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22 minutes ago, Sundance said:

Hi izzy,


Tried that, but it does not trigger. Set it to 100% in Violate, but it is not happening. Tried both inside and outside of Corvega on a near fresh start (old safe from before mods where I not cleared Corvega yet). Everyone and everything stays hostile. :(


Do you still have weapons? I don't use Raider Pet any more, but I got the impression the raiders wouldn't stay docile unless you kept the setting in Violate that causes the aggressors to steal your belongings.

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Hey there! I'm planning to start a new playthrough soon and would like to know if there are other mods that play well with RP.


For instance, HARDSHIP - I've had it sitting in my LO for ages disabled and I'd like to take it for a spin once again. How would it (HARDSHIP) play with Raider Pet? I've played both mods, but never both of them at the same time.


On the note of Raider NPCs, is there a mod that increases the number of them in dungeons? Last time I played RP I got stuck in a dungeon with only 4 raider NPCs and the experience wasn't really enjoyable. The more raiders there are - the better, right?


Also, if you have any other recommendations, I'd like to hear it!


Thanks in advance! :)

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29 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

How would it (HARDSHIP) play with Raider Pet? I've played both mods, but never both of them at the same time.


They're somewhat redundant. Turn off the "menacing raiders" feature of Hardship if you're a Raider Pet, otherwise you'll have competing dialogues and your captors might turn aggressive when they shouldn't.

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4 hours ago, vaultbait said:


They're somewhat redundant. Turn off the "menacing raiders" feature of Hardship if you're a Raider Pet, otherwise you'll have competing dialogues and your captors might turn aggressive when they shouldn't.


Got it! I'll disable Menacing Raiders but I'll try with 'Raider captive greets' enabled. Thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it!

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10 minutes ago, deathmorph said:


I was once informed that RP does not trigger on the go (via Violate) if you are traveling with a companion.
It's nice that this is now possible.

I ran through it several times and it works great.

It's a little jaring if you have 7+ captives with you and they're teleported back to you all at once. You'll be running along and suddenly there's a herd of heifers right behind you. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way I could turn russian translation off? I tried searching for 1.4 english-only version but couldn't find it, and 1.4 Localized doesn't give me any option to change language. It just detects the localization of my fallout and change it's language according to it (I guess it's this way at least)

And the translation is just terrible. I'm not sure if it was done by a person or simply google translated (I doubt it was tho, google translation is levels above). To the point when I read another sentence that's not making any sense and I have to guess which english word could be translated this way to get the meaning of original untranslated text.


edit: If someone can tell me what I could tweak through fo4edit to disable translation(if it's even possible) it would be appreciated as well. 

Edited by 1rrelevant1
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53 minutes ago, 1rrelevant1 said:

Is there any way I could turn russian translation off? I tried searching for 1.4 english-only version but couldn't find it, and 1.4 Localized doesn't give me any option to change language. It just detects the localization of my fallout and change it's language according to it (I guess it's this way at least)

And the translation is just terrible. I'm not sure if it was done by a person or simply google translated (I doubt it was tho, google translation is levels above). To the point when I read another sentence that's not making any sense and I have to guess which english word could be translated this way to get the meaning of original untranslated text.


edit: If someone can tell me what I could tweak through fo4edit to disable translation(if it's even possible) it would be appreciated as well. 

Just delete the Raider Pet_xxxxxxx files in the Data\Strings folder. Leaving the 3 english files.

Raider Pet_En.DLSTRiNGS

Raider Pet_En.iLSTRiNGS

Raider Pet_En.STRiNGS

Edited by izzyknows
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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, asfsaafasfsagwqegtqytg said:

My mod won't work, when I walk towards the raiders they just shoot me. Anyone know a fix?

Maker sure you're unarmed, meaning store ALL weapons somewhere like Sanctuary, then head off to Corvega.

Power armor is also considered a "weapon".

BTW, the mod updates unarmed status when entering a "named" cell. If you see the little message Discovered xxxx or the location name pop up, the mod just updated.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/10/2024 at 3:10 PM, Ewura said:

With this mod active, while being the "raider pet", AAF thinks my male character is female. Also shows female figurine on AAF menu.

That's because the mod is geared toward the PC being female. Clit piercings don't work on males. LOL

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A question and an idea. Any chance of someone making an addendum mod or changing the mod, so that after a while of submission as a pet, the player can have a weapon, even a piper, to be able to do missions around the world, and of course come back regularly so the necklace doesn't explode ? or even have quests like going to find something in diamond city...


Another question... if I'm away from my raider owners, doing quests, is there really no way for me to equip a weapon? even though you are far away? Like when it's in a Gunners territory, etc.?

Edited by Moacir Jr
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14 hours ago, Moacir Jr said:

A question and an idea. Any chance of someone making an addendum mod or changing the mod, so that after a while of submission as a pet, the player can have a weapon, even a piper, to be able to do missions around the world, and of course come back regularly so the necklace doesn't explode ? or even have quests like going to find something in diamond city...


Another question... if I'm away from my raider owners, doing quests, is there really no way for me to equip a weapon? even though you are far away? Like when it's in a Gunners territory, etc.?


In the past, StaticPhobia tried to make a patch for RP and I believe ended up not publishing it as a proper mod on LL due to failure to get appropriate permission from stobor. That's been a few years though, so it's possible if someone wanted to work on an update or revision to RP now the situation might have changed.

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3 hours ago, vaultbait said:


In the past, StaticPhobia tried to make a patch for RP and I believe ended up not publishing it as a proper mod on LL due to failure to get appropriate permission from stobor. That's been a few years though, so it's possible if someone wanted to work on an update or revision to RP now the situation might have changed.

I understand.. I really like this mod, I think it's one of the best for submission in FO4, in my opinion, I hope some mod'er can implement more RP in this mod...

Edited by Moacir Jr
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On 1/22/2024 at 10:38 AM, Moacir Jr said:

I understand.. I really like this mod, I think it's one of the best for submission in FO4, in my opinion, I hope some mod'er can implement more RP in this mod...


I tried playing what you're looking to do. The best you can do is open the console and set the vanilla Raiders in the Commonwealth as Ally.
setally 0001c21c 0001cbed 1 1


This closes the Raider Pet mod though and when you want to be a Pet with a new Raider gang you'll have disable the Ally status and do the Pet missions anew.
setenemy 0001c21c 0001cbed 1 1


setally 0001c21c 0001cbed 0 0

(whichever one works, I don't remember. Check the wiki for proper format and syntax for the appropriate command)


Here's a small list of some useful faction IDs:

    Brotherhood - 0005de41
    Institute - 0005e558
    Minutemen - 00068043
    Railroad -000994f6
    The Pack - xx00f43a
    Operators - xx00f439
    Disciples - xx00f438
    Raiders in general - 000f17c1, 000f5c3a, 0001cbed

Edited by sjtwstot
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  • 3 weeks later...
41 minutes ago, Broken Gamer said:

is this compatible with companions?

Obviously it's not meant for companions. The description says nothing about companions, just YOU. Even the note Jun gives you says to come alone.
But, IF you run Violate and have a companion\s, it will store your companion\s until you escape.

That way you can continue to play as a wussy bitch that has to be hand held through life. 😜


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On 2/19/2024 at 3:30 PM, izzyknows said:

Obviously it's not meant for companions. The description says nothing about companions, just YOU. Even the note Jun gives you says to come alone.
But, IF you run Violate and have a companion\s, it will store your companion\s until you escape.

That way you can continue to play as a wussy bitch that has to be hand held through life. 😜


i was asking cause i ran into raider camp and they just shot at me.. i had heather casdin with me so i figured it was cause of her... looks like i will save this mod for a solo playthrough

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Hello, I aren't to certain what i need to do. Could someone help?

I start a new game, help Preston and everyone. Build sanctuary up a bit and get a quest from Preston to help a settlement to attack the raiders at corvega but before do that I get a note from Jun about the raiders to go to them. I leave all my weapons at the PC house and go to corvega. I don't get told to go to the leader (Jared) so I just go to him myself after like 30 mins "getting to know the raiders". I get a quest to find Lucky and then I "get to know him". After that they is nothing from him except "spending more time with him". I go back to Jared and after a while I get the duct tape quest and hand to him and he puts it on the PC but after that I get nothing. I'm still able to fool around with everyone, and the raiders are constantly talking about the fact that I'm wearing duct tape with no more quest or new interactions. 

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44 minutes ago, VaultBren said:

Hello, I aren't to certain what i need to do. Could someone help?

I start a new game, help Preston and everyone. Build sanctuary up a bit and get a quest from Preston to help a settlement to attack the raiders at corvega but before do that I get a note from Jun about the raiders to go to them. I leave all my weapons at the PC house and go to corvega. I don't get told to go to the leader (Jared) so I just go to him myself after like 30 mins "getting to know the raiders". I get a quest to find Lucky and then I "get to know him". After that they is nothing from him except "spending more time with him". I go back to Jared and after a while I get the duct tape quest and hand to him and he puts it on the PC but after that I get nothing. I'm still able to fool around with everyone, and the raiders are constantly talking about the fact that I'm wearing duct tape with no more quest or new interactions. 

Just keep talking to Jared. There's a cool down timer, so you wont get any dialogue until it runs out.

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