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Hello Nisa
After the hotpatch I still get this error :

  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py', line 209, in c_api_server_tick [ absolute_ticks : 277266749712, clock_service : server_clock, previous_ticks : 277266749678, zone : <Zone ID: 0x14e0d5e1c150c53>, persistence_service : persistence_service]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\injector.py', line 26, in _wrapped_function [ args : (<Zone ID: 0x14e0d5e1c150c53>, 277266749712), new_function : <function _turbolib_zone_game_update at 0x00007FF4B234E3B0>, original_function : <function Zone.update at 0x00007FF4B0170050>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\zone_tick.py', line 81, in _turbolib_zone_game_update [ original : <function Zone.update at 0x00007FF4B0170050>, self : <Zone ID: 0x14e0d5e1c150c53>, args : (277266749712,)]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py', line 481, in update [ self : <Zone ID: 0x14e0d5e1c150c53>, absolute_ticks : 277266749712, game_clock : game_clock, time_service : time_service, season_service : season_service, weather_service : weather_service, narrative_service : narrative_service, roommate_service : roommate_service]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py', line 112, in update [ self : time_service, time_slice : True, max_time_ms : 33]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py', line 212, in simulate [ self : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x00007FF4AC94AF10>, until : 16:41:07.120 day:4 week:3, max_elements : 10000, max_time_ms : 33, count : 1, start_time : 15209.421, end_time : 15209.454, handle : [None, 28552, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x00007FF4AC94AF10>, False, <RepeatingAlarm; _NisaPeriodicBuff.make_hot@73>], when : 16:41:06.560 day:4 week:3, _ : 28552, _t : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x00007FF4AC94AF10>, _s : True, e : <RepeatingAlarm; _NisaPeriodicBuff.make_hot@73; 34.00 minutes>, calling : True]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\alarms.py', line 293, in _run [ self : <RepeatingAlarm; _NisaPeriodicBuff.make_hot@73; 34.00 minutes>, t : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x00007FF4AC94AF10>, element_handle : [None, 28552, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x00007FF4AC94AF10>, False, <RepeatingAlarm; _NisaPeriodicBuff.make_hot@73>]]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\utilities\interactions\buffs.py', line 182, in make_hot [ self : <sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:buff_slutty_stripper_uniform object at 0x00007FF4D8A960D0>, _ : (<alarms.AlarmHandle object at 0x00007FF4778FF998>,), sim_info : , nisa_sim : Tessa Vann]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_buffs.py', line 109, in periodic_update [ self : <sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:buff_slutty_stripper_uniform object at 0x00007FF4D8A960D0>, nisa_sim : Tessa Vann]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_buffs.py', line 81, in push_escort_interaction [ nisa_sim : Tessa Vann, whore_sim : , rand_gen : <NisaK.utilities.sim_utilities.services.nisa_service.random object at 0x00007FF4860FD290>, nisa_client : Noah Baum, client_sim : ]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\utilities\sim_utilities\nisa_sim\managers\interaction_manager.py', line 67, in push_affordance [ self : Noah Baum, affordance_id : 2993011997249806953, social_super_affordance_id : 2993011997249806953, target : , interaction_context : InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, priority : Priority.High, insert_strategy : QueueInsertStrategy.NEXT, must_run_next : True, turbo_sim : Noah Baum]
  • File '.\WickedWhims_v165e\turbolib2\wrappers\sim\interactions.py', line 127, in push_affordance [ self : Noah Baum, affordance_id : 2993011997249806953, social_super_affordance_id : 2993011997249806953, target : , interaction_context : InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, priority : Priority.High, run_priority : Priority.High, insert_strategy : QueueInsertStrategy.NEXT, must_run_next : True, sim : , affordance_instance : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>]
  • File '.\WickedWhims_v165e\turbolib2\wrappers\sim\interactions.py', line 141, in _push_super_affordance [ self : Noah Baum, affordance : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, target : , interaction_context : InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, priority : Priority.High, run_priority : Priority.High, insert_strategy : QueueInsertStrategy.NEXT, must_run_next : True, sim : , affordance_instance : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>)]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py', line 3892, in push_super_affordance [ self : , super_affordance : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, target : , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>), kwargs : {'picked_object': <sim '' 0x14e0d5e1ad80067>}, aop : NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance on ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\aop.py', line 233, in test_and_execute [ self : NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance on , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>)]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\aop.py', line 166, in test [ self : NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance on , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>), combined_kwargs : {'picked_object': <sim '' 0x14e0d5e1ad80067>}]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py', line 2635, in test [ cls : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, target : , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>), interaction_parameters : {'liabilities': None, 'picked_object': <sim '' 0x14e0d5e1ad80067>}, inst_or_cls : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, obj : object_tableDining_1x1:0x05760d6624ad11bb[1], result : True, fire_service : fire_service, fire_interaction_test_result : True, e : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'matches_bit']
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\injector.py', line 26, in _wrapped_function [ args : (<sims4.log.Logger object at 0x00007FF4B276C890>, 'Exception during call to test method on {0}', <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>), new_function : <function _on_exception_occurrence_record_clean_file at 0x00007FF4AA1898C0>, original_function : <function Logger.exception at 0x00007FF4B2666050>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\clean_exception.py', line 29, in _on_exception_occurrence_record_clean_file [ original : <function Logger.exception at 0x00007FF4B2666050>, self : <sims4.log.Logger object at 0x00007FF4B276C890>, args : ('Exception during call to test method on {0}', <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>)]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\injector.py', line 26, in _wrapped_function [ args : (<sims4.log.Logger object at 0x00007FF4B276C890>, 'Exception during call to test method on {0}', <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>), new_function : <function _on_exception_occurrence at 0x00007FF4B2666320>, original_function : <function Logger.exception at 0x00007FF4AB166170>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165e\exceptions_feedback.py', line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence [ original : <function Logger.exception at 0x00007FF4AB166170>, self : <sims4.log.Logger object at 0x00007FF4B276C890>, args : ('Exception during call to test method on {0}', <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>)]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\utilities\interactions\base_interactions.py', line 60, in _test [ cls : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, target : , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>), interaction_parameters : {'skip_safe_tests': False, 'liabilities': None, 'picked_object': <sim '' 0x14e0d5e1ad80067>}, result : True, sim : , __class__ : <class 'NisaK.utilities.interactions.base_interactions._NisaEquipClitPiercing'>]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_interactions.py', line 117, in run_tests [ cls : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:inter_npc_solicit_special_dance'>, sim : , target : , context : interactions.context.InteractionContext(<sim '' 0x14e0d5e2174c409>, InteractionSource.SCRIPT_WITH_USER_INTENT, <Priority.High = 2>), whore_info : , nisa_escort : Tessa Vann, client_info : , nisa_client : Noah Baum]
  • File 'E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_3_1a\NisaK\utilities\sim_utilities\nisa_sim\managers\relbit_manager.py', line 17, in has_rel_bits [ self : Tessa Vann, target_nisa_sim : Noah Baum, bits : (<VanillaRelationshipBits.ROMANTIC_SIGNIFICANT_OTHER = 15825>, <VanillaRelationshipBits.ROMANTIC_ENGAGED = 15816>, <VanillaRelationshipBits.ROMANTIC_SIGNIFICANT_OTHER = 15825>, <VanillaRelationshipBits.WW_CASUAL_SEX_PARTNERS = 4035498307>), target_sim_id : 94027340160746505, sim_info : , bit_id : VanillaRelationshipBits.WW_CASUAL_SEX_PARTNERS]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\relationships\relationship_tracker.py', line 290, in has_bit [ self : <relationships.relationship_tracker.RelationshipTracker object at 0x00007FF478D13250>, target_sim_id : 94027340160746505]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\relationships\relationship_service.py', line 803, in has_bit [ self : relationship_service, actor_sim_id : 94027340049809511, target_sim_id : 94027340160746505, relationship : <relationships.relationship.Relationship object at 0x00007FF4D7DDBE18>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\relationships\relationship.py', line 892, in has_bit [ self : <relationships.relationship.Relationship object at 0x00007FF4D7DDBE18>, sim_id : 94027340049809511]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\relationships\relationship.py', line 892, in <genexpr> [ .0 : <itertools.chain object at 0x00007FF46B1F5C10>, bit_type : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.relbit_SocialContext_Casual'>]
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5 hours ago, NisaK said:

Many thanks, about to post a hotpatch!

Thank you Nisa! All appears to be working fine now! :D


I'm curious if you'd be able to implement something into the mod... I 100% understand if you say no for whatever reason and my apologies if you get this a lot too... But I use Simdulgence penises and they have a pierced model. It got me thinking about the clitoral piercing in WP and how when a Sim gets their clit pierced, they get different moodlets, as do their sexual partners. I'm wondering if you and Simdulgence could maybe collab on a feature where a male Sim can go and get a prince albert piercing and Sims gain similar moodlets to that of the vaginal piercing?

Edited by vanitycane
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no longer using this mod all it does is cause ctd been like that for months if i try to use other peoples mods. it took me 2 months to figure out who was causing it. it is this mod. 

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First of all I am a noob with mods so please don't be mad at me if this has an easy solution cause I'm a dumdum.

I had no problems with the mod until today. My Sim can't accept anymore clients and notification bubble says "Unk prostitute was unable to show for situation expected 0". Sims don't initiate ww related actions at all anymore. I downloaded the new WP patch and it's still the same. Does it have something to do with the new patch or is there a solution for this already?



Edited by blossom0
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15 hours ago, Mahery91 said:

Hello Nisa
After the hotpatch I still get this error :

[cut for space]

Thank you for the LE, I think I know what's happening here, but could you post the full LE just so I can be sure. Just drag and drop the LE into the paperclip in your response. I may get a fix out before then however, I just like to be thorough. 


13 hours ago, vanitycane said:

Thank you Nisa! All appears to be working fine now! :D


I'm curious if you'd be able to implement something into the mod... I 100% understand if you say no for whatever reason and my apologies if you get this a lot too... But I use Simdulgence penises and they have a pierced model. It got me thinking about the clitoral piercing in WP and how when a Sim gets their clit pierced, they get different moodlets, as do their sexual partners. I'm wondering if you and Simdulgence could maybe collab on a feature where a male Sim can go and get a prince albert piercing and Sims gain similar moodlets to that of the vaginal piercing?

Funny you mention that! I have a few wip projects in various stages of completion. One is a piercing overhaul which will allow players with a bit of modding knowledge or other modders easily add WP support for their piercings. Penises have some additional concerns than nipple or clit piercings but it's definitely something I'm interested in exploring. 



12 hours ago, Ash049 said:

Hey Nisa,


First of all very nice mod, Now for the question is this new update compactable with vampire or alien....just wondering abt it...thank you....

I haven't heard of any issues with vampires or aliens. If you mean hybrids then i recommend against it however.


6 hours ago, HR125 said:

Hello, my game said I should send Nissa my LastExeption file. I am not sure where to. Thanks for your help and love your work.

Send me your Last Exceptions!!!!


6 hours ago, JMTe said:

"Fixed a bug with the remove heart eyes console command."

Speaking of which, what is the console command?


Sims have a limited number of cas slots, slots to put cas items like shoes, makeup, etc. WW and my mod uses 'extra cas slots' to apply cas items outside of these slots dynamically. Earlier implementations of this system could result in these extra cas items getting stuck on the sim, on occasion. So, I made some console commands to force their removal in that case.

However, this system has come a long, long way since it's creation. My development of succubi have taught us a different way to handle these extra cas parts which shouldn't result in this sort of bug. I intend to transition everything which uses extra cas slots to this new system someday but it'll take a little bit of time as some features which use it, like sensually tight, will need an overhaul to support the new system.


3 hours ago, jbradhl said:

no longer using this mod all it does is cause ctd been like that for months if i try to use other peoples mods. it took me 2 months to figure out who was causing it. it is this mod. 

First I've heard of this. Did you try a minimal install? Just WW, WP, and BMD installed in your Mods folder? 

3 hours ago, blossom0 said:


First of all I am a noob with mods so please don't be mad at me if this has an easy solution cause I'm a dumdum.

I had no problems with the mod until today. My Sim can't accept anymore clients and notification bubble says "Unk prostitute was unable to show for situation expected 0". Sims don't initiate ww related actions at all anymore. I downloaded the new WP patch and it's still the same. Does it have something to do with the new patch or is there a solution for this already?



So situations have a priority system. But in maxis's infinite wisdom, this priority system works a bit like rock paper scissors with certain situations being hardcoded per zone. So if your sim, or the client sim, is in a higher priority situation for that zone then maxis will prevent them from joining the other situation. This results in the sort of 'soft' bug which you are experiencing. I call it soft because that notification is mentioning my mod detected that sims weren't able to be added to the situation so it's closing the situation itself to resolve the bug from a coding perspective.

Of course, form a player perspective this is still not desired behavior. So what do you do? First try on other lots. There is a situation either your prostitute or the potential client is in which is preventing them from joining the prostituting situation. If it happens on all lots then it may be another mod forcing all sims into a situation. In which case you will want to test with a minimal install next. Just WW, WP and BMD installed. Let me know how it goes! 

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1 hour ago, NisaK said:

Funny you mention that! I have a few wip projects in various stages of completion. One is a piercing overhaul which will allow players with a bit of modding knowledge or other modders easily add WP support for their piercings. Penises have some additional concerns than nipple or clit piercings but it's definitely something I'm interested in exploring. 

Oooo! Exciting!

Looking forward to see the finished results!

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1 hour ago, NisaK said:

Sims have a limited number of cas slots, slots to put cas items like shoes, makeup, etc. WW and my mod uses 'extra cas slots' to apply cas items outside of these slots dynamically. Earlier implementations of this system could result in these extra cas items getting stuck on the sim, on occasion. So, I made some console commands to force their removal in that case.

However, this system has come a long, long way since it's creation. My development of succubi have taught us a different way to handle these extra cas parts which shouldn't result in this sort of bug. I intend to transition everything which uses extra cas slots to this new system someday but it'll take a little bit of time as some features which use it, like sensually tight, will need an overhaul to support the new system.

No no no. I meant like what's the console command to remove the heart eyes? ? nisa._____? I spent 2hrs earlier scrolling through this thread to find the code but I think I missed them through this jungle of words.


That's actually very interesting though. I never knew it worked like that. I'm really looking forward for future updates!

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yes i did when i put in other peoples mods this always happens it is your mod causing it. it took me 2 months to figure it out. i use tons of mods all are updated . without yours i can use all the mods i have. with yours 3/4 of them cause crashes . i first starting using your mod when u first made it. since the may update your mod has caused nothing but issues sorry not using it anymore. i just banged my head against a wall for 2 months finding the problem. my game works fine without yours and i finally get to enjoy playing it again., i dont no what u did in scripting over the last 3 months but something u did caused it. if u ever figure it out let me know, if you didnt update last night causing a le error i would still be banging my head against the wall. i took yours out and put the 100  folders of other mods that was on my desktop as search foe the problem and put them in and everything  worked.

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So I tried to make a spellcaster who owns two succubi, and I was disappointed to discover a succubus can't be a slave.  If they're already one, they can't become the other.  I tried using the console command to make them slaves, and their Fun meter disappears completely- it doesn't turn to Pink, they just suddenly have only 5 needs meters.

Would it be possible to make it so you could own a succubus?


Edit:  Also, some sort of Aphrodisiac Immunity trait?  This guy is supposed to be in control here, and as soon as the succubi work up a sweat he bounces back and forth from one to the other, obsessed with them...

Edited by snowdog04
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6 hours ago, jbradhl said:

yes i did when i put in other peoples mods this always happens it is your mod causing it. it took me 2 months to figure it out. i use tons of mods all are updated . without yours i can use all the mods i have. with yours 3/4 of them cause crashes . i first starting using your mod when u first made it. since the may update your mod has caused nothing but issues sorry not using it anymore. i just banged my head against a wall for 2 months finding the problem. my game works fine without yours and i finally get to enjoy playing it again., i dont no what u did in scripting over the last 3 months but something u did caused it. if u ever figure it out let me know, if you didnt update last night causing a le error i would still be banging my head against the wall. i took yours out and put the 100  folders of other mods that was on my desktop as search foe the problem and put them in and everything  worked.

Have you figured out what is causing a problem when NWP is installed?  Something you have doesn't play nice together with it.

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I only have WW, WP, BMD and XML and still my sims wont initiate sex. I also realized that when I try to manually start the action, it always shows my sim alone. Even if there are lots of-- I mean LOTS OF-- sims in the lot, the game(or mod) thinks there's only my sim around. So all I can do is some alone action atm. Idk how to solve it but I hope I can. The game would be very dull otherwise without your mod.


Clients call, I accept and go to the location, do one of the quests(?) of the escort mission, it IMMEDIATELY cancels the whole gig with 0 progression. I invite them over to my place, they dont even show up. When they do, they don't have the hexagonal symbol(you know, when you form a group) on their head. And they act like normal neighbours and leave.


Isn't there any other people who had to deal with this bug? Or is it just me? I feel alone... Send help pls...


** So I deleted every mod from my pc, deleted some broken/duplicate cc via Mod Conflict Detector. I used to use public WW but now I got the patreon version. I installed WW>WP>BMD in that order. Now I can't see the prostitution option on my phone. Will check it out again and update.


*** So it appears the prostitution job was not available for my Sim because she was a teen. I used to have another mod(go to school? not sure) that allowed my sims to go to school/private school or no school at all. My old sim could go to school and work as a prostitude before. Without the mod it didn't appear on my sim's phone. Now I'll download the WW animations and update again.

Edited by blossom0
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2 hours ago, snowdog04 said:

Have you figured out what is causing a problem when NWP is installed?  Something you have doesn't play nice together with it

snowdog , this issue started with the may patch and nisa's update to it. i thought originally it was a conflict with other mods as nisa's mod is one of 8 mods i consider must haves and always get put in first. my mod folder at the may patch was at 108 gb it is now at 88gb yes i am nut with mods. as i started putting the mods in one authors folder at a time i started running into the following issues 1) le remove the folder if it had multiple mods in i start putting that authors mods back in one at a time than i would get issue 2 or issue 3. 2) crash to desktop at the load screen or 3) when clicking on a city or a characters house i would get an le and a popup for batuu and a popup directly naming nisa at that time i thought it was the other mod. however if i put that author whole folder back in and removed 10 other mod folders at the top of my list it would work if i put those folders back in and took out 10 folders at the bottom it worked so it was frustrating to figure out who it was cause at the time i did not think it was this mod or the other 7 that are must haves.  i have banging my head against the wall for 2 months trying to fix this issue and it wasn't until the 3.1 update yesterday that thru an exception that caused me to put nisas folder on my desktop waiting for her to hot patch it. when i decided to put all the the other mod folders that were on my desktop to rule nisa out only to find all these other mods were now working with zero issues.  something nisa scripted in the last 2 months is causing it most likely it something simple that will cause a face palm and a i cant believe i did that reaction. maybe u put a zero in instead of 1 or maybe the wrong string. but my advice is to go back all the way to everything u have done since april it is in there somewhere. prior to the may patch all these mods were working together nicely. hopefully she finds it and fixes it  , it would be nice to put it back in i tried the update u put out at the time i made my last reply and ctd at load screen. i will keep trying every update. thats all the info i have . I ask that everyone who's name is not Nisa not to reply to this cause i will not be after this reply talking to anyone but the mod author on this no disrespect intended but if u look at my avatar that reflects my personality if someone says the wrong thing i may take it offensive so i mention this to avoid that from happening and i did not have the time earlier to give more info. i have been mod and troubling shooting mods and games since 2001 that is why i did not mention this issue until today when i determined  who it actually was causing it. it took 2 months to find the cause thats how thorough i am. i found out a long time ago you cannot always go by what an le says as often it shows everything but the mod that is actually  causing it.  well thats all i can say for now it is now up to u to find it. Nisa good luck but go over all your scripts for the last 2 months it is in there.

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I just wanted to say this mod is great and is the reason I made an account for this site in the first place. I love playing it, and even more so with the addition of Succubus and I look forward to future updates and features.
Speaking of, I do also have a question. A while back I saw someone else asking about the addition of milk and you said it was a future plan. I was wandering with the upcoming cottage living if you were thinking of looking into the cow milking once it comes out and adding features of humanoid milk (so long as the sims code was fine, I don't know programming or mod making at all)?
Again, love the mod and I can't wait to see what other fun, creative features and traits you make.

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14 hours ago, snowdog04 said:

So I tried to make a spellcaster who owns two succubi, and I was disappointed to discover a succubus can't be a slave.  If they're already one, they can't become the other.  I tried using the console command to make them slaves, and their Fun meter disappears completely- it doesn't turn to Pink, they just suddenly have only 5 needs meters.

Would it be possible to make it so you could own a succubus?


Edit:  Also, some sort of Aphrodisiac Immunity trait?  This guy is supposed to be in control here, and as soon as the succubi work up a sweat he bounces back and forth from one to the other, obsessed with them...


Succubi are ethereal creatures at their core, they come from a metaphysical demonic realm known as the Nightmare realm meaning they are originally Dream Demons. They can exist in the mortal realm (where we play the sims) thanks to a personal summoning tome which binds their metaphysical True form (which resembles their unrestrained/occult form) to their physical, mortal sim bodies. This summoning tome is more than just a book however, it tracks everything about the succubus. From their history to their thoughts. And it can be both read and altered by other sims. When another sim gets hold of a succubus's summoning tome they then can then subjugate them and change aspects of them. 

This sort of servitude or 'ownership' will definitely becoming after Part 1 is done (That is, after the tome and powers are added to succubi). Succubi will also eventually be getting a way to have thralls as well. I'm sorry for the delay in getting such a feature out, it's largely been because of burnout but i'm bouncing back!!!

As a side note, while I'm not ready to commit to it yet, I am playing around with the idea of removing Succubi girlfriend/boyfriend relationships and replacing them with contracts for those wanting a partnership with a succubus (where normal human dating wouldn't make a lot of sense).

12 hours ago, blossom0 said:

I only have WW, WP, BMD and XML and still my sims wont initiate sex. I also realized that when I try to manually start the action, it always shows my sim alone. Even if there are lots of-- I mean LOTS OF-- sims in the lot, the game(or mod) thinks there's only my sim around. So all I can do is some alone action atm. Idk how to solve it but I hope I can. The game would be very dull otherwise without your mod.


Clients call, I accept and go to the location, do one of the quests(?) of the escort mission, it IMMEDIATELY cancels the whole gig with 0 progression. I invite them over to my place, they dont even show up. When they do, they don't have the hexagonal symbol(you know, when you form a group) on their head. And they act like normal neighbours and leave.


Isn't there any other people who had to deal with this bug? Or is it just me? I feel alone... Send help pls...

Hey blossom0!

I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble. Are you getting any Last Exceptions? If so then can you please send them my way. They will help me figure out what could be going wrong in your game. Also are you saying you have only WW, WP, BMD, and XML installed and nothing else? No other cc or anything? Also what is xml? Do you mean xml injector? can you try removing that mod and testing again before sending me an LE (Last Exception).


11 hours ago, jbradhl said:


snowdog , this issue started with the may patch and nisa's update to it. i thought originally it was a conflict with other mods as nisa's mod is one of 8 mods i consider must haves and always get put in first. my mod folder at the may patch was at 108 gb it is now at 88gb yes i am nut with mods. as i started putting the mods in one authors folder at a time i started running into the following issues 1) le remove the folder if it had multiple mods in i start putting that authors mods back in one at a time than i would get issue 2 or issue 3. 2) crash to desktop at the load screen or 3) when clicking on a city or a characters house i would get an le and a popup for batuu and a popup directly naming nisa at that time i thought it was the other mod. however if i put that author whole folder back in and removed 10 other mod folders at the top of my list it would work if i put those folders back in and took out 10 folders at the bottom it worked so it was frustrating to figure out who it was cause at the time i did not think it was this mod or the other 7 that are must haves.  i have banging my head against the wall for 2 months trying to fix this issue and it wasn't until the 3.1 update yesterday that thru an exception that caused me to put nisas folder on my desktop waiting for her to hot patch it. when i decided to put all the the other mod folders that were on my desktop to rule nisa out only to find all these other mods were now working with zero issues.  something nisa scripted in the last 2 months is causing it most likely it something simple that will cause a face palm and a i cant believe i did that reaction. maybe u put a zero in instead of 1 or maybe the wrong string. but my advice is to go back all the way to everything u have done since april it is in there somewhere. prior to the may patch all these mods were working together nicely. hopefully she finds it and fixes it  , it would be nice to put it back in i tried the update u put out at the time i made my last reply and ctd at load screen. i will keep trying every update. thats all the info i have . I ask that everyone who's name is not Nisa not to reply to this cause i will not be after this reply talking to anyone but the mod author on this no disrespect intended but if u look at my avatar that reflects my personality if someone says the wrong thing i may take it offensive so i mention this to avoid that from happening and i did not have the time earlier to give more info. i have been mod and troubling shooting mods and games since 2001 that is why i did not mention this issue until today when i determined  who it actually was causing it. it took 2 months to find the cause thats how thorough i am. i found out a long time ago you cannot always go by what an le says as often it shows everything but the mod that is actually  causing it.  well thats all i can say for now it is now up to u to find it. Nisa good luck but go over all your scripts for the last 2 months it is in there.

Hey JBradhl!

Could you send me one of those recent Last exceptions? Preferably a MCC Last Exception? It may help us pinpoint what's going wrong in your unique mod setup. 

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1 hour ago, NisaK said:

Hey JBradhl!

Could you send me one of those recent Last exceptions? Preferably a MCC Last Exception? It may help us pinpoint what's going wrong in your unique mod setup. 

sorry i already deleted them


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