообще без перевода. Я бы хотел, чтобы автор либо отослался на меня в посте, либо просто забрал всё это и добавил себе. В интернете на старую версию перевод есть, но по какой-то причине он хотя бы частичный тут отсутствует. всё же было бы не плохо, чтобы он аккумулировался у автора оригинального мода и не терялся.

I translated all the mods in this kit in Russian, the translation still needs to be heavily updated, since 60 percent of it is machine-made, and 30 percent of it was translated without context. But in any case, this is many times better than no translation at all. I would like the author to either refer to me in the post, or just take all this and add it to himself. There is a translation on the Internet for the old version, but for some reason it is at least partially missing here. Still, it wouldn’t be bad if it were accumulated by the author of the original fashion and not lost.

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Hi y'all,


So I was using this mod with hot butter, and I got my companion pregnant, the moment childbirth kicks in the game crashed, I tried killing her and the issue solved by itself, but I don't really want to go to such length if alternatives are available (hopefully), I searched around and found a lot of people with this issue but no sure answer, could anyone help me with this ? here's the code exception error


Exception information
Type: System.NullReferenceException
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: MonoMod.Utils
at Hero TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.HeroCreator.DeliverOffSpring_Patch1(Hero mother, Hero father, bool isOffspringFemale)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.PregnancyCampaignBehavior.CheckOffspringsToDeliver(Pregnancy pregnancy)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.PregnancyCampaignBehavior.DailyTickHero(Hero hero)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec list, T t)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.DailyTickHero(Hero hero)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.DailyTickHero(Hero hero)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager+PeriodicTicker.PeriodicTickSome(double timeUnitsElapsed)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.PeriodicDailyTick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.TickPeriodicEvents()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.Tick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnMapModeTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.Game.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch2(Module this, float dt)


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On 11/10/2023 at 9:23 PM, deathtome1998 said:

so I have an issue I've been having for at least the last couple of game versions, meaning 1.1.6 and 1.1.5 at least. not sure if it's related to this mod or not but I thought I would ask here since asking on nexus on what I thought might be a mod page where I'd get some help did absolutely nothing just before they updated the game from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. anyways my issue is that after starting a game in story mode, have not tried sandbox and would prefer not to play in it because I have yet to do anywhere near a full story playthrough, but anyways I start a new game. go through character creation, always choosing battania as my culture but not always the same background choices. then after loading into the campaign map my party sprite says 0, and if I look at my party screen it'll say 0 troops, and every other party or anything that should have any form of troop such as a garrison or looters or a bandit camp, they all also say 0. back in 1.1.5 I would crash when I would enter combat from the campaign world map, but could not get a battle to be initiated in 1.1.6 to see if that is still the case, even after looting a village I wasn't attacked so I tried to loot another village. during both lootings bands of looters that said 0 would initiate combat with whoever they could catch who would also be a 0 size party then after a few seconds both the looters and the people they were fighting would disappear instantly, not like they moved off super quick but just despawning is more like it. but they would never initiate combat with me when not looting. I went to a town and was able to participate in a tournament and many, many rounds of arena fights. all with no issues, so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with actual combat as far as I can tell, but something is definitely f-ed up with the world map and the party sizes. I'll throw my modules and the order they're loaded in in here in a attached text file, but I don't know if I have any logs or anything else that might be useful, like I said the game never did crash.


so I finally got around to testing my game again with the suggestions from Darrow, which was to disable legendary troops and see if it fixed my issue and if it didn't to try disabling ATC as well. well I did both of those and neither one fixed the issue. if anyone else has any ideas as to what may be going on I'd appreciate the help, I'll throw an updated copy of my current load order in this post since I grabbed detailed character creation for the mods that I hadn't realized needed it when I got them. and that says what is currently disabled.M&B 2 bannerlord mod list.txt

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Getting captured if fighting next to a castle and being sent to the castle as a captive instead of being taken by one of the enemy noble NPC's as a captive is still an ongoing issue as of 1.1.6.  

That happens even if the castle is of the same nation as my PC and she was in an army trying to break the siege (and losing)  Yep, somehow your friendly fellow (insert nation name) wasn't aware that the enemy shoved you inside the dungeon in the very castle that your fellow natives OWN.  XD

I want to note that it's extremely rare for NPC parties to stop or stay in castles aside from after a successful siege.   That goes for all parties, trading caravans etc.  

As a result, conversion from captive to slave is very rare and for that to happen it has to be in a town, not a castle. 

Edited by Celedhring
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On 10/29/2023 at 1:27 PM, Devileliet said:

Slavery still resets after turning every 'true' to 'false' in CEModuleCustom.xml in the settings file. I also changed <SlaveryTotal>0</SlaveryTotal> to <SlaveryTotal>1</SlaveryTotal> in DefaultCaptiveRequiredNSFWEventsFemale.xml


I check download and play this mod every few mods, and every single damn time slavery level reset isn't adressed. The instructions in the comments dont work, and theres no update to toggle it on or off. A third of the events arent even playable if you don't have a high slavery level. Why? I don't understand.

set <CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="false"/> in all the CEModuleCustom.xml

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On 10/28/2023 at 9:27 PM, Devileliet said:

Slavery still resets after turning every 'true' to 'false' in CEModuleCustom.xml in the settings file. I also changed <SlaveryTotal>0</SlaveryTotal> to <SlaveryTotal>1</SlaveryTotal> in DefaultCaptiveRequiredNSFWEventsFemale.xml


I check download and play this mod every few mods, and every single damn time slavery level reset isn't adressed. The instructions in the comments dont work, and theres no update to toggle it on or off. A third of the events arent even playable if you don't have a high slavery level. Why? I don't understand.

This is what I do.  I recommend using Notepad++ to make the change(s)



you need to go to:

Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\zCaptivityEvents\ModuleLoader\CaptivityRequired\Settings   

where you find this file:

CEModuleCustom.xml  (This IS the file where you need to make the below change from "True" to "False"


<CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="{=CEEVENTS1105}Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="True"/>


<CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="{=CEEVENTS1105}Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="False"/>


Optional in addition to the above. 


edit: The only other changes i made was setting <SlaveryTotal>0</SlaveryTotal> to <SlaveryTotal>1</SlaveryTotal> in all events.


Edited by Celedhring
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Hi I seem to have a problem with the slave fugitive units in this mod. I have tried a couple of fresh installs of the mod and it keeps coming up. If I recruit harem fugitives and look at their tree, the higher tier units have the same skillset as the lower ones. I don't know if this is a coding error somewhere or I have a conflict, but as nothing else should be modifying those units exclusive to this mod I think it likely the former rather than the latter explanation.



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Okay...I fiddled with the two different versions of CE 1.1.15 and 1.1.16.   

It seems that 1.1.16 has changed in some way - I don't know how it's been changed but it will NOT save the slavery level of the player character even with the fixes two and three posts up.  1.1.15 does.

That said, I reverted back to 1.1.15 as I prefer it.  Works fine even on Bannerlord 1.1.16 (upgraded to it from 1.1.14. 

THe events that pop up between those two versions are also altered.  I don't see some events in 1.1.16 that I normally see in 1.1.15 and vice versa.  

I used the same save game for both versions where my PC had 700+ slavery level.  On CE 1.1.16, it was reset to zero upon escape/release while with CE 1.1.15 it did not reset to zero, and that's with the fixes mentioned above in both CE versions. 

Edited by Celedhring
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/16/2023 at 2:28 PM, Delzaron said:


The mod need an update for bannerlord 1.2.7... get an error message at launch and events don't occur in game.

if you really want this mod and are using steam, you can revert your game to a version this works with, in order to do this, right click the name of the game in steam, select properties, select betas and click the drop down box next to Beta Participation, then select the game version

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19 hours ago, rymac100 said:

if you really want this mod and are using steam, you can revert your game to a version this works with, in order to do this, right click the name of the game in steam, select properties, select betas and click the drop down box next to Beta Participation, then select the game version

so, no update are planned ?

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Thank you very much for BadListener's update. It's great work, but I need to report an issue:
The CEDefaultEvents1110.zip file appears to be corrupted. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end, but I've tried using both WinRAR and 7z, and I can't extract it. Could you please have BadListener check it out? Thank you again for your work.

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3 hours ago, snuffcn said:

Thank you very much for BadListener's update. It's great work, but I need to report an issue:
The CEDefaultEvents1110.zip file appears to be corrupted. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end, but I've tried using both WinRAR and 7z, and I can't extract it. Could you please have BadListener check it out? Thank you again for your work.

Not an issue on your end. See the post before yours and the corroborating "likes" it has received.

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Question here I hope someone can help with. I am unsure how it works, exactly. But when I use the prostitution option in the brothel the score resets when you start again somewhere else. Was that meant to happen or is there something I can change. I already set the "setzero" item to false. I could have 400 when my character left. But the moment they go somewhere else and start again they're back at 100 start. Thanks for the great work, also!

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