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SexoutNG - Beta (2.10.93b10) release thread

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I haven't had the issues I was having with my previous install, which was a fresh one itself, fresh game with scr and pregnancy May 25th 2013, I had micro stutters just walking around in goodsprings. I no longer have any issues like that, though when I went into the atomic wrangler with populated casinos I had to back out quickly and downgrade to the light version.. I think that is more an issue with that mod and not sexout related. Lust,  Hookups, Clothing Eval and  check me out  appear to be working flawlessly, I haven't experimented with fade to black or rapist yet, about 2-3 hours testing.


One thing I have noticed is it seems the tryout approaches don't always initialize I guess? I ran from goodsprings to new vegas avoiding deathclaws, and the kings would not approach even though I had set it to 75. I checked in the console and no rolls were being made. I saved, exited the game and restarted and approaches from the kings started working. When I started whoring in the wrangler I also got no approaches from clients. I haven't gone back in yet to see if another restart will fix the issue for working girl also.

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Vault 19 works well. Even was able to finish it for the first time even found where my stuff was taken to. :D The call backs between the "customers" and epstein worked without any issues. Needed some textures and meshes not included in the SSR ( I imagine intentionally) :mellow:


So far stable, functional and working as designed. :cool:


I am only running a bare bones Sexout SSR and supported mods with very few added meshes and textures.

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You still need the SCR datapack, just not the SCR ESM. For now that's just how it is, I'll get the needed textures and meshes as well at some point, once I figure out which ones are still actually used by SSR.


KO default is going to be disabled/1s, definitely. I intend to remove it entirely at some point. Leaving just the knockdown without the additional knock-out seems to work fine.

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You still need the SCR datapack, just not the SCR ESM. For now that's just how it is, I'll get the needed textures and meshes as well at some point, once I figure out which ones are still actually used by SSR.


KO default is going to be disabled/1s, definitely. I intend to remove it entirely at some point. Leaving just the knockdown without the additional knock-out seems to work fine.


With the KO settings currently running as you advised the call backs are working like a charm. No issues what so ever. Conversations start and finish. think I might try the Tops for the train. If it works there I don't see any issues with the current system. Sure some coding issues conversations etc might need fine tuning but it seems to be pretty solid.


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In that case you could do something like:



ref somebody
int do
if do==0
 set somebody to getself
 set do to 1

somebody.NX_SetEVFl "Sexout:Start::CallVer" 1
somebody.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorA" somebody
somebody.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorB" player
somebody.CIOS SexoutBegin



ref somebody
set somebody to getself

NX_SetEVFl "Sexout:Start::CallVer" 1
NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorA" somebody
NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorB" player
CIOS SexoutBegin
Should work just fine, but try it out in a test dialog script if you like.


For the record, NEITHER of these appear to work in dialog result scripts.


Using the example code below:


ref self
set self to getself

self.NX_SetEVFl "Sexout:Start::CallVer" 1
self.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorA" self
self.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorB" playerREF
self.CIOS SexoutBegin
will result in the player performing an animation by him/herself while the NPC that is supposed to be "self" does nothing. Any callbacks appended to the end (before SexoutBegin of course) will fail.


Results are the same with the if x==0 etc. loop Bruce suggested.




Might just be something odd with dialog result scripts in particular, I don't know. I'm too tired to do any more testing tonight.


I suppose the only workaround will be to make a scripted spell for it and just cios that, instead of putting the script in the dialog result itself. Obviously we do already have SexoutNGDoPlayerVaginal etc., but to "fix" PowderTryout I'll need more situational scripts than that, what with all the necessary callbacks and rape and such.




Also from what I've seen, MoveReftoA etc. appears to move A to the ref, rather than the other way around. Didn't dig into that particular issue much though. In this instance I was trying to move Scrambler to the PC after the PC and Eddie had sex, but Scrambler stayed glued to the wall and my PC ended up standing inside of him (unable to get out without tcl, lol).

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Is anyone else try/test the casinos and working girl and the beta Sexout / SSR?


The casinos do nothing when you start working there without permission. Tops, Gomoria and Ultra Lux. I have tried more than 4 times (at each casino) to get the results (tricks given) and nothing happens. The "tricks" work but the floor manager does nothing. Tried different locations from before still nothing.



Started working as a working girl at the Atomic Wrangler. Did tricks one day. Clocked off. Completed the quest to get more working girls/boys and a robot Fisto. Went to the tops attempted to get kicked out, didn't work. Killed Benny, tried again still no luck. Tried Gomora afterwards, then Ultra Lux.


I included what I have done in case there was some issue with the order that was done (glitch).

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If you can add a couple of dummy effects to the 2 Chameleon Spells that pop up when loading GECK with "no effect" errors to stop them popping up would be nice too if you can :)

Is anything actually using those? I don't even remember what they're doing there, they predate NG by quite a bit. I'll just delete them if they're not actually being used.
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You still need the SCR datapack, just not the SCR ESM. For now that's just how it is, I'll get the needed textures and meshes as well at some point, once I figure out which ones are still actually used by SSR.


KO default is going to be disabled/1s, definitely. I intend to remove it entirely at some point. Leaving just the knockdown without the additional knock-out seems to work fine.


With the KO settings currently running as you advised the call backs are working like a charm. No issues what so ever. Conversations start and finish. think I might try the Tops for the train. If it works there I don't see any issues with the current system. Sure some coding issues conversations etc might need fine tuning but it seems to be pretty solid.


I've found the actual problem here, and it's not the knockdown, that was just exposing it.


The actual problem is that the dialog callback system can break if it needs to talk to the the last person you talked to. Doesn't matter if you spoke to them on your own, or as the result of a previous CBDialog.


The variable check always succeeds in this case because it isn't being zeroed out. On NPCs like motorrunner this is a problem, because his AI package prevents startConversation from working sometimes.


So the real *fix*, which will work even with knockdown, is for me to check that the person you want to startconversation with is not the same as the last person the player conversed with -- and if it is, zero out that 'last person'.


Fix will be in the next beta.




False alarm, nevermind. It looks like I'm doing "the right thing" in the scripts after all. Need to keep looking.

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Also from what I've seen, MoveReftoA etc. appears to move A to the ref, rather than the other way around. Didn't dig into that particular issue much though. In this instance I was trying to move Scrambler to the PC after the PC and Eddie had sex, but Scrambler stayed glued to the wall and my PC ended up standing inside of him (unable to get out without tcl, lol).

Yeah, that ref isn't to be an actor, you set it to a headingmarker that's in the cell, to be the location that the actors are movedto after sex. With sex on beds, the actors don't have to stand up with their dirty shoes on the sheets anymore, and it fixes some things.

In fact, it also gives a bit of control over things like lighting during callback conversation etc. Sometimes there's just too much shadow on the face when an npc is turned this way, compared to that, to see facial anims for instance, or it's all a bit grim regardless. Pretty useful for specific scenes in quests etc.

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I think he's saying I named it backwards... but he just got the name wrong. ;)


it's refMoveToA (the Reference to move actor A to), not MoveReftoA (a reference to move to actor a).





Edit: Nobody else is using them so if they need renamed to be clear for everyone, now is the time. Just give me an unambiguous name. It's a ref (e.g. marker) you want to move the actor to after the scene completes.

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I asked asythmma this while you were gone pride, but he never got around to it.




Hey Asythmma, could you change a couple giant ant animations? Right now the player's picking randomly between on her back and on her stomach with her hands behind her back. If you could just make it so she just lays on her back that'd be great.


And for the fire ant I think you're using a turnright idle. Doesn't work well for sex, but what does work well is either AntAlertIdle.kf or 2hlattackspin.kf


The second one is best if you could do it, it's one of the ant's rangded attack animations. I'm not sure but I think that's a generic .kf name? If it is, then it's gotta be the one in the giant ant folder of the bsa.


Thanks a ton.



I'm sure you can do this. If you can duplicate the ant's 2hlattackspin and have them play it during sex, they aren't even going to need anyone to create new sex animations for them. It'll work almost perfectly.


Just to be clear here, this is the same for all ants, for for some reason teh fire ant is different? If the fireant is different, I can't do it just yet, as I don't have a separate list for them. For now I need to treat all the ants the same.


So I can change *all* ants to have the character lay on their back, and switch the ant side to the attack animation you mentioned. Right now they don't do anything I don't think.. they don't have any idles setup in the sexout idles, anyway.

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Would it be unreasonable to ask for the rape equivalents to DoPlayerAnal etc. to be added to SNG? Obviously I could just make my own little spell script for it within whatever I'm working on, but it seems like it'd be at least as useful as the consensual options, imo.

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Would it be unreasonable to ask for the rape equivalents to DoPlayerAnal etc. to be added to SNG? Obviously I could just make my own little spell script for it within whatever I'm working on, but it seems like it'd be at least as useful as the consensual options, imo.

Sure, can add them, no problem. Though, here's a dirty little secret... you can set any "extra" NX vars you like prior to casting those spells, and they will work.. ;)



NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::raper" self
CIOS SexoutNGDoPlayerAnal
Will do just what you imagine it would.. ;)
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All the ants use the same animations. There doesn't need to be any separation between normal and fire.


edit: I think the ant queens use a different skeleton, but we don't need anything for them.

I thought this would be easy to see in the geck, but it turns out they are all just using the dog first two dog animations, for unassigned creatures. 1001 and 1002. Do you know which one is the one you want for the human side so I don't have to drop in game and find a dog to test with?
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What are beth's rules on redistributing the KF's? That anim is not in the "idleanims" path, so I can't use the existing one for an idle. I'd have to copy it out and into the sexout datapack. The ones I can use without redistributing a file are:


- Any showing right now in the idles in the geck, for 'giantant'

- Any under 'idleanims' in the meshes BSA : these are mtspecialidle_* (turnright, hithead, etc), and specialidle_alert.kf.

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