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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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2 hours ago, jaeos said:

5. The three bijin mods have all the right textures and meshes, somehow the AIO lost something somewhere. But the pathing for the 3 vs the aio is exactly the same, so to use one esp vs 3 you shut off the 3 esp in the right and move the aio in the left side above those 3 mods. It would be hella simpler for someone to repack the 3 into an aio again but /shrug, i'm not good at it and it's not my mod.

6. no. batch build lets you build alot of outfits at once using one preset. (make sure you check the checkbox next to it that says build morphs)

7. I had a working Apropos mod for SSE. Now i can't find it. It may have been one of those mods I though was dumb as hell because it would be a consensual scene and it spouted off about rape or being horrified your doing this to npc. But here is the working version of prison overhaul. From what I can tell for apropos you take mod, overwrite the config pex with the ones linked and it's supposed to work

8. I use a 360 controller so i'm not sure what keyboard keys act the same as the favorite keys. but in the skills the favorite keys for me act like a single up down left right, same for racemenu.

9. The current skele is 4.72 so it's out of date (sort of) some people have shut off skyrim updating due to bethesda mucking the code and causing skse to be redone every few weeks because they couldn't just do shit with the creation club and leave the base game alone. So some people are running older versions of almost all the mods to keep it inline with the skse they have. 

7. Ohh wow thanks! I was expecting someone would link me to some complicated instructions, instead I get a working port. DLed. Apropos I guess I'll do without until I've "finished" modding somewhat. Played the game a while and then when everything is hopefully confirmed working try out converting it. That way if anything is broken afterwards, I know it's Apropos instead of something else.

8. Use keyboard instead of mouse for navigation. I wish I could post the look on my face, when I realized I'd been thinking too complicated again.


2 hours ago, Varithina said:

There are a few, but they are not hosted on nexus or here and they all require major rebalancing to be usable, in the fact that level 1 enemies from them had something like 7-8k hp and numerous skills in the 100 range as well as the perks that went with them, the mage build enemies from the tended to just spam either ice storm or fireball at you, and they were level 1, when I first met them around helgan.  I did a bit of number/level crunching for the one of those npc's and by my working out taking into account skills/perks and what not every npc should have been around lv70 at a minimum.


The only one I can remember the title of is called Yin Yang Yi Xia Bai Gui Shou 1Re Free Edition ENG SE (3.5gb download by the way), this is as far as I am aware on one of the posts here on ll as a download, and that is the one that needs major work on the npc's it adds those replacing normal npc's are not actually too bad, new one however, bleh.  This does appear to have a balance bug fix patch but from comments it is patreon paywalled, though the main mod itself is not.

Guess I'll stick with FEMALE only then. At least for a while. Unless something got screwed up diring conversion to SE, that one I can highly recommend BTW.


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Upcoming changes


Mods to be removed


Beastess Lair SE v5.1                                                                               Some people got problems with it and i prefer to err on the side of caution.



CleverCharff's Farmhouse Stonewalls                                                      Got something better



Bad Slaughterfish                                                                                     Redundant


Weapons and Armor

New Legion - Textures                                                                             Now redundant



Mannequins Stay Put                                                                               Outdated



The Kids Are Alright SE                                                                           Gets replaced
Alternate Start Live Another Life TKAA Patch                                          Not needed anymore

The Eyes Of Beauty - NPC                                                                       Redundant



Supreme Chaurus Hunters                                                                      Redundant



Mods to be added


WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses                                                                   Looks better than Clevercharff's version (we still need some of the textures) 

WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses - JK BDS patch

Texture Patch (File)                                                                                  Working on it



Eva - Bodyslide

High Poly Head 1.4                                                                                  Looks too good to be skipped


Weapons and Armor

Vanilla Armor Replacers Patches                                                             Got to add the required patches in the description

Vanilla Armor Replacers - NordWarUA Improved Upscaled Textures

NordWarUA's Race Armor Expansion                                                      Good replacer

Race Armor Expansion - NordWarUA Improved Upscaled Textures

New Legion - NordWarUA Improved Upscaled Textures                        Nice upgrade of the textures



KSHair For All Vanilla NPCs                                                                     Fixes the hair of NPC that arn't redone by another mod

RS Children Overhaul

Realistic RS Children Overhaul                                                                Visual upgrade to RS Children

Realistic RS Children Overhaul - Skuli Patch


Weather and Lighting

SD's Horn Candles SE

SD's Horn Candles SE - STAC Patch



Not to be used

Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visual Effects                                                Still got a few kinks and not really an improvement.

Window Shadows by HHaleyy                                                               Leads to CTD. Maybe after we get a few patches.

HG Hairdos                                                                                            Got some visual bugs.



To be tested 

Signature Equipment

PTC's Hearthfire Mods


On 9/5/2020 at 7:58 PM, Dirknina said:

Why did I do this project.  Rofl

Why does this sound so familiar? ;)

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Stop working so hard Aylis, I can barely keep up ?


In all seriousness though; great work again.


2 questions:

  1. I assume we're also supposed to install "V 4.4 - Skuli's hair textures" from Realistic RS Children Overhaul?
  2. Am I right in the fact that last update you also removed an NPC mod named "More Vampire Eyes Glowing"? Or is this a remainder of my own modding I forgot to remove?


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2 hours ago, johnny0183 said:
  1. I assume we're also supposed to install "V 4.4 - Skuli's hair textures" from Realistic RS Children Overhaul?
  2. Am I right in the fact that last update you also removed an NPC mod named "More Vampire Eyes Glowing"? Or is this a remainder of my own modding I forgot to remove?

1. Was still on an older version. But it seems to be needed. Updated the preview post


2. I don't know that one...



@ All

Don't forget that posts like #2891 are only a preview of what i have planned (and a collection so i don't forget links). This might still change as i look for hidden bugs/conflicts. So far they are stable and look promising, but there might be a problem i havn't found yet.

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39 minutes ago, Dirknina said:

@Aylis what exactly was the issue with beastees lair?  I still have currently  have been to one yet.

Some people were getting CTD around some of the caves, I tend to play special races that either come with their own housing or use my persoanl favorite blackthorn. (instead of one house you build a whole damn town and make money off rent. plus cheat chests if you just want to build the thing and not collect the 20 million tons of materials) But the rs overhaul for it wasn't compatible with TKAA. 

19 minutes ago, Aylis said:

Just testing High Poly Head 1.4.


Its looking good:

  Reveal hidden contents



First revision:

Aylis HP V1.0.7z 2.47 kB · 0 downloads

She does look better. The chin isn't as angular.

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3 hours ago, johnny0183 said:

Stop working so hard Aylis, I can barely keep up ?

I stopped trying to keep up months ago.. Between looking at other mods (clothing, races, combat overhauls etc) plus work I might have been able to actually play 30 minutes a day. If there is truely a better upgrade to something such as the switch for the stonewalls (that she just changed) I don't bother. 

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4 hours ago, Dirknina said:

Well 3rd time is a charm made my first follower.  Still need to go though and give him perks and spell and some racials,  then the ai scripting and voice, and quest to get him.   Why did I do this project.  Rofl

Just a thought. needs to be more archer followers.. almost all of the stock ones will default to a 1h or 2h weapon and not a bow at the beginning of a fight.. Don't know how many times i've crippled one of them because they want to run in front of me to melee..

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I've made a mistake. Lets call it issue 10:


After installing the physics mods as well as the Remodeled Armor CBBE SE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22168?tab=description clothing and armour replacer I once again ran Skyrim and everything was working fine. Then I installed the Greek Goddess - Bodyslide and Racemenu Preset - For CBBE or 3BBB https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24201?tab=description  and started Bodyslide. Seeking to keep things simple, after selecting a Greek Goddess Preset, I batch built with everything selected. Then when I got the conflicting output warning I selected SE 3BBB Body Amazing.

After starting the game all the my PCs nude and clothed body were successfully converted, physics work, NPC bodies also in Greek Goddess format. I also DLed the Greek Goddess CBPC Collision file and sexlab animations seem to work as well as can be expected.

Just one fly in the ointment: The vanilla outfits are back. I'd thought either the mod would take priority or I'd get a conflict warning and have to check the armour mod variants. But instead after the Bodyslide conversion all the outfits on both my PC and the NPCs are back to vanilla.

Any ideas how to fix that? Reinstalling the armour mod and converting again making sure to choose only the amours might leave the converted vanilla files in place and still have them take priority somehow. Moving the armour replacer lower in the mod load order shouldn't make a difference, as I didn't add any new esp's after trying out the armour before using bodyslide.


Also a few more questions that came up after installing Sexlab again:


11. Once I install the SLAL how many additional animations can I add to the vanilla ones? And how do I know how close I am to the limit without counting by hand? I don't remember where the counter is, if any,


12. In my SexLab "Status Screen" so to speak "SL Framework Idles" has a "?" instead of ok. What does that even refer to, I never came across anything related in the guide.


13. The "Gay/Lesbian Filter" option seems to be bugged. I enabled it to make sure to get an FF Lesbian instead of an FF strap-on animation when testing Sexlab with Matchmaker, but then I also got only non-sex animations like kissing when targeting a male NPC and my PC. 5 times in a row, so a bit too much to be random chance. Then when unselecting that options I got a "normal" sex scene on my next try.

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10. Check the overwrite folder for files. Delete the ones you don't need. Then reinstall the armors you want to get back.

11. The easiest way would be FNIS. At the end it shows how many total animations you got. Or click in SLAL on 'count animations' those are the active ones.

12. There should be an info at the bottom of the MCM that explains this.

13. Thats something you should ask in the support thread of the mod. The people there know more about that option than i do.

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in the lovers lab portion of this guide. if I follow the exact load order I shouldn't experience animation problems right? I'm asking because I'm on my 4th attempt to get armbinders and gags from DD to animate properly and this time I'm starting from scratch this time...and I really don't want to attempt it a 5th time. 

I don't think its anything other then the load order or maybe some other mods I'm trying to use like milk mod economy because I can get the actual sex animations to work no problem. its literally just the arm binders and the mouth won't open for gags. I'm stumped. please help a dumbass.

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36 minutes ago, PornPleb said:

in the lovers lab portion of this guide. if I follow the exact load order I shouldn't experience animation problems right? I'm asking because I'm on my 4th attempt to get armbinders and gags from DD to animate properly and this time I'm starting from scratch this time...and I really don't want to attempt it a 5th time. 

I don't think its anything other then the load order or maybe some other mods I'm trying to use like milk mod economy because I can get the actual sex animations to work no problem. its literally just the arm binders and the mouth won't open for gags. I'm stumped. please help a dumbass.

The mouth opening/closing is a known issue with DD. Recommended fix is MFG fix on nexus. However, afterwards sometimes your mouth won't close after a sex scene. Not quite sure what you are meaning on the armbinders don't animate properly. If you are standing there and your arms are behind you with the armbinder on, then it's working properly. If your arms are visible while things like swimming.. It's normal.

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20 minutes ago, jaeos said:

The mouth opening/closing is a known issue with DD. Recommended fix is MFG fix on nexus. However, afterwards sometimes your mouth won't close after a sex scene. Not quite sure what you are meaning on the armbinders don't animate properly. If you are standing there and your arms are behind you with the armbinder on, then it's working properly. If your arms are visible while things like swimming.. It's normal.

what I mean is that ill wear the armbinder and the arms wont get tied behind the back, same with yokes. it will act like I'm not even wearing one... thanks about the gag thing though. guess ill just use the panal/ bit gags

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2 hours ago, Starfire12 said:

I've made a mistake. Lets call it issue 10:


After installing the physics mods as well as the Remodeled Armor CBBE SE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22168?tab=description clothing and armour replacer I once again ran Skyrim and everything was working fine. Then I installed the Greek Goddess - Bodyslide and Racemenu Preset - For CBBE or 3BBB https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24201?tab=description  and started Bodyslide. Seeking to keep things simple, after selecting a Greek Goddess Preset, I batch built with everything selected. Then when I got the conflicting output warning I selected SE 3BBB Body Amazing.

After starting the game all the my PCs nude and clothed body were successfully converted, physics work, NPC bodies also in Greek Goddess format. I also DLed the Greek Goddess CBPC Collision file and sexlab animations seem to work as well as can be expected.

Just one fly in the ointment: The vanilla outfits are back. I'd thought either the mod would take priority or I'd get a conflict warning and have to check the armour mod variants. But instead after the Bodyslide conversion all the outfits on both my PC and the NPCs are back to vanilla.

Any ideas how to fix that? Reinstalling the armour mod and converting again making sure to choose only the amours might leave the converted vanilla files in place and still have them take priority somehow. Moving the armour replacer lower in the mod load order shouldn't make a difference, as I didn't add any new esp's after trying out the armour before using bodyslide.


Also a few more questions that came up after installing Sexlab again:


11. Once I install the SLAL how many additional animations can I add to the vanilla ones? And how do I know how close I am to the limit without counting by hand? I don't remember where the counter is, if any,


12. In my SexLab "Status Screen" so to speak "SL Framework Idles" has a "?" instead of ok. What does that even refer to, I never came across anything related in the guide.


13. The "Gay/Lesbian Filter" option seems to be bugged. I enabled it to make sure to get an FF Lesbian instead of an FF strap-on animation when testing Sexlab with Matchmaker, but then I also got only non-sex animations like kissing when targeting a male NPC and my PC. 5 times in a row, so a bit too much to be random chance. Then when unselecting that options I got a "normal" sex scene on my next try.

When you batch build and there are multiple outfits with the same "output name" such as (Bandit Fur 1) you must go through and specify which outfit you want built. If i batch build all of my outfits and replacers it's in the thousands. And some will simply be (armbinder 1) (armbinder 1) SMP, you gotta make those choices. However if i am reading right you didn't even get the exceptions box except for the nude body, so you get one screen like this.



Then if you just click BUILD. It should look like this



If you have a small grey box on the right you need to scroll down and choose each set

As you see here is the stock CBBE merchant and miner clothes. AND the replacer clothes. If i left them as CBBE then all the outfits will go back to stock. 



If you do not have This conflict box then the replacer clothes you picked are not output path named the exact same as the CBBE ones. I.E. you could be missing the replacer pathing and have just PC clothing. 

BTW I use a far slootier outfit pack. HERE

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31 minutes ago, PornPleb said:

what I mean is that ill wear the armbinder and the arms wont get tied behind the back, same with yokes. it will act like I'm not even wearing one... thanks about the gag thing though. guess ill just use the panal/ bit gags

Sounds like the idle animation isn't acting right. I have not tried armbinders or yokes with the new idle replacer installed. Try turning it off (i suggest making a new game and just trying the armbinder in the prison cell.) and see if it animates right.

EDIT: And just pulling up on google Devious Devices armbinder arms not behind body gets me a result about the zaz animation pack needing to be updated. You could always re-run FNIS and see if that works as well.

EDIT EDIT: looking at other posts people have posted it seems if the MTIDLE.HKX is messed with by any other mod it messes up zaz, Still think it's an idle isse and not a bodyslide issue.

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22 minutes ago, jaeos said:

Sounds like the idle animation isn't acting right. I have not tried armbinders or yokes with the new idle replacer installed. Try turning it off (i suggest making a new game and just trying the armbinder in the prison cell.) and see if it animates right. 

I don't remember what the idle replacer is exactly or if I even had it installed in the first place,

what's the name of it? I already got rid of everything and even reinstalled MO2. I'm assuming its not FNIS. 

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5 minutes ago, PornPleb said:

I don't remember what the idle replacer is exactly or if I even had it installed in the first place what's the name of it? I already got rid of everything and even reinstalled MO2. I'm assuming its not FNIS. 

EVG Conditional Idles It's in the Physics and Animation section. 

FNIS is a ALWAYS MUST HAVE. I've tested things like textures without FNIS but you WILL T-Pose if you have ANY animations installed including ZAZ 

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