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Chivalry is Dead?


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1 minute ago, 2dk2c.2 said:

Are narcissists hot? I think they kind of are, totally hot, but I'm generalizing (sorry about that.)

I can forgive and forget everything they are,

and put my cloak in the street for them to walk upon (She touched it, bliss-squared).

OT apologies in advance

I think they were talking about the youtube guy who killed chivalry... ?


He didn't seem like anything especially hot, but I didn't really watch it for very long. I don't particularly like the term "Mary Sue" as I feel it kind of leaves my old pal Beowulf out in the cold, he was really the first such character (as far as stories in English are concerned), and I really feel like that character type should be called a Beowulf. ?


Seriously Mary Sue comes along and writes some Startrek fanfic, and all the sudden Beowulf who was being plot breakingly overpowered for like a 1000 years is forgotten! It's toxic feminism I tell ya! Women taking all the good trope jobs from hard working menfolk. 

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Chivalry requires a trained win-win mentality in the society we're living in. Unfortunately, ours is based on the (originally Pauline) win-lose paradigm, propagated from the cradle to the grave. A friendly freebie (that costs us just a smile) for the guy next to us is not necessarily on our and esp. not on the official agenda. And it already begins with a nice word, a nice gesture, often misunderstood as as an offensive bait, a possible trap, an unwelcome approach, perhaps even as weakness, in any case as a clear distraction on our daily way into the arena of life where proverbially two men enter and only one man leaves. Distrust the others as yourself, to misquote a preached lip service to a man of the literary past...

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On 3/29/2019 at 6:41 AM, KoolHndLuke said:

I love women. I mean I adore most things about them. I was taught growing up that I should hold the door for women, pull their chair for them at dinner, give my seat up on a bus or in a crowded place- that kind of thing. Up until 10 or 15 years ago, this kind of treatment of women by men was still halfway expected. Now, when a man tries to honor this tradition and show his affection, some women reject it and possibly berate the man for it. They reject it because they want to be treated as equals- not put on a pedestal and regarded as a prize. At least I think that's the reason.


So does this mean that the relationship between men and women have been completely redefined? I'm feeling a bit lost and outdated or redundant as a man. Is romance still a thing? 


Are ladies and gentlemen gone for good? Should they be?

Chivalry is technically not the right word for it anyway, chivalry was a knight's code of honor, honor being a foreign concept to most women.. along with selflessness. Yes, "chivalry" is dead, that's why when you go to hold the door open for a woman, the second they make it known that they are offended you should let the door slam in their face.


For me there isn't much to love anymore. I know that at their core women are always looking for "the better deal", that being more money, bigger muscles , a bigger cock, a nicer car, taller height, bigger social circle, whatever materialistic thing is "better". Women don't love the way men do, they can't really because it's not in their biology to, the closest they will ever get is the love they will have for their child(ren) and some of their blood related family members. Women love men for what they can do and or provide first and foremost, if she hits old age or becomes handicapped in some way and she can't attract a better mate, if she's smart and the man is not abusive, she'll stay with the one she is with, and the same is true of women who are fat, as soon as they loose the weight and start getting more attention from other guys the chances of them leaving will go way up if they are bored or not happy in the relationship, whether they are married or not.


I don't hold any of that against women, they can't help biology, however they can learn to control those urges to some extent, just like men have learned to control their urges to fuck everything in sight.. for the most part. It all starts at childhood though, and unfortunately we live in a society that is very gynocentric, one that spoils women from the time they are little girls, and has pretty much removed or severely diminished all of their responsibilities while encouraging and rewarding the pursuit of some of their worst traits, something that has no signs of changing any time soon.


Speaking of "chivalry", one of the worst things you can do is let a woman walk all over you by bending over backwards for her. Women instinctually respect power and dominance (it makes their pussies wet) and being nice is only liked in the context of telling the woman that you are someone who can easily be used, which is the last thing you want because the next thing that will happen is she will start loosing respect for you and leave after she gets bored of keeping you around, even though you have done nothing wrong.



You can love women or you can understand them, but unfortunately it's near impossible to do both.


All of that being said, don't do anything for women, that especially includes stepping into the middle of an altercation between her and her crazy boyfriend with a criminal past (just call the cops and watch the show), most of them won't really appreciate it anyway.

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On 4/7/2019 at 8:45 PM, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

You can love women or you can understand them, but unfortunately it's near impossible to do both.

You sound really, really Black Pill.


I'm admittedly an Old Fart. Not that there aren't any women of my generation that aren't simply looking to enrich themselves (history is littered with these tales)


Your post, frankly, sounds like MGTOW boilerplate. Work on your punctuation, and parenthesizing, and you could be a potential MGTOW rockstar.


Your actual level of experience, interacting with women. Quantify that

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5 hours ago, Pork Type said:

Your actual level of experience, interacting with women. Quantify that

Why should he? [ Insert something of your liking ] - that's how the Internet of Loose Words works. It always did.

It is, however, interesting to see people at the Dawn of AI arguing with the philosophy of the early Medieval Age to justify the 'thread of life', their personal fate in the absence of God(s) or the three Norns (armed with needle and scissors). Far have we come, indeed, and yet...

... quite obviously, technological progress (and who wants to miss that?) comes at a high price, and this almost unnoticed. What to say?

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1 hour ago, NeonTube100 said:

well these hoes ain't loyal so why should men show chivalry 

Leaving telediagnosis and thus spurious wizardry aside...

... before or after they've paid cash for their good service? *g*

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why romance them? I've been inside pussy enough times in my life to know that you really don't want a LTR with most of these modern women. men are getting the milk free nowadays with very little effort. chivalry sounds to me like some propaganda from the middle ages based on a made up moral or ethical code to guide male behavior. You should look at other cultures around the world, the men aren't so desperate to please women in other cultures, it's actually the other way around.

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7 hours ago, Pork Type said:

You sound really, really Black Pill.


I'm admittedly an Old Fart. Not that there aren't any women of my generation that aren't simply looking to enrich themselves (history is littered with these tales)


Your post, frankly, sounds like MGTOW boilerplate. Work on your punctuation, and parenthesizing, and you could be a potential MGTOW rockstar.


Your actual level of experience, interacting with women. Quantify that

You got me there, punctuation has never been my strong suit. The attempt was made at least.


I actually haven't had a lot of experiences with women as far as relationships go, I've never been good with the ladies. I have had one lengthy and psychologically abusive friendship with a woman (which is where I really got a taste of female nature and where I started to wake up), I've had one actual relationship of my own (not including the few sexual encounters I've had), and my friends were good enough with the ladies for me to learn things from their experiences as well, then of course there is the world around me (you can learn a lot from watching comedians for example), so I didn't really have to have a lot of personal experience, all I had to do was pay attention. I believe there is a saying that is something along the lines of "a smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from his mistakes and the mistakes of others".


I have thought about starting a channel, but I wouldn't really have anything new to add.


I guess you could say I am somewhat black pill, but then again how can you blame me? It's plain to see that this world is a sick and twisted joke, which is why it is really best to focus on you and yours and find happiness and meaning within yourself.

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8 hours ago, jimmywon34 said:

why romance them? ... You should look at other cultures around the world, the men aren't so desperate to please women in other cultures, it's actually the other way around.


Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist, pointed out that there's a serious disconnect between 1. Women wanting to be empowered, and all that comes with it, and, 100 or so years in 2. The fastest, most best selling book in history (per time and space) being one about women being dominated in a sado-machistic BDSM environment (50 Shades of Grey).  Paraphrase: 'We certainly know where the unconscious mind is!'


"I thought it was absolutely comical when 50 Shades of Grey came out.  I just thought that was insanely comical that at the same time there's this massive political demand for, like, radical equality, with regards to sexual behavior, and the fastest selling novel the world had ever seen was S&M domination, right?  It's like 'Oh! Well!  We know where the unconscious is going with that one, don't we?'" - Dr. Jordan Peterson






I find it laughably sad how the 'loud and proud' types bray about their precious equality, and how they A. Want to be allowed to do everything men do but also B. After demanding that they are, in fact, equal, state that what they really meant was that they are far superior to men because THEY carry the babies (and make sure to give men zero credit for their part of the equation).  ...And then they end up spending their most sexually fertile years in direct competition with men, rather than in a complimentary role, doing exactly what they SAID themselves made them so superior to men (but they're equal...?).  But they then turn around and look down their noses at the few women who've chosen motherhood and a stable two parent household over both parents working (assuming that's financially possible in today's world).  Then you find these same types freezing their eggs, and thinking they can extend the fertile years without consequence.  Well, what medical background I have says otherwise.

It's effectively a massive disconnect between wants and biological needs.


Another part of that, though, is to look at the numbers.  Finding that fewer and fewer men in the 18-28 age group are having sex, while just a few percentage points fewer women are having sex.  On the surface, that's pretty clear.  'Women are having sex with the top 10%ers.'  The percentage that, thanks to the internet and other wonders of modern communication, they now have access to that they didn't in previous generations.




One of the big issues, aside from the communications boom, seems to be the increasingly urban lifestyle.  Used to be you grew up in a small town, found a girl/guy you grew up with to your liking, and having spent your childhood together, decided to spend the rest of your life together.  Today, if you don't like one little thing about someone, you dump them in the ditch and walk down the block to the next intersection, where you're bound to meet somone else.  It's simply too easy to meet people today to really believe that working out the inevitable problems that crop up in any relationship is worth doing.  When it's so easy to meet people, there appears less and less reason to go through the old rituals.  ESPECIALLY when you look at the time/money/emotional investment that so many women seem to have zero idea of today. 


Why are we spending so much on women when it is so easy per both the social and the legal environment for women to take everything we give them and walk away on a whim?  Putting much in when walking away is so easy simply does not make sense. 

'She's not happy'  At literally any stage, from first meeting through married for 20, 30, 40 years, she can walk away with zero reason.  When did it become a requirement that she ALWAYS be happy?  She's NEVER allowed to be unhappy, sad, depressed?  THIS is the environment we live in today, and it's exactly a major reason why chivalry is dead.


And with chivalry, goes marriage.  Look at the above paragraph, and realize that marriage means absolutely nothing anymore.  Used to be you needed to be super rich to pay off the church to get a divorce (or just be the King of England and just start your own religion.  Details.).  Today you can walk into the local court and pay some ridiculously low fee, and ta-da, you're divorced.


Six Reasons Why Men Are Avoiding Marriage with Dr. Helen Smith




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I live and have been raised here in the South (Georgia). Some call it chivalry, but it is just being polite. Of course, I hold the door for anyone behind me going into or out of a building, and will give up a seat for a woman or the elderly without question. Pulling out a chair for a woman, well she had better be your mother or significant other, otherwise, yes, trouble will follow (haha). It is a small minority of loudmouths who berate those who threat them with politeness, but I am sure they were never tought any manners.

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4 minutes ago, bigtoddhead said:

It is a small minority of loudmouths who berate those who threat them with politeness

This! Totally this. ?


Like 1 in 1,000,000,000 will say ANYTHING other than thank you and move on. Yet soooo many posts about how "just trying to be polite" is under ATTACK! I call BS!

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5 hours ago, Corsayr said:

This! Totally this. ?


Like 1 in 1,000,000,000 will say ANYTHING other than thank you and move on. Yet soooo many posts about how "just trying to be polite" is under ATTACK! I call BS!

Depends on where you live. If you live in a more urban area (especially in the north on the coast) people tend to be more up tight, in fact they can be complete dicks and this is most apparent when driving in these often over populated areas. That being said your chances for encountering such nasty people can go up as a result, I know I've offered to help women get heavy things into their vehicles on occasion and most of them have given me a nasty look like "who the hell do you think you are? I don't need YOUR help!"


6 hours ago, AKM said:


No sure if you're aware this exists, but lots of interesting stats here: www.realsexism.com

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4 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

I know I've offered to help women get heavy things into their vehicles

Ya, don't you watch any horror movies? Doing that is creepy. ?


It is not surprising you would see a larger than average amount of negative feedback for that.


Most businesses have people working there that will help you put things in your car if you need assistance, so really the "helping put stuff in the car" thing is just like the "pull out a chair thing"... Its time has past and you should stop offering that service unless it is someone who is known to you.  


and I do live and work in a highly populated city, and 99% of the people you see are so focused on the stuff they need to do, they have little or no time for anything but canned interactions.


You say "good morning" they murmur "goodmorning"


You say Hi there" they murmur "hi"


Hold a door for em, the murmur "thx"


and that's women AND men, most folks are too busy, running with too little sleep, and have way too much stress to be constantly putting 100% into full friendly interactive responses. Doesn't make them bad people, you just have to learn to understand you aren't gonna get a medal, and a parade for every attempt at being friendly.  

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21 hours ago, Jazzman said:

Why should he?

Because anecdote isn't data? Current socio-political circumstances are valid. Times are different for millennial men, than they were for me.


I'm not trying to tell this guy that he's full of shit. Just to expand/explain.


But enough of referring to him in 3rd person. My next post will be to him, directly.

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16 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

You got me there, punctuation has never been my strong suit. The attempt was made at least.


I actually haven't had a lot of experiences with women as far as relationships go, I've never been good with the ladies. I have had one lengthy and psychologically abusive friendship with a woman (which is where I really got a taste of female nature and where I started to wake up), I've had one actual relationship of my own (not including the few sexual encounters I've had), and my friends were good enough with the ladies for me to learn things from their experiences as well, then of course there is the world around me (you can learn a lot from watching comedians for example), so I didn't really have to have a lot of personal experience, all I had to do was pay attention. I believe there is a saying that is something along the lines of "a smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from his mistakes and the mistakes of others".


I have thought about starting a channel, but I wouldn't really have anything new to add.


I guess you could say I am somewhat black pill, but then again how can you blame me? It's plain to see that this world is a sick and twisted joke, which is why it is really best to focus on you and yours and find happiness and meaning within yourself.

(bolding by me)


This mirrors my own experience so profoundly. But it wasn't my first introduction to the abusive potential of women. (Hi Mom!)


Maybe it's why I allowed it to happen, and for so long.


The mindset of accepting such abuse started with the first woman I ever knew (MOM!) I'm so fucking fortunate to have siblings (all female!) who recognize her as an anti-role model.


And both of them are so loving and appreciative of the men they married. My immediate family has a 0% divorce rate.


"Hey Porky... You obviously have Mommy issues..."


"Yeah. She tried to psychologically castrate me, as a means of fucking over my Pa"


You BET YOUR ASS I have "Mommy" issues


But she's dead now. So.


I don't blame all women.


(FUCK) I ended up telling my own story, ignoring yours.


Will your regard my indulgence, as an introduction to opening up?

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8 hours ago, Pork Type said:

(bolding by me)


This mirrors my own experience so profoundly. But it wasn't my first introduction to the abusive potential of women. (Hi Mom!)


Maybe it's why I allowed it to happen, and for so long.


The mindset of accepting such abuse started with the first woman I ever knew (MOM!) I'm so fucking fortunate to have siblings (all female!) who recognize her as an anti-role model.


And both of them are so loving and appreciative of the men they married. My immediate family has a 0% divorce rate.


"Hey Porky... You obviously have Mommy issues..."


"Yeah. She tried to psychologically castrate me, as a means of fucking over my Pa"


You BET YOUR ASS I have "Mommy" issues


But she's dead now. So.


I don't blame all women.


(FUCK) I ended up telling my own story, ignoring yours.


Will your regard my indulgence, as an introduction to opening up?

I don't have much in the way of details regarding the abusive friendship I was in because it's almost 6 years past by this point, so I don't really remember a lot of the details and I've kind of recovered since then and made an effort to bury a lot of the stuff that was said or that happened. But basically I met this girl at a convention with a friend of mine (no, not the kind of convention with slutty cosplayers), I noticed her looking at me intently in a line so I struck up a conversation with her and we became friends over MySpace (yeah, that long ago). We lived four or so hours apart and she would invite me to come and see her on occasion. This girl knew by the way I acted around her and by the way I spoke to her that I liked her (high social awareness is something women developed over the eons as a survival instinct after all, so they can always tell to some degree) but because she had a boyfriend at the time I tried my best to keep those feelings at bay and never told her how I felt (not that it was necessary anyway). This girl would do things for her own personal fun though, she would be flirtatious with me to keep me around, smile at me, touch me with her feet, and so on, things went far enough that she would sometimes expose herself to me (she would take a shower or something and then walk out smiling at me and completely naked through the house to her room to get dressed, that sort of thing), but she would always be into her next relationship by then, so it would be wrong of me to try and approach her. If I got too close she would be nasty or cold towards me (this was even true when she wasn't in a relationship), and if I seemed to be moving too far away from her she would be flirtatious with me again to keep me around. She would have me give her rides to places, this eventually included to other guy's houses that she intended to fuck (when she wasn't in a relationship). Eventually things ended when she got "drunk" one night (I'm convinced she wasn't as drunk as she claims) and met some guy at a bar who she later fucked in a place I was sure to see it, which I did. I will admit that I had never been closer to committing a murder in my entire life (something that would've been easy to do, since the guy was smaller then me, was pinned to the floor, and we were in a 3rd floor apartment building with a balcony), I was that enraged (and also drunk), fortunately I managed to convince myself that it wasn't worth it and at that moment someone I happened to be staying with came and grabbed me and we went on a long walk. By the time all of this had concluded about 6 years of on and off abuse had passed, never once did this girl sleep with me (because that would've been giving me a bite of the carrot) though she slept with plenty of other guys. You can say I put myself through all of that, and to some degree you would be correct, but she also didn't have to treat me that way and the only reason I stuck around for as long as I did is because that was probably the only girl I ever really loved, even the one girlfriend I did manage to get was during a period when I wasn't hanging out with that other girl, but I just didn't feel the same way about my girlfriend that I did about this other girl, because I guess for some retarded reason that's the way love works, you don't really get much of a choice.


Since that time I figured out through things I was told and from things that had happened, that the only reason this girl was keeping me around was to shit test her boyfriends and other orbiters like myself, basically she was using me primarily for the purpose of getting under their skin, and for attention, and for anything else I could provide, until she had lost all respect for me and I had outlived my usefulness in her eyes. Sound familiar? It should.


I can't imagine having a shitty mother, thankfully I was fortunate enough to have a good mother.. perhaps a little too good though, as she spoiled me and that has hurt my development due to a lack of responsibility placed on to me (something my father tried to do).

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This sound more like a borderline personality disorder rather than a supposed """female nature""". These people often have tremendous problems dealing with other people, because of their unstable emotions and fear of abandonment. In this case it would make sense to string you along because she didn't want you gone but she also didn't want to deal with you when things might've gotten serious. The fucking around with other guys could've been done out of self-harm or poor impulse control.


But any therapist worth their salt would focus on you and what brought you to the point that you allowed someone else to treat you that way. This isn't about blaming or pointing fingers at anyone, it's about finding out what was going on because usually, people should cut ties with abusive assholes. I'd say both of you displayed abnormal behavior, yet the only person you can change is yourself, so it makes sense to think about why you did the things you did or at least allow them to happens instead of focusing on another person.

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18 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

No sure if you're aware this exists, but lots of interesting stats here: www.realsexism.com

I was aware of the site, yes, but thanks for pointing it out anyway.  It's amazing what this society chooses ignore.

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6 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

...the only reason this girl was keeping me around was to shit test her boyfriends and other orbiters like myself, basically she was using me primarily for the purpose of getting under their skin, and for attention, and for anything else I could provide, until she had lost all respect for me and I had outlived my usefulness in her eyes. Sound familiar? It should.

I see you figured it out.  The described situation was just screaming 'attention whore' to me.  Definitely someone you're better off without.  Not to worry, I'm sure she's found someone else to fill that role, and, more than likely, had him (or hims) lined up and waiting during the entirety of your acquaintance with her.  A 'just in case' measure.  These types are energy vampires, feeding off of it, and make absolutely sure that they have others available should one "meal" wise up.

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3 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

This sound more like a borderline personality disorder rather than a supposed """female nature""". These people often have tremendous problems dealing with other people, because of their unstable emotions and fear of abandonment. In this case it would make sense to string you along because she didn't want you gone but she also didn't want to deal with you when things might've gotten serious. The fucking around with other guys could've been done out of self-harm or poor impulse control.


But any therapist worth their salt would focus on you and what brought you to the point that you allowed someone else to treat you that way. This isn't about blaming or pointing fingers at anyone, it's about finding out what was going on because usually, people should cut ties with abusive assholes. I'd say both of you displayed abnormal behavior, yet the only person you can change is yourself, so it makes sense to think about why you did the things you did or at least allow them to happens instead of focusing on another person.


From what I heard from her, the girl in question didn't really have a father figure growing up (she had a few step dads from what I can remember), and I found out later on that she had apparently been sexually assaulted by someone she knew at the age of 14 (her words, though she didn't really go into specifics of the assault so I don't know if we're talking the SJW definition of sexual assault or the real definition of sexual assault). I would have to agree that your assessment of her behavior and coping mechanisms sounds pretty apt though.


As far as why I might've been so drawn to such a girl, aside from the gaslighting and the flirtatious behavior, I would have to guess it could have something to do with the relationship my parents had with one another, or the environment I grew up in. My parents fought with each other pretty frequently (not physically but verbally), and on a couple of very rare occasions I manged to piss my mom off as a kid to the point where she strait up attacked me and my dad had to keep her away from me and calm her down (usually she had been drinking beforehand when those events happened though). Despite all of the arguing my parents got along pretty well and things were pretty civil, though I can remember there always seemed to be a tension around the house that could be set off if just the right buttons were pushed. As far as why I put up with all of that girl's shit for so long is concerned, that's just how strong (I guess) "love" is, at least that's how strong it is for men before they've had enough. Men will literally kill themselves and or other people simply because they can't get laid, that is how strong the desire is, at least until they hit their 30s.


I kind of decided to take a break from chasing relationships after my ordeal with that girl, I was broke (which is a big no no when looking for a girlfriend), depressed, and emotionally drained, but after the first year or so I began to realize just how much happier and stress free my life had become without women in it, I was able to heal. It wasn't until about 2 or so years ago that I started seeing all of the content on YouTube about female nature and how fucked society is when it comes to men's rights and when it comes to the disposability of men in general, everything really started to make sense at that point, even stuff I had never really thought about, it was like someone had given me the last pieces to a puzzle that I had mostly solved.


Whether the girl I liked had issues or not is not really the point though, the point is that she used every feminine tool (that all women have) against me, and I got a good glimpse of just how heartless female nature could really be, of what it was capable of, and after my break away from seeking relationships I knew I never wanted to let myself be subject to that again.


I'm not depressed or lonely, I just don't really care the way I used to anymore because I can see the lie for what it is. I don't even have a hatred for the girl who abused me, if anything I feel thankful that she pushed me down the path I'm on now, it's hard for me to hate the one who set me free.

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