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About lanastara

  • Birthday 06/23/1989

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  1. Asset use is not really ment to take the entire mod but parts also it also says posting my mod anywhere but nexus is not ok. But that's not really the reason I mentioned it. It's more a lot of small issues that can come from including other mods in one like if someone already had my mod installed and changed some config now your mod overwrites it. If I find a bug in my Mod and fix it someone using your mod never gets notified of the new version. also if people have problems it's easier if they talk to me directly rather then asking here only to get told to "go talk to the original author" And last but certainly least ... I like seeing my download numbers going up ^^ sorry for the wall of text.
  2. Files aren't corrupt they got renamed. If you remove the numbers at the beginning of the filename it works. so: KardiaMainMenu.7z.001 KardiaMainMenu.7z.002 Also @Tremor Thank you for using my mod ^^ But it would be better if you didn't copy it into yours but rather say it's a requirement.
  3. I tried nemesis as well and it does more than fnis xxl in that it actually switches to an alternate animation but it seems like it switches to the wrong one. For example when I get on my horse my character gets in the position intended for riding the wolf.
  4. I think I figured something out after seeing that screenshot and trying some things. The problem seems to happen when using FNIS XXL. When I run normal FNIS everything works but as soon as I generate fnis via FNIS - XXL I stand on top of my horse. (even with the same amount of animations so it doesn't seem to be related to the number of animations) I hope this helps with fixing the problem. Lanastara
  5. Hi, The newest update with combat stripping sounds really interresting and reminds me of a mod I used in Fallout 4. I think I'll use this the next time I make a new save. Thanks for making it and I can't wait to see what might get added in future updates
  6. ok thanks for the quick answer. Can't wait to update then. ^^
  7. does the beta 3 require a clean save when updating from beta 2?
  8. you left some files in the download I'm not sure are supposed to be there. SKSE/skse.ini scripts/source/aTID3InsmouthAltarTriggerScript.psc -> I think that's actually a source file from "From the deep"
  9. I really have to look into modding dialogues because I feel like a compartibility patch between this and "immersive speechcraft" shouldn't be hard to make but it's way above my abilities for now.
  10. I made such a saddle some time ago for myself based on the convenient horses travelersaddle. It's really badly made since I have no idea how to actually 3d model (so I just sticked the Smurf Average SOS Penis on top of the saddle and gave it a wood texture (the one from the devious devices)) I could maybe look into making a replacer for the generic skyrim saddle but I prefered replacing the convenient horses ones so my horse is the only one with an exotic saddle ^^ https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1009724
  11. Given how slow the site is rn they probably disabled showing files of all subcategories for now. I remember the last time they updated the site they mentioned showing all sub category mods at one being really bad performance wise.
  12. those things that need Immagination are either magic or made by the dwarves (works for everything in the elder scrolls) ^^
  13. Can't wait go give this mod a spin. On a completely different note what mod adds the heart choker you use in the schreenshots?
  14. Is this compartible with DD 5.0? Especially the animation filter feature since DD did some changes to it's animation filter?
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