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18 minutes ago, aegaskin said:

I can start Testing but I'll go ahead and say that in that last log I sent There was no BDSM equipment used as I havent gotten any equipment at this portion of the playthrough. Im pretty sure whats spamming the log is probably a cloak spell log or something of the sort. As for the whistle command Im confident for those two logs I sent I didnt do so, but I can go ahead and make another one for further confirmation if youd like. Also thanks so much for  responding to feedback. Both of these mods are one of my must haves for SSE and I believe is one of the best mods out there ❤️ 

very interesting that its spamming about the whistle when its not being used, hope that clears with the dd issues. i think the device hider would be considered a cloak spell, you'll want to report the issues with the device hider in dd after we're done determining if that's a cause for concern or just a minor nuisance gumming up the works

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1 hour ago, CliftonJD said:

very interesting that its spamming about the whistle when its not being used, hope that clears with the dd issues. i think the device hider would be considered a cloak spell, you'll want to report the issues with the device hider in dd after we're done determining if that's a cause for concern or just a minor nuisance gumming up the works

Sounds like a good idea. Btw the whistle feature seems to be working perfectly fine so if it is making a big stink in the logs it's not messing anything up in game if it helps. 

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1 hour ago, aegaskin said:

Sounds like a good idea. Btw the whistle feature seems to be working perfectly fine so if it is making a big stink in the logs it's not messing anything up in game if it helps. 

oh, that's even weirder but that's also why some bugs go undetected. intended feature works, but still spams the log

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3 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

oh, that's even weirder but that's also why some bugs go undetected. intended feature works, but still spams the log

One last question. With all the info and such if their were to be a fix since its believed to be the PAH core, would the update/fix be for AYGAS, or PAHE? (So others experiencing this issue and myself know where to look when released)

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2 hours ago, aegaskin said:

One last question. With all the info and such if their were to be a fix since its believed to be the PAH core, would the update/fix be for AYGAS, or PAHE? (So others experiencing this issue and myself know where to look when released)

for now, i'll let you test the script fix for the "hotkey bug":


drop that script in your scripts folder, selling the last slave will still cause issues with this fix. if this works, i'll need to figure something else out for the problems with the last slave. if i can find a solution to both problems, pahe will be updated and sse will get a hotfix patch. i don't have the tools to send out a complete update to sse

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2 hours ago, CliftonJD said:


for now, i'll let you test the script fix for the "hotkey bug":

pahcore.pex 69.92 kB · 1 download

drop that script in your scripts folder, selling the last slave will still cause issues with this fix. if this works, i'll need to figure something else out for the problems with the last slave. if i can find a solution to both problems, pahe will be updated and sse will get a hotfix patch. i don't have the tools to send out a complete update to sse


I'll try it now. Im guessing your meaning the bug with the whistle showing up continuously in the logs due to me having it set to a hotkey with this fix? As for the slave issue, i did some more experimenting, and from what i can tell (I have no knowledge of how scripting works, but just an assumption from observation) the issue resides in how PAH and Papyrus Util communicate with eachother due to the latest update. Heres some of the things I've tried in regards to the issue and what i believe is going on :)


  • Switched from the latest installment of PAH to an older version to see if the issue resided with The Core in general or the update in which both the old and new version provided the same results in regards to Selling a slave, saving game, Reloading the same save, and asking the owner how the new slave was doing in which they said the same (I no longer own that slave).
  • Checked the slaves stats throughout playthrough in which they held up fine with no issue.
  • Attempted interactions with slaves with other mods that alter the slave in some way (Pregnancy, Inflation, soul gem oven, etc) In which the slaves at first functioned accordinly in regards to those mods, but once the game was saved or the PC dies and the game reloads, most if not all data from other mods are lost (depending on what the mod's interaction is)

After these notes and some further troubleshooting, it seems as though however information is stored in regards to the slaves through Papyrus Util holds until a reload/ exiting Skyrim and starting it up. Guessing the way its written (correct me if Im wrong) Slave stats and base information is stored in PAH whereas other information perhaps stored or communicated to Papyrus Util isnt holding up perhaps due to this recent Papyrus Util update.


I'll get a papyrus log for you with this fix and post it in a few.  :D


EDIT: Heres the log. In this log, I walked around and used the Whistle function 2-3 times making the slave stop in place, me getting some distance, then call them back. in the end I also attempted a sale just so you have a little more material to look at for your observations and such. (Sale yields same results as you said)


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10 hours ago, aegaskin said:


I'll try it now. Im guessing your meaning the bug with the whistle showing up continuously in the logs due to me having it set to a hotkey with this fix? As for the slave issue, i did some more experimenting, and from what i can tell (I have no knowledge of how scripting works, but just an assumption from observation) the issue resides in how PAH and Papyrus Util communicate with eachother due to the latest update. Heres some of the things I've tried in regards to the issue and what i believe is going on :)


  • Switched from the latest installment of PAH to an older version to see if the issue resided with The Core in general or the update in which both the old and new version provided the same results in regards to Selling a slave, saving game, Reloading the same save, and asking the owner how the new slave was doing in which they said the same (I no longer own that slave).
  • Checked the slaves stats throughout playthrough in which they held up fine with no issue.
  • Attempted interactions with slaves with other mods that alter the slave in some way (Pregnancy, Inflation, soul gem oven, etc) In which the slaves at first functioned accordinly in regards to those mods, but once the game was saved or the PC dies and the game reloads, most if not all data from other mods are lost (depending on what the mod's interaction is)

After these notes and some further troubleshooting, it seems as though however information is stored in regards to the slaves through Papyrus Util holds until a reload/ exiting Skyrim and starting it up. Guessing the way its written (correct me if Im wrong) Slave stats and base information is stored in PAH whereas other information perhaps stored or communicated to Papyrus Util isnt holding up perhaps due to this recent Papyrus Util update.


I'll get a papyrus log for you with this fix and post it in a few.  :D


EDIT: Heres the log. In this log, I walked around and used the Whistle function 2-3 times making the slave stop in place, me getting some distance, then call them back. in the end I also attempted a sale just so you have a little more material to look at for your observations and such. (Sale yields same results as you said)

Papyrus.0.log 58.87 kB · 0 downloads

something went wrong there, the new log doesn't show any evidence of pahe. did you disable debug logging perhaps

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Can anyone help please?

I'm not sure whether to post here or somewhere else, but I'm having a bit of an animation problem


Due to some mod conflicts I had to uninstall Devious Followers, and since then, animations are not behaving correctly, even though I did rebuild FNIS

But I post here because the issue, so far, only seems to be related to this mod, tried sex through other mods, and the animations seem to be working normally.


The issue in question, is that every time I tell a slave "i'm going to fuck you" there's 3 options, but all 3 of them in my case now lead to the same animation.

Some "Skull Fuck" label. Using the cycle animation from Sexlab doesnt work, it only cycles to the same over and over.

I have installed some of FunnyBizness, ZAZ v8.0, SLAL and Slaverun among other stuff.

I'm not exactly sure which one controls what regarding animation selection, but the fact is I only have one animation working for this mod.

Also Sexlab animation controller on the MCM lists current animation as ZAP Doggy01 and says it's disabled. Tried enabling it but it didn't work.


Don't know if I'm missing some installation instruction here or I'm having a genuine bug.

In case anyone is wondering, I did restart the game after uninstalling DF. No chance of stuck scripts or old variables. New game reproduces the bug.


I'll try to reinstall most of the stuff and see what happens. Using MO2 btw.


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6 minutes ago, Dark Mirror said:

Can anyone help please?

I'm not sure whether to post here or somewhere else, but I'm having a bit of an animation problem


Due to some mod conflicts I had to uninstall Devious Followers, and since then, animations are not behaving correctly, even though I did rebuild FNIS

But I post here because the issue, so far, only seems to be related to this mod, tried sex through other mods, and the animations seem to be working normally.


The issue in question, is that every time I tell a slave "i'm going to fuck you" there's 3 options, but all 3 of them in my case now lead to the same animation.

Some "Skull Fuck" label. Using the cycle animation from Sexlab doesnt work, it only cycles to the same over and over.

I have installed some of FunnyBizness, ZAZ v8.0, SLAL and Slaverun among other stuff.

I'm not exactly sure which one controls what regarding animation selection, but the fact is I only have one animation working for this mod.

Also Sexlab animation controller on the MCM lists current animation as ZAP Doggy01 and says it's disabled. Tried enabling it but it didn't work.


Don't know if I'm missing some installation instruction here or I'm having a genuine bug.

In case anyone is wondering, I did restart the game after uninstalling DF. No chance of stuck scripts or old variables. New game reproduces the bug.


I'll try to reinstall most of the stuff and see what happens. Using MO2 btw.


This sort of thing happens sometimes and is related to SexLab Framework. AYGAS (like most other mods with animated sex here on LL) simply calls SexLab and tells it what sort of animation it would like (via tags). There are several ways to work around this. The simplest, in my experience, is actually to go into SexLab's McMenu and disable the one animation that keeps coming up. That usually resolves the problem.


Your other option is to get SLATE, found here:


This mod will allow you to change the tags on existing animations and thereby increase the number of animations that SexLab can call for any given tag.


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Did some reinstalls and lots of testing. Thing is still there, but only for that specific way to have sex with slaves. Most of the other methods I've tried allow normal animations.

To be honest, after thorough testing, I'm not sure I ever had a real problem.


I've been trying to get a good recipe for the "bug" and so far, it goes like this:

- The slave MUST be restrained with the dialog option (unrestrained sex seems to fork fine)

- Previous to engaging sex it says "playing animation: (some random one)" and then it goes on and plays one of a limited list

- There's only 3 animations (most of the times): Zap Missionary01 (Vaginal), Zap Doggy01 (Anal) and Zap Skullfuck01 (Oral)

- When using either of those 3, it's impossible to cycle to another anim, the cycle animation key, only cycles the animation on itself.

- The other 2 work, but Zap Doggy01 is bugged to hell and back. First, it doesnt play, then, on cycle button press, it decides to play, but characters are horribly misaligned, and even though alignment is fixable, the animation still looks off.

- Neither of the 3 animations appears on any Sexlab MCM list that I've found.


5 hours ago, Psalam said:

The simplest, in my experience, is actually to go into SexLab's McMenu and disable the one animation that keeps coming up. That usually resolves the problem.

They're already disabled though, and also the only way to find them, is to play them so the MCM editor auto-changes to them, since they're not on the list.



5 hours ago, Psalam said:

Your other option is to get SLATE

This mod will allow you to change the tags on existing animations and thereby increase the number of animations that SexLab can call for any given tag.

Just downloaded it, but I have no idea how to use it yet. In any case, from my meddling with its MCM, I couldn't find the ZAP animations anywhere in there either. I suspect that "NoSwap" tag prevents cycling, but I've no way to remove it.

4 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

that's part of the dd sexlab filter, check your filter options from dd and zaz. might need to disable both filters

Disabled both, and it still plays the same fixed animations if restrained.


Maybe I'm overcomplicating, but this felt buggy, and that has a way of going badly.

Also one thing that is calling my attention is that FunnyBizness packs seem to have some bound animations, and Sexlab seems to try to use those at first, as the message above, naming the animation says, but it still doesnt work and it ends up using the same 3 Zap ones, especially the Doggy one which is painful to watch how bugged it is.


A few oddities apparently didn't match the pattern, as sometimes (very unusual) it called exactly the first normal animation it said it would, on a restrained actor. Stuff like Zyn Rough Standing. But those exist in the normal list. I also seem to recall those refused to be cycled as well.


Anyway, thanks for answering. Now I'm not so sure if it's a bug or just a limitation.

If anyone would be so kind to test it in their own game and report, it would be amazing.

It's not too complicated, just enslave some bandit, restrain them, use "Ok slave, I'm going to fuck you", and see what happens witch each of the 3 options.

It'd be really nice to know it's not a bug, and it's just the way it's suppoed to happen. Would also be nice if there was a way to git rid of Zap Doggy01 though, and maybe even make the mod work with FunnyBizness bound anims.

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6 hours ago, aegaskin said:

Sorry i forgot to turn it back on. try this one 

Papyrus.0.log 181.05 kB · 0 downloads

doesn't seem to have taken the new script i sent

1 hour ago, Dark Mirror said:

Did some reinstalls and lots of testing. Thing is still there, but only for that specific way to have sex with slaves. Most of the other methods I've tried allow normal animations.

To be honest, after thorough testing, I'm not sure I ever had a real problem.


I've been trying to get a good recipe for the "bug" and so far, it goes like this:

- The slave MUST be restrained with the dialog option (unrestrained sex seems to fork fine)

- Previous to engaging sex it says "playing animation: (some random one)" and then it goes on and plays one of a limited list

- There's only 3 animations (most of the times): Zap Missionary01 (Vaginal), Zap Doggy01 (Anal) and Zap Skullfuck01 (Oral)

- When using either of those 3, it's impossible to cycle to another anim, the cycle animation key, only cycles the animation on itself.

- The other 2 work, but Zap Doggy01 is bugged to hell and back. First, it doesnt play, then, on cycle button press, it decides to play, but characters are horribly misaligned, and even though alignment is fixable, the animation still looks off.

- Neither of the 3 animations appears on any Sexlab MCM list that I've found.


They're already disabled though, and also the only way to find them, is to play them so the MCM editor auto-changes to them, since they're not on the list.

  Reveal hidden contents


Just downloaded it, but I have no idea how to use it yet. In any case, from my meddling with its MCM, I couldn't find the ZAP animations anywhere in there either. I suspect that "NoSwap" tag prevents cycling, but I've no way to remove it.

Disabled both, and it still plays the same fixed animations if restrained.


Maybe I'm overcomplicating, but this felt buggy, and that has a way of going badly.

Also one thing that is calling my attention is that FunnyBizness packs seem to have some bound animations, and Sexlab seems to try to use those at first, as the message above, naming the animation says, but it still doesnt work and it ends up using the same 3 Zap ones, especially the Doggy one which is painful to watch how bugged it is.


A few oddities apparently didn't match the pattern, as sometimes (very unusual) it called exactly the first normal animation it said it would, on a restrained actor. Stuff like Zyn Rough Standing. But those exist in the normal list. I also seem to recall those refused to be cycled as well.


Anyway, thanks for answering. Now I'm not so sure if it's a bug or just a limitation.

If anyone would be so kind to test it in their own game and report, it would be amazing.

It's not too complicated, just enslave some bandit, restrain them, use "Ok slave, I'm going to fuck you", and see what happens witch each of the 3 options.

It'd be really nice to know it's not a bug, and it's just the way it's suppoed to happen. Would also be nice if there was a way to git rid of Zap Doggy01 though, and maybe even make the mod work with FunnyBizness bound anims.

meshes\actors\character\animations\ddsl is the folder holding that animation and FNIS_DDSL_List is the fnis text file assigning those animations to the dd sl filter, but there are only 3 toggles on the dd filter screen

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3 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

doesn't seem to have taken the new script i sent

meshes\actors\character\animations\ddsl is the folder holding that animation and FNIS_DDSL_List is the fnis text file assigning those animations to the dd sl filter, but there are only 3 toggles on the dd filter screen

Hold on I may have went back to the regular version lol. I have both mods seperate with your fix on one. Will post in the next few minutes.


Edit: @CliftonJD Sorry about the mix up earlier completely slipped my mind :( Anywho, I threw the fix back on and made sure i had logging enabled this time. This should have everything from the whistle testing to more criteria for you to see the selling of a slave and reloading the game as well. I hope this helps >.<


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5 hours ago, Dark Mirror said:

Did some reinstalls and lots of testing. Thing is still there, but only for that specific way to have sex with slaves. Most of the other methods I've tried allow normal animations.

To be honest, after thorough testing, I'm not sure I ever had a real problem.


I've been trying to get a good recipe for the "bug" and so far, it goes like this:

- The slave MUST be restrained with the dialog option (unrestrained sex seems to fork fine)

- Previous to engaging sex it says "playing animation: (some random one)" and then it goes on and plays one of a limited list

- There's only 3 animations (most of the times): Zap Missionary01 (Vaginal), Zap Doggy01 (Anal) and Zap Skullfuck01 (Oral)

- When using either of those 3, it's impossible to cycle to another anim, the cycle animation key, only cycles the animation on itself.

- The other 2 work, but Zap Doggy01 is bugged to hell and back. First, it doesnt play, then, on cycle button press, it decides to play, but characters are horribly misaligned, and even though alignment is fixable, the animation still looks off.

- Neither of the 3 animations appears on any Sexlab MCM list that I've found.


They're already disabled though, and also the only way to find them, is to play them so the MCM editor auto-changes to them, since they're not on the list.

  Hide contents


Just downloaded it, but I have no idea how to use it yet. In any case, from my meddling with its MCM, I couldn't find the ZAP animations anywhere in there either. I suspect that "NoSwap" tag prevents cycling, but I've no way to remove it.

Disabled both, and it still plays the same fixed animations if restrained.


Maybe I'm overcomplicating, but this felt buggy, and that has a way of going badly.

Also one thing that is calling my attention is that FunnyBizness packs seem to have some bound animations, and Sexlab seems to try to use those at first, as the message above, naming the animation says, but it still doesnt work and it ends up using the same 3 Zap ones, especially the Doggy one which is painful to watch how bugged it is.


A few oddities apparently didn't match the pattern, as sometimes (very unusual) it called exactly the first normal animation it said it would, on a restrained actor. Stuff like Zyn Rough Standing. But those exist in the normal list. I also seem to recall those refused to be cycled as well.


Anyway, thanks for answering. Now I'm not so sure if it's a bug or just a limitation.

If anyone would be so kind to test it in their own game and report, it would be amazing.

It's not too complicated, just enslave some bandit, restrain them, use "Ok slave, I'm going to fuck you", and see what happens witch each of the 3 options.

It'd be really nice to know it's not a bug, and it's just the way it's suppoed to happen. Would also be nice if there was a way to git rid of Zap Doggy01 though, and maybe even make the mod work with FunnyBizness bound anims.


It happens to me as well, all the time, just didn't remember to post it. I don't remember seeing it happen when you use the "Strip slave, time to have some fun with you",  but it almost always happens when you go "OK slave, I am gonna fuck you" OR if you choose to punish her via sex.... ZapSkullFuck doesnt work for me either. I go behind the character and we both stay still. I can hear the moaning but nothing happens.


The thing that annoys me though is that I am about to start a new playthrough without aygas because it simply doesnt work as intended since the latest SSE update. I tried multiple things but the slaves just malfuction after being sold... 


I can sell a slave to a guy, come back a day later, she is butt naked (always), the guy won't acknowledge her, she won't have a slave mark and I can literally kill her in front of the whole city and nothing will happen... Although the last one can be just a rule, I can't remember a time where I killed a slave and actually got into trouble...


Anyway, I hope you guys figure out what is wrong, I hope I could help somehow. I will just wait for now. Happy holidays to all!

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On 12/31/2019 at 8:05 PM, Taic said:

Hi there! I just installed your mod and I've encountered a minor problem: whenever I quit the game with a slave still working, it doesn't show their location or their level once I eventually return to the game. Here's a screenshot showcasing this issue: https://imgur.com/ta6O2GL Do you mind helping me out? Thanks!

Did you try returning to where you last left them?

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After trying to find a common thread in the last five miserable (problems - not people) pages of comments - it seems to come down to the last Skyrim SE update broke something in a big way.

It is either SKSE, Sexlab, or PapyrusUtil. The Sexlab version of PapyrusUtil 3.8 appears to match the standalone version.


My AYGAS specific problem is I attend pit fights, but I don't get credit for attendance. No option to bet on the fights. My attendance is still (0,2).

Well that and slaves I sell wind up as "Unowned". Not all - but a lot.


Bigger problem for me is MME. Milk Maid stats drop back to zero on every reload.

Ed86's solution is: Roll back to the previous version of Skyrim SE until it is fixed. That won't happen...


It would be great if we had a diagnostic scaffold that would test all those functions...

Meanwhile - my sympathy to all mod authors dealing with problems not of their doing...


Late thought: I read something about the Skyrim SE update changed some part of the file structure.

Mods may be looking in the wrong place for their data bases?


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8 hours ago, fred200 said:

After trying to find a common thread in the last five miserable (problems - not people) pages of comments - it seems to come down to the last Skyrim SE update broke something in a big way.

It is either SKSE, Sexlab, or PapyrusUtil. The Sexlab version of PapyrusUtil 3.8 appears to match the standalone version.


My AYGAS specific problem is I attend pit fights, but I don't get credit for attendance. No option to bet on the fights. My attendance is still (0,2).

Well that and slaves I sell wind up as "Unowned". Not all - but a lot.


Bigger problem for me is MME. Milk Maid stats drop back to zero on every reload.

Ed86's solution is: Roll back to the previous version of Skyrim SE until it is fixed. That won't happen...


It would be great if we had a diagnostic scaffold that would test all those functions...

Meanwhile - my sympathy to all mod authors dealing with problems not of their doing...


Late thought: I read something about the Skyrim SE update changed some part of the file structure.

Mods may be looking in the wrong place for their data bases?


From my understanding the problem doesnt lie with Aygas. I use SGO4 and have the same issue as you in regards to slave's stats turning to 0. From what ive noticed anything regarding the slaves existence when playing is lost whenever you exit the game or load a save. The problem is how the slaves info is stored. being that Mods such as AYGAS or even Milk Made or SGO interact with PAH (for SGO and Milk made not compatability wise but just general interaction with slaves within the Pah system) the best i believe we can do is hope CliftonJD is able to troubleshoot the cause of the issue due to the recent update and how their mods functions were affected and standby for if they release a patch or update.


(Referring to the issue regarding slaves losing stats and becoming unowned)

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2 hours ago, kenobiwanowitsch said:

For some reason I can not start the pit fights. I also can not find a pit master or anything like that. Where can I find the pit fights?

They start randomly (once every week) in towns with enough slavery. You can use the cheat menu to set the slavery everywhere to the max level, and manually start an event in onw of the smaller towns.

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On 1/3/2020 at 11:10 PM, fred200 said:

Bigger problem for me is MME. Milk Maid stats drop back to zero on every reload.

Ed86's solution is: Roll back to the previous version of Skyrim SE until it is fixed. That won't happen...


Does MME use PapyrusUtils as well?

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2 hours ago, Musje said:

Does MME use PapyrusUtils as well?

All the usual suspects (This is copied from the LE page. SE is the same):

Sexlab Framework 1.59c with PapyrusUtil 2.8+(should be included in SL)
Sexlab Framework 1.60+
XPMSE 2.14+
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
RaceMenu 2.0+ OR NetImmerse Override

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Right, I installed the latest Skyrim and did some testing. This is what I got so far:

1) I can reproduce the issue: slave informnation is not retained between saves

2) It looks like PapyrusUtil is bugged as I suspected. For instance, the Owner value for a slave is stored with a simple call to StorageUtil, and retrieved in the same way. This has always worked. But in the latest version, it only works in the same game session; after a save and reload, the value comes back as None.


I posted a bug report for PapyrusUtils on Nexus.


Edit: I should add that this problem will probably have ruined your save, in the sense that ownership data is irretrievably lost. If you guys have ideas for fixing this, let me know. One would be a spell to let the player take ownership of a slave so it can be resold (marked as a special sale for 0 gold). Another would be to reassign all slaves in a zone to random NPC owners.

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