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Vigilant - Act I

I have never played Vigilant before, and I've been hearing about this mod for years. Some people consider it "the best mod ever made" even. But hearing how big it was, I've had a hard time actually making the time to play it. Blame expectations too, people set them up too high for me, so I wanted it to be perfect. Either way, here's some screenshots of it. I picked Siawyn (Sia) for this run, because for role playing purposes, this mod seems more adequate for something a Paladin would ge


Myst42 in Narrative

Unfortunate children

Unlike rainy and windy the last few days, today is a very sunny day but very cold. I am lying on a deck chair on our beach writing this diary while my luvs and the children play on the shore. My Fran was very successful in finding houses for rent for our workers and their families. Of course, it wasn’t easy to lower the rent with some landlords whose rent was overpriced but he did. You should see our workers when their wives, children, parents, and siblings arrive with Lidija and Sandra fro


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Mommy Janae [ptr1]

With a long marriage on her back, going through the tortuous monotony, Janae no longer sees in her husband the man she fell in love with in her high school days. Life has changed a lot since they had children and work has taken over her time, locking Janae in a world with no way out. But everything will change with the arrival of Kevin Puri, a sweet and sensitive exchange boy who will become her greatest temptation while reliving her youthful dreams.    

Another update of life status

Hello everyone!    It's been a while since I posted anything to this blog, but I wanna let you know, I am alive.   Simply just irl and other distracting came in . New games like Baldur's Gate 3 even Starfield , they were quite distracting for some months.    However, I'm slowly coming back to my writing and story projects in this blog.     Also with something new as well along side with Gwynolda.     I spent quite a


Resdayn in non-story related stuff

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