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I posted this in the poll post aswell but thought i might aswell post it here so people can see it more easily, and discuss it if they feel like it.

I know current focus is on the enslaved part of the mod and also adding new stuff there in general. This leaves the not enslaved part of the mod "lacking" currently, not that its all bad but some more content with paul here over time will be good.  I really preffer the bell and nosering from this part of the mod as its way less intrusive on my characters looks (bell and nosering from slavery is stupidly big in my opinion). Being able to enjoy more parts of the mod by taking this route and avoiding getting forcefully enslaved would be a welcome change.
 The recent additions to the slavery are looking good but could use more different and intresting scenarios and missions (wich is what you are currently working on im guessing), but as i mentioned earlier i also don't like the enslaved ring and bell having some sort of choice here after paul gets you back would be great. He is a blacksmith afterall and the slavers replace your old ring with a new one when they catch you so why can't paul change it aswell if he is in a good mood and let you put up a request.  Also while i am at the topic of looks, having some slight controll over wich traits can affect your character would be nice addition. I don't hate the random part of the traits, but without options to limit some of the traits that affect you the most like uneven breasts, imaginary pregnancy (especially if you play with pregnancy mods the scaling skyrockets and your walking around with a boulder as a stomach) most people would rely on a save and load strat to avoid the worst traits. It's clear that this is the case based on comments and it is what i do myself just incase i get a bad trait.

Thank you for having a read and hope some of my feedback helps in the development of the mod. Who knows these could be some quality of life changes that would improve the overall enjoyment of the mod aswell, im sure mine would :).
You are doing a great job with the mod so far and ive been following closely since the start. yeah vision is important but, sometimes its nice to come to a compromise with the audience aswell i would think. @skyrimfet

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5 hours ago, skyrimfet said:

* * * Moooooo * * *

I still see that some people try to change my mind about mutations etc. Of course ignoring it is not a best way (or? :P )

If you want - i prepared simple poll - i want to get wide perspective, you can help yourself and help me to make this mod better.



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11 hours ago, skyrimfet said:

* * * Moooooo * * *

I still see that some people try to change my mind about mutations etc. Of course ignoring it is not a best way (or? :P )

If you want - i prepared simple poll - i want to get wide perspective, you can help yourself and help me to make this mod better.



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5 hours ago, skyrimfet said:

hoobles? i checked this word in google images-its a kind of bondage? or?

Hobble is a rope tied from a front leg to a rear leg. Keeps an animal, like a horse, from running off.

They can graze in one spot, and still be there - or close - when you come back for them.

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23 hours ago, skyrimfet said:

* * * Moooooo * * *

I still see that some people try to change my mind about mutations etc. Of course ignoring it is not a best way (or? :P )

If you want - i prepared simple poll - i want to get wide perspective, you can help yourself and help me to make this mod better.



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8 hours ago, skyrimfet said:

but please - keep in mind i dont remember what is in file
dont remember about requiments etc etc - your own risk and i think that you cant downgrade mod

question - why 1.4?

Skyrim - Being a Cow 1.4.zip

The femboy reborn mod has a BAC patch but it's only for 1.4 and I can't use it for the current version because of that and the mod author of Femboy Reborn has no plans to update the patch

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Was enjoying this but ran into similar issues as others. Once Marc calls the ambush the scene cuts to a warehouse where I just get milked for about 20 seconds with nothing happening and then a text box cuts to the parade. And then after that stuck in the cage. The furthest I got was being lead to the table where a few people come in but it's never gotten everyone in the room and won't advance further, Anyone got any ideas how to progress past this?

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27 minutes ago, Rhook said:

Was enjoying this but ran into similar issues as others. Once Marc calls the ambush the scene cuts to a warehouse where I just get milked for about 20 seconds with nothing happening and then a text box cuts to the parade. And then after that stuck in the cage. The furthest I got was being lead to the table where a few people come in but it's never gotten everyone in the room and won't advance further, Anyone got any ideas how to progress past this?

Try waiting an hour.

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2 hours ago, Rhook said:

Was enjoying this but ran into similar issues as others. Once Marc calls the ambush the scene cuts to a warehouse where I just get milked for about 20 seconds with nothing happening and then a text box cuts to the parade. And then after that stuck in the cage. The furthest I got was being lead to the table where a few people come in but it's never gotten everyone in the room and won't advance further, Anyone got any ideas how to progress past this?

I reproduced this kind of  issue in my game too (finaly) - i make some fixes and after it i never got problems again.

fixes will be in 1.8pre3 (soon)


1 hour ago, FalloutGarmonija said:

Try waiting an hour.

its doesnt help - problem is with broken alliases in quest - i dont know IHMO it is bug in game engine. when one of alias is broken all scenes in quest are broken -it happens after save/load

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 If I could get one feature added, it would be optional body mesh swapping as transformation

into a cow progresses. We could then use meshes that would give better results with very

large breasts or butts. I built a body in outfit studio for myself, that gives extremely large

nipples at weight 100, but I had to use a custom race and swap meshes in my folders.


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