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12 hours ago, jbezorg said:

Fair enough.

I changed it to just the DD rendered item keyword. If they are chasing the player because they're wearing DD, they wouldn't want to take them off!


Function StripPlayer()
	if FPSH_Setting_ForceUndressPlayer.GetValue() == 1
		StripActor(0, 29)

Function StripArmor()
	StripActor(11, 16)

Function UnequipChest()

	int additionalSlot = FPSH_Setting_ClothedAdditionalSlot.GetValueInt()
	if additionalSlot > -1 && additionalSlot < 29

Function StripActor(Int iMin, Int iMax = -1)
	int i = iMin
	if iMax == -1
		iMax = iMin + 1
	while(i < iMax )
		Actor:WornItem stWorn = PlayerREF.GetWornItem(i)
		Armor kArmor = stWorn.Item as Armor
		if kArmor && (!DDlibs || (DDlibs && !kArmor.HasKeyword( DD_kw_RenderedItem ) ))
		i += 1


FPSH_Main.pex 175.61 kB · 0 downloads



FPSH_Main.psc 171.15 kB · 0 downloads



FP_SexualHarassment.esp 342.2 kB · 0 downloads



Wait a second, did you just fix the collar equipping issue with this?   Woah

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18 hours ago, jbezorg said:

Fair enough.

I changed it to just the DD rendered item keyword. If they are chasing the player because they're wearing DD, they wouldn't want to take them off!


Function StripPlayer()
	if FPSH_Setting_ForceUndressPlayer.GetValue() == 1
		StripActor(0, 29)

Function StripArmor()
	StripActor(11, 16)

Function UnequipChest()

	int additionalSlot = FPSH_Setting_ClothedAdditionalSlot.GetValueInt()
	if additionalSlot > -1 && additionalSlot < 29

Function StripActor(Int iMin, Int iMax = -1)
	int i = iMin
	if iMax == -1
		iMax = iMin + 1
	while(i < iMax )
		Actor:WornItem stWorn = PlayerREF.GetWornItem(i)
		Armor kArmor = stWorn.Item as Armor
		if kArmor && (!DDlibs || (DDlibs && !kArmor.HasKeyword( DD_kw_RenderedItem ) ))
		i += 1


FPSH_Main.pex 175.61 kB · 0 downloads



FPSH_Main.psc 171.15 kB · 0 downloads



FP_SexualHarassment.esp 342.2 kB · 0 downloads



Of course the downside of this current change is when you get offered to remove the DD, and they actually would have, they now just take your caps and run.

Need to fix that.

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I really only have a few items for the suggestion box here:

(1) Is there any way to incorporate the brawling mechanic to some of the more forceful approaches?  I realize this would probably require a reliance to a combat surrender mod like Violate outside of your program's control, but then again if the approach has escalated to violence...

(2) Intimidation should not work on Diamond City Guards nor on GoodNeighbor guards (iffy on that last one, depending on your relationship with Hancock I guess).  It should be that if you try Intimidation on one of the guards, all of his buddies will come over to see what's up.

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Been awhile but thought I'd try SH again.


There's an old problem when a settler is held prisoner by Raiders (ran into this at Camp Kendall placing a MILA). The settler gets up and runs up to the pc demanding sex while in the middle of a firefight. I shot the bastard which failed a radiant mission I hadn't started.


Workaround is to manually switch off the SH mod outside of settlements and Diamond City but it really could do with it auto deactivating near hostiles. I assume it could be done with an area scan or even a cloak though I'm not sure of the overhead (particularly the cloak which in Skyrim can be demanding if not used with care, not sure about FO4). Or even just to auto deactivate when leaving a settlement/DC (on the cell change perhaps), though the hostile detect would be preferable I would have though.


It's a great mod but does need a degree of manual management at present.

Edited by Slorm
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18 hours ago, pére-vitine said:

how to reactivate the bimbo effect? force or with the console. I have to activate it in the perk, but the effect is withdrawn.


The chances are configurable in MCM, you could dial it up to 100% and then force an approach from the debug page. I've done that on occasion to test it.

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I'm having this problem where the actors are always misaligned. Using aaf normally, everything's fine but it's only when scenes start with this mod do the actors not align properly.

I'm pretty sure I messed up something when installing a bunch of mods, but I'm just not sure where.

Also, there's an issue every time I try to start a scene with dogmeat and an npc where nothing happens after I convince them.

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1 hour ago, Jellyfish505 said:

I want to run some unkind experiments, so anyone know what the setav syntax would be for the Self Esteem stat?


It's fpa_value_selfesteem (from Sexual Attributes)


SETAV won't work the syntax is:


set fpa_value_selfesteem to x (where x is the value you want)


if you enter:


help fpa_value 0 into the console it will list them all

Edited by Slorm
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I've probably asked before, but can't find where... has anybody worked out what to edit in order to disable the forced undressing in some approaches? Ideally it would just avoid removing anything AAF has been told not to remove (e.g. by Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager or similar protected equipment config), but I'd settle for this mod just not removing anything and letting AAF take care of it once a scene starts.


As much as I love the variety this mod provides, it can get particularly annoying for me in combination with Myopia Simulator, because approachers frequently take off my glasses and then the entire sex scene is blurry. Lights on, glasses on, okay? ?


Edit: Of course it's fine if the approacher puts something like a DD on you which occupies the same slot as something you're already wearing and causes it to be unequipped, I'm just looking for a way to disable the general stripping.

Edited by vaultbait
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2 hours ago, vaultbait said:

I've probably asked before, but can't find where... has anybody worked out what to edit in order to disable the forced undressing in some approaches? Ideally it would just avoid removing anything AAF has been told not to remove (e.g. by Roggvir's No-Strip Items Manager or similar protected equipment config), but I'd settle for this mod just not removing anything and letting AAF take care of it once a scene starts.


As much as I love the variety this mod provides, it can get particularly annoying for me in combination with Myopia Simulator, because approachers frequently take off my glasses and then the entire sex scene is blurry. Lights on, glasses on, okay? ?


Edit: Of course it's fine if the approacher puts something like a DD on you which occupies the same slot as something you're already wearing and causes it to be unequipped, I'm just looking for a way to disable the general stripping.


If you just want to take a hatchet to the main strip function, that's easy enough.  Comment out the guts of the StripPlayer() function highlighted in the FPSH_Main script below.  Then recompile.





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1 minute ago, spicydoritos said:

If you just want to take a hatchet to the main strip function, that's easy enough.  Comment out the guts of the StripPlayer() function highlighted in the FPSH_Main script below.  Then recompile.


Ah, thanks! I'll give that a shot soon.

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