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Chivalry is Dead?


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I kinda wish the whole gender equality was true but it isn't. did it shift? yes it did and for the better. But.... if i can't drop kick a female or a handicap person without getting in trouble because they started the fight or argument. i shouldn't get blame or get in trouble for self defense. but that's the problem everything is still double standard.

I respect everyone around me because i go with thee saying "treat others the way you want to be treated" but people theses days think they're all privilege for everything that comes to them. but in the end being a nice guy isn't the best option. I figure out that i'm that friendzone nice because i'm "too" nice to people.

I would like to go more detail on the gender stuff but then it'll become politics and law. Thats against the rule.

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1 hour ago, Deviljho-san said:

that's the problem everything is still double standard.



1 hour ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

From what I heard from her, the girl in question didn't really have a father figure growing up (she had a few step dads from what I can remember), and I found out later on that she had apparently been sexually assaulted by someone she knew at the age of 14 (her words, though she didn't really go into specifics of the assault so I don't know if we're talking the SJW definition of sexual assault or the real definition of sexual assault)

Damaged goods. Can't count how many of those I have dealt with over the years. I avoid them like the fucking plague. As soon as I feel like a girl has me pegged as a chump, I ignore them. My neighbor with her pretty face and big tits doesn't like that I ignore her shit because I knew right away she was an "attention whore". But I did manage to sell her some stuff and get her money. :D


I usually just laugh at anyone that gets offended by someone just trying to be nice. This past week I talked to several people from older generations and they don't have a clue why things are so fucked up between men and women anymore. Of course their generation was more clearly defined by the men going off to fight in wars while the women stayed home and took care of the family.


I mean if we are redefining the roles of men and women and especially their relationships, it would be nice to know what the new rules are and who is deciding them and for what reasons.

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1 hour ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:


From what I heard from her, the girl in question didn't really have a father figure growing up (she had a few step dads from what I can remember), and I found out later on that she had apparently been sexually assaulted by someone she knew at the age of 14 (her words, though she didn't really go into specifics of the assault so I don't know if we're talking the SJW definition of sexual assault or the real definition of sexual assault). I would have to agree that your assessment of her behavior and coping mechanisms sounds pretty apt though.


As far as why I might've been so drawn to such a girl, aside from the gaslighting and the flirtatious behavior, I would have to guess it could have something to do with the relationship my parents had with one another, or the environment I grew up in. My parents fought with each other pretty frequently (not physically but verbally), and on a couple of very rare occasions I manged to piss my mom off as a kid to the point where she strait up attacked me and my dad had to keep her away from me and calm her down (usually she had been drinking beforehand when those events happened though). Despite all of the arguing my parents got along pretty well and things were pretty civil, though I can remember there always seemed to be a tension around the house that could be set off if just the right buttons were pushed. As far as why I put up with all of that girl's shit for so long is concerned, that's just how strong (I guess) "love" is, at least that's how strong it is for men before they've had enough. Men will literally kill themselves and or other people simply because they can't get laid, that is how strong the desire is, at least until they hit their 30s.


I kind of decided to take a break from chasing relationships after my ordeal with that girl, I was broke (which is a big no no when looking for a girlfriend), depressed, and emotionally drained, but after the first year or so I began to realize just how much happier and stress free my life had become without women in it, I was able to heal. It wasn't until about 2 or so years ago that I started seeing all of the content on YouTube about female nature and how fucked society is when it comes to men's rights and when it comes to the disposability of men in general, everything really started to make sense at that point, even stuff I had never really thought about, it was like someone had given me the last pieces to a puzzle that I had mostly solved.


Whether the girl I liked had issues or not is not really the point though, the point is that she used every feminine tool (that all women have) against me, and I got a good glimpse of just how heartless female nature could really be, of what it was capable of, and after my break away from seeking relationships I knew I never wanted to let myself be subject to that again.


I'm not depressed or lonely, I just don't really care the way I used to anymore because I can see the lie for what it is. I don't even have a hatred for the girl who abused me, if anything I feel thankful that she pushed me down the path I'm on now, it's hard for me to hate the one who set me free.

You're rationalizing a lot, which is fine, but usually steers you away from why you've felt that way in the first place. Despite what many people today may think, the part of your brain that's responsible for conscious and more or less rational decisions (prefrontal cortex) is one of the newer parts that evolved and is mostly concerned about keeping the older parts of your brain happy. The lizard brain or lymbic system for example is rather directly responsible for what you want and your wishes are the fuel that drives your actions, generally speaking. It's why it is so hard to lose weight or quit drugs, for example, because eating and addiction aren't governed by the part of your brain you usually associate with 'being you'.


There's all kinds of fuckery going on inside your head you aren't aware of. Observation of split-brain patients suggest that both halves of your brain are somewhat independent, even when it comes to decision making, they're normally just coordinated so you don't notice any conflicts as long as both parts are connected to each other.


Anosognosia is another condition which causes patients to not recognize the fact that there's something wrong with them, sometimes even going as far as claiming their paralyzed limb is not theirs or is working just fine. Which can be temporarily cured with a bit of cold water poured inside your ear, but goes back to the previous state shortly after, causing huge distress when people realize there is actually something wrong with them for the short period of time the temporary cure works. Which means that even when the brain is damaged in such a way, the cortex tries really hard to rationalize what's going on.


Last but not least, mental health issues aren't exclusive to women. Plenty of men are abusive assholes as well, but mpst people don't consider themselves being part of the problem. It's always 'them', not 'me' or 'us'.

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14 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

Plenty of men are abusive assholes as well

I just thought that was a given. But women have learned and caught up. They're just much prettier assholes. Plus there is sort of an art to how women approach being one. With men it's pretty straight forward. With women it's more of a mind fuck. My friend is in a relationship with a woman that he freely admits he would like to kill if he could get away with it. She fucks him and fucks him over all the time and he just goes right back for more abuse thinking that he will eventually get the upper hand. He never will because she is smarter. She figured him out a long time ago. He still doesn't know what makes her tick. ;)

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2 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:



Damaged goods. Can't count how many of those I have dealt with over the years. I avoid them like the fucking plague. As soon as I feel like a girl has me pegged as a chump, I ignore them. My neighbor with her pretty face and big tits doesn't like that I ignore her shit because I knew right away she was an "attention whore". But I did manage to sell her some stuff and get her money. :D


I usually just laugh at anyone that gets offended by someone just trying to be nice. This past week I talked to several people from older generations and they don't have a clue why things are so fucked up between men and women anymore. Of course their generation was more clearly defined by the men going off to fight in wars while the women stayed home and took care of the family.


I mean if we are redefining the roles of men and women and especially their relationships, it would be nice to know what the new rules are and who is deciding them and for what reasons.

Well yeah, but I didn't know she was damaged goods at the time when I first met her, I was still kind of new to female nature. I was actually fairly sheltered growing up and didn't really get to "explore" until I hit my 20s, so I was way behind the curve.


We don't get to define the roles that genders play, nature does, whether we like it or not. It doesn't really matter which rules WE set down (in our arrogance) because not only have they been set down by nature but they have been written into our very instincts, which is why women can't deal with the stress of a 60+ hour work week the way men can, they HATE being the primary bread winners, and even though they CAN be the primary bread winners they continue to expect men to be able to pay for everything, lest that man be considered an "undateable/unfuckable looser".

1 hour ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I just thought that was a given. But women have learned and caught up. Their just much prettier assholes. Plus there is sort of an art to how women approach being one. With men it's pretty straight forward. With women it's more of a mind fuck. My friend is in a relationship with a woman that he freely admits he would like to kill if he could get away with it. She fucks him and fucks him over all the time and he just goes right back for more abuse thinking that he will eventually get the upper hand. He never will because she is smarter. She figured him out a long time ago. He still doesn't know what makes her tick. ;)

Women haven't caught up to anything, they've merely been given the freedom to be assholes, spoiled, manipulative, childish assholes, and because men have a stronger sex drive than them and an ingrained directive to protect women and children we let them get away with it. It's the same reason your friend keeps letting that chick take advantage of him, the girl isn't necessarily smarter than him, she just knows how to use the tools that nature gave her to manipulate him, and really manipulation is all women have. They can't intimidate men into doing anything (which is why they tend to be so bad at raising boys on thier own), unless they have a gun or something, and they can't really protect themselves either, they rely on the strength of men and thier ability to manipulate them (through whatever means) into doing things for them. A lot of women may think they have power and freedom, that they can be equal to men thanks to feminism, but they really don't have as much freedom as they think they do because they will always have to rely on men for everything, to defend everything, to run everything, to build everything, to invent everything, to fix everything, their freedom is merely an illusion, it is a privilege, while ours (men's) is true freedom, we don't need permission from anybody to do as we please, while women need "women's rights", which is enforced by men.


Anyway, you really should try to encourage your friend to have a little more respect for his self.

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55 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

We don't get to define the roles that genders play, nature does, whether we like it or not.

NOW, you're learning. :)



Women haven't caught up to anything, they've merely been given the freedom to be assholes, spoiled, manipulative, childish assholes, and because men have a stronger sex drive than them and an ingrained directive to protect women and children we let them get away with it.

You're describing Third Wave Feminism. Not women.



and because men have a stronger sex drive than them


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3 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

A lot of women may think they have power and freedom, that they can be equal to men thanks to feminism, but they really don't have as much freedom as they think they do because they will always have to rely on men for everything, to defend everything, to run everything, to build everything, to invent everything, to fix everything, their freedom is merely an illusion, it is a privilege, while ours (men's) is true freedom, we don't need permission from anybody to do as we please, while women need "women's rights", which is enforced by men.


Anyway, you really should try to encourage your friend to have a little more respect for his self.

People need people, and thus society to thrive. Humans are incredibly weak when only outfitted with the tools nature gave us - we have neither claws nor fangs, the only thing we have going for us are endurace for running (away) and a good brain, though the latter came only into play very recently, biologically speaking. We need crafted tools and weapons to survive which eventually earned us the absolute top of the food chain. Before that, we mostly relied on strength in numbers like most other primates. Sure, on average, women are some 30% physically weaker than men, but 30% doesn't matter that much because -30% from very weak is still very weak. A man can't protect himself let alone anyone else from most predators that hunt humans, people with weapons however sure can. Try wrestling with a bear, lion or tiger to see how that plays out.


Keep in mind that bodybuilders need high quality, high quantity nutrition to be able to grow their muscles, something which was in scarce supply until very recently. You wouldn't see a pre-historic Arnold Schwarzenegger precisely for that reason alone. Also, what annoys me the most about MGTOW are two things:

For a movement that claims to view women as irrelevant, they sure do talk a lot about women. In fact, it's the only thing they do. This doesn't add up.

Second, they claim the achievements of great men for themselves, i.e. men invented this, men build that, men were great warriors, men were great leaders, etc., by virtue of having a penis. That's not how it works. You don't leech off of other people's achievements just because you belong to the same group. If you sit in your basement masturbating to cartoon horses all day then that's exactly what you're doing and nothing else. Of course, there's nothing inherently wrong with that in my opinion, but don't go around shouting about how great you are because you simply aren't.

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6 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

they really don't have as much freedom as they think they do because they will always have to rely on men for everything, to defend everything, to run everything, to build everything, to invent everything, to fix everything, their freedom is merely an illusion, it is a privilege, while ours (men's) is true freedom, we don't need permission from anybody to do as we please, while women need "women's rights", which is enforced by men.

LOL, What?


See the source image


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14 hours ago, Pork Type said:

You're describing Third Wave Feminism. Not women.



I'm describing the kinds of women feminism in general has produced. Feminism has always been about seizing power that was not rightfully theirs to have in the first place, and if that meant oppressing men, so be it. Feminism started small and then like a hungry cancerous tumor it continued to grow into what it is now because its host has failed to see it for what it is.


Men do have the stronger sex drive, so I'm not sure what's so funny. Gay couples reportedly have more sex than strait couples, and lesbian couples reportedly have less sex than strait couples, strait couples are right where you would expect them to be, in the middle. The reason why that is significant is because if men and women had the same sex drive then you would see completely different results between gay and lesbian couples (they would be about on par with each other). It's true that women are having more sex than men, but that's not because of their sex drive, it's because they are more picky than men when it comes to who they sleep with, when you have about 70 to 80% of the women going after 30 to 20% of the male population, some men are bound to be left out, the other thing about that is the way men rate women, men are fairly even with who they find attractive, where as women only find about 20 to 30% of the male population attractive enough to date or sleep with, women would probably be less picky if they had a stronger sex drive (and I know there are chicks out there who are like that, but they are flukes by comparison), guys one the other hand are more willing to lower their standards in order to get laid.

9 hours ago, Corsayr said:


they really don't have as much freedom as they think they do because they will always have to rely on men for everything, to defend everything, to run everything, to build everything, to invent everything, to fix everything, their freedom is merely an illusion, it is a privilege, while ours (men's) is true freedom, we don't need permission from anybody to do as we please, while women need "women's rights", which is enforced by men. 

If you are in a position where you are relying on someone else for your survival and or wellbeing you are not truly independent and therefor you are not really free. If at any time the person or entity you are dependent upon can change the deal and make demands without consequence, you are not truly free you are merely on a very long chain. I think there are at least some feminists out there who realize this to some degree (which is why they go on about the evil patriarchy, even though the west hasn't been patriarchal in the classical sense for many years.. thanks to feminism), just the fact that men have a natural advantage over these insane and or spiteful women makes them very uncomfortable because for whatever reason they do not trust men or they are simply jealous of the role that nature has put men in. Feminists are too crazy to understand that they can never truly have what they want as long as women are dependent on men for everything.

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12 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

People need people, and thus society to thrive. Humans are incredibly weak when only outfitted with the tools nature gave us - we have neither claws nor fangs, the only thing we have going for us are endurace for running (away) and a good brain, though the latter came only into play very recently, biologically speaking. We need crafted tools and weapons to survive which eventually earned us the absolute top of the food chain. Before that, we mostly relied on strength in numbers like most other primates. Sure, on average, women are some 30% physically weaker than men, but 30% doesn't matter that much because -30% from very weak is still very weak. A man can't protect himself let alone anyone else from most predators that hunt humans, people with weapons however sure can. Try wrestling with a bear, lion or tiger to see how that plays out.


Keep in mind that bodybuilders need high quality, high quantity nutrition to be able to grow their muscles, something which was in scarce supply until very recently. You wouldn't see a pre-historic Arnold Schwarzenegger precisely for that reason alone. Also, what annoys me the most about MGTOW are two things:

For a movement that claims to view women as irrelevant, they sure do talk a lot about women. In fact, it's the only thing they do. This doesn't add up.

Second, they claim the achievements of great men for themselves, i.e. men invented this, men build that, men were great warriors, men were great leaders, etc., by virtue of having a penis. That's not how it works. You don't leech off of other people's achievements just because you belong to the same group. If you sit in your basement masturbating to cartoon horses all day then that's exactly what you're doing and nothing else. Of course, there's nothing inherently wrong with that in my opinion, but don't go around shouting about how great you are because you simply aren't.

I'm not even going to try to address this because there is so much contradictory nonsense in it, not to mention a clear display of slanderous ignorance on one of the subjects you chose to talk about that I don't even know where to begin.

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12 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

People need people, and thus society to thrive. Humans are incredibly weak when only outfitted with the tools nature gave us - we have neither claws nor fangs, the only thing we have going for us are endurace for running (away) and a good brain, though the latter came only into play very recently, biologically speaking. We need crafted tools and weapons to survive which eventually earned us the absolute top of the food chain. Before that, we mostly relied on strength in numbers like most other primates. Sure, on average, women are some 30% physically weaker than men, but 30% doesn't matter that much because -30% from very weak is still very weak. A man can't protect himself let alone anyone else from most predators that hunt humans, people with weapons however sure can. Try wrestling with a bear, lion or tiger to see how that plays out.


Keep in mind that bodybuilders need high quality, high quantity nutrition to be able to grow their muscles, something which was in scarce supply until very recently. You wouldn't see a pre-historic Arnold Schwarzenegger precisely for that reason alone. Also, what annoys me the most about MGTOW are two things:

For a movement that claims to view women as irrelevant, they sure do talk a lot about women. In fact, it's the only thing they do. This doesn't add up.

Second, they claim the achievements of great men for themselves, i.e. men invented this, men build that, men were great warriors, men were great leaders, etc., by virtue of having a penis. That's not how it works. You don't leech off of other people's achievements just because you belong to the same group. If you sit in your basement masturbating to cartoon horses all day then that's exactly what you're doing and nothing else. Of course, there's nothing inherently wrong with that in my opinion, but don't go around shouting about how great you are because you simply aren't.

Well said.


These MGTOW sure rest on the laurels of others. Only 10% or so of men are the real producers, the real achievers. Pareto. The rest are worker drones.


Sure there's the jobs of firemen, soldier, those men who work in very dangerous jobs such as oil rigs at sea, so on, but MGTOW completely belittles any achievement of women, and women's work, which also contributes to running of society. I don't care for the identity politics or mandatory hiring of women based solely on their sex, or some of the pointless jobs made to satisfy AA, but that doesn't mean women don't do anything useful.


Another is their claim that women are emotional, and men are the logical thinkers who can think clearly through anything, but a lot of these men in MGTOW are emotional and react with a lot of bias. 

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Hmmmm......How many women have greatly influenced politics and events by whispering in the King's ear in bed at night? A great many I suspect. They effectively helped shape society not just by having the children and taking care of the family, but by using their subtle ways to steer the husband ruler. You just won't read about it in any history books. The most formidable rulers in history most likely had an equally formidable wife at their side advising them. It's whom men confide in with everything they would not tell anyone else- especially another man. It is the woman that listens patiently, gives comfort, and offers advice if she can when the man is at a loss about what to do in a situation. At least "good" women do I think.


Now it's more like women have gotten tired of helping prop up men's egos. So they do all the same things they used to, but more often without the man around to consider. Is it easier? I don't know. Is it better for the single mother of three? Perhaps. Is it better for men and women overall? I don't think so. I still believe that men and women compliment each other and can achieve so much more cooperating than in constant competition.

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6 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

I'm not even going to try to address this because there is so much contradictory nonsense in it, not to mention a clear display of slanderous ignorance on one of the subjects you chose to talk about that I don't even know where to begin.

Yet you're contradicting yourself within one single sentence. You did actually address what I wrote, but you're just making claims without any substance whatsoever. At the end of the day, 'B-but you're wrong and mean!' is just not a very good argument.

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On 4/11/2019 at 12:03 AM, KoolHndLuke said:

I just thought that was a given. But women have learned and caught up. They're just much prettier assholes. Plus there is sort of an art to how women approach being one. With men it's pretty straight forward. With women it's more of a mind fuck. My friend is in a relationship with a woman that he freely admits he would like to kill if he could get away with it. She fucks him and fucks him over all the time and he just goes right back for more abuse thinking that he will eventually get the upper hand. He never will because she is smarter. She figured him out a long time ago. He still doesn't know what makes her tick. ;)

Men just can't seem to get guns out of their heads. That is why the inside of guys' heads are filled with gunfire and nothing else.


Women love analogies like that. Funny enough women are just as bad like you said. The only difference is that one sounds like an AK-47 and the other sounds like a pellet gun. I won't say which one because all humans are the same to me. Yeah there is chemistry and blahblahblah. Speaking of which belittling like any other trick of psychological warfare has been around forever and I doubt women are any better at it then men.


Now you said that women are manipulative assholes but history proves that women couldn't do shit for being a "Mind fuck". Now I'm no historian but I'm pretty sure the whole mind fuckery thing was because women were scared of men and their power so women developed a defense mechanism to read and manipulate their husband so that she can live another day. It isn't as bad now but for some reason people both men and women are a fan of the old ways. So there you have it. The whole reason your friend is taking her shit is likely because he is an idiot and she just happens to be less of an idiot.


I really got to stop reading too far into this...?

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17 hours ago, Corsayr said:
19 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

as long as women are dependent on men for everything.

this statement is just wrong

If you can't acknowledge Atlas when he is standing right in front of your face, I don't know what else to tell you.


17 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

The 'oh the poor wamenz' mentality in this thread is mind-boggling.

Isn't it though?..

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5 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

If you can't acknowledge Atlas when he is standing right in front of your face, I don't know what else to tell you.

But seriously...


What I see in front of me is the sad case of a person who made it to the far side of adulthood without the necessary tools to interact with the rest of society in a positive way. 

As such you glommed onto the first girl who paid any attention to you, and she owned you. She used you as her pet, and that is unfortunate because people should not be treated like that. 


But after getting out of that situation, instead of realizing that treating others like that is wrong you decided you wanted to be the person doing the using, and you climbed into this little incel echo chamber where you get terrible information, and have somehow convinced yourself that men are the all-powerful masters of the universe and that you are personally a Greek demi-god responsible for holding up the sky...


These notions are delusional. You are heading down a very dark path. 


Read this article it may have some tips to help you salvage your life before it is too late. 




As for Chivalry, if you all are choosing to call acting in an honorable manner, and doing acts of kindness chivalry, then so be it. That is not really what it was "back in the day" but whatever... you're taking it back, I get it.  


But know this, if you are truly trying to live your life by a code, then you are doing it for you. You live your life by a code because that is who YOU are. How others react is irrelevant. So you hold a door open, and they don't say thank you... That is more about them than you. The implication that because you didn't get a proper thank you from someone, is a reason to behave poorly toward everyone, is on you. If you have a code that says that is okay, then you are living by a bad code. 

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General observation from me: I don't like tribalism because it's stupid, but especially tribalism between the sexes is one of the most stupid ideas mankind has conceived. This goes for both feminism and ideologies like MGTOW or any other what-color-has-my-pill-movement. Feminism is heavily flawed because women didn't live a happy and free live until men came along and colonized them, stripping them of their free will and rights. On the other hand, humans weren't only virtuos, productive men that got bewitched by evil women draining them of their ressources. Even if you go as far back as the dark ages, what rights you had or didn't have were mostly based on class, not sex. Sure, the king had more rights than the queen, but if you compare the queen to a peasant or serf, the tables turned pretty quickly. A high-born ALWAYS had more privilege than a low-born, period.


That being said, the whole empowering women thing doesn't seem to work, as the STEM Gender Paradox seems to prove. Giving women more than equal rights, more than equal opportunities and special privileges (like quotas) has an adverse effect. Which makes sense, given that you don't encourage people to work hard if you praise and shower them with affection just for existing. The conclusion the article has, however, is pretty stupid. If something doesn't work, more of the same is most likely not the solution and letting a gender-studies professor have the last word is also pretty daring, considering these people are part of the problem.


Anyway, there's also problems that almost exclusively affect men, like divorce courts, suicide rates, workplace related deaths and the narrative that men are responsible for everything bad, but are not allowed to claim any positive attributes for themselves. For starters, despite the stupid name, I'd encourage everyone to watch The Red Pill, a documentary by ex-feminist Cassie Jaye, where she went on to prove that Men's Rights groups are women-hating manchildren only to find out they generally have valid points and have no interest in hating women. Obviously, she received a lot of backlash from the mainstream media, to no one's surprise. Which doesn't mean that there aren't any gender-specific problems women face, but to claim that men's issues have to be examined under a feminist lens (which is what many feminists want) is pretty stupid, considering that feminism today usually has a pretty heavy anti-male bias. To see what I mean, you just have to look at the basic language this ideology uses: Feminism, clearly female, is the force of good, whereas the patriarchy, clearly male, is the force of evil that must be abolished. For a movement that claims language is so important that it keeps women from being firefighters because they're often called firemen, this is pretty telling, I think.

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1 hour ago, GrimReaper said:

For a movement that claims language is so important that it keeps women from being firefighters because they're often called firemen, this is pretty telling, I think.

I find this interesting because many English words do come from a long ways in the past when women didn't have so many rights and that much is understandable. English is also pretty messy as well so it is one that needs reforming anyways. Whether or not these so called "feminists" should have any say I do not know but many feminists are in fact fighting for the safety and well being of women (who knew?). There are many shitheads out there in places of power, such as racists, rapists, and pedophiles. Most of these politicians *looks up percentage of female politicians in the U.S.* Yeah the numbers are pretty small but statistics are their own brand of shit. Point is there is still a ways to go before the streets are safe for women. You probably already knew that.


I wonder what other influences are at play with human history? Does the idea of pilgrims turn people on? Is the frustrations of the world pushing people to use history as a poor excuse to make scapegoats of the opposite gender? So many possibilities.


Edit: I just realized I am contributing to the thread. Goddamn I must be bored.:classic_rolleyes:

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Chivalry is dead, but not because gentlemen are gone or ladies are gone. See, gentlemen and ladies aren't exactly born, they're created. Chivalry is gone because practising it has become actually dangerous, to the point where the line between chivalry and sexual harassment is now blurred, an absurd notion indeed. There are observations being made that people are having less and less sex with each passing year. People celebrating valentines day for 2019 was around 50% this year, an all time low.


In the midst of all this, nobody bothers asking, why? Well, simple. Because men are being vilified. An attempt at chivalry is rewarded with allegations of sexual harassment. The rise of social media outrage culture will eat you alive if a woman falsely accuses you of sexual assault. Doesn't matter what the evidence says, matter of fact "believe all women" evidence is a tool of the evil patriarchy after all. Women don't need police reports nowadays for them to successfully get a man fired from their jobs, humiliated and utterly broken in the guise of rape.

So what choices does this leave men? Well for starters, avoiding women. Less men approach women now because you never know if the woman is going to find you "creepy" and report you to the twitter thought crime police, or go and cry rape to the court and get your life ruined. You see, many companies, when they find out that one of their male workers have been accused to such things they're very quick to fire him because they don't want any of that dirt on their name. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. And from business and financial standpoints it makes sense.


"But not all women are like that though!" Of course, but how do we know who's like that and who isn't until it's too late? Because observations show that most of these claims are made when men approach women, be it work related with a coworker or trying to ask out a crush. There's this voice actor, in the anime community he's kind of a big deal, but you can look him up if you don't know, his name is Vic Mignogna who was falsely accused of sexual harassment by his own peers, one of them being Monical Rial. Vic used to call them his friends. Now, he's lucky he's famous, so he's getting a lot of support but an average guy working a 9 to 5 job living in a rented apartment down the alley will not stand a chance, he'll get destroyed. This is also related to the absurdly high male suicide rate.


"We just don't know who's the crazy one until they do the crazy, and by then we're already in deep shit." One of friends said that, and that hammered in pretty hard. Is it worth risking your neck to find a "good woman" who may or may not be good? Many married men have said that their wives change, a total 180 after the honeymoon phase. men are increasingly unhappy in marriages. So even if a woman is "good" at the start, who's to say she wouldn't turn into a vindictive witch later in life? You're always at risk.


Canada for example just ruled out video evidence as "irrelevant" in court. So, if you were thinking of recording a woman saying that she gives consent, and using that later if she turns on you, then you're in for a world of pain. many women file for rape if they regret a sex they had. "Whooops, didn't like that sex after all, better file for sexual harassment against him". Hell, even in marriage, men think prenups will help, when they get thrown out the court window on a daily basis. These men lose more than half of their possessions, rarely get to see their kids, have to pay exorbitant child support and alimony and if they can't, jail time. Again, ties into the male suicide rate.


With all this going on, do you really think men can afford to be chivalrous? Because chivalry isn't rewarded with respect anymore, it gets shunned. We can't afford to deal with women for our own safety. The MRA's are practically useless, feminism, once stood for true female empowerment now works as a blatant misandry club, the government actively making things harder for men because they want female votes, since they make up over 50% of the voting populations and society blatantly hating men and then telling us to "man up". The juice isn't worth the squeeze.


Now, does this mean i'm some angry MGTOW or incel that thinks women are the spawn of evil or are satanist or some other retarded shit? Absolutely not. As far as i'm concerend, both the left and the right are retarded in their own ways. I mean, i wouldn't be in Loverslab with a female profile pic, playing as a female pretty much all the time and downloading sex mods and slutty outfits if i were one. Women aren't the problem, the system is. For example, if tomorrow murder was legalised, a lot of people who now say "I would never kill or take a life, or never murder anyone i'm not a monster" would kill, absolutely will.


The system and the people are supposed to work in perfect balance, and keep each other in check. That's the ideal scenario. But a system that not only does nothing to protect half of it's people, but encourages the other half to destroy us is simply wrong and THAT's what killed chivalry. Not women, not men, the dysfunctional system did. All that attempt to kick the government out of the bedroom, sure did fail.


I realise nobody's gonna read all this, but i wrote all this anyway in case someone does, even if it's just one person.

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I've always hated man bashing and the unfairness of the courts and some situations towards men. I've known men who have been deprived of the rights to see their children, devastated by divorce,, abused by women. Yes, men can be raped, and experience sexism. I've seen and read shit on the internet that's been done against men that made me rage. There is a "systemic" power "structure" against men in certain aspects, i.e., gynarchy. Society does favor women in many ways, which can be and sometimes abused, such as obligatorily believing a woman when she fingers a man for rape. It's disturbing how many didn't  grasp the dangerous precedent that was attempted during the Kavanaugh shitshow. Guilty until proven innocent. 


Feminism has gone off the rails, like the media trying to hype the one woman on the Black Hole Project team and give her all the credit (she pointed out that that she was only part of a team). Or the poor fellow who did the amazing feat of landing a probe on a comet, but, OMG, he wore the wrong shirt. Let's hound him out of his career. You're 5'4" 105 pounds? Sorry, dear, your dreams of becoming a firefighter is not more important than the safety of the civilian populace. Do you have any clue of the loss of tight team work on fire fighter teams since AA was mandated?


I won't even go into how white women are treated in "intersectional" politics. 


But seriously, AWALT, hamsters, repeal the 19th, men build everything and women are absolutely useless? I get that you're fighting against unfair situations and have been burned in bad relationships, but don't lose perspective. I roll my eyes at this like how I do at women who endlessly complain about their husbands but do nothing proactive about their own lives.


It sucks, and everyone, no matter who they are, feels targeted. For good reason in many cases. People in power have their social agenda that they are pushing at all costs, but we can't lose our perspective.

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1 hour ago, Mr.Otaku said:

So what choices does this leave men? Well for starters, avoiding women.

Yeah, hearing this more and more. A guy I met yesterday was telling me about his job. He makes decent money for this area and has investments in real estate. 30 years old, tall, fairly good looking. We got around to talking about women and he said straight up "Don't need the added expense, the headaches, or to get fucked outta what I have worked hard for." "Nope. No girlfriend. Don't need them or want them." I was a bit shocked to hear him say exactly what I have been thinking for a very long time. Most other guys I know or meet think you're strange if you don't have a girlfriend or wife. Like I said in the op, I adore most things about women. But I don't really want a girlfriend and sure as hell don't want a wife.


I agree with you about the system being to blame for some of this at least. When an accusation from a woman (or a child for that matter) is enough to destroy a man's reputation and life, it's little wonder that more and more of us are feeling a bit confused, angry and ultimately cheated. They turned society against us. We're either blundering idiots, warmongers/murderers, pedophiles, or rapist. Not sure how it happened, but you're right. Judged guilty until proven innocent.


So how do we fix it?

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