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SexoutNG - Beta (2.10.93b10) release thread

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Two things; I think drugs and deseases should be separate not just from everything else, but from each other. Pregnancy can add its own drugs (bunaway, fertx, etc) in the pregnancy master, but I don't think that master should add them to leveled lists or add dialog, etc. That could be done in an ESP that uses pregnancy as a master. This would make it easier to keep pregnancy functionality, but change how the pregnancy related drugs work, where they can be found, etc.

Ok, I think I was confusing myself because I didn't know what I was going to do with condoms, which are relevant to both, but if they are just left as an asset in SCR / SSR both the Drug & Disease plugins can check for their usage.

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That would work. Sexoutstore could put them for sale within itself also, and then other non-core mods could add them to leveled lists and whatnot as we discussed.


Also any mods using or adding thigns like that could just agree on NX vars to set and check on the actors and solve the whole thing without needing masters or even actual in-game 'condom' assets. someActor.NX_GetEVFl "sexout:condoms:protectedFromSTDs" and "FromPreg" or.. whatever the authors of such mods as want to create and/or use them can agree on.


Whatever mod creates the condom itself can even then be an ESP and handle setting/clearing those vars in it's item scripts however it sees fit. Just an idea.


There are no condoms in SSR right now because they were ingestibles (alcohol/drugs) and not armor items, and I removed all the drugs.

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They can stay ingestibles if they need to, just stating why they're not in SSR right now. If they're made into armors they could have actual meshes and textures though. Not sure if one way is better than the other. I'm also not sure how either one being in SSR would 'cleanly' have pregnancy add an anti-pregnancy effect and the std mod add an std effect.


It might be smarter to make them armor items with no effects and just use the condition as iron_jack mentioned. If they were in the 'condoms' formlist or whtaever, then both pregnancy and STD mods could look at the condition to see how effective they should be. Start them off at 100 and let some other mod be responsible for deteriorating them as the author/player sees fit.

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I'd probably make it a little random damage so it were 2-10 times, but mods using the condoms would check the health for effectiveness, only 30% protection at 3 / 10 health.

LOL, all we need now is someone to do damaged mesh/texture versions of them :)

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Iunno, it'd be neat to see one actually equipped. Pride's probably right about the damage though. :P




edit: Oh lord, now I'm imagining scattering Condoms, Old Condoms, and Used Condoms throughout leveled lists, each with varying degrees of efficacy. 




SexoutCondoms! Might be an idea I toy with. Could even add conditional dialog options ("I don't have a condom..." "Oh that's okay, just this once" etc).




edit2: Except I don't know how well it'd work unless I could intercept other mods' sex calls... aherm. Maybe not. I dunno.

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Ok, I will play around with this beta. I don't know how to mod and this could be a way to give back. :angel:


SexoutNG current version Core and Data.

BnB body and skelly


SexoutBeta S.6.78b1


Am I to use the requirements of SCR, Tryouts etc?


[X] FalloutNV.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm
[X] ClassicPack.esm
[X] MercenaryPack.esm
[X] TribalPack.esm
[X] CaravanPack.esm
[X] Sexout.esm
[X] SexoutSharedResources.esm
[X] SexoutSlavery.esm
[X] SexoutLegion.esm
[X] SexoutFiends.esp
[X] SexoutKhans.esp
[X] SexoutKings.esp
[X] SexoutNCR.esp
[X] SexoutPowderGangers.esp
[X] SexoutSS.esp
[X] SexoutWorkingGirl.esp
[X] Alternative Start.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp


packages loaded. One is a customized BnB Kf and skeleton (only no textures) file required for SexoutNG.


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If SCR isn't present or loaded, and you renamed SexoutBeta.esm as the instructions say, then then you've got it setup properly and can go ahead with your testing.


Unfortunately you won't be able to test with other mods that require SCR since none have yet been converted to SSR, and it will be some time before the most popular ones are, if ever.

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If SCR isn't present or loaded, and you renamed SexoutBeta.esm as the instructions say, then then you've got it setup properly and can go ahead with your testing.


Unfortunately you won't be able to test with other mods that require SCR since none have yet been converted to SSR, and it will be some time before the most popular ones are, if ever.


I did rename the SexoutBeta. You did have that instructions in a different color.. :P


You can see the load order under the spoiler if you wanted:


I figured out that many mods won't work because the require SCR for testing purposes. I would use the sex key but recently it went bust. It sometimes wouldn't work especially with animals and such. Would just stand there until the animation was done. I guess I just have to get the sex the old fashioned way. Wait for the opportunity... :D


So far within about 15 minutes of testing I have gotten a strange pop up I guess you can say.. It stated that sewer slave was pre-NG and that it was probably a mistake? I have loaded nothing but what was mentioned and showed in the package manager and load order. Are you using a pre SCR version of Sewer Slave? It also want me to add zaz to it as well. Just to let you know. I can do it but others if test might get confused. I did state I am running as lean a system as possible. All except the alternate start. Don't want to wait for the Doctor to get finished with me multiple times if needed.

EDIT: Previous photos too large. Sorry. New Focused photos.



Is there anything particular that needs to have a run down on my end for your testing purposes. Like Motorunner or such.


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It's not the most popular mod, but SOWillow is converted for use with SSR. 


Cool I wanted to use that mod after using your other mod Inga. 


FYI your op still states that SCR is required


Not a big deal but others might not know if they test. The romance quest seems cool might be something new to keep me busy while testing.= testing longer.. :)


If it has be converted over is it the version on the main download page now?


@Prideslayer. For testing purposes I am keeping it lean. Running converted non SCR mods should help the process as well correct?


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It's not the most popular mod, but SOWillow is converted for use with SSR. 


Cool I wanted to use that mod after using your other mod Inga. 


FYI your op still states that SCR is required

attachicon.gifSoWillowSCR Error.PNG

Not a big deal but others might not know if they test. The romance quest seems cool might be something new to keep me busy while testing.= testing longer.. :)


If it has be converted over is it the version on the main download page now?


@Prideslayer. For testing purposes I am keeping it lean. Running converted non SCR mods should help the process as well correct?




The version in the OP is still the version depending on SCR. Check my last post in that thread to get the SSR version. I want people to test it first, before I promote it to OP. :)

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I did rename the SexoutBeta. You did have that instructions in a different color.. :P

Around here, this means nothing. I'll show you my PM inbox sometime if you don't believe me.. ;)

So far within about 15 minutes of testing I have gotten a strange pop up I guess you can say.. It stated that sewer slave was pre-NG and that it was probably a mistake?

That's a message from Sexout.ESM that I haven't fixed yet. The original, pre-NG sewerslave was called SexoutSS.esp. When we NGified it, it was called SexoutSS_C.esp during development and that name stuck. After a while, I put the original in the sexout literacy checks.


Rename SexoutSS.esp to SexoutSS_C.esp and that will go away -- I just munged up the naming here, as I copied _C back to the original name when I was pulling SCR out of it and forgot to rename it back.

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That's a message from Sexout.ESM that I haven't fixed yet. The original, pre-NG sewerslave was called SexoutSS.esp. When we NGified it, it was called SexoutSS_C.esp during development and that name stuck. After a while, I put the original in the sexout literacy checks.

Rename SexoutSS.esp to SexoutSS_C.esp and that will go away -- I just munged up the naming here, as I copied _C back to the original name when I was pulling SCR out of it and forgot to rename it back.


Not a big problem. I imagine that you will get around to fixing it sometime. When a new version is ready and installed it will dissappear. If it starts to annoy me I have the option to change it. However this brings to mind one question. Without it named properly that means that the mod itself is not going to work correct. ..


Around here, this means nothing. I'll show you my PM inbox sometime if you don't believe me.. ;) - prideslayer

I believe you. I trullly very truly believe you. I have been lurking around since you was here before Sep 2012. Since becomiing more active instead of lurking I have helped a few individuals. Not as many as you or others here but a few and I know how difficult it can be. I will try my best not to ... incite the "Hulk Rage" from you... lol.


With testing being done on my part I was wondering if there was somethng that you particularly wanted or needed testing in field or if general testing much like what I am doing will be good enough. If that is the case then I might start testing the various mods that are SSR compatable one at a time perhaps starting with SexoutWillow. 


I have to say it does run nice and smooth. My frame rate is constant no flickers.

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With testing being done on my part I was wondering if there was somethng that you particularly wanted or needed testing in field or if general testing much like what I am doing will be good enough. If that is the case then I might start testing the various mods that are SSR compatable one at a time perhaps starting with SexoutWillow. 



That mod does nothing more than what its description says. Don't expect SOA-style sequences and all that jazz. Everybody has to start small. :)

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With testing being done on my part I was wondering if there was somethng that you particularly wanted or needed testing in field or if general testing much like what I am doing will be good enough. If that is the case then I might start testing the various mods that are SSR compatable one at a time perhaps starting with SexoutWillow. 



That mod does nothing more than what its description says. Don't expect SOA-style sequences and all that jazz. Everybody has to start small. :)



Not a problem, not a problem at all. The closest thing I ever did in mods was change the damage on the armored suit of FO3 when it first came out. I wouldn't even know where to begin with mod and scripting with the GECK. I have only just recently got the understanding on the file system and diagnosing my game related problems to a point that I can help some others fix their problems.


As far as a "SOA-style" sequences.. Ok, I don't even know what that is so I most likely won't be missing anything... lol.


I wanted to contribute by creating mods and such. I don't have the patient to devote the concentration needed right now with other things going on in my life. I am sure everybody understands where I am coming from. However I have a nice setup for the computer and can easily play some games and post. (multi monitor) This way I can contribute some and help without having to concentrate etc.


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SSRv1b3 loaded and working, only warning was expected. It wanted a clean save.

New Load Order


Alternative Start.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

Total active plugins: 24
Total plugins: 24


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I just want to know two things...


1. That SSR and SSR-mods running *without* SCR and SCR-mods alongside, all work fine. No worse than before, at any rate.


2. Once we're satisfied with #1, can add SCR and mods using it in alongside the SSR stuff. They should, mostly, coexist just fine. The only exceptions I forsee are pregnant/damaged mesh switching on SSR outfits, which means basically the custom slave outfits from legion and pg tryout, and the ncr whoring outfit from ncr tryout.


Really I don't forsee anything else being 'broken'.

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Oh, there *may* be issues with other mods that add greeting dialog, I guess we'll see. SCR adds dialog to the doctors in greeting, and legion adds greetings in for marissa etc. If one or the other breaks, switch the SCR/Legion load order and see if the problem switches position.


I am pretty sure dialog gets merged nicely by the engine, so no conflicts, but I may be mistaken.

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