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6 Screenshots

About This File

This file gives the orcs a schlong Malacath can be proud of. It's a full SOS schlong, so it animates for action as you'd expect. V3 adds a female schlong for more lulz. Disable it in the SOS menu if that's not your thing.


The schlong itself is essentially the troll peen from Creature Features, by Leito I believe. I thought that was a work of art from the day I first saw it, and knew the orcs needed it. There has, I admit, been some discussion about whether it's lore-friendly. I claim that any mer race with horns and tusks can be a little more beastly in the pants too. So there.




Download the LE or SE version, not both. Load the hairless patch if you're using the SOS hairless body.


If you're using the SOS smooth texture, add the BDOrcSmoothPatch.


Load and go works, but because of the way SOS allocates schlongs there's a good chance that some orcs will continue to have human peens. If you want them all to have this one, go through the SOS menus and set all the OTHER schlong probabilities to 0% for orcs.




Leito, for the mesh. All I did was rig it to SOS.

What's New in Version 3.2


  • V2.5 - Male orcs
  • V3.0 - Added females
  • V3.0.1 - Quick fix for males
  • V3.1 - cleaned up specular settings for better match with body
  • V3.2 - added HDT & collisions

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