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 sorry ill be more specific i can surrender  but after that nothing happens like i will get on my knees but thats it  we all just look at each other then my player will stand up and at that point a cant move and everyone is still looking and sometimes theirs one fucker that claps but besides that nothing happens and no enemies will surrender ether , im not sure what the problem is    

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17 minutes ago, GRIMSNIPER3 said:

 sorry ill be more specific i can surrender  but after that nothing happens like i will get on my knees but thats it  we all just look at each other then my player will stand up and at that point a cant move and everyone is still looking and sometimes theirs one fucker that claps but besides that nothing happens and no enemies will surrender ether , im not sure what the problem is    

Could you follow the instructions in this post, then try doing a surrender again, then post your script log in here?

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New version 0.50 uploaded


This is a bug fix release, in particular to address the bogus combat interruption problem that @alima309 and @torn reported.  It also makes it much more dangerous to attack your pacified enemies after they let you go, which hopefully will address @hkheung's concern that they were too easy to kill.  There's also a companion fix that addresses a pet peeve of mine that I was finally able to solve.


Changes in this version:

  • Violators will now ignore radiation attacks from "glowing" creatures and other passive attacks from creatures in their midst.  This will prevent those creatures from causing the "My aggressors are being attacked!" combat interrupt.
  • Companions who are bleeding out when the player surrenders will surrender as soon as they leave the bleedout state.
  • When the player is released ("I need to retreat!"), attacking any of the still-pacified enemies will immediately make all of the enemies and companion(s) return to combat state. 

Many thanks to @WandererZero for his excellent QA skills.

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2 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:


I don't believe there is currently a way to make feral ghouls switch between erect and flaccid.  You can install the meshes from Leito's rigs to give them penises, but that will result in either permanently erect or permanently flaccid ferals.  I might be wrong and someone has made a way to do that, but I am not aware of one.


Yao Guai are supported by the AAF Creature Pack 01 animation pack, and you need to have Aggressor Races set to "Everything" in the AAF Violate MCM to be able to surrender to them.


Using PgDn to switch animations will sometimes cause the actors to be reversed in the animation you switch to, which sounds like what happened to you there.  When that happens, the human will get a Deathclaw skeleton and vice versa, so you have a huge distorted human screwing a small distorted Deathclaw.  So it's generally best to avoid doing that. 


Currently there are three Deathclaw animations, one in Mutated Lust and two in Vadermania.  Halstrom's tags file does not tag the one from Mutated Lust as "aggressive" so you won't see it if you have tags enabled.  I added that tag to those two positions on my machine so I see them in violation scenes.  When animations are played normally, i.e. not with the pgup/pgdn keys, you don't have the same distortion issues you saw above.


Ahhh thanks! This helps a lot! I had the MCM set for Expanded but not Everything set. I have tags turned on in MCM.


What is the purpose of tags btw? Is it to keep animations logical for the scene? Seems like before I enabled tags, my character would get raped but she was the one raping the raider in the male position which made no sense. With tags turned on, that doesn't happen unless I use the PgDn key and cycle through all the animations until the female (player) is in the male (npc) position, but she doesn't have a cock so she's just thrusting nothing at the raider when that happens and it looks silly. I have the strapon mod installed and female raiders put them on to rape my character with. Not sure how my character puts on a strap on to rape npc males and females? Do I have to make them surrender and then use sex for that to happen?    

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2 hours ago, ReaperBlade said:

What is the purpose of tags btw? Is it to keep animations logical for the scene?

Exactly.  With tags enabled, Violate requires that animations have the "Aggressive" tag when the player or followers are violated.  Otherwise you end up with your character making out with a Raider or giving head to a ghoul, which is kind of weird.

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13 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

Exactly.  With tags enabled, Violate requires that animations have the "Aggressive" tag when the player or followers are violated.  Otherwise you end up with your character making out with a Raider or giving head to a ghoul, which is kind of weird.

Awesomesauce! Figured that was the purpose of using tags. Thanks!

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Hi! Great mod, thanks for uploading and keeping it updated! However, I'm having some problems with some of it's features:


1) Creature pack

The newest version says that we shouldn't use the Creature Pack Patch anymore. However, without it, I get this error message:

The animations only happen if:
a) The "use tags" option is disabled OR
b) I install the Creature Pack patch.

Here's my log:



2) DD Integration at the end of the scene

I'm having the same problem as @Tanglin: the DD feature isn't working if "end of scene" is selected  (only "start of the scene"). It's still a great feature, but IMO the option at the end is better (sometimes a chastity belt is chosen and after they perform vaginal) Here's my log:



Finally, if I may give a suggestion about the number of turns. IMO it would be great if we could select the MAX between the two possibilities. Example:

Right now, I can chose between 1 turn for each agressor (default) or until exaustion (what happens first). So, if I'm defeated by a Deathclaw, I think 1 turn is too few for such a monster (so I select "until exaustion" = 3, for example). But if I am defeated by a gang of 6 gunners, then this same limitation will make only half of them to participate (because after the 3 turns, I reach the exaustion and the event ends).

If we could have the option to select the MAX, then we could have, for example, at leat 3 turns (exaustion) for single but powerful enemies OR one turn each (default) for a group of 6 raiders.

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37 minutes ago, Greatcleto said:

Hi! Great mod, thanks for uploading and keeping it updated! However, I'm having some problems with some of it's features:


1) Creature pack

The newest version says that we shouldn't use the Creature Pack Patch anymore. However, without it, I get this error message:

The animations only happen if:
a) The "use tags" option is disabled OR
b) I install the Creature Pack patch.

Here's my log:


You need to install the latest version of AAF Animation Position Tags so that the Creature Pack critter animations will have the right tag.  The patch included its own tag file just for those animations.


2) DD Integration at the end of the scene

I'm having the same problem as @Tanglin: the DD feature isn't working if "end of scene" is selected  (only "start of the scene"). It's still a great feature, but IMO the option at the end is better (sometimes a chastity belt is chosen and after they perform vaginal) Here's my log:


I couldn't see any errors in your log, so I checked the script code and unfortunately that is a bug.  If you have "Sex until exhaustion" turned on and you have DD integration set to "end of scene", the last victim will not get DD applied.  I'll have to put out a bug fix release to address this.




Finally, if I may give a suggestion about the number of turns. IMO it would be great if we could select the MAX between the two possibilities. Example:

Right now, I can chose between 1 turn for each agressor (default) or until exaustion (what happens first). So, if I'm defeated by a Deathclaw, I think 1 turn is too few for such a monster (so I select "until exaustion" = 3, for example). But if I am defeated by a gang of 6 gunners, then this same limitation will make only half of them to participate (because after the 3 turns, I reach the exaustion and the event ends).

If we could have the option to select the MAX, then we could have, for example, at leat 3 turns (exaustion) for single but powerful enemies OR one turn each (default) for a group of 6 raiders.


I think what you want is a minimum, no?  If you set the minimum to 3 and "rounds to exhaustion" to 6, then your Deathclaw would get his 3 turns and the 6 Raiders would each get one turn.  I like it and it's a simple thing to add.  Thanks for the good suggestion.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I updated the AAF Tags and the creatures animations are working again.


Yes, "minimum" was the right word, thanks for also taking it in consideration. But in my case, if I could set a minimum of 3, I would also uncheck the "rounds until exhaustion" (so the mod would still count 1 turn per agressor, right?). So, defeated by 1 Deathclaw = 3 turns (minimum), defeated by gang of 5 raiders = 5 turns (exhaustion disabled = 1 turn per agressor) and defeated by wave of 9 ghouls = 9 turns. A good incentive (or not) to be careful when fighting large groups...

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59 minutes ago, Greatcleto said:

Thanks for the quick reply. I updated the AAF Tags and the creatures animations are working again.


Yes, "minimum" was the right word, thanks for also taking it in consideration. But in my case, if I could set a minimum of 3, I would also uncheck the "rounds until exhaustion" (so the mod would still count 1 turn per agressor, right?). So, defeated by 1 Deathclaw = 3 turns (minimum), defeated by gang of 5 raiders = 5 turns (exhaustion disabled = 1 turn per agressor) and defeated by wave of 9 ghouls = 9 turns. A good incentive (or not) to be careful when fighting large groups...

If you set your "Sex until exhaustion" to OFF, Exhaustion set at or above 9, and your minimum set at 3, then the above is basically correct.  You might be in fewer than 5 animations with the Raiders, because if they do a threesome then both Raiders have had a turn.


Thinking about it, if I have a "minimum" slider, there's really no point keeping the "sex until exhaustion" option.  You could just set your minimum rounds to the same value as the exhaustion rounds and get the exact same effect.

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54 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

Thinking about it, if I have a "minimum" slider, there's really no point keeping the "sex until exhaustion" option.  You could just set your minimum rounds to the same value as the exhaustion rounds and get the exact same effect.

Thing is though, if you eventually plan integration with Halstom's stats mods.....how would the exhaustion metric fit in then? Or would it just be relegated into a debuff/status effect? Not sure I'm phrasing this how it should be....halp. I guess what I am getting at is, how would exhaustion be handled with Halstrom's stats mod once you integrate it? 

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Just now, WandererZero said:

Thing is though, if you eventually plan integration with Halstom's stats mods.....how would the exhaustion metric fit in then? Or would it just be relegated into a debuff/status effect? Not sure I'm phrasing this how it should be....halp. I guess what I am getting at is, how would exhaustion be handled with Halstrom's stats mod once you integrate it? 

Well truthfully, "exhaustion" in this mod is just a fancy way of saying "max number of rounds".  Halstrom's statistic is dynamically calculated based on the number and type of animations you have been in.


I'll probably rename "exhaustion" to "maximum rounds" when I add the "minimum rounds" setting, since that's really all it is.  Then if Halstrom's mod provides hooks for "real" exhaustion, perversion, etc, I'll use those for adjusting dialogue and whatever else I can think of that makes sense.

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I've run into a bit of a problem. I can't get the custom race feature to work. In the past there was a key that could be hit to bring up the message "(X Race) is now allowed by Violate" The mod has worked well in the past and usually if I hit the key by mistake then I'd be prompted with a message. Only now the mod seem to just run the creature animations. I use the mod Crimes Against Nature and it hasn't been an issue in the past. I've hit every key on my keyboard, but I can't seem to bring it back to normal. Has support for custom humanoid races been removed?

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1 hour ago, raffles5 said:

I've run into a bit of a problem. I can't get the custom race feature to work. In the past there was a key that could be hit to bring up the message "(X Race) is now allowed by Violate" The mod has worked well in the past and usually if I hit the key by mistake then I'd be prompted with a message. Only now the mod seem to just run the creature animations. I use the mod Crimes Against Nature and it hasn't been an issue in the past. I've hit every key on my keyboard, but I can't seem to bring it back to normal. Has support for custom humanoid races been removed?

That was a feature built into Four-Play, not Violate.  As far as CaN, since those races use the human skeleton, you should be able to configure them to be treated as human by AAF, which will allow them to work in Violate.

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New version 0.51 uploaded


This is a bug fix release, addressing the problem in which Devious Devices items would not equip on the final victim to be in an animation (usually the player) if DD Integration was set to "End of scene" and "Sex until exhaustion" was set to ON.


@Tanglin @Greatcleto your characters will now get their items equipped at the end of scenes as they should.

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So as you have said before, I made doubly sure that the scripts were installed. They were, but I do believe that they were from a previous F4SE install. I reinstalled the new files, and still, nothing even happened. I'm a bit busy right now but I do think, or since everyone else seems to be fine... KNOW, that this is something on my end and I will just do a clean re-install of everything when I get a day off and report back to you with its functionality.

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On 12/11/2018 at 7:09 AM, EgoBallistic said:

New version 0.50 uploaded


This is a bug fix release, in particular to address the bogus combat interruption problem that @alima309 and @torn reported.  It also makes it much more dangerous to attack your pacified enemies after they let you go, which hopefully will address @hkheung's concern that they were too easy to kill.  There's also a companion fix that addresses a pet peeve of mine that I was finally able to solve.


Changes in this version:

  • Violators will now ignore radiation attacks from "glowing" creatures and other passive attacks from creatures in their midst.  This will prevent those creatures from causing the "My aggressors are being attacked!" combat interrupt.
  • Companions who are bleeding out when the player surrenders will surrender as soon as they leave the bleedout state.
  • When the player is released ("I need to retreat!"), attacking any of the still-pacified enemies will immediately make all of the enemies and companion(s) return to combat state. 

Many thanks to @WandererZero for his excellent QA skills.




It fixed, thank you master!


But when Nora having sex with creatures with radiation (glowing ones/ glowing dog),

position switch (Pg Up/Pg Dn) only works with Nora,


the pose of aggressor is fixed~

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2 hours ago, alima309 said:

It fixed, thank you master!


But when Nora having sex with creatures with radiation (glowing ones/ glowing dog),

position switch (Pg Up/Pg Dn) only works with Nora,


the pose of aggressor is fixed~

AAF Violate has no control over the animations once they start.  The PgUp/PgDn keys are a feature of AAF itself.  And unfortunately some creatures are difficult to work with in animations and have problems with transitions or position switching.  I have noticed that dogs and feral ghouls are particularly bad about that.

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10 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

New version 0.51 uploaded


This is a bug fix release, addressing the problem in which Devious Devices items would not equip on the final victim to be in an animation (usually the player) if DD Integration was set to "End of scene" and "Sex until exhaustion" was set to ON.


@Tanglin @Greatcleto your characters will now get their items equipped at the end of scenes as they should.

That's great! Thank you!

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10 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

New version 0.51 uploaded


This is a bug fix release, addressing the problem in which Devious Devices items would not equip on the final victim to be in an animation (usually the player) if DD Integration was set to "End of scene" and "Sex until exhaustion" was set to ON.


@Tanglin @Greatcleto your characters will now get their items equipped at the end of scenes as they should.

I just tested and it's working perfectly. Thank you very much!

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