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6 hours ago, Adviser69 said:

Companions with stand alone systems are all well and good, but none of them really stack up to Ivy in my opinion. And I don't know why I dislike Heather so. I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about her personality that just chafes me the wrong way. Which is kinda strange, because I absolutely loved Willow in FNV.


You know Reg, come to think of it, I haven't really booted up a serious playthrough of FO4 since you announced the overhauled update for Ivy. Mainly I've just been tinkering around until release. Think I might make a few blueprints while I wait. As much detail as I put in them sometimes, It will help to pass the time.

Heather is one of the best composers of the speech, her history and the weight of the voice in parishes of the dubbing give something very special for that character, its conversations with practicum and all the other significant personages of the game also are interesting and the way that implies with Piper is very good as fun.


she has a captivating personality in a way, but .... the problem is that when you meet Ivy her quality parameter, so to speak, gets much more rigorous, and then Heather loses something of its brilliance, especially if you've already finished the game with her before.


Ivy has the ability to always have new dialogues in the same scene and region, which makes her a really superior intelligence compared to others, I think this is one of the reasons why Ivy is so fascinating

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Development Update

Today was hard with a capital H. I've not been feeling well lately, my health is really letting me down these days. My head has been pounding and my sinuses are filled.. I'm tired, sore and feel genuinely ill most of the time. Despite that I have been working on Ivy, or really forcing myself to.


I did get quite some stuff done today, in hindsight..


- Fixed HyperCombat so that Ivy instantly does her attack, then says something, instead of the other way around. This prevents players from killing her target while she is speaking about it.

- Added a slowdown spell/potion to her Hyper combat targets, so that they slow down. Especially ghouls have the tendency to rush players, even from very far away..  in some instances Ivy would start her attack, then by the time she would be able to implement it the ghoul will already have reached the player. This will make sure combattargets stay put and are 'stunned' by the action.

- Fixed some dialogue where certain values would fall between <>.. shit how to explain this..  if in dialogue 1 condition should be LOWER than 5 and in dialogue 2 in should be HIGHER than 5.. then 5 is actually 'missing' in the dialogues. Here and there I'd forgotten to use >=, this meant 'empty' dialogue options under certain rare circumstances (e.g. when affinity is exactly at a certain point). Fixed now.

- Added some more radio items.

- Redid parts of the quest integration with Kellog's quest because of <spoilers>.

- Tweaked HyperCombat distances.

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23 minutes ago, urbanoantigo said:

I am very sorry for the complications of health, I hope it gets better soon,

force there


Now that's the middle of the night.. I feel fine. Took a day to get there though..  Took the day off tomorrow and worked some more on Ivy.

I added something that was long overdue... an in-game help on her Holotape. That should prevent some questions from popping up in the future.. :)


It's late and I didn't check for typos yet so there could be some, I'll fish them out tomorrow. ?





Content inside the spoiler:








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just a question for the new Ivy 

from what I read she will have a lot of interactions with the player


will we be able to us AAF and or Morning sex with lover ???


will that mess up Ivy


just to add I did delete all the MODs that would interfere with Ivy and still the leftover files still messed her up 

I did a full clean install of Fallout 4 with Ivy and she is working at her fullest and I am happy I did a reinstall with out all the junk :) 


(I am interested on how to get her to dance in the rain again (this only happened once the first timed it rained)  God I love this MOD and can not wait for the new version ;) 

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5 hours ago, athoscaru said:

just a question for the new Ivy 

from what I read she will have a lot of interactions with the player


will we be able to us AAF and or Morning sex with lover ???


will that mess up Ivy


just to add I did delete all the MODs that would interfere with Ivy and still the leftover files still messed her up 

I did a full clean install of Fallout 4 with Ivy and she is working at her fullest and I am happy I did a reinstall with out all the junk :) 


(I am interested on how to get her to dance in the rain again (this only happened once the first timed it rained)  God I love this MOD and can not wait for the new version ;) 

Not sure on AAF or MS, I never used sex anim mods and stopped using those after 4play. I don't see reasons (other than perhaps a keyword too much, or missing) that could compromise that functionality. The new Ivy release will offer dialogue and scenes tailored to those mods, it will only need a minor ESP addon (to be created by someone that understands those mods) for Ivy to engage in animations at appropriate times during dialogue.


As for her dancing, the new release features an arousal variable for Ivy, if it becomes high enough she will offer to dance naked for players, or offer other sexual favors (that will 'black out' in the base build but can easily be extended with anims when the time comes).

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Development Update

Despite my lingering health issues I am STILL on schedule! I finished up to 90% of the second affinity quest today and am nearly at the phase where I absolutely do nothing more than debug/polish stuff (e.g. what I'll be doing on Friday and Saturday).


- Added last three 'stages' of Affinity Quest II.

- Added dialogue at end of Affinity Quest II.

- Fixed bug where Ivy would sometimes not speak when magazines were picked up (this was a nasty little bugger that kept coming up and I thought I'd fixed 2..3.. times before! I eventually use 2 different events and a polling method to make sure that Ivy will ALWAYS remark on new porn magazines that are found, or read when stalled in a display.


Just a random screenshot of one of my playthroughs while testing..



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On 6/12/2019 at 11:11 AM, athoscaru said:

just a question for the new Ivy 

from what I read she will have a lot of interactions with the player


will we be able to us AAF and or Morning sex with lover ???


will that mess up Ivy


just to add I did delete all the MODs that would interfere with Ivy and still the leftover files still messed her up 

I did a full clean install of Fallout 4 with Ivy and she is working at her fullest and I am happy I did a reinstall with out all the junk :) 


(I am interested on how to get her to dance in the rain again (this only happened once the first timed it rained)  God I love this MOD and can not wait for the new version ;) 

The creator of MSL has provided a patch on his mod page for Ivy 4.0, so just assuming he'll patch Ivy 5.0(?) into the pool of available scene participants. Because of how AAF works and the kinds of changes Reg is making, I doubt Ivy 5.0 and AAF will pose an issue.


I've noticed hugging and kissing scenes via Atomic Lust work surprisingly well and very reliably... since I gotta give my Ivy some hugs and kisses at least every once in a while, chicks dig that...


...and the occasional spanking, cuz, ya know, it's Ivy lol ?

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Another small dev update -> Finished Affinity Quest II (!!!)

Added 22 random notes spread over the 2 cells that players will explore together with young Deborah. There's a lot to explore (and think about) while visiting her mind. And hopefully it will offer some mind bending moral exercises as well. ? 


Officially reached the 'no more changes or additions -> Only tweaks and debug' stage. I also set all globals and variables to 'release' values (I'd had tweaked most of them for Ivy to rise quickly in affinity for testing purposes, HyperCombat took place all the time, etc..etc..).


Basically, the mod has reached a stage where I could upload it and people could play it without any major issues..

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Development Update

Today was a great day! I've polished lots of parts of the affinity quest, including the final confrontation.. Young Deborah has over 100 idle lines that give insight into her state of being and players can engage with the different personalities that makeup Ivy as a whole...


There's also many hidden references as usual.. ❤️'s to whoever knows the reference of the first note found in this video...



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Development Update

Redid some dialogue for NPC's in Ivy's affinity quest. Fixed a lot of camera work and actor 'direction'. Disabled all note-pickups and containers for in-memory items; players cannot take items from Ivy's mind other than Bobbypins as that would be weird. I needed to place bobbypins as there are some areas that can be unlocked to retreive extra memories.


Each note that's found inside of Ivy's memory opens up a new memory for Ivy, which unlocks new dialogue for her. Players will want to search every corner of these maps for notes and clues..


The build is finished. I will focus on shipping it to @ChicGeek by tomorrow.


To celebrate, here's a full SPOILER FILLED 5 minutes of gameplay, deep into Ivy's Affinity Quest.. and some screens. :)









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7 minutes ago, bluepigeon said:

I don't like that Prime Companion function.  If it came down to Ivy or the Dogmeat.  Dogmeat stays, Ivy can go.


I'm being serious here.

I think you misunderstand. Ivy allows for travel with Dogmeat, she even has dialogue for it. ?

Ivy was designed with this mod running at all times and has never bugged out with it:




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3 minutes ago, bluepigeon said:

You genius.  But what about other followers and companions?

Ivy is designed to run without other followers or companions besides Dogmeat.

She will leave players who recruit multiple 'intelligent' followers.

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My congratulations to the end of this part of development,


Many very intense months, it was great to accompany this here


Let me comment on two things, which I should comment on earlier,

In the current version of Ivy, when she talks to Sturges in the first dialogue in sanctuary, by mistake, offering her services, she starts with prices of 700 caps and vaio rising,
But when it divides the profits with the player, elva comes with very small values compared to the 700 caps that she joined before, did not happen to add an extra zero in the values she delivers to the player ???




Curious if we will know more of his friendship with the robo cook of the market square of DiamontCity




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42 minutes ago, urbanoantigo said:

My congratulations to the end of this part of development,

Many very intense months, it was great to accompany this here

Let me comment on two things, which I should comment on earlier,

In the current version of Ivy, when she talks to Sturges in the first dialogue in sanctuary, by mistake, offering her services, she starts with prices of 700 caps and vaio rising,
But when it divides the profits with the player, elva comes with very small values compared to the 700 caps that she joined before, did not happen to add an extra zero in the values she delivers to the player ???

Curious if we will know more of his friendship with the robo cook of the market square of DiamontCity

Thanks, you are one of our biggest fans! :)


Ivy makes 700 caps an hour and donates a small part of that to the player as thanks for traveling with her (which extends her radio signal and helps her get more customers as she expands her working territory). She works the hours that player sleep, so I think it's pretty well balanced. :)

Also, she 'works' by choice, it's her money because players aren't her pimp, they are merely the 'prime' customer, after presenting the redeem voucher. ?


This is made much more obvious in the new version, where during the initial low affinity levels, she will even refuse to flirt with players, saying they don't know them well enough for such intimacy.


There are some mentions of Takahashi in notes found during Ivy's affinity quests so look out for that if you want to know more about him.

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Development Update

I'm now in the process of copying my entire Fallout 4 directory (currently weighing in at 69GB's) onto a backup drive. I will then proceed with packing all assets into Ba2 (except for the sounds, Chic will need them unpacked as WAVs). When that is finished, I will clean out my Fo4 and will remove all mods, assets, etc.. then I'll install Ivy's base ESM into that clean Fo4 to see if all works. If it does, I'll zip it and ship it. If it doesn't I'll roll back and see what I'm missing.


This'll take a whille.. :)




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Ivy's Mod File Size

I can now safely say that Ivy's Base ESM weighs in at 700+ MB.

If you want to have all of her plugins and add-ons (nuka etc..), I expect you'll need around 1.2 GB of disk space for all files.


I never realized she had this much content by now.. :O

I am thinking of making a Torrent Distro!!


I will (of course) put some effort into reducing file size here and there, but as most of this (e.g. 98%) is voice files, there's not much that can be done, other than compress the shit out of it when turning them into fuz files. ?

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Development Update

Working on the 'peripherals'.. sent a copy of the distro to Chic, she should be able to receive it.

Wrote an Ivy 4.0 Uninstall application, for users that that have 4.0 installed and that want to install 5.0.


I will now proceed with writing documentation for Chic so she can record and will write an app in .NET to help us discover which lines are new and which were already recorded in the past (to get a proper working list for Chic).


This should go without saying (about the app):

- App will be distributed soon (as it's handy to have in any case, should you ever want to uninstall this version of Ivy).

- If you want to 'keep' your savegames with Ivy, make sure to dismiss her before running this app.



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