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When Tabitha was told she could have sex with anyone, she took it as "you don't say no."

"That was fun, sir!  My name is Tabitha, what's yours?"



One of the first things I did when I made Tabitha, was to generate all sims' Attractiveness based on her.  So I think I made a bisexual out of every premade female in the game.  I see a LOT of random girl-on-girl in this game.

And what is it about the Narwhal Arms, that everyone thinks it's ok to fuck at the bar?


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Tabitha has made her mentor proud, by earning an A at school and learning every spell available.  So now I'm mainly waiting for him to croak, which should happen in about another week.

Various random things that have happened:


A fox followed her home after magical training one day.  Tabitha felt rather foolish trying to tell Albus this, but he told her that this is not unheard of, and she wants to be Tabitha's familiar.  She named her Honey.



Tabitha never asks first, it's not her place as a slave.

Darn it, aren't you going to ask?  I could tell you didn't want to let go when you hugged me...



Tabitha didn't ask, and Brent didn't tell her.



Candy Behr is unrecognizable with her hair up like this.  Her friend is Mitzi Mischief, found on the gallery and pasted over L. Faba.  Mitzi has twins by Don Lothario- like I said, all the girls go both ways in this game.  



Well, naturally Tom Peeping would get a job that involves house calls.


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Another Tina update. ?



It definitely looks more comfortable for her with the accessory bra.




She's getting better! (The bikini was separated into two pieces for more flexibility - the top now matches her hairband and the bottom her eyes.)



As a fancy lady on the swings.

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3 hours ago, Juliette Tango said:

Presenting Blanca and Emilia in "El Palacio Bloopers"

Getting sims to do what you want for storytelling can be VERY frustrating. It gets exponentially worse as you add more sims into the mix. Watching the bloopers, and seeing the funny ways sims screw up simple tasks is a lot fun.? Thank you for that.


FYI that very last scene is definitely something I would do.

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1 hour ago, Proje said:

"How to care for your tyke: A Maxis experience!"

Lol.  Not sure if Tabitha is holding Honey like this because of the height slider, or if pet holding animations are all this awkward.

BTW, you're in the same house as Albus, Tabitha, and Honey.


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14 minutes ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

Getting sims to do what you want for storytelling can be VERY frustrating. It gets exponentially worse as you add more sims into the mix. Watching the bloopers, and seeing the funny ways sims screw up simple tasks is a lot fun.? Thank you for that.


FYI that very last scene is definitely something I would do.

Getting them in position for STILLS is hard enough, I can't imagine making a video.  "Come on, mosey on over here...  Now where are YOU going?  Get back here!  No, no dancing!  Ok, start cooking... No, you SIT THE @#%* DOWN and chat while she cooks!"

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4 hours ago, Juliette Tango said:

Goofy video I made based on the things that screwed up when I was making "El Palacio de Delgata".

All but the last two scenes happened spontaneously, but the ending two are straight out of my twisted imagination.


Presenting Blanca and Emilia in "El Palacio Bloopers"


Thanks for sharing that.

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1 hour ago, snowdog04 said:

Lol.  Not sure if Tabitha is holding Honey like this because of the height slider, or if pet holding animations are all this awkward.

BTW, you're in the same house as Albus, Tabitha, and Honey.


The little fox is just enjoying a little cushion 


The Umbrage Manor? Man, it was one of my first big house for my sims family. I've kinda kept it as a family home for later generations to visit.

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Working on adding yet another batch of pre-made NPCs to my game world. Currentlly have 2 firefighters (I think perhaps having 3 would be better, so probably need a third one) and 2 gardeners. 


image.png.f7167e527d55ddfd0621dca73eaa6d76.png    image.png.3687d7247c311922da72f9f275785224.png


Also planning on adding another mail carrier (I only have 1) and possibly a butler. 

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Albus finally kept his long-delayed appointment with the Grim Reaper.  Tabitha was out walking Honey, and came home to find Grim watching a cooking show on TV.



"You will no doubt grieve... But take comfort in knowing he was well prepared, and more than ready to go."

Tabitha had a bunch of Confident stacks, and she mostly looks annoyed here...



Also a letter turned up on the dining room table.  It started out with Albus… begging her forgiveness?  It detailed why she had to be subjected to such extreme conditioning- to learn magic, she had to forget everything she thought she knew.  She has no idea what he is talking about here, though she is aware that one day she arrived at his doorstep, and that there was no Before.  Then it told her that the house, his money- not a fabulous fortune, but a substantial amount- and everything he owned was now hers, to do as she pleased with.  And finally it ended with telling her he loved her and was very proud of her.

All of this confused her a great deal.  He could have just drank Rejuvenation Potion!  She can just bring him back with a spell!  What's the point of leaving her everything, when she'll DIE without her master to take care of her?

No, she can't just bring him back with a spell- the Reaper had already released his spirit, at his request.  Now what?  The headache was already coming on, she had been going to ask him to make love when she got home from her walk...

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"If you're a bit of a dirty girl, it will help with the withdrawal.  It likely won't make it any better, but it will have it over with sooner..."

Tabitha went to the bar, and the bartender was Don Lothario- who seems to be the father of most of the babies born after this game started.  Another girl joined in, and Tabitha spent the next hour being quite a dirty girl.



"Ohhh, I REALLY don't feel good..."



She was surprised to wake up not dead.  Face down on the floor, not remembering how that happened, but not dead.  Actually, not feeling too bad at all.  And she remembered things.  A lot of things.  She took a long shower, trying to sort it all out.



An odd urge.  Put makeup on... too much makeup... don't do it perfect either... yes, now squint and picture yourself older... and the rough look from a bad drug habit...

She was looking at her mother.  And then she heard her voice:  "I'm sorry Trisha, I couldn't even take care of myself..."

Trisha Price, that was her name before.  Taken away from her mother when she was little.  Where was her mother now?  Oh... an overdose, a few years ago.  

So was she Trisha again?  No... Trisha was nobody, a troubled teen in foster care, beginning a path that would end just like her mother.  Tabitha Overton was the protégé of Albus Dumbledore, a legend in his own time, and a talented young witch in her own right.  Trisha would get whisked right back into the system, Tabitha was an emancipated minor who had the means to take care of herself.  And the ability to confuse any persistent authorities into leaving her alone.



"He's gone, Morgyn."

"Yes, I know.  Should I console you on your loss, or congratulate you on your newfound freedom?"

"I don't know, myself.  I'm still sorting it out..."



"So, he left me a letter that explained everything as best he could.  I think I understand.  But... Why me?"

"Two reasons.  One, you were in foster care, and proving a handful for your foster family.  Fairly easy for you to disappear.  Two, magic is in your blood.  Albus could feel it, I can feel it, all the Sages can.  Your heritage goes back several generations."

"Certainly not my mother.  Who was my father?"

"We have no idea.  For sure, someone from one of the old houses.  He probably doesn't even know, and most likely wouldn't come forward even if he did."



A final look back at Umbrage Manor.  A big Old South mansion makes no sense for Tabitha, her little fox, and her... complicated memories of Albus.


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2 hours ago, porkybork said:

@mrrakkonn Since we're doing something similar, what do you do to assign your created sims NPC jobs? Do you use the cheat commands or the NPCC mod by paulson? I'm working on my GtW portion of PBW, and I'm wondering if one method is better than the other.

I'm curious of this answer, as well.  I'm particularly interested in making a set of NPC's for the #nocc Photostudio for AEP, instead of having them randomly assigned which of course gives awkward assignments lol.  Not sure what skills are necessary for AEP photostudio jobs for one, and for two, it seems NPCC used with AEP breaks the photostudio lot somehow.

Be great to get thoughts or tips from anyone who has successfully assigned them.

I should drop some pics of my maxis match Barbie-type slut getting porked by Tom Peeping, lol, but my CAS powers are mediocre at best xD

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6 hours ago, porkybork said:

@mrrakkonn Since we're doing something similar, what do you do to assign your created sims NPC jobs? Do you use the cheat commands or the NPCC mod by paulson? I'm working on my GtW portion of PBW, and I'm wondering if one method is better than the other.

So far I've only assigned service NPCs and not lot NPCs (though I'm getting there). For the first couple (my maid sims) I used cheat commands (you have to assign both the trait AND the career) and it seems to work fine, since then I've been assigning them using NPCC (for mail carrier, pizza delivery, repair sims) and that seems to work fine as well. 


As long as you don't load into playing the household after you've assigned the NPC role the assignments are stored for sims when you save them to your library and you can just plop them into your world to have them perform their jobs. 

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17 hours ago, Proje said:

Yep, smug ?

Haha, I love her expression! She looks like she's up to no good. ?


Here's the picture story I mentioned in the previous post. It makes more sense if you imagine it being set in a world without the Internet. ?

I would like to thank my friends for the proof-reading and feedback! ?



Somewhere in the old part of Windenburg...


This is the place, right?



*quietly hums to herself as she reads*


Continues in the spoiler. (Sorry about the total image count! ?)




*So many books! I hope there's someone who can give me a hand...*



*squints at the name tag*

Hello, Miss... Angela?



Welcome to our library! How can I help you, Miss...?



Tina. I'd like to know... Ummm...

I'm looking for a book on how to reach... the big O...?


D-do you have anything like that here? Haha.



Of course, Tina, you have come to the right place!

There are a few such books in the office upstairs.



We could study the subject together if you would like.

That way I can answer any additional questions you might have.



Oh, that-that would be so helpful. Haha. Thank you, Miss Angela.



Follow me, please.

The office is kind of cramped but it is private and ideal for studying more delicate subjects.



Have a seat, Tina. I'll find the book just for you.



This one is good, I think. Try chapter three.









So... what do you think? Did it help?



Well... it basically says one needs to be relaxed and know her body.

I guess it makes sense but it is not exactly helpful...



...what if all that does not really work for... someone?



Well, the book is admittedly old by now and not everything in there is considered accurate.

If you would like we could try something a bit more... practical together.



What do you...? Wait, wait. R-really?! With you...?

Surely you are joking... or I am misunderstanding you...



I mean it, Tina. I am here to help our curious readers after all. Assisting here is only what I do in my free time.



I am actually a doctor so I know the area of your interest quite well.

But I understand if you would rather prefer a male assistant...



N-no!! You are perfect!



I mean, it does not really matter. Haha.



There's a more recent book on the subject right on my desk... let's read it together then.

Would you mind if I locked the room so no one disturbs us?



O-okay. Go ahead...

*Oh gosh, is she actually serious?!*



Done! We have the place just to ourselves now.



Come and sit with me, please. I have the book right here.



Sit... where exactly...?

On my lap of course. It would not be comfortable for you otherwise.







So... what does this book say, Tina?



It-it says that... umm... the foreplay is very important...



I see...



What... what are you doing, Miss Angela?

Just following what the wise book says. Would you like me to stop?

N-no, don't. Please.



Let's keep reading then...



Would you like me to touch you again?

Yes, Miss Angela...





I think we can put the chair away now, what do you say, Tina?









































So... Anyway, I hope that satisfied your curiousity, Tina.



Oh... Y-yes, not only that. Haha. Thank you so much, Miss Angela.



You know, we are actually short on staff currently and we could use a smart and inquisitive girl like yourself.


298405884_06-20-20_6-25-55PM.png.b1de6764785bf3e31e641e3841a0b2f7.pngWould you consider helping out here?



Well... I had no idea working in a library could be so exciting, Miss Angela.

Just Angela, please. I feel we've already become close collegues!



Thank you again, Angela! I really mean it.

I am glad I could help. See you soon, Tina!





Excuse me...?



Yes...? Welcome to our library!



How can I help you, Miss...?


-- THE END --

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