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“You're going down”


Emily: I woke up to ??? speaking to me.
Emily: Only to see the seeker was there too.
Emily: Miraak was wishing to speak to me about my progress as a succubus magic wise.
Emily: So I followed the two into the same area that had gone into many times.
Emily: saw the book, then after the seeker did something to it.
Emily: I was allowed to use the book.
Emily: which transported me.
Emily: To a new area.
Emily: Miraaks home.
Miraak: Finally, you two are here.
Emily: H-Hello Mir-er Master.
???: Hello Master.
Miraak: Emily, how has the magic charging been going?
Emily: V-Very well.
Miraak: Really? Show me I wish to see it.
Emily: Ho-
Miraak: Use it on me of course. ??? step back!
Emily: so after ??? got behind the seeker, I charged up my magicka.
Emily: and unleashed the biggest fireball I could, I was hoping to kill him or hurt him.
Emily: Buuut.
Miraak: Hahaha, excellent, truly excellent.
Emily: It didn’t do a thing.
Emily: I realized there was no way I could win against him in a fight.
Miraak: With this power we will be unstoppable when we return to Mundus, and you can kill all the bandits you like, provided I am with you of course.
Emily: So I tried bargaining with him.
Miraak: Another month of fucking Lurkers and a few Midas spells a-
Emily: A-About that Master….I-I’ve h-had a small change of heart….o-on bandits, a-and wish to go about them my own way. S-So I was thinking maybe after we return….and I help you get what you need….i could go f-
Emily: He took even partial mention of the word free wrong.
*Emily gagging*
Miraak: Free! HA!
Miraak: You are MINE Bitch! I’ve been stuck in this shitty place for 4 centuries.
*Emily gagging*
Miraak: I’m not gonna release a useful asset so easily, maybe I sh-
???: M-Master stop!
Emily: That was the first time I ever heard ??? yell.
Miraak: Hm?
???: I-I’m the reason sh-she had a-a change of heart.
???: P-Please d-don’t h-hurt her a-anymore. I-I was t-the one wh-who talked to her about the bandits.
*drops Emily*
*Emily coughing*
Miraak: I see, even after all this time you still haven’t learned your place.
Miraak: I am Miraak, ruler of Solstheim and the First Dragonborn, this act of defiance has enraged me.
Miraak: But you two are lucky you are so……succulent.
Emily: I think I saw ??? shiver out of the corner of my eye when he said it like that.
Miraak: So for the next week, you two shall be punished, Seeker, Take them to their quarters, send in the sentinels. I have other matters to attend to. Someone has been sneaking around Apocrypha lat-
???: B-But si-
Miraak: Go, or I will shout you to that area myself.
Emily: I heard ??? start to whimper at the sound of doing such a thing.
Emily: The rest of the day was hard on us….well mainly Fiona to be perfectly honest.
Emily: We were fucked my Lurkers consistently for the rest of the day.
???: no stop!
Emily: They fucked us hard.
Emily: Ahh!
Emily: and teased us over and over.
Emily: fuck!
Emily: and kept going no matter what we said.
???: Please, stop!
Emily: They kept fucking us.
Emily: Ahh!!
???: Nooo!
Emily: Over 12 Hours later we were released, ??? had huddled herself in a corner and started to cry.
Emily: ??? then decided to tell me what they had been doing.
Emily: Turns out she and Miraak had been going through various ancient tomes trying to figure out ways to gather magic to overpower Mora enough to free them of Apocrypha.
Emily: ??? was actually quite smart and apparently figured out that if they used some ancient magic books known as Midas’s books or some other great magic’s magic known as Keke to bend time in space. They would work but even Miraak didn’t know what they were or how to find them.
Emily: ??? would often try to suggest alternatives like using other black book users or even using knowledge from an older scroll.
Emily: ??? However if Miraak did not like the solution she proposed.
Emily: He would punish her.
Emily: for several hours he would rape her.
Emily: Over and over.
Emily: Until he was satisfied before telling her to get back to doing more research.
Emily: This had been going on for 3 months now. At this point she was wondering if they could ever leave.
Emily: I was worried I would start to feel the same.
Emily: The situation was feeling so hopeless.
Emily: But what we didn’t know.
Emily: Was that help arrived 4 days ago.
(4 days earlier)
Adril: Any other questions?
Adventurer: Nope, I’m good.
Adril: Good, try to stay out of trouble.
Adventurer: Will do.
Adventurer: Now….lets find this Miraak Fucker.
(5 Days later, morning)
Emily: the next day we were resting, I was expecting to be woken up by just having a lurker pick me up and rape me.
Emily: But what happened next was much.
Emily: much different.
Old voice: Tiiiiime to waaaake uuuuuuuP.
Emily: H-Huh?
Emily: Whoa!
Emily: ??? wake up! Wake up!
???: Hmm?
???: Who-
Hedious creature: Dooooo not feeeear little oneeeeeees. Iiiiiii meeeeean yoooou nooooooooo haaaaarm.
Emily: W-Who are you?
Hedious creature: I………
Emily: …..ye-
Hedious creature: am Hermaeus Mora.
Emily: I’m not gonna lie, I hate him, I hate him because he talks so fucking slow so many fucking pauses.
Satsuki: Please stay on tract.
Emily: Right.
Emily: W-What d-do you want with us?
???: I-Is it because of M-M-Miraak.
Hermaeus Mora: Miraaaaak……iiiiiis…….noooo moooooore.
???: W-What?
Emily: How!
Hermaeus Mora: The Draaaaaagonborn…..feeeeelled him.
Hermaeus Mora: He tried to escape my Realm.
Hermaeus Mora: and piiiiiicked a fight with the Last Dragonborn.
Titus: Well
Hermaeus Mora: Only to be defeated by his own arroganccccccce and overconfidenccccccccccccccccccce.
Titus: That was…..disappointing.
Emily: For a moment I swear I saw ??? smile.
Emily: But that quickly left.
???: W-What about us…d-do you plan to keep us here?
Hermaeus Mora: No….i have no useee for yoooou.
Hermaeus Mora: Buuuut, you haaave supplied me with sooome inteeeresting informaaaation.  So……I will give you a reward…..in exchange you’re the knowledge…..you’ve given….i will traaade yooooou……………….
Emily: Ye-
Hermaeus Mora: Ancient Knowledge.
Emily: What….kind of ancient knowledge?
Hermaeus Mora: Toooomes…..journaaaals, booooooks, from the fiiiirst errra……soooo
Hermaeus Mora: Do you wish to traaade.
Emily: I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I felt there wasn’t going to be a better opportunity than that.
Emily: First Mora sloooowly talked to Fiona.
Emily: I’m not sure what they talked about but I swear I heard them talking about tomes.
Emily: and lots of them.
Emily: after about 30 minutes of talking Mora teleported her away.
*portal opening sound*
Emily: Then it was my turn.
Emily: I-I’m sorry um….Mora…but.
Emily: I don’t really have any knowledge to offer other than hunting.
*Hermaeus laughing*
Hermaeus Mora: Indeed….buuuut.
Hermaeus Mora: Your body does.
Emily: What do you mean?
Hermaeus Mora: Mazkens as you should know….are ex……stinct. So i…..have…..no information….on them.
Hermaeus Mora: Sanguine often has good knowledge….to giiive, BuuuuT not without sexual knowledge iiiin retuuurn. The diary of a part Mazken’s sexual……awakening to her…..daedric side…..should serve……wonderfully.
Emily: So…..a sex diary.
Hermaeus Mora: Yeees.
Hermaeus Mora: In exchange….i…..will grant you 11…..books…..consisting of 8 anciiient midas tooomes, the Mazken book you’ve been reeaading, a booooK on Shoooouts-
Satsuki: There’s no book on shouts.
Emily: You’d think so but there is apparently someone wrote down the entire process for learning a single shout, very good book, only 3 different shouts for it.
Hermaeus Mora: A book on….fccing the highest quality…..equipment. Provided that yooou do this…..foooor siiiiix months. Delving into your desires aaaand wriiiting them dooown.
Emily: I’m not sure, that’s a-
Hermaeus Mora: As well as to keep my black book, which contaaaains a forbidden Midaaas spell knooown as Midas…….Ressurrection. A spell that resurrects a person from death…….cooompletelyyyy.
Emily: at the time I couldn’t believe it. A spell to resurrect the dead without making them a zombie, that had to be a dream come true.
Emily: So of course I agreed almost immidiently, with his last words being.
Hermaeus Mora: Goood, do not opeeen the Black Book for 6 months…..or there will be consequences.
Hermaeus Mora: Document……Everythiiiing.
*portal opening sound*


*portal opening sound*
Emily: I arrived back in the place that I had died with ??? no where to be seen so I assumed she was teleported to where she read the black book.
Emily: I went to grab the book but saw the Mazken book was there too so I took that as well.
Emily: and headed out of the back entrance.
Emily: and the first thing I did when I got home.
Emily: was masturbate like crazy.
Satsuki: …….what?
Emily: yeah, I’m not sure why, but I felt very very horny after I returned.
Emily: After that I decided to try reading the Mazken book again.
Emily: However.
Emily: I still struggled to read it.
Emily: After doing a bit more research of the next day I was able to understand a three things at the time.
Emily: one was that I healed quicker which I found out much later that I could heal from deep stab wounds, two was that my eyes would change if there was a powerful daedric creature nearby, and three which sent me into a small depression.
Emily: I could not get pregnant….at least by normal means.
Satsuki: oh……w-why?
Emily: Apparently only Mazkens can impregnate other Mazkens, at least that’s what I found out at the time. However a year later I turns out I had misread, turns out I can but by an exceptionally low margin, but there is a higher chance of me seeing Shegorath and Julianos partying on a dance table full of cheese while playing chess at the same time.
Emily: The idea that I could never be a mother actually hit me pretty hard.
Emily: I moped around awhile, I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Emily: Then three days passed and I realized I had other things to do.
Emily: But the first thing I had to do was.
Emily: Okay.
Emily: Get my things back.
Emily: lets see how powerful I really am with this magic.
Emily: I headed to the Riekling cave.
Emily: and burned the outside guards before proceeding inside without effort.
Emily: after going inside and burning all the rieklings while avoiding all the broken slaves.
Emily: then after searching the first room for a few minutes where I was when I first started I looked in the tents.
Emily: please be in here.
Emily: and found all of my gear and precious items.
Emily: *relaxed sigh*Thank Julianos.
Emily: before taking the girls with me, I only freed two of them at the time.
Satsuki: How come.
Emily: I didn’t want to end up like last time, me and Noir went down there later and freed them though.
Emily: I still continued bandit hunting.
Emily: for the most part not torturing them anymore nor being as vicious…at least as vicious as one can get when hunting bandits.
Emily: I even went as far to except surrenders for smaller time bandits.
Emily: and it really surprised the guards when I brought them a living person too.
Emily: that being said.
Emily: Fuck.
Emily: for some reason I couldn’t get rid of my extremely poor habit of riddling my foes with an unnecessary amount of arrows.
Emily: again.
Satsuki: What about that girl, was she there?
Emily: Oh I did try to look for her at Neloths.
Emily: But she wasn’t there, I do hate that asshole though.
Neloth: She’s isn’t here, left a few days ago, now go away, I didn’t order a hooker today.
Emily: Okay fine asshole.
Emily: Also once again like crazy I masturbated a lot.
Emily: Like crazy.
Emily: Didn’t matter the place nor time.
Emily: I fingered myself, but by the 2 week point I had had enough I wanted more.
Emily: So I started seeking others as the ccys had temporarily stopped due to the Dragonborn situation on Solstheim.
Emily: Excuse me Sir.
Redoran Guard: Yes Emily, what is it?
Emily: Could you come with me, I need to show you something.
Redoran Guard: Sure what is i-
Redoran Guard: Ah!
Emily: Yes, Harder Harder!
Emily: I fucked many people on Solstheim
Emily: Many friends didn’t mind it either.
Emily: Harder Glover, Harder!
Emily: Some had wanted to for a long time too, which made it extra fun.
Emily: Like this?
Lygrleid: Yes, just like that!
Emily: Some of the Skaal enjoyed it too.
Emily: As well as people working in the Deadlands.
Emily: and as the weeks went by
Emily: Ended up becoming more adventurous.
Emily: Yes, Harder boy!
Emily: Like the the time I got addicted to an-
Satsuki: Stop.
Emily: Aw, you don’t want to hear it.
Satsuki: ………I’m…very sure.
Emily: That pause says other wise.
Satsuki: What about that journal.
Emily: Oh I wrote in that too, everyday I had an encounter or something sexual happened anyways.
Emily: then finally after 6 months.
Emily: I returned to Apocrypha.
Emily: To collect my reward.
Hermaeus Mora: Hmmm yeeeeeeees.
Hermaeus Mora: going as faaar to even a boaaaaaaaaar, interesting.
Hermaeus Mora: This wiiiill do wonderfullyyyy
Emily: S-So those books?
Emily: Y-You’ll keep your end of the deal right?
Hermaeus Mora: Yeeeees, as promised, I have collected them, on yoooour right.
Emily: Whoa.
Hermaeus Mora: Enjooooy them.
Emily: and the Black book with the resurrection spell?
Hermaeus Mora: Oooof coursssssse.
Hermaeus Mora: I presenT to yooooou Unhold Legends.
Hermaeus Mora: aaand with it, the knowledge of resurrectiooooon.
Hermaeus Mora: It issss yours till the end of your dayssss.
Emily: Thank you Hermaous Mora.
Hermaeus mora: The booook will oooonly shoooow yoooou knoooowledge, iiif you want tooo speeeak agaiiiin, you muuuuust go tooooo the teeeemple in Benkongerike. Noooow iiiii’m oooof to meeeet Sanginguiiine……gooooood Luuuuuck Emily Heavy-Iiiiron.
Emily: and with that my time with Mora was over.
Emily: when was teleported back with my books I immediately started reading the Untold legends.
Emily: and after 3 hours of reading it.
Emily: I was furious
Emily: Fuck!
Satsuki: wait, curious I don’t understand.
Satsuki: The spell works right.
Emily: Oh it works but it had a bunch of restrictions and requirements.
Satsuki: What kind?

Emily: Well for this spell to work you have to First have a magicka level of that of an Archmage or greater. Second You must recite the chant perfectly. Third the soul of the person you want to revive must want to come back, and Fourth and Finally you must destroy and absorb soul of a being that is on the level of a regular daedra like a Dremora or higher.
Satsuki: Destory a soul….like mages do when enchanting.
Emily: Nope, this is something much worse, when you soul trap someone, their soul will end up in the soul cairn a different plane, if you absorb their soul you must destroy it, meaning they no longer exist.

Satsuki: and its restrictions?
Emily: You cannot revive someone that has been dead before. The body must be mostly in-tact, and You cannot revive someone who has been dead for more than 10 minutes. What was worse were the success rates.
Satsuki: wait….why, how bad were they?
Emily: Well for Daedria it’s 85% chance of success, 10% for mer,

Emily: and 2% for humans, meaning if I tried it I would have maybe a 25% or more chance, with a 75% I’d be killed, but the fact that I couldn’t revive anyone who was dead for more than 10 minutes was enough to depress me back then.
Satsuki: What did you do after you found out?

Emily: What do I do now?
Emily: well I remembered looking at my necklace, remembering that I worshipped the god of Logic and Reasoning.
Emily: I cursed myself for even thinking I could bring them back and finally decided to take Fiona’s advice on a different matter.
Emily: Fuck.
Emily: So I picked up the book and put it away properly.
Emily: and decided to move on from Targoth by first
Emily: taking a look at the books Mora had given me.
Emily: There were 8 different Midas spells, thanks to the new base magicka pool I had been given because of my new Succubus side.
Emily: I was able to use them pretty easily.
Emily: Whoa.
Satsuki: What’s so special about Midas spells.
Emily: Well for lack of better words.
Emily: They are ridiculously fucking strong, one lets me fire meteors.
*sound of meteors screeching through the air*
Emily: one let me use a beam of pure magicka and one of pure dark energy
Emily: One of my favorites is the water walking one.
Emily: of course I still had to recharge by fucking guys.
Emily: AH!
Emily: Made sure to do that as often as needed.
Satsuki: I get the feeling it was more often than needed.

Emily: Maybe.
Emily: Yes!
Emily: I also tried using that shouting book.
Emily: Fus!
Satsuki: How well did that work?
Emily: Well it took a year and a half of practice, meditation too.
Emily: *inhale* Fus!
Emily: but after all that practice.
Emily: *strong inhale*
Emily: FUS!
Emily: I did get it.
Satsuki: Really!?

Emily: Yes, buuuut, if you don’t practice with it enough you get tired out easily.
*Emily panting*
Emily: I mean I’ve yet to properly master it, I can use all three words which is enough to throw people, but apparently a mastered version can blow apart a person apart.
Emily: *panting* I….did it.
Emily: Also I finally decided to upgrade by bow after another year while I was near Miraaks temple.
Emily: Hmmmm
Emily: There were lots of Dragon bones laying around.
Emily: So I decided to make use of them.
Emily: okay let’s see.
Emily: Oh…this will be trouble.
Satsuki: So you built your current bow too.
Emily: Yep, though I seem to have bad luck with building swords.

Emily: Anyways 3 years after getting free of Apocrypha, learning new skills on the island, self training, fucking and other things I had finally figured out what I wanted to do.
Emily: Hey Gjalund, how are you doing.
Gjalund: Oh hello Emily, its been a few months, I’m doing well.
Emily: Great. Say could you take me somewhere.
Emily: I was gonna go back to skyrim and become
Gjalund: sure, you have the coin.
Emily: Of course.
Gjalund: Great, where to?
Emily: an Adventurer.
Emily: Why Skyrim of course.


Part 1: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5769-chapter-45-rebirth-19/
Part 2: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5771-chapter-45-rebirth-29/
Part 3: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5777-chapter-45-rebirth-39/
Part 4: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5784-chapter-45-rebirth-49/
Part 5: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5910-chapter-45-rebirth-59/
Part 6: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5911-chapter-45-rebirth-69/
Part 7: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5912-chapter-45-rebirth-79/
Part 9: https://www.loverslab.com/blogs/entry/5948-chapter-45-rebirth-99/


Recommended Comments

can't wait to the final part , this story is just amazing (text good , screen good, understanding with my level of english 



amazing work 



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Awesome job! It is great to have Emily's backstory pretty much fully revealed now. Very well done. Also, if you didn't notice, you actually revealed Fiona's name in the beginning of this part.



Emily: The rest of the day was hard on us….well mainly Fiona to be perfectly honest.

Just thought I'd point it out. Either way, great work as always!

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3 hours ago, Collygon said:

Awesome job! It is great to have Emily's backstory pretty much fully revealed now. Very well done. Also, if you didn't notice, you actually revealed Fiona's name in the beginning of this part.


  Reveal hidden contents

Emily: The rest of the day was hard on us….well mainly Fiona to be perfectly honest.

Just thought I'd point it out. Either way, great work as always!

thanks, i thought i got all of them, but apparently i didn't.

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This part was a good read, pretty much revealing anything missing between Emily's childhood and her current state with Satsuki. :classic_smile:


Only thing was that Post-image's servers (or my average connection, dunno) couldn't handle such large image loads easily : it had to wait a long time before being able to read, and then reload several time as it often crashed midway (displaying a blank filler in the missing parts of the images). Please consider compressing your images, R1pper, PNGs aren't made for 1920*1080 web sharing. There are tools such as Irfanview that allow you to batch-compress a lot of images quickly, please consider using them (95 preset compressed jpegs are 7x times smaller than PNG, for identical visuals). :classic_angel:

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7 hours ago, Tirloque said:

This part was a good read, pretty much revealing anything missing between Emily's childhood and her current state with Satsuki. :classic_smile:


Only thing was that Post-image's servers (or my average connection, dunno) couldn't handle such large image loads easily : it had to wait a long time before being able to read, and then reload several time as it often crashed midway (displaying a blank filler in the missing parts of the images). Please consider compressing your images, R1pper, PNGs aren't made for 1920*1080 web sharing. There are tools such as Irfanview that allow you to batch-compress a lot of images quickly, please consider using them (95 preset compressed jpegs are 7x times smaller than PNG, for identical visuals). :classic_angel:

Will do, i started to do it a little bit, what i might end up doing is making most of the images Jpgs but keeping certain shots PNG's simply because certain shots i like at high quality. But for the most part i will start trying to do that as i found it is far quicker to upload them as well. So i'll try to start doing that. Also thank you for the link, i'll try giving that a shot. I did also do a side by side comparasson of jpg and png and you're right, pretty much found zero difference.

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