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1 hour ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

? LOL, I wrote Kimura, but I knew it was Kurumi. Sorry, a little too much Marvel Comics -Kimura is X-23's handler and enemy.


I know how it is to keep getting sidetracked, and have ideas piling up faster than you can execute them. I'm actually very impressed by how fast you keep producing new content. My advice; Don't worry so much about prioritizing; You should always go with whatever motivates you in that moment. That's when your best comes out. I am by no means very creative, so I notice the difference in my work (it shows more). Let the stories come, whenever they come. Personally, I enjoy them all. ?


No problem lol I'm so out of touch with marvel etc is x-23 like wolverine? I'll have to Google lol!


I think your right but same time I need to try organise things as it's really all over the place,

I got so much I want to do and try, it's why I kinda struggle with making stages to animations in one go!

My brain is plagued with ideas and interests! Just a trip to the gym and now I'm doing a workout series Haha!

Since I started to play the game it's very much snowballed and getting bigger all the time,

I been at it a couple years now and still feel like I'm barely scratching the surface,

And everytime I think I got it sussed, a new feature like the tongue or effects are added!

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and I got more to come for sure! I've still got a lot more to learn and room to evolve yet ?


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20 minutes ago, R-Lo said:

No problem lol I'm so out of touch with marvel etc is x-23 like wolverine? I'll have to Google lol!

Image result for x-23Related image
The Weapon-X program wanted to clone Wolverine. They had a DNA sample, but the Y-chromosome was damaged. After 22 failed attempts, they simply removed it and copied the X-chromosome. Instead of being male (XY), the clone was female (XX). Comic book science, LOL. The second image is from the movie "Logan".
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On 5/28/2019 at 5:10 PM, R-Lo said:

Kurumi and Lola have a feature on the way,


I'll try show them having some fun soon!

You're like a genie. I mention something, then 'POOF', it appears. That wasn't soon, that was instantaneous, but I never actually made a wish. I still have 3 wishes left.?



I love that scene; The intimate part at the beginning, the fun they have together on the street, Kurumi's stranglehold on that guy... Heck, I love the whole thing.? Thanks!

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1 hour ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

You're like a genie. I mention something, then 'POOF', it appears. That wasn't soon, that was instantaneous, but I never actually made a wish. I still have 3 wishes left.?



I love that scene; The intimate part at the beginning, the fun they have together on the street, Kurumi's stranglehold on that guy... Heck, I love the whole thing.? Thanks!


Thanks! I've been meaning to drop in on them for a while but I'm currently missing the cc I need to progress and a few poses/animations to properly show the story I have in mind, 

I been needing some game time but when I decide to go on a picture spree it's very tough to decide where to focus with so many simmies that I wanna show off, it's nice to have a suggestion sometimes! ?







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4 hours ago, YourFalseHope said:

Also some pre-wedding sexy times in the kitchen... lol because why not.





Edit: @R-Lo thought you might find this funny... Ethan was too busy with homework to notice what was going on behind him lol. still, love that animation.


?  I'm happy that you enjoy that one! I enjoyed making it, I will do more with that soon! ?

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5 hours ago, YourFalseHope said:

Also some pre-wedding sexy times in the kitchen... lol because why not.

05-29-19_5-59-11 AM.png

05-29-19_6-00-19 AM.png

05-29-19_6-00-53 AM.png


Edit: @R-Lo thought you might find this funny... Ethan was too busy with homework to notice what was going on behind him lol. still, love that animation.811918308_05-29-19_3-31-58AM.png.06d7656e5091437029ef0f637c332908.png

I see you've got the one jungle in the pubic yum yum.

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Olivia might be too classy for the little make-shift stage at the Blue Velvet...


On a related note, the displayed lingerie set consisting of teddy and matching stockings is now available in my files if anyone is interested (this one took a lot of work to clean up, retouch and recolor). The same goes for the twist front crop top from Lara's hot weather outfit shown before (edited and recolored for more MAXIS-matchiness).




















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8 hours ago, youcreamforicecream said:

She nailed it! 

Is this sims available for download? Also, what kind of default eyes do you use? 


She's here, she's not like completely up to date as regards outfits and such I've been showing off lately, but the face and body and such I haven't changed in a long time (except I recently added eyelashes and changed one of her tattoos)



I've put alot of my sims up for download https://www.loverslab.com/profile/1983172-mrrakkonn/content/?type=downloads_file 


As for default eye replacements, I don't use them, I use non-defaults. There's a reason why but I can't remember the details of it ? The specific ones I'm using are included in the download and should be listed in the "CC Credits" section of any of my uploaded sims. 




Also @heartbeatsandbrainwaves I just have to say that even though alot of your stuff isn't necessarily always up my alley as regards preferences, I do appreciate how wondrously creative and weird (in a good way) it always seems to be.

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56 minutes ago, mrrakkonn said:

A couple more pictures along the same theme as my last couple of posts, which is just Thalia in various outfits in her room and such. 




Nice shots! The shirt really suits her figure too?

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Glad you like it! It's something tame and hopefully sensual! The breasts are difficult to give real attention to with the hands due to various physiques but I'm hoping this way will make for some fun, 

I'm not sure at present where I found Lola's detail but I will look and get back to you, its a strange one as the other swatches are tattoo's and a little odd lol! 

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I just finished the main plot of the Strangerville pack, so I decided to have the Sims I played for it fuck Erwin Pries.








@mrrakkonn Aw, thank you! I always enjoy your screenshots too, I love the way you mix poses and animations, and create your own poses to flesh out scenes. And while I haven't downloaded your Sims (because I don't often download Sims in general), I think the amount of detail you put into them, and variety of outfits you create, is very impressive. 

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6 hours ago, mrrakkonn said:

Gonna have to put something together with this situation. 


gorgeous young ladies, MrRakkonn;
i'm out of reactions right now — my apologies — but consider your post thumbed-up.




edit: finally have some reactions so was able to thumbs-up your post!

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