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E3 2019 Discussion


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Hello, this thread is to join all the comments that will come from the E3 2019.

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All future posts related to E3 will be merged with this one.

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OK, Bethesda completed.

Doom, OK.

Wolfstein, looks good especially for multiplayers.

Other games? All was a waste in my opinion.


Let's hope for Square Henix and Ubisoft.

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You know you're in the apocalyptic times when Squenix is set up to have the best presentation outside of CDPR.


A friends that's there now told me the four rows in front of him had literal actors in them to boost cheering.

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1 minute ago, 27X said:

You know you're in the apocalyptic times when Squenix is set up to have the best presentation outside of CDPR.


A friends that's there now told me the four rows in front of him had literal actors in them to boost cheering.

Yeah, in 2015 I was one of the actors. I know how it works.

But still I have hopes on the two companies.

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What a terrible idea they have this orion thing... they actually think that broadband is everywhere and fiber optic cables are growing out the yinyang of every home? It would take fiber optics to try and solve the family of four dilema of sucking down bandwith by doing just about everything at the same time. Even beth joked about just that and they still don't get it. No matter what they do, the internet gate keepers are not going to give up their gates. Anything will eventually be slow again except content provided by the likes of crapcast or the evil deathstar corporation. Bethesda and zenimax just don't have enough money to bribe even one of those gatekeepers. They think by developing some fancy compression algo they can slip past the gates HA! fat chance it won't work.


The idea of streaming games instead of allowing them to be installed is doomed to failure it is very similar to the idea of maximum taxation and such a thing has always failed history is riddled with that lesson. This is the desperate last gasps for life by the gaming industry they are on the way down for sure. Hardware makers can upgrade stuff all they want it won't matter when that orion crap is failing because gatekeepers in action and really there is no good game content anymore just a bunch of MTX crap and political crap that nobody wants to see.


Youngblood looked really stupid it didn't even register it just was some kind of nutty looking crap stomping all over old game concepts just because. I don't like the recent doom games they feel cheap and flimsy almost like a phone game. I was expecting all the 90s double jump stuff to be gone a long time ago but nope still there. I guess I enjoyed the old quake 3 or was it 4 games they seemed slightly more detailed in how things worked and had some kind of story. Current doom just looks like apple store candy yuk.


Something I noticed right away is todd showed up but didn't have anything to say about fallout or elderscrolls like WTF? weally todd? no he was there just to tell us see you next year for starfield and elderscrolls. I really was expecting to see more of a cgi clip about starfield even if it didn't have any gameplay just something. Like he said though they are waiting for next level tech to really do anything and it looks to me like they are mostly waiting for that tech to get better support for their orion garbage than anything else.


Fallout 76 is the attempt to force all remaining fallout 4 players to migrate to fallout 76, forget about mods and just do what they demand we do and play their dam broken game. I can't wait for fallout 4 new vegas and capital wasteland to come out those will be the last major experiences for fallout 4 and I seriously doubt anyone will make anything else major for it again. Once that fallout 76 digital crack cocaine hits the public we can forget about anyone wanting to do major mods for fallout 4 again. Everyone eventually will just spend money on 76 it is so typical of the player base and it will happen.

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16 minutes ago, Zor2k13 said:

This is the desperate last gasps for life by the gaming industry they are on the way down for sure.

You've been saying that for five years, hasn't happened yet.


AAA will certainly crash, but thinking it'll happen anytime soon is naive as hell. It took forty years for movies to implode, and it'll be even longer for interactive storytelling.

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Well... I said on their way down not dead yet lol. The trend is obvious they just can't sustain infinite growth nobody can since nothing goes up or down forever. Reminds me of something I read recently about a glut of inventory for the housing industry. There is literally years of inventory on the market and they have less and less people buying and less able to buy too. At some point it will all come back down and reset. Gaming is the same way they just can't keep pulling another thing out of their asses to charge for it has to end at some point hopefully soon.

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I still see him as ted from bill and ted's excellent adventure I can't take him seriously. That movie influenced the design of the courser uniform in fallout 4 and possibly even the character design of x6-88. That horrible movie and the sequel is far reaching it will follow this guy for his whole life. I don't know why but I thought cyberpunk would be totally different than what has been shown.


Look what I found here https://popculture.com/movies/2019/06/09/bill-and-ted-3-moments-away-alex-winter-reveals-sneak-peek/

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2 hours ago, Doctor Cadaver said:

Yeah, same here.  April 16, 2020, confirmed by Keanu Reeves.  I'm ready for another good sci-fi RPG since Mass Effect is dead.


Funny that, I was just playing GTA last night. Or was it Saints Row? They should have changed the setting at least.

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3 hours ago, Zor2k13 said:

I still see him as ted from bill and ted's excellent adventure I can't take him seriously.

Neo from 'The Matrix' and John Wick.


1 hour ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Funny that, I was just playing GTA last night. Or was it Saints Row? They should have changed the setting at least.

Night City has been in the franchise since 1988 and it's not LA, it's a fictional megalopolis; on a real map it would be between LA and San Francisco.

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Ubisoft E3 was probably the best one saw until now.

For sure it was the first company to put up a show and not just some blah, blah, blah.


Only game I am interested is Watch Dogs Legion (really loved the first two ones, the second mostly.)

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Just how many monthly subscription services is the industry trying to sell us this year.

So far, the only game I've seen that I'm definitely gonna want right out of the box is Evil Genius 2.

Watch Dogs 3: I'll get it at some point, and build an all-granny squad.



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Overall the whole event was 'meh' so far. Bethesda did nothing, Cyberpunk will probably collapse under its own hype (although the fact that they got Keanu Reeves was a nice surprise), and the only game that got me interested was Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. I'm just curious how Modern Warfare will look like gameplaywise and that's pretty much it.

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Aside from the possibility Nintendo might reveal who the next Smash Bros character DLC will be I find myself not caring about anything being promoted in this year's E3.


For whatever reason hearing Cyberpunk will be First Person gameplay only killed any hype I had for that game. Shallow of me perhaps, but sometimes one major aesthetic design decision is all it takes when deciding if you want to shell out the 60$+ for a game. Square has nothing that catches my eye, none of the new stuff they're currently promoted interests me and I wasn't even really a fan of the original FF7. And I prefer offline single player/multiplayer games, so all these "services" the various devs are promoting I couldn't care less about. I don't want to stream a damn game, that's what I have a 4 TB harddrive for.


So far this show has me feeling like a deaf person the industry is trying to sell music.

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I believe only Stadia is a streaming service. All other subscription services will let you download the games and play them locally. Yes, Ubi+ will be part of Stadia, but will also exist as independent service.

None of those publishers has the infrastructure and the know-how to make high-quality processing and streaming work. And considering Stadia is Google's product it will be one or two years until they get bored and scrap it. So I'm optimistic we don't need to worry much about streaming for some time yet. Probably not until Amazon gets interested in it.

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