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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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14 hours ago, wollboi said:

@Slayer128 I second Thardrim. If you're using this list, you're actually apt to run into problems not using DynDOLOD since so many additional mods and patches from this list need it. DynDOLOD seems intimidating, but really isn't. Watch Gamerpoet's excellent video on how to use it, then go back and follow Aylis's instructions, maybe peeking back to the video every once in a while. It seems a lot harder to use than it really is. Just remember to grab Aylis's files and run the cache in between each step (like the list instructs).

That's reassuring. I'll start modding my game tonight. Just to clarify, I'm supposed to dl everything in the modlist first, right? And then that's when I follow the DynDolod video by Gamerpoets? I'm just confused 'cause the preinstallation part mentions Dyndolod and Xlodgen as a requirement before going through everything in the modlist

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49 minutes ago, Slayer128 said:

Dyndolod and Xlodgen as a requirement before going through everything in the modlist

It's not a hard requirement.


But, and thats the important part, it will improve the FPS and looks better. Its only drawback is that it takes quite some time to generate its files and is very sensitive to mistakes. 

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21 hours ago, Krimzen said:

@jaeos Are the 2k version files you provided called 'B. Skyrim 2020 - Part I - 2k Quality-2347-8-0-0-1615751708.7z' and 'B. Skyrim 2020 - Part II - 2k Quality-2347-8-0-0-1615750295.7z' from post #6882 on page 276?

yes it should take you to a google drive link.. LL was being a pain that day and wouldn't let me upload to site.

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1 hour ago, Slayer128 said:

That's reassuring. I'll start modding my game tonight. Just to clarify, I'm supposed to dl everything in the modlist first, right? And then that's when I follow the DynDolod video by Gamerpoets? I'm just confused 'cause the preinstallation part mentions Dyndolod and Xlodgen as a requirement before going through everything in the modlist

I don't use xlod at all just dyndolod, it's not as hard as the original page instructions make it seem. 

Not really, i would for sure get the dyndolod, When i need to redo the entire list i download by section mostly. Biggest part is making sure they are in order of list and DO NOT USE LOOT. Doesn't matter if you download them all, 2 at a time, 10 at a time, 20, you are still looking at around 14 hours for about 80% of the modlist to get close to the full experience. If you absolutely just want to hurry up and get playing skip all of the texture mods except the first 2, get some of the armor replacers like guards armor replacer, etc. but when you go back into the game and some stuff is jarring because the quality is so low compared to the new stuff, just remeber.. i warned you. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Edited by jaeos
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1 hour ago, Aylis said:

It's not a hard requirement.


But, and thats the important part, it will improve the FPS and looks better. Its only drawback is that it takes quite some time to generate its files and is very sensitive to mistakes. 

it's sensitive to people getting into a hurry and just click click click without reading anything. should i make a visual install for it?

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@Slayer128 I'd follow Aylis's instructions, but when it gets to the part where you're running Texgen you can flip over to Gamerpoet's video and follow that along. Texgen is easy, but its DynDolod itself that seems intimidating, but the video will help with that. After you run it a few times (in the year and a half that it takes for that to happen), you'll be able to do it in your sleep.




Re: True Directional Movement - The TK Dodge patch doesn't work with controllers still. I switched back to Ultimate Dodge and it's working fine. If anyone wants to do this PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK get the RS Children/Ultimate Dodge Mod patch. Just ... trust me on this one. Fixes a highly disturbing conflict.

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Does someone here have an issue with FleshFX not working? None of the spells have any visual effects while active. Nothing overwrites it according to MO. And aside from ISC I'm not using any of the mods that have been reported to have issues in the posts category of the mod page. I tried moving it down in the LO and tried the ISC Patch, with no effect.

Edited by Hestias Nemesis
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5 hours ago, Krimzen said:

For the Lovers Lab mod 'Sexlab Attraction', its esm file doesn't move to the top of the load order with the esm from other mods. Should I just leave it lower in the load order the with the esp? 

you can drag it up just keep it in the order the .esm files are

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7 hours ago, akadeadpool said:

@wollboi The mad man using Alternate Conversation Camera with bSwitchTarget on!!!

What is your fCameraSpeed setting to have a smooth transition between your PC and NPC in dialouge?

I didn't change it. It's the default 500. Does that give you issues? There's also the toggle that needs to be enabled in TDM's MCM.


@Hestias Nemesis Yup. It works for some things, not others. There may be some patches needed but it hasn't bothered me enough to look for them.

Edited by wollboi
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19 minutes ago, Aylis said:



Is it just me or is post #2 suddenly 'hidden'?


I see a post number 2 that starts with



Creation Club

Obviously i couldn't check every mod Bethesda offers in the CC as i have no intention to buy them. So i only got a few i could test. Some mods of the CC seem to have problems with a modded game so you'll have to check which ones will actually work with the list (and please report them to me).

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1 hour ago, Aylis said:



Is it just me or is post #2 suddenly 'hidden'?

I was using your list all day today and indeed for some reason the original post #2 containing the links to the actual mods vanished. Fantastic list though thank you so much for taking the time to create something this comprehensive ❤️


Edit: Post #2 reappeared.

Edited by Sidmoon2
Post #2 reappeared
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16 hours ago, jaeos said:

you can drag it up just keep it in the order the .esm files are



So this is the highest the SexLab Attraction.esm goes in the plugin order. I can't seem to manually move it further above the .esl. Is this the correct position or should it be under ZaZAnimationPack.esm?


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1 hour ago, Krimzen said:


  Reveal hidden contents




So this is the highest the SexLab Attraction.esm goes in the plugin order. I can't seem to manually move it further above the .esl. Is this the correct position or should it be under ZaZAnimationPack.esm?


it's not a master .esm so you are stopped from going higher than any "master" .esm 




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1 hour ago, jaeos said:

uh.. what? what mod for starters

actual skyrimSE.exe


this is the quote from post #1



...i just don't want to rewrite this again and again…

The list is atm NOT compatible with the newest Bethesda update! I'll remove this note when every mod is working with it again.


All mods can be checked here: SSE Conversion Tracking. Also don' forget to give @tasairis a 'thumbs up' for all his awesome work (i'd go nuts with all the required updates).


Instructions how to roll back to the older version of Skyrim can be found >>here<<.


Edited by andressj8
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@andressj8 Right above that text it says "Can be ignored...". Just ignore the statement about "the newest Bethesda update". It was a (huge) problem in the past, but most stuff is updated (for now). To be clear, the guide is now intended for the current version of Skyrim SE.


I remember now being a little confused by that part of the guide when I first saw it myself.


Edit: To future proof this comment, I should add "as of 2021/08/14".

Also, to state the obvious, the guide is for the current version of Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE): Current SE build 2.0.19 (runtime 1.5.97)


If you had an older custom load order from a couple years ago that you were updating, then you might have to be concerned about versions. The development of "Address Library for SKSE Plugins" helped a lot with version problems.

Edited by trgdolors
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